G67-18 Ordinance No. G67-18 AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING TERRITORY IN THE PSFR2 PLANNE I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT AND PGI PLANNED GENERAL IND I STRIAL DISTRICT TO PGI PLANNED GENERAL INDUSTRI- L DISTRICT (1451 Sheldon Drive) WHEREAS, written application has been made to re lassify certain property located at 1451 Sheldon Drive from PSFR2 Planned Single Family Re sidence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District to a new PGI Planned General Ind strial District; and WHEREAS, the zoning lot containing the premises at 1451 Sheldon Drive is legally described herein(the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS,the Planning and Zoning Commission co II ducted a public hearing concerning said application on October 1, 2018 following due notice incl ding by publication; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Depart ent and the Planning and Zoning Commission have submitted their Findings of Fact concernin;: said application; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Depart ent and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of said application, subjec I to the conditions articulated below; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin, Ill nois, has reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Community Development Depart ent and the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS,the City of Elgin is a home rule unit and :s a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its governmen and affairs; and WHEREAS, zoning, including, but not limited to, this ordinance granting a planned development as a map amendment from PSFR2 Planned Sing e Family Residence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District to a new PGI Planned teneral Industrial District pertains to the government and affairs of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of lgin hereby adopts the Findings of Fact, dated October 1, 2018, and the recommendations ma e by the Community Development Department and the Planning and Zoning Commission, a cspy of which is attached hereto and made a partby hereof reference as Exhibit A. Section 2. That Chapter 19.07 Zoning Districts, S tion 19.08.020 entitled "Official Zoning District Map"of the Elgin Municipal Code,as amended,be and the same is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: The boundaries hereinafter laid out in the "Zoning Dis rict Map", as amended, be and are hereby altered by including in the PGI Planned Gene al Industrial District the following described property: THAT PART OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 41 N Ii RTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN DESCRIBED AS F•LLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF U.S. ROUTE 20 HERE THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST '/2 OF THE SOUTHWEST '/4 OF SAID S CTION 20 INTERSECTS SAID CENTER LINE: THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY AL O NG SAID CENTER LINE 52.40 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS OW THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY) BY DOCUMENT NO. 9'42306; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, 114.22 FEE ; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE 76.81 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND DEDICATED FOR HIGHWA PURPOSES BY DOCUMENT NUMBER 17993033; THENCE SOUTHEASTER Y ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, 41.55 FEET TO A LINE 40.0 FEET EASTELY OF (MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES THERETO) AND PARALLEL WITH T E EASTERLY LINE OF LANDS CONVEYED BY DOCUMENT NUMBER 954230; THENCE NORTH 02° 44' 50" EAST ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE TO A PO T ON THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SHALES PARKWAY, 411.91 FEE TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 02°44' 50"EAST, CONTINUIN 1. ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE 1314.98 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE o F LOT "C" IN SECTION 20, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT FILED WITH THE COMMISSIONER'S REPORT IN PARTITION IN CASE NO. 19700 IN THE CIRC IT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS; THENCE SOUTH 84°42' 05"EAST,AL•NG SAID SOUTH LINE OF LOT "C", 1563.43 FEET TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE ELGIN JOLIET AND EASTERN RAILROAD; THENCE S li UTH 07° 06' 36" WEST, ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 954.48 FEET, THEA CE NORTH 82° 54' 11" WEST, 924.90 FEET;THENCE SOUTH 07°03' 00"WEST, 18.47 FEET;THENCE NORTH 82° 54' 11" WEST 67.88 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 07° 15' 48" WEST, 300.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHWES ERLY ALONG THE ARC OF A CIRCLE BEING CONVEX SOUTHEASTERLY A D HAVING A RADIUS OF 173.24 FEET,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 106.34 FEET TO A I'OINT OF TANGENCY;THENCE SOUTH 42° 16' 04" WEST, 129.35 FEET TO A P U INT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG AN ARC OF A CIRCLE, BEING CONVEX SOUTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS 0 75.00 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 113.90 FEET (THE CHORD OF WHICH BEAR. 65° 45' 55" WEST, 103.26 FEET) TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE NORT WESTERLY ALONG AN ARC OF A CIRCLE, BEING CONVEX SOUTHWESTER AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 341.56 FEET,AN ARC DISTANCE OF 26.85 FEET(THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 53° 02' 31" WEST, 26.84 FEET) TO A OINT OF TANGENCY; THENCE 2 NORTH 55° 17' 38" WEST, 270.10 FEET TO THE 'OINT OF BEGINNING, BEING SITUATED IN THE CITY OF ELGIN, COOK CO TY, ILLINOIS. (commonly known as 1451 Sheldon Drive). Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Elgi hereby grants the rezoning from PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PGI Pl.; ed General Industrial District to PGI Planned General Industrial District at 1451 Sheldon Drive, which shall be designed, developed, and operated subject to the following provisions: A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PGI Planned General Industrial District is to provide an alternate industrial environmen for those industrial uses that do not require the location or environment of an I RI zoning district, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60"Planned Develop ents"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. This PGI zoning district is mot similar to, but departs from the standard requirements of the GI zoning district B. Supplementary Regulations. Any word or p ase contained herein, followed by the symbol"[SR]", shall be subject to the defin tions and the additional interpretive requirements provided in Chapter 19.90"Supp ementary Regulations",of the Elgin Municipal Code,as amended. The exclusion o such symbol shall not exempt such word or phrase from the applicable supplemen ary regulation. C. General Provisions. In this PGI Planned Ge eral Industrial District, the use and development of land and structures shall be • bject to the provisions of Chapter 19.05 "General Provisions", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. D. Zoning Districts; Generally. In this PGI P1. ed General Industrial District, the use and development of land and structures •hall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.07 "Zoning Districts", of the Elgi Municipal Code, as amended. E. Location and Size of District. PGI Planned eneral Industrial Districts should be located in substantial conformance to the offic al comprehensive plan. The amount of land necessary to constitute a separate PG I Planned General Industrial District exclusive of rights of way, but including adjo'i ing land or land directly opposite a right of way shall not be less than two (2) ac es. No departure from the required minimum size of a planned industrial district shall be granted by the City Council. F. Land Use. In this PGI Planned Gener•l Industrial District, the use and development of land and structures shall be .ubject to the provisions of Chapter 19.10 "Land Use", of the Elgin Municipal ode, as amended. The following enumerated "land uses" [SR] shall be the on y land uses allowed as a "permitted use" [SR], as a "conditional use" [SR], or ;s a "similar use" [SR] in this PGI Planned General Industrial District: 1. Permitted Uses. Those land uses enume ated as permitted uses within the GI 3 General Industrial District, Section 19.40 330 A., Land Use, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amended fro i time to time. 2. Conditional Uses. Those land uses enume gated as conditional uses within the GI General Industrial District, Section 19.'0.330 B., Land Use, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amended fro time to time. 3. Similar Uses.Those land uses enumerated . similar uses within the GI General Industrial District, Section 19.40.330 C., and Use, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amended from time to ti e. G. Site Design. In this PGI Planned Genera Industrial District, the use and development of land and structures shall be s bject to the provisions of Section 19.12, "Site Design", of the Elgin Municipal C I de, as amended, Section 19.40.335 "Site Design" for GI General Industrial Distri t, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, except as provided within this s:ction, and shall be in substantial conformance with the following documents: 1. Substantial conformance to the Developm.nt Application submitted by Equity Trust Co. Custodian FBO Paul Swanson, a. applicant, and Cheder Elgin, LLC, as property owner, received April 10, 2018, and supporting documents a including: a. Undated Planned Development State ent of Purpose and Conformance, received March 28, 2018; b. Letter from Peak Construction Co 'oration RE: 1451 Sheldon Dr. Development Statement of Purpose, d. ed August 6, 2018; c. Plat of Survey, prepared by Morriso Surveying Co., dated January 20, 2005; d. Site Plan, prepared by Harris Architec u•, Inc., dated September 26, 2018; e. Concept Elevations, prepared by H. 's Architects, Inc., dated July 27, 2018, last revised September 12, 2018, with such further revisions as required by the Community Develop -nt Director; f. Building Floor Plan, prepared by H. is Architects, Inc., dated September 24, 2018, with such further revisio, s as required by the Community Development Director; g. Sheldon Drive Development Prelimin.+ Site Improvement Plans,prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated Augu' 3, 2018, last revised October 25, 2018, with such further revisions as re'uired by the City Engineer; h. Photometric Plan, for Elgin Wareho se Spec Building Elgin, Illinois for Peak Construction, dated July 30, 2118, with such further revisions as required by the Community Develop ent Director; i. Lighting specifications for D-Series Size 2 LED Area Luminaire by Lithonia Lighting, received Septembe 24, 2018; j. Shales Pkwy. and Sheldon Dr. Int:i section Plan, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, 1. t revised September 26, 2018, with 4 such further revisions as required by the City Engineer; k. Vegetative Type Map letter, dated Janu; 31, 2018, prepared by Todd R. Sinn, Urban Forest Management, Inc.; 1. Vegetative Sample Plots letter, dated .eptember 10, 2018, prepared by Todd R. Sinn, Urban Forest Manageme•t, Inc.; m. Conservation Easement, prepared by R chard L. Heimberg, Esq., received May 25, 2018; n. Undated Watermain @ Sheldon Dr pl. , received March 28, 2018; and o. Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Plat of asement, prepared by U.S. Shelter Group, Inc., dated August 21, 1997. In the event of any conflict between suc documents and the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinan es, the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances shall super.ede and control. 2. The applicant shall record a conservation easement over those areas labeled "Area-A", "Area -B", "Area -C", and "• rea-D" on the Tree Conservation Exhibit, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated September 10, 2018, and in substantial compliance with the Conservat on Easement, prepared by Richard L. Heimberg, Esq., received May 25, 201 , prior to any work on the Subject Property. Also, the applicant shall inst.11 the tree preservation measures required by the zoning ordinance around any conservation area and/or any individual tree required to be saved prior t. any work on the Subject Property. 3. The "Conservation Easement" shall be m.dified to include conservation area maintenance provisions, as required by the Development Administrator. 4. The applicant shall construct improvem-nts to the intersection of Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive as shown on he "Shales Pkwy. and Sheldon Dr. Intersection Plan",prepared by Haeger En tineering, dated August 3,2018, last revised September 26,2018, with such fu d er revisions as required by the City Engineer,including a sidewalk along the s.uth side of Sheldon Drive to the east right-of-way line of Shales Parkway. The .pplicant shall make every effort to secure the necessary property, or ri:hts to use said property, from Commonwealth Edison to effect these im• ovements. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the Subject Property,the owner of the Subject Property shall dedicate to the ity of Elgin a 60-foot wide area of land and record a plat of right-of-way de•ication for a future access driveway from Shales Parkway to the Safety-Kleen property located at 1502-1506 Villa Street ("Safety-Kleen Property") in subs antial conformance to the "Plat of Dedication", prepared by Haeger Engi eering, dated November 1, 2018, received November 2, 2018 (the "Plat o l Dedication"). The owner shall be provided an easement on such dedicated 60-foot right-of-way pursuant to an easement agreement between the city and the owner of the Subject Property in a form approved by the corporation cou sel for the purpose of allowing the 5 owner to construct and maintain stormw:ter improvements benefiting the Subject Property as depicted in the final -ngineering plans for the Subject Property approved by the city engineer. If a future driveway access from the Safety Kleen Property to Shales Parkway through the dedicated portion of land is fo and to be necessary and is to be constructed,the City of Elgin or such other :overnmental authority constructing such roadway improvements may terminate the easement pursuant to the terms of the easement agreement to be entered int• between the city and the owner of the Subject Property, and the owner of the Subject Property shall permit and otherwise grant the necessary access to all e w the redesign and reconfiguration of the stormwater detention facility and ass•ciated stormwater infrastructure for the Subject Property outside of the dedicat;d right-of-way land area. The cost of such redesign and reconfiguration of th- stormwater detention facility and associated stormwater infrastructure for the Subject Property shall be borne by third parties other than the owner of the Su.ject Property. It is the intent of this planned development that the relocated stormwater detention and related stormwater infrastructure, and any new nec-ssary stormwater detention facility and related infrastructure for the new acces driveway between Shales Parkway and the Safety-Kleen Property, should b: provided within Shales Parkway right-of-way and/or on the Safety-Kleen property. 5. Departure is hereby granted to construct . commercial operations yard in the street yard north of the building in subs . tial conformance to the Sheldon Drive Development Preliminary Site Impr.vement Plans, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last r:vised October 25, 2018, with such further revisions as required by the City E gineer. 6. Departure is hereby granted to allow a co mercial operations yard in the street yard along Sheldon Drive in substantial onformance to the Sheldon Drive Development Preliminary Site Improve ent Plans, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last r-vised October 25, 2018, with such further revisions as required by the Ci y Engineer, without a fence and landscape screening. The proposed tre; conservation "Area-B" shall be maintained to serve as screening of the co mercial operations yard north of the building. 7. Departure is hereby granted to install a aximum six-foot high, open-design ornamental aluminum fence in the str-et yard along Sheldon Drive in substantial conformance to the Site Plan, prepared by Harris Architects, Inc., dated September 26, 2018, with such her revisions as required by the Community Development Director. 8. A public sidewalk connecting the buildi : entrance at the northeast corner of the building with the proposed public side alk along the south side of Sheldon Drive shall be constructed along the easte I access driveway should the facility have more than one tenant, and prior t the issuance of the Certificate of 6 Occupancy for the second tenant in the buil"ing. 9. Compliance with all applicable codes and o dinances. H. Off Street Parking. In this PGI Planned G: eral Industrial District, off-street parking shall be subject to the provisions of Ch.pter 19.45 "Off Street Parking",of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, and shall be subject to the following condition: 1. Departure is hereby granted to permit a t•tal of 372 parking spaces on the property for a warehouse and/or distributio I use on the property. At the time of occupancy permit review, t e applicant must specify the total number of employees during the peak de . d shift. The parking requirement for a warehouse and/or distribution use s all be one parking space per 1.5 employees during the peak demand shift or one parking space per 1,000 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater,but of to exceed 619 parking spaces. If the development administrator finds that t e parking supply does not meet the parking demand, additional parking spac:s shall be constructed to meet the parking demand in substantial conformanc: to the Sheldon Drive Development Preliminary Site Improvement Plans, prep:red by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last revised October 25, -018, with such further revisions as required by the City Engineer. Off Street Loading. In this PGI Planned G-neralIndustrial District, off-street loading shall be subject to the provisions of Ch:Ater 19.47 "Off Street Loading",of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. J. Signs. In this PGI Planned General Industrial P istrict, signs shall be subject to the provisions of 19.50 "Street Graphics", of the algin Municipal Code, as amended. K. Nonconforming Uses and Structures. In t is PGI Planned General Industrial District, nonconforming uses and structures slhall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.52"Nonconforming Uses and Strui tures"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. L. Amendments. In this PGI Planned Gener.l Industrial District, text and map amendments shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.55 "Amendments" of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended M. Planned Developments. In this PGI Planne• General Industrial District, the use and development of the land and structures •hall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60"Planned Developments"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. A conditional use for a planned developme may be requested by the property owner without requiring an amendment to thi• PGI zoning district. 7 N. Conditional Uses. In this PGI Planned General Industrial District,conditional uses shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.+.5 "Conditional Uses", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. A conditional us- may be requested by the property owner without requiring an amendment to this 'GI zoning district. 0. Variations. In this PGI Planned General Ind strial District, variations shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.10.500 "'Authorized Land Use Variations", Chapter 19.12.800 "Authorized Site Design Variations", and Chapter 19.70 "Variations", of the Elgin Municipal Code, . amended. A variation may be requested by the property owner without re. iring an amendment to this PGI zoning district. P. Appeals. Any requirement, determination, o i interpretation associated with the administration and enforcement of the provisio s of this ordinance may be appealed subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.75 "Ap s eals", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage in the manner provided by law. Davis J. Kap P', M or Presented: November 7, 2018 Passed: November 7, 2018 Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 8 Nays: 0 Recorded: November 7, 2018 Published: November 8, 2018 - - ti 4. ALUs : Kimberly Dewis, Cityer 8 EXHIBIT A October 1, 2018 RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS OF FACT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN, IL OVERVIEW Provided herein are the written findings and recommendation of the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding Petition 12-18 an application by Equity Trust Co. custodian FBO Paul Swanson, as applicant, and Cheder Elgin, LLC, property owner, are requesting approval of a Planned Development as a Map Amendment from PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District to a new PGI Planned General Industrial District with departures from (1) 19.45.080, "Table of Required Parking", specifically to reduce the number of parking spaces required, (2) 19.90.015,`Definitions and Regulations", and 19.12.600, "Obstructions in Yards", specifically to allow a commercial operations yard in the street yard, and (3) 19.90.015, "Definitions and Regulations", specifically to allow a commercial operations yard without a fence and landscape screening, all of which are necessary to construct a new 477,115-square foot office and,warehouse building at the property commonly referred to as 1451 Sheldon Drive. The property is oned PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District. GENERAL INFORMATION Petition Number: 12-18 Property Location: 1451 Sheldon Drive Requested Action: Planned Development as a Mai Amendment Current Zoning: PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District& PGI Planned General Industrial District Proposed Zoning: PGI Planned General Industrial District Existing Use: Vacant, undeveloped Proposed Use: Future office, warehouse and/or distribution Applicant: Equity Trust Co. Custodian FBO Paul Swanson Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 Owner Cheder Elgin, LLC Staff Coordinator: Darnir Latinovic, AICP, Senior Planner Exhibits Attached: A. AeriaVLocation Map B. Zoning Map C. Parcel Map D. Site Location E. Development Application and Attachments F. Draft Ordinance BACKGROUND Equity Trust Co. custodian FBO Paul Swanson, as applicant and Cheder Elgin, LLC, property owner, are requesting approval of a Planned Development as a Map Amendment from PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District to a new PGI Planned General Industrial District with departures from (1) 19.45.080, "Table of Required Parking", specifically to reduce the number of parking spaces required, (2) 19.90.015,"Definitions and Regulations", and 19.12.600, "Obstructions in Yards", specifically to allow a commercial operations yard in the street yard, and (3) 19.90.015, 'Definitions and Regulations", specifically to allow a commercial operations yard without a fence and landscape screening, all of which are necessary to construct a new 477,115-square foot office and warehouse building at the property commonly referred to as 1451 Sheldon Drive. The subject property, located on the south side of Sheldon Drive east of Shales Parkway is currently vacant and undeveloped. The property is boundiid by the Elgin Joliet and Eastern Railroad on the east, and an approximately 205-foot wide property owned by Commonwealth Edison (ComEd) with overhead transmission lines running north-south along Shales Parkway on the east. The properties to the north along Sheldon Drive are zoned GI General Industrial and are improved with light-industrial uses and buildings. The property adjacent to the south is zoned PGI Planned General Industrial District and is home to Safety-Kleen, a wholesale storage and transfer company for petroleum and petroleum products (industrial oil and other lubricants). In 2007, the subject property was rezoned from GI General Industrial District to PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District by Ordinance No. G04-07Iand PGI Planned General Industrial District by Ordinance No. G03-07 to allow for the construction of a new 88-home single family residential subdivision known as Forrest Glen Subdivision The 3.1-acre portion of the property - 2 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 . • along the south property line was zoned PGI District so that;the subdivision does not adversely affect the industrial property adjacent to the south with an extraordinarily large transitional yard setback requirement. The residential subdivision however was never constructed. --------------- li!!!!!!illirlilligWV!1416 hi. ' l ur 4 rtg,gg4NtggoolvIlf bit:1 fla -age' Ita J� i f S mmll, V. parte!i 110iVampaiiiitall Itzt • --.4.44'-gr 4%14 kli r litt 1A . . PGI Distnd lia i I i I / 1 mm II II ' Figure 2. The 2007-approved Forrest Glen'Sub division Proposal The applicant is requesting approval of a planned development with PGI Planned General Industrial zoning classification to construct a new 477,115-square foot spec warehouse/distribution building with accessory parking. The' property would have a total of 372 regular parking spaces, 50 parking spaces for semi-trucks and trailers and 105 loading docks. An area of the site on the east and west sides of the building would be preserved (land-banked) for future construction of additional parking, should it become necessary. The proposed use is not known at this time, but the applicant anticipates the building would be occupied by one or two national warehouse and distribution companies. - 3 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 The building architecture would S E xN DR feature concrete pre-cast panels Ili "" , "" on all elevations. The main { a! 911 a �.- entrance to the building would be ��/ii, I) designed at the northwest corner m� .� '1 of the building. A second, similar `�� __ � 1,4 entrance would be provided at the 9� ~OFF 1I i1r7 ` , t�14' northeast corner should the T� building end up having two `I o �; tenants. The site would include a �� �; extensive landscaping and would R II � � ._T" I meet the zoning ordinance . II i requirements for landscape I1' screening. N.,:.,,,,,1,.........ELIEtinCtelThe access to the building and site would be provided via / Sheldon Drive. The applicant is proposing two access driveways, one on the western and one on the eastern portion of Sheldon Drive frontage approximately 1,000 feet apart. The applicant would construct a new public Figure 3.Proposed site layout sidewalk along the south side of Sheldon Drive the entire width of the property. A pedestrian sidewalk would also extend south to the main entrance of thel building at the northwest corner of the property. A second pedestrian connection from Sheldon Drive would be constructed along the eastern access driveway to the northeast corner of the building, if the building is occupied by a second tenant with the main entrance for the second tenant at the northeast comer of the building. Traffic Impact The applicant submitted a traffic impact study and traffic signal warrant analysis as part of the application (included in the packet). The study includes traffic counts on Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive. The City retained Hampton, Lenzini, and Renwick, Inc. (HLR) traffic engineering company to review the submitted traffic study and signal warrant analysis. HLR's review concluded that based on the existing and projected traffic counts, a new traffic signal is not warranted at the intersection of Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive at this time. Per HLR's review and City's requirement, the applicant will designate a new lefkturn lane for southbound traffic and a new dedicated right-turn lane for northbound traffic on Shales Parkway at Sheldon Drive. The applicant will also widen turning radii at the intersection to accommodate truck turning movements. A minimum of two ComEd utility poles would need to be relocated, and additional easements on the ComEd-owned property along Shales Parkway are necessary to accommodate the proposed wider turning radii at the intersection. - 4 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 ■A•OON DEM Nt I :II I S .l_, * - - - - ' •A1 V. 1 • _ - Figure 3.Proposed Intersection Improvements Shales Parkway at Sheldon Drive The existing left-turn lane on Shales Parkway at Maroon Drive for northbound traffic would not be altered. The proposed intersection changes would improv¢ the existing conditions and would allow the trucks traveling northbound on Shales Parkway to make eastbound (right-turning) movements onto Sheldon Drive, and trucks traveling westbound on Sheldon Drive to make northbound (right-turning) movements onto Shales Parkway with no interference with other traffic. Access for Safety-Kleen As part of the proposal, the applicant has agreed to dedicat a 60-foot wide right-of-way to the City on the southern portion of the property for future acce4 driveway for Safety-Kleen (use on the adjacent property to the south) to Shales Parkway. Per the 2017 US Route 20(Shales Parkway to Greenbrook Boulevard) with IL 390 Extension feasibility study, due to the potential improvements to the intersection of Shales Parkway and US Route 20, the existing access for Safety-Kleen property to Shales Parkway would likely be lot. The proposed right-of-way would provide a new access driveway for Safety-Kleen property directly to Shales Parkway, if necessary. The stormwater detention for the proposed development is partially located within the designated 60-foot right-of-way and the City will grant a stormwater easement to the applicant for that portion of the proposed right-of-way area where the stormwater detention is located. If a new access - 5 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 driveway for Safety-Kleen to Shales Parkway is needed in the future, the stormwater detention would need to be redesigned to accommodate the new access driveway. Stormwater detention from the right-of-way and additional stormwater detention for the access driveway would have to be provided within the Shales Parkway right-of-way or on Safety-Kleen property. Tree Preservation As part of the new PGI Planned General Industrial District, the applicant is proposing to establish a 95-120-foot wide tree conservation area easement along the east, north, and west property lines of the subject property. Per the Tree Vegetation Survey and the Tree Report submitted by the applicant (and included in the development application), there are approximately 1000-1200 trees on the 38-acre property. Most of the trees though (90%-95%) are of the lesser quality (Species Group Class C or D), as specified by the City of Elgin Tree Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 19.16 Tree Preservation of the Municipal Code). The majority of the trees are also located along the steep slopes located along the east, north, and west property lines. The tree preservation ordinance generally requires preservation of as many quality trees as possible, and installation of new trees based on the replacement formula which takes into account the size and species group of each tree. To preserve the highest number of quality trees and designate a buildable area near the middle of the site for new development, the applicant is proposing a 95-120-foot wide tree conservation area easement (approximately 7.19-acres) along the east, north, and west property lines. The remainder of the property(approximately 30.8 acres)would be available for development. Per the applicant's tree report, approximately 567 trees in excellent, good or fair condition would be saved within the proposed 7.19 acre tree conservation area easement, while approximately 536 trees in excellent, good or fair condition would be removed within the 30.8 acre central portion of the property slated for development. In addition, the applicant would install approximately 162 new trees as part of the new development and to meet the landscaping requirements for vehicle use area. The proposed development requires the following departures from the zoning ordinance which are further described in Planned Development Departures section of this report below: Required Proposed Parking 477 372 (one parking space per 1,000 sq.ft. (up to 619 with future construction of warehouse floor area) of land-banked parking) Commercial Operations Yard Not permitted in street yard In street yard on the north side of the (Parking of semi-trucks and trailers) building Screening of Commercial Must be screened by a 6-foot solid Screening by existing landscaping Operations Yard fence with landscape screening within tree preservation easement. (No fence and no new landscaping) Fence in street yard 4-foot high maximum open design 6-foot high maximum open design The Community Development Department offers the following additional information: - 6 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 A. Property History. The subject property was annexed to the city in 1966.Upon annexation, the property was zoned M1 Limited Manufacturing District. In 1992, the property was rezoned to GI General Industrial District as part of the comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance. In 2007,the property was rezoned to PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District to allow for the construction of a subdivision, known as Forrest Glen Subdivision, with 88 single family homes. The subdivision however was never constructed and the property remains vacant and undeveloped. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning. The properties to the north, west and east are zoned GI General Industrial District, while the property to the south is zoned PGI Planned General Industrial District. On the east, the property is bounded by the Elgin Joliet and Fnstern Railroad tracks. On the west, the property is adjacent to the ComEd-owned property improved with overhead utility lines. The properties to the north across Sheldon Drive are improved with a variety of one-story, light-industrial and warehousing uses. The property adjacent to the south is improved with several offic and industrial buildings home to Safety Kleen, a wholesale storage and transfer con-pany for petroleum and petroleum products (industrial oil and other lubricants). C. Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is designated as Light Industrial by the City's 2018 Comprehensive Plan. This land use includes light-industrial uses and business parks consisting of a range of uses such as research and development, light distribution and warehousing, light manufacturing, and service and consumer-oriented businesses. The scale and intensity of these uses should vary based on context and respect the scale and character of nearby housing when located near a residential area. When adjacent to a commercial district or residential neighborhoods, bring and screening should be in place to appropriately mitigate potential negative limpacts and nuisances. Generally speaking, light industrial uses and activities are conducted entirely indoors and are relatively low in intensity with limited impact on adjacent properties. D. Zoning District. The property is zoned PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District by Ordinance No. G04-07 and PGI Planned General Industrial District by Ordinance No. G03-07. The applicant is proposing a new PGI Pla ned General Industrial District to accommodate the proposed development and to be cdnsisted with the surrounding zoning classifications. The purpose and intent of the PGI Planned General Industrial District is to provide an alternate planned industrial environment for those industrial uses that do not require the location or environment of an ORI Zoning District. This PGI Zoning District is most similar to, but departs from the standard requirements of the GI Zoning District. The PGI District is subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60, Planned Developments. - 7 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 E. Trend of Development. The subject property is located within the Shales Parkway industrial corridor north of US Route 20. Nearly all surrounding properties have industrial GI or PGI zoning classifications. The properties to the north across Sheldon Drive and the property adjacent to the south are improved with industrial uses and buildings. The property is also situated between the railroad tracks on the east and ComEd overhead utility lines on the west. The development of the property as a residential subdivision is not likely due to these encumbrances and the proximity of other industrial uses. The 2018 Comprehensive Plan designates the property for Light Industrial land uses due to the easy access to US Route 20 and thereby the rest of the western suburbs and the Chicago region. With the future updates to US Route 20 and its connection to the I-390 tollway, the property is best suited for commercial or industrial users. FINDINGS After due notice as required by law, the Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of Petition 12-18 on October 1, 2018. Testimony was presented at the public hearing in support of and against the application. The Community Development Department submitted a Planned Development Amendment Review and Written Findings &Recommendation to the Planning &Zoning Commission dated October 1, 2018. The Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission have made the following findings regarding this application against the standards for map amendments outlined within § 19.55.030, and the standards for planned developments outlined within § 19.60.040: STANDARDS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS For consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Coinununity Development Department oilers the below findings regarding the application against the standards for a map amendment outlined within § 19.55.030, and a planned development outlined in § 19.60.040: A. Site Characteristics Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to its size, shape, significant natural features including topography, watercourses and vegetation and existing improvements. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to its size, shape, significant features including topography, watercourses, vegetation, and existing improvements. The subject property is approximately 38 acres in area and is currently vacant and undeveloped. The vegetation on he property consists of a significant number of trees (primarily lower quality) and shrubs most of which are concentrated along - 8 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 the west, north, and east property lines. The property also features a significant topographical elevation change ranging from 790 feet, at the northwest corner to 765 feet (25-foot elevation change) near the southwest cornet of the property. The applicant is proposing to establish a 95-120-foot wide tree conservation area easement along the east, north, and west property lines to preserve as many quality trees as possible, while still allowing for the proposed development near the centerof the site. In addition, the applicant would install approximately 162 new trees as part of the new development to meet the landscaping requirements for vehicle use area and driveways. B. Sewer and Water Standard. The suitability of the su 'ect property for the intended zoning district with respect to the availability of adequate M icipal water, wastewater treatment and storm water control facilities. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the availability of adequate water, sanitary treatment, and storm water control facilities. The applicant would connect to the existing municipal water, and sanitary sewer facilities available in Sheldon Drive. A new looping water main would be constructed around the building. . The applicant is proposing a new surface stormwater detention facility at the southern end of the property along Shales Parkway, which is the portion of the property with the lowest elevation. The proposed development would meet Ill requirements of the stormwater ordinance. C. Traffic and Parking Standard. The suitability of t e subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the provision of sa and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic con estion. 1. Nonresidential land uses should be located central and accessible to the area or population served without requiring traffic movements through or into a residential neighborhood. Nonresidential land uses should not be located within residential neighborhoods, but on their periphery as defined bthe "arterial street"[SR] system. 2. The number of locations for vehicular access to or rom a public right of way should be limited to those which are necessary for the r asonable use of the property and consistent with current traffic engineering stan ards. Property with two (2) street frontages should not be permitted access to or fro the street with the higher degree of continuity within the overall street system or with the higher traffic volume. With the exception of residential driveways, locations for vehicular access to or from a public right of way should be aligned directly opposite existing or approved locations across the street. - 9 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. Access to the development would be provided via two access driveways on Sheldon Drive approximately 1,000 feet apart. The property enjoys easy access to US Route 20 via Shales Parkway that currently functions with safe and efficient traffic movements. The applicant would complete improvements to Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive intersection to maintain congestion free traffic. A new designated left-turn lane on Shales Parkway would be designated for southbound traffic, and the intersection radii at Sheldon Drive would be widened to accommodate truck turning movements. The applicant is also proposing a 60-foot wide right-of-way dedication to the City to allow for future direct access to Shales Parkway for Safety-Kleen, should the existing access for Safety-Kleen be lost as part of future Shales Parkway and US Route 20 interchange improvements. The applicant is requesting a departure from the parking requirement to construct a total of 372 parking spaces for the proposed 477,115-square foot facility. Without a proposed use, the proposed warehouse/distribution facility is required to have a total of 477 parking spaces (one parking space per 1,000 square feet of warehouse area). The applicant would however reserve an open area of land (land-banking) for future construction of additional 247 parking spaces that would bring the total number of parking spaces to 619. The proposed stormwater detention facility and other stormwater infrastructure would be designed and constructed to meet the stormwater ordinance requirements of the full, expanded parking area with a total of 619 parking spaces. D. Zoning History Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the length of time the property las remained undeveloped or unused in its current zoning district. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the length of time the property has remained undeveloped or unused in its current zoning district. The property has never been developed. Upon its annexation in 1966, the property was zoned M1 Limited Manufacturing District. The property was later rezoned to GI General Industrial but was never developed. In 2007, the city rezoned the property into PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PGI Planned General Industrial District, granting approval for a new single- family home subdivision with 88 homes. The residential subdivision was never constructed. Over the years, surrounding properties were zoned for and developed with industrial uses. - 10 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 The property is now surrounded by industrial zoning classifications on all sides and is best suited for a fight-industrial development and use. E. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land use and zoning. Findings. The property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land uses and zoning. All surrounding properties have industrial zoning classifications. The property adjacent to the south is improved with several office and industrial buildings home to Safety-Kleen, a wholesale storage and transfer company for petroleum and petroleum products (industrial oil and other lubricants). The properties to the north across Sheldon Drive are improved with several light-industrial buildings and uses. On the east, the property is bounded by the Elgin Joliet and Eastern Railroad tracks. On the west, the property is adjacent to the ComEd- owned property improved with overhead utility lines. F. Trend of Development Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area. Findings. The subject property is suited for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area. The subject property is located within the Shales Parkway industrial corridor north of US Route 20. All surrounding properties have industrial GI or PGI zoning classifications. The development of the property as a residential subdivision is not likely due to the proximity of other industrial uses. The property enjoys easy access to US Route 20 via Shales Parkway and thereby the rest of the western suburbs and the Chicago region. With the future updates to US Route 20 and its connection to the I-390 tollway, the property is best suited for light-industrial users. G. Zoning /Planned Development District Standard: The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent, and the location and size of a zoning district. Findings. The property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent and the location and size of the zoning district. The purpose and intent oftypical GI General Industrial District is to provide an alternate industrial environment for those industrial uses that do not require the location or environment of an ORI zoning district. The applicant is proposing a PGI Planned General Industrial District to accommodate the - 11 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 proposed planned development. The proposed development is designed to accommodate one or two national warehouse and distribution users. H. Comprehensive Plan Standard. The suitability of tie subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Official Comprehensive Plan Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Official Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is designated as Light Industrial by the City's 2018 Comprehensive Plan. This land use includes light-industrial uses and business parks consisting of a range of uses such as research and development, light distribution and warehousing, light manufacturing, and service and consumer-oriented businesses. The scale and intensity of these uses should vary based on context and respect the scale and character of nearby housing when located near a residential area. When adjacent to a commercial district or residential neighborhoods, buffering and screening should be In place to appropriately mitigate potential negative impacts and nuisances. Generally speaking, light industrial uses and activities are conducted entirely indoors and are relatively low in intensity with limited impact on adjacent properties. ADDITIONAL STANDARDS FOR PLANNED DEVEL PMENTS I. Conditional Use for a Planned Development: Wh re applicable, the suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use for planned development with respect to the provision for the purpose and intent of planned evelopments and with respect to the provisions of section 19.65.010 of the zoning ordinan e. No conditional use for a planned development should be granted for the sole purpose o introducing a land use not otherwise permitted on the subject property. Findings. This standard is not applicable. The applicant is requesting approval of a planned development as a map amendment. J. Natural Preservation Standard. The suitability of t e subject property for the intended planned development with respect to the preservatio of all significant natural features including topography, watercourses, wetlands, and v getation. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the ' tended planned development with respect to the preservation of all significant na al features including topography, watercourses, wetlands, and vegetation. The vege tion on the property consists of significant number of trees and shrubs most of which are concentrated along the east, west, and north property lines. The property also features a significant topographical elevation change ranging from 790 feet at the northwest corner to 765 feet near the southwest corner of the property. - 12 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 The applicant is proposing to establish a 95-120-foot wide tree conservation area easement along the east, north, and west property lines to preserve as many quality trees as possible while still allowing for the proposed development near the center of the site. Per the applicant's tree report, approximately 567 trees in excellent, good or fair condition would be saved within the proposed 7.19 acre tree conservation area easement, while approximately 536 trees in excellent, good or fair condition would be removed within the 30.8 acre central portion of the property slated for development. In addition, the applicant would install approximately 162 new trees as part of the new development to meet the landscaping requirements for vehicle use area and driveways. No significant watercourses or wetlands are present on the property. K. Internal Land Use. The suitability of the subject property for the intended planned development with respect to the land uses permitted within the development being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding property. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended planned development with respect to the land uses permitted within the development being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding properties. The property is surrounded by industrial GI or PGI zoned properties. The applicant does not have a specific user for the proposed facility but anticipates the building would be occupied by one or two national warehouse and distribution companies. The proposed PGI district would allow the same uses that are allowed in the GI General Industrial District on the surrounding properties. Any future use on the property would also be allowed on the surrounding properties. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DEPARTURES AND EXCEPTIONS The applicant is requesting the following departures from the requirements of the zoning ordinance: 1. Section 19.45.080, "Table of Required Parking. The property is required to have a total of 477 parking space based on the requirement for one parking space per 1,000 square feet of warehouse floor area. The applicant is proposing to construct 372 parking spaces. However, the applicant will preserve an open land area(land-banking) for the construction of additional parking spaces in the future, should it be necessary, that could bring the total number of parking spaces to 619. - 13 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 2. Section 19.90.015, "Defmitions and Regulations", and Section 19.12.600, "Obstructions in Yards". Commercial operations yards are only allowed within side and rear yards. The applicant is proposing a commercial operations yard in the street yard north of the building along Sheldon Drive. 3. Section 19.90.015, "Defmitions and Regulations". A commercial operations yard is required to be screened with a six-foot high solid fence and landscape screening. The applicant is not proposing to screen the proposed concial operations yard with a six- foot high solid fence or any new landscape screening. I The applicant is proposing to utilize the existing tree preservation area and landscaping ak#ng the north property line and along the north side of the proposed truck parking area as commercial operations yard screening. 4. Section 19.90.015, "Definitions and Regulations". A maximum four-foot high open- design fence is permitted in the street yards. The applicant is proposing a six-foot high open-design fence around the property, including in the street yards along Sheldon Drive. Staff finds the proposed departures are appropriate to achieve a desirable infill development on a long vacant site. The proposed parking departure would avoid unnecessary construction of additional impervious areas for parking which would most likely not be needed, but would result in additional stormwater runoff and loss of green space. The applicant will preserve open land areas to construct additional parking spaces in the future, if necessary, that could bring the total number of parking spaces to 619, far exceeding the zoning ordinance requirement of 477 parking spaces. Any new use on the property will have to provide the number of employees during peak demand shift. If the parking requirement based on one parking space per 1.5 employees during peak demand shift exceeds the number of parking spaces on the property, the new use would have to construct additional parking spaces per the approved plans to meet the parking requirement. The location of the proposed commercial operations yard (parking for semi-trucks and trailers) on the north side of the building is necessary to maximize the building floor area on the site. The truck docks and thereby the parking areas for semi-trucks and traders must be located along the long sides of the building (north and south sides) for optimum operations. The applicant is preserving a 104-foot wide tree preservation easement along the north side of the property to maintain the existing mature trees and landscaping which will serve to screen the proposed truck parking areas. A six-foot solid fence and landscaping, which is typically required, is not necessary in this case due to the presence of mature trees and landscaping. The proposed six-foot high, open-design ornamental alurinum fence around the property, including in the street yard along Sheldon Drive is approp to and typical for warehouse and distribution uses. An ornamental fence with a consistent height of six feet around the property would provide the needed security and protection for the property. A six-foot high fence rather than a four-foot high fence in the street yard would also serve to protect the tree preservation area from trespassing which currently occurs throughout the property. - 14 - Reconunendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department and the Planning '8i Zoning Commission recommend approval of Petition 12-18, subject to the fallowing conditions: 1. Substantial conformance to the Development Application submitted by Equity Trust Co. Custodian FBO Paul Swanson, as applicant, and Cheder Elgin, LLC, as property owner, received April 10, 2018, and supporting documents including: a. Undated Planned Development Statement of Purpose and Conformance, received March 28, 2018; b. Letter from Peak Construction Corporation RE: 1451 Sheldon Dr. Development Statement of Purpose, dated August 6, 2018; c. Plat of Survey, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated January 20, 2005; d. Site Plan, prepared by Harris Architects, Inc., dated September 26, 2018; e. Concept Elevations, prepared by Harris Architects, Inc., dated July 27, 2018, last revised September 12, 2018; £ Building Floor Plan, prepared by Harris Architects, Inc., dated September 24,2018; g. Sheldon Drive Development Preliminary Site Improvement Plans, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last revised September 26, 2018; h. Photometric Plan, for Elgin Warehouse Spec Building Elgin, Illinois for Peak Construction, dated July 30, 2018; i Lighting specifications for D-Series Size 2 LED Area Luminaire by Lithonia Lighting, received September 24, 2018; j. Shales Pkwy. and Sheldon Dr. Intersection Plan, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last revised September 26, 2018. k. Vegetative Type Map letter, dated January 31, 2018, prepared by Todd R. Sinn, Urban Forest Management, Inc.; L Vegetative Sample Plots letter, dated September 10, 2018, prepared by Todd R Sinn, Urban Forest Management, Inc.; m. Conservation Easement, prepared by Richard L. Heimberg, Esq., received May 25, 2018; n. Undated Watermain @ Sheldon Dr plan, received March 28, 2018; and o. Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Plat of Easement, prepared by U.S. Shelter Group, Inc., dated August 21, 1997. In the event of any conflict between such documents and the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances, the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances shall supersede and control 2. The applicant shall record a conservation easement over those areas labeled "Area-A", "Area -B", "Area -C",and "Area-D" on the Tree Conservation Exhibit, prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated September 10, 2018, and in substantial compliance with the - 15 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 Conservation Easement, prepared by Richard L. Heimberg, Esq., received May 25, 2018, prior to any work on the Subject Property. Also, the applicant shall install the tree preservation measures required by the zoning ordinance around any conservation area and/or any individual tree required to be saved prior td any work on the Subject Property. 3. The "Conservation Easement" shall be modified to include conservation area maintenance provisions, as required by the Development Administrator. 4. The applicant shall construct improvements to the intersection of Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive as shown on the "Shales Pkwy. and Sheldon Dr. Intersection Plan", prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last revised September 26, 2018, including a sidewalk along the south side of Sheldon Drive to he east right-of-way line of Shales Parkway. The applicant shall make every effort to secure the necessary property, or rights to use said property, from Commonwealth Edison to effect these improvements. 5. Prior to the issuance of the building permit, the applicant must dedicate 60-foot wide area of land and record a plat of right-of-way dedication for a future access driveway from Shales Parkway to the Safety-Kleen property located at 1502-1506 Villa Street ("Safety- Kleen Property") in substantial conformance to the "Proposed Plat of Dedication", prepared by Haeger Engineering, dated October 4, 20l 8. If a future driveway access from the Safety-Kleen Property to Shales Parkway through the dedicated portion of land is found to be necessary and is constructed, the applicant shall permit and otherwise grant the necessary access to allow the redesign and reconfigura t io n of the stormwater detention facility and associated stormwater infrastructure for the Subject Property outside of the dedicated right-of-way land area. It is the intent of this planned development that the relocated stormwater detention and related stormwater infrastructure, and any new necessary stormwater detention facility and related infrastructure for the new access driveway between Shales Parkway and the Safety-Kleen Property, should be provided within Shales Parkway right-of-way and/or on the Safety-Kleen property. 6. Departure is hereby granted to permit a total of 372 parking spaces on the property for a warehouse and/or distribution use on the property. At the time of occupancy permit review, the applicant must specify the total number of employees during the peak demand shift. The parking requirement for a warehouse and/or distribution use shall be one parking space per 1.5 employees during the peak demand shift or one parking space per 1,000 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater, but not to exceed 619 parking spaces. If the development administrator finds that the parking supply does not meet the parking demand, additional parking spaces shall be constructed to meet the parking demand in substantial conformance to the Sheldon Drive Development Preliminary Site Improvement Plans, prepared by Haeger Engineering dated August 3, 2018, last revised September 26, 2018. - 16 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 12-18 October 1, 2018 7. Departure is hereby granted to construct a commercial operations yard in the street yard north of the building in substantial conformance tO the Sheldon Drive Development Preliminary Site Improvement Plans, prepared by Heger Engineering, dated August 3, 2018, last revised September 26, 2018. 8. Departure is hereby granted to allow a commercial op-rations yard in the street yard along Sheldon Drive in substantial conformance to the She a on Drive Development Preliminary Site Improvement Plans, prepared by Haeger Engin ering, dated August 3, 2018, last revised September 26, 2018, without a fence and lane scape screening. The proposed tree conservation "Area-B" shall be maintained to se - as screening of the commercial operations yard north of the building. 9. Departure is hereby granted to install a maximum s' i-foot high, open-design ornamental aluminum fence in the street yard along Sheldon P ' e in substantial conformance to the Site Plan, prepared by Harris Architects, Inc., dated S-,tember 26, 2018. 10. A public sidewalk connecting the building entrance al the northeast corner of the building with the proposed public sidewalk along the sotitu side of Sheldon Drive shall be constructed along the eastern access driveway shod the facility have more than one tenant, and prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the second tenant in the building. 11. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The vote of the Planning &Zoning Commission on the motion to recommend approval of Petition 12-18, subject to the conditions outlined above, was five (5) yes, zero (0) no, and zero (0) abstentions. One member was absent. Respectfully Submitted, P Y s/ Robert Siljestrom Robert Siljestrom, Chairman Planning &Zoning Commission s/ Damir Latinovic Damir Latinovic, AICP; Secretary Planning &Zoning Commission - 17 - L _ ONE CT 1111fnfi10►lm • ��. ' --\''' \L.4 .•,..... . , . LEHMANOR a, O =-:- •- li i in - '. ., .... Subject Property - Ra .,,,, ' 11111 I Petition 12-18 • WS 1111111 ;007, /111 = NI 1 II, r PF2�`; ' . 00 I,11110R2 1, al Tat ` •O�r� R =II eGRN Y ? i * .:''':1 '.'" ,1.:r ,. IIIIII �` NIUE VI' �,�a1i . j , s RO i B/NHOOp OR I Hi.p. on W .k HELDONDR z 1 Iia �. y w..vii � �� alli . ikVil mil(Tim- ip.— ill IIIII � ; .,� . ® WALDENDR '�. ,� 1 ilitillitlifil Irani ,411,40‘ I, AIM Ire- ; °�°G>. i� ''� inkir 6711 h_._:'- 4. :JP, LIIII . . . 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