G62-18 Ordinance No. G62-18 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. G1-08 RECLASSIFYIN TERRITORY IN THE PSFR2 PLANNED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT O A NEW PSFR2 PLANNED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE D STRICT (Tall Oaks Subdivision Unit ) WHEREAS, written application has been made to rec assify certain property part of Tall Oaks Subdivision from PSFR2 Planned Single Family esidence District established by Ordinance No. G14-04, as amended in its entirety by Ordi ance No. G1-08 to a new PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District; and WHEREAS, certain property is known commonly own as Tall Oaks Unit 3, and is legally described herein (the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS,the Planning and Zoning Commission co o ducted a public hearing concerning said application on September 10, 2018 following due notice ncluding by publication; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Depart ent and the Planning and Zoning Commission have submitted their Findings of Fact concernin; said application; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Depart ent and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of said application, subject to the conditions articulated below; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin, Ill nois, has reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Community Development Depart ent and the Planning and Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS,the City of Elgin is a home rule unit and . a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and WHEREAS, zoning, including, but not limited to, this ordinance granting a planned development as a map amendment from PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District established by Ordinance No. G14-04, as amended in its en irety by Ordinance No. G1-08 to a new PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District pert& s to the government and affairs of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 1 ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of I lgin hereby adopts the Findings of Fact,dated September 10, 2018, and the recommendations m.de by the Community Development Department and the Planning and Zoning Commission, a c.py of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as Exhibit A. Section 2. That Chapter 19.07 Zoning Districts, S ction 19.08.020 entitled "Official Zoning District Map"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amende , be and the same is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: The boundaries hereinafter laid out in the "Zoning District Map", as amended, be and are hereby altered by including in the PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District the following described property: THAT PART OF SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 41 N RTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AND PART O SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH,RANGE 8 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCI L MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE INTERSEC ION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF GANSETT PARKWAY OF TALL OAKS SUBDIVISION, UNIT ONE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMB R 18, 2005 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2005K139365 AND CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTI N RECORDED APRIL 20, 2007 AS DOCUMENT NO.2007K043334,WITH THE CE TER LINE OF RUSSELL ROAD; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 26 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID CENTER LINE, 140.01 FEET TO THE MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF SAID UNIT; THENCE THE FOLLOWING 6 COURSES ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID UNIT ONE; 1) THENCE NORTH 89 DEG' ES 53 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST, 60.01 FEET; 2) THENCE SOUTH 44 DEG' ES 40 MINUTES 19 SECONDS EAST, 70.19 FEET; 3) THENCE NORTH 89 DEG' ES 53 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST, 16.28 FEET; 4) THENCE SOUTH 88 DEG' ES 34 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, 373.33 FEET; 5) THENCE NORTH 89 DEG ES 53 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST, 311.69 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVA URE; 6) THENCE EASTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAV NG A RADIUS OF 1040.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 454.42 FEET, A CHORD B:ARING SOUTH 77 DEGREES 35 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST AND A CHORD DI'.TANCE OF 450.82 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING;THENCE NORTH 25 DE tREES 01 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST, 777.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURV i TURE; THENCE NORTHERLY, NORTHEASTERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 130 00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 204.20, A CHORD BEARING NORTH 70 DEG' ES 01 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 183.85 FEE ; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 56.96 FEET; T ENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EAST, 427.85 FEET; T 'ENCE NORTH 25 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 18 SECONDS EAST, 19.75 FEET; T ENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 118.29 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 90.10 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 89.33 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 58 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF 85.71 FEET; THENCE NORTH 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 54 SECONDS EAST, 12:.94 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 - 2 - DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 12 .00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 54 SECONDS WEST, 11 .00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 48.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 54 SECONDS EAST, 1191.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 120.29 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 44 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST, 100.45 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 12 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 04 SECONDS EAST, 11 .48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 19 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 36 SECONDS WEST, 6 .21 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 54 SECONDS WEST, 43 .97 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS WEST, 11 .00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTE 54 SECONDS WEST, 12 .00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 39.51 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 90.110 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 72.21 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 41 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 58 SECONDS EAST AND A CHORD DISTANCE OF '0.29 FEET; THENCE NORTH 71 DEGREES 00 MINUTE 10 SECONDS EAST, 35 18 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST, 131 .00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE AND SOUTHERLY EXTENSION THEREO OF A PARCEL DESCRIBED IN TRUSTEE'S DEED RECORDED AUGUST 4, 1998 ' S DOCUMENT NO. 98K069237, SAID LINE BEING ALSO THE WEST LINE OF I ST POINT GARDENS PHASE 1 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF REC 0 RDED AUGUST 18, 2006 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2006K091077; THENCE SOUT 1 25 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 54 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY L 1E AND ITS SOUTHWESTERLY PROJECTION, 787.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEA`TERLY CORNER OF GANSETT PARKWAY OF SAID TALL OAKS SUBDIVISION UNIT ONE; THENCE NORTH 64 DEGREES 58 MINUTES 06 SECONDS WEST AL I NG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GANSETT PARKWAY, 1078.23 FEET TO A PO I T OF CURVATURE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOU HERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 1040.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 1.77 FEET, . CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 65 DEGREES 01 MINUTES 02 SECONDS WEST A D A CHORD DISTANCE OF 1.77 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN THE C TY OF ELGIN, KANE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Such areas legally described above and depicted on th- attached Zoning Exhibit Tall Oaks Unit 3,prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated ' ugust 24, 2018, last revised August 29, 2018, and designated in the PSFR2 Planned Sing!, Family Residence District. Section 3. That the City Council of the City of El14in hereby grants the rezoning from PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District to a n•w PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District the property described in Section 2, whic shall be designed, developed, and operated subject to the following provisions: - 3 - A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PSF Planned Single Family Residence • District is to provide a planned urban residenti 1 environment of moderate density for single-family detached dwellings, subject o the provisions of Chapter 19.60 "Planned Developments" of the Elgin Munic pal Code, as amended. A PSFR2 zoning district is most similar to, but departs fr m the standard requirements of the SFR2 zoning district. B. Supplementary Regulations. Any word or pi ase contained herein, followed by the symbol"[SR]", shall be subject to the defin tions and the additional interpretive requirements provided in Chapter 19.90"Suppl-mentary Regulations",of the Elgin Municipal Code,as amended. The exclusion o such symbol shall not exempt such word or phrase from the applicable supplemen nary regulation. C. General Provisions. In this PSFR2 Planned S ngle Family Residence District,the use and development of land and structures s all be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.05 "General Provisions", of the Elvin Municipal Code, as amended. D. Zoning Districts; Generally. In this PSF' Planned Single Family Residence District, the use and development of land an. structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.07 "Zoning District", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. E. Location and Size of District. PSFR2 Planne• Single Family Residence Districts should be located in substantial conformance o the official comprehensive plan. The amount of land necessary to constitute a separate PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District exclusive of rights .f way, but including adjoining land or land directly opposite a right of way shall of be less than two (2) acres. No departure from the required minimum size of : planned industrial district shall be granted by the City Council. F. Land Use. In this PSFR2 Planned Single F. ily Residence District, the use and development of land and structures shall be bject to the provisions of Chapter 19.10 "Land Use", of the Elgin Municipal I ode, as amended. The following enumerated "land uses" [SR] shall be the onl land uses allowed as a "permitted use" [SR] or as a "conditional use" [SR] in his PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District: 1. Permitted Uses. Those land uses enum rated as permitted uses within the SFR2 Single Family Residence District, Se tion 19.25.330 A.,Land Use,of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amen. -d from time to time. 2. Conditional Uses. Those land uses enum:rated as conditional uses within the SFR2 Single Family Residence District, S. tion 19.25.330 B., Land Use,of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amen. -d from time to time. - 4 - G. Site Design. In this PSFR2 Planned Single Fily Residence District, the use and development of land and structures shall be s bject to the provisions of Chapter 19.12, "Site Design", of the Elgin Municipal C e de, as amended, Section 19.25.335 "Site Design" for SFR2 Single Family Reside ce District, of the Elgin Municipal Code,as amended,except as provided within th's section,and shall be in substantial conformance with the following: 1. Lot Area. In this PSFR2 zoning district, he minimum required "zoning lot area" [SR] shall be seven thousand four hu dred thirty four(7,434) square feet per dwelling unit. The minimum required 1 t area for a zoning lot shall be nine thousand six hundred seventy six(9,676) s are feet for all "through lots" [SR] and for all "corner lots" [SR]. 2. Lot Width. In this PSFR2 zoning district, the minimum required "lot width" [SR] for a zoning lot shall be sixty three(631 linear feet. The minimum required lot width for a zoning lot shall be eighty twe (82) linear feet for corner lots. 3. Setbacks by Lot Line. In this PSFR2 zo ing district, the minimum required "building" [SR] "setbacks" [SR] for a zoni g lot shall be as follows: 1. Street Setback: The minimum require d setback for a building from a "limited access street" [SR], "arterial s reet" [SR], "major collector street" [SR], "collector street" [SR], or "local .treet" [SR] "lot line" [SR] shall be as follows: Local Street: Where a zoning lot has fro tage on a local street,the minimum required setback for a building from a st eet lot line shall be twenty five(25) linear feet. 2. Side Setback: The minimum required b ilding setback from a"side lot line" [SR] shall be six (6) linear feet. The c mbined width of the side setbacks from the side lot lines shall not be less han twelve (12) linear feet. 3. Interior Setback: The minimum require building setback from an "interior lot line" [SR] shall be six (6) linear fee . 4. Rear Setback: The minimum required b ilding setback from a"rear lot line" [SR] shall be thirty(30) linear feet. 4. Substantial conformance to the Developnent Application submitted by Tall Oaks Investment, LLC c/o Richard Guerard and D. R. Horton, Inc.-Midwest c/o Omar A. Rodriguez Caballero or Danielle Dash, as applicants and property owners, received May 15, 2018, and supe rting documents including: a. Undated First Amendment to Rider Sta ement of Purpose and Conformance Amendment to Annexation Agree ent and to existing Planned Development Districts, received Septe ber 6, 2018; - 5 - b. Proposed Temporary Sales and Marketi g Signage Plan, dated October 10, 2018, received October 19, 2018, and dated representative model sales signage package, prepared by Parvi Clauss Sign Company, received October 19, 2018; c. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey, prep: ed by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated March 23, 2015, last revised Feb ary 3, 2016; d. Zoning Exhibit Tall Oaks Unit 3, prep: ed by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated August 24, 2018, last revised Au:ust 29, 2018; e. Final Plat of Subdivision Tall Oaks Unit 3,prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated May 11, 2018, last revised 11 ctober 30, 2018; f. Landscape Plan Tall Oaks Unit 3, prep; ed by Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc., dated May 8, 2018, last revised November 12, 2018; g. Final Engineering Plans for Tall Oak. - Unit 3 City of Elgin, Illinois, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated May 10, 2018, last revised November 26, 2018; h. Storm Sewer Ownership Exhibit Tall •aks-Unit 3 Elgin, Illinois, prepared Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated Septe ber 18, 2018. In the event of any conflict between suc n documents and the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordin. es, the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances shall supe .ede and control. 5. The design, and construction and maint-nance for all homes shall be in conformance with the Residential Area D esign Guidelines for single family homes as set forth in Appendix A to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Elgin. Developer shall submit architec ural plans for all homes, including to-scale floor plans and elevations for eac side of the home, for review and approval by the City's Development Adm nistrator prior to the issuance of a building permit for a home. Notwithstandi g provisions within the Residential Area Design Guidelines, vinyl siding shall 1 of be a permitted primary building material. Architectural plans found by th= Development Administrator not to conform to such Residential Area Design 1 uidelines may only be approved as an amendment to the Annexation Agr,ement and planned development ordinance relating to Unit 3. 6. The applicant shall install a 6-foot high wh to PVC privacy fence in substantial compliance to the "Fence Exhibit" dated ctober 16, 2018 along the rear lot lines of Lots 82, 83, 84, 85 and 86 backin up to US Route 20. The same type of 6-foot high white PVC privacy fence in ubstantial compliance to the"Fence Exhibit"dated October 16, 2018, shall be t e only type of fence permitted to be installed, and must be maintained as such, along the side and rear lot lines of Lots 1,2,3,4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 106 b cking up to and adjacent to Gansett Parkway. - 6 - 7. Compliance with all applicable codes and a rdinances. H. Off Street Parking. In this PSFR2 Planned Si gle Family Residence District,off- street parking shall be subject to the provis ons of Chapter 19.45 "Off Street Parking", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as ame ded. Off Street Loading. In this PSFR2 Planned Si gle Family Residence District,off- street loading shall be subject to the provis ons of Chapter 19.47 "Off Street Loading", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as aim nded. J. Signs. In this PSFR2 Planned Single Famil Residence District, signs shall be subject to the provisions of 19.50 "Street Grap ics", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. K. Nonconforming Uses and Structures. In t is PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District, nonconforming uses and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.52 "Nonconformin: Uses and Structures" of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. L. Amendments. In this PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District, text and map amendments shall be subject to t e provisions of Chapter 19.55 "Amendments" of the Elgin Municipal Code, .s amended M. Planned Developments. In this PSFR2 Plann;d Single Family Residence District, the use and development of the land and struct es shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 "Planned Developments" of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. A conditional use for a planned de elopment may be requested by the property owner without requiring an amendm:i t to this PSFR2 zoning district. N. Conditional Uses. In this PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District, conditional uses shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.65 "Conditional Uses", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as am nded. A conditional use may be requested by the property owner without req iring an amendment to this PSFR2 zoning district. O. Variations. In this PSFR2 Planned Single F.; ily Residence District, variations shall be subject to the provisions of Chapte 19.10.500 "Authorized Land Use Variations", Chapter 19.12.800 "Authorized Ste Design Variations", and Chapter 19.70"Variations", of the Elgin Municipal Co m e, as amended. A variation may be requested by the property owner without req iring an amendment to this PSFR2 zoning district. P. Subdivisions — Generally. The subdivis on of the Subject Property and development thereof shall comply with the s 'division regulations of the city, as - 7 - amended,and the Plat Act of the State of Illinoi Prior to building permit issuance, for each building or structure proposed to be bu It within the planned development, a soils suitability and bearing capacity test sh 1 be performed as required by the City Engineer and the Development Administr.tor. Q. Buildings—Required Improvements. In addit on to those building improvements required by Title 16 of the Elgin Munici.al Code, the following building improvements shall also be required: 1. All sanitary sewer shall be overhead se ers. 2. All structures containing sump pits . • pumps shall have separate lines connecting the sump pump to the sto sewer as required by the City Engineer and the Development Admini•trator. R. Appeals. Any requirement, determination, o 1 interpretation associated with the administration and enforcement of the provisio s of this ordinance may be appealed subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.75 "Ap•eals",of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the portion of the subject property legally described in and subject to the terms of the econd Amendment to Annexation Agreement for the subject property. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage in the manner provided by law. / • / II( '1J7 .'�4_. �:� Davin J. Kap ,M. or Presented: December 5, 2018 Passed: December 5, 2018 Vote: Yeas: 8 Nays: 0 0.001" °:.'_ , Recorded: December 5, 2018 M4., < . Published: December 7, 2018 '`' ` ^�_"' -. • CJs ' r • , At es . _lk �,� .t, a(/‘(' , .,-)11! ,',_1-___ ....,.-7,.r.r.,; Kimberly Dewis, C• , Clerk • - 8 - EXHIBIT A September 10, 2018 RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS OF FACT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN, IL OVERVIEW Provided herein are the written findings and recommendation of the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding Petitions 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 an application by Tall Oaks Investment, LLC c/o Richard Guerard(Unit 3)and D. R. Horton, Inc.- Midwest do Omar A. Rodriguez Caballero or Danielle Dash (Unit 5), as applicants and property owners, are requesting further amendment to the annexation agreement, a map amendment (specifically further amending the planned development ordinances), an amendment to the preliminary plat, and final plat and final engineering approval for Unit 3 and Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision, all at the property commonly referred to as 101 Russell Road. The property is zoned PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District, PCF Planned Community Facility District and PMFR Planned Multiple Family Residence District. GENERAL INFORMATION Petition Number: 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 Property Location: 101 Russell Road Requested Action: Amendment to the Annexation Agreement, Map Amendments to PSFR2 Ordinance No. G01-08, PCF Ordinance No. G2-08, and PMFR Ordinance No. G3-08, Preliminary and Final Plats for Unit 3 and Unit 5 Current Zoning: PSFR2 Planned Single-Family Residence District, PMFR Planned Multiple-family Residence District, and PCF Planned Community Facility District Proposed Zoning: New PSFR2 Planned Single-Family Residence District, PMFR Planned Multiple-family Residence District, and PCF Planned Community Facility District Existing Use: Vacant, undeveloped Proposed Use: Single-family residences, Multiple-family residences, and open Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 space Applicant: Tall Oaks Investment, LLC and D.R. Horton, Inc.-Midwest Owner Tall Oaks Investment, LLC and D.R. Horton, Inc.-Midwest Staff Coordinator: Damir Latinovic, AICP, Senior Planner Exhibits Attached: A. Aerial/Location Map B. Zoning Map C. Parcel Map D. Site Location E. Development Application and Attachments F. Draft Ordinances and Resolutions BACKGROUND Tall Oaks Investment,LLC c/o Richard Guerard(Unit 3)and D.R.Horton, Inc.-Midwest c/o Omar A. Rodriguez Caballero or Danielle Dash (Unit 5), as applicants and property owners, are requesting further amendment to the annexation agreement,a map amendment(specifically further amending the planned development ordinances), an amendment to the preliminary plat, and final plat and final engineering approval for Unit 3 and Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision, all at the property commonly referred to as 101 Russell Road. The 201.37-acre Tall Oak subdivision is generally located south of US Route 20 and east of Russell Road. On the east, the subdivision is adjacent to the West Point Gardens subdivision. Areas adjacent to the north,west and south of the subdivision remain unincorporated Kane County.Areas to the north and west are generally vacant and used for farming with several single-family homes located immediately to the north along Russel Road, while the Montague Forest single-family home subdivision is located adjacent to the south. Tall Oaks subdivision was annexed to the City in 2004. At the time of annexation, the subdivision was approved for a total of 323 single-family homes (1.65 du/acre)with several open space areas. In 2008, as part of the first amendment to the annexation agreement, 5.3 acres of land were added to the subdivision, and the approval was amended to include a total of 101 townhomes and 305 single-family homes (2.01 du/acre). The applicants are seeking further amendment to facilitate development in the last remaining Unit 3 and Unit 5 (Units 1, 2, and 4 are under construction), - 2 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 which would increase the total number of townhomes to 123 and the total number of single-family homes to 334 (2.26 du/acre). This density remains well under the amount recommended by the comprehensive plan (2.5 to 3.0 du/acre). 611hA FAX, UNIT 3 41t C.P5' 191, UNIT5 ®P Fr ,........e,.T..T. 11;1141751 �cas cg oo41114 �oo 1 I o ', E aqIv 4114#4_6 004044,44'444tw Figure 2.Plan for Tall Oaks Subdivision following the 2008 amendment Tall Oaks Unit 3 The applicant requests final approval for 36.9-acre, Unit 3 of Tall Oaks Subdivision with an increase in the number of single-family homes from the previously approved 77 single-family home lots to 106 single-family lots. Unit 3 also includes seven outlots (9.1 acres) of parks and open space for stormwater management. This amount includes Outlot 113 (47,824 square feet) along US Route 20 that is plated as an outlot for future conveyance to Illinois Department of Transportation(IDOT)for US Route 20 widening.The internal street layout is substantially similar to the previously approved layout, but is improved to provide better connectivity to Unit 5 to the west. - 3 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 GENERAL NOTES w:ori... e+.v.......i..�........«.. • y 'w.:-.::e.�.:..�a:ten.'-'i.....,...... 1 i "/ \'\,\.\,\ • -.TM.,.. '.5. :,.5.s...^ /e !`5.•e \-� \•,- • •. • D _ • ,/ : . 0ri i • ..."- \ADIQII - 1,, - 4/-s .:,. , . ! 69 /.0 ,; .. ,o,,,,?_, .4 - :I* '71: 0,-,7,7 as ,..:•*„..„., • 1,,,, 1. rei 4. `/ ,Y' /:.O r bO Oq yf A - ,,./4)1,,,:-;, :,7`.... 2/ ;:i-`11.----<)10.'''N.,* ...r., • \J F -.' b tl M; ^/ /(./ vao;e..IO00..,!',,f„..0j .. Y'\ - '' 4 00/ ��,�o l ,o y7-6:::-- --..‹.,..'47-,.:1,'; x..(1.'7 ' `.n.� rya X' - / j ; Figure 3. Tall Oaks Unit 3 Landscape Plan The proposed single-family home lots in Unit 3 are smaller than the previous approval to make the project more feasible and to meet the current market demand for smaller homes. That being said, the proposed lots are still bigger than the single-family lots immediately to the east in West Point Gardens (60-foot wide lots) and are the same size as the single-family lots in West Point Gardens South. The typical lot size in Unit 3 would be 63 feet wide by 118 feet long (7,434 square feet). The previously approved lot size, which is found in Unit 1 and Unit 2 south of Gansett Parkway, is 80 feet wide by 125 feet deep(10,000 square feet). As a result of the narrower lots, the proposed side yard setbacks are reduced from ten feet to six feet. More importantly though, the homes in Unit 3 would maintain the same minimum street yard setback of 25 feet and minimum rear yard setback of 30 feet as was previously approved and what is found in existing Units 1 and 2. - 4 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 A summary of the proposed changes to the lot sizes and site design regulations are provided in the table below: Requirement Previously approved PSFR2 Proposed PSFR2 District for District (existing Unit 1 and Unit 3 Unit 2) Lot Area Min. 10,000 sq. ft. 7,434 sq. ft. (12,000 sq. ft. corner lot) (9,676 sq. ft. corner lot) Lot Width Min. 75 ft. 63 ft. (90 ft. corner lot) (82 ft. corner lot) Street Setback 25 ft. 25 ft. Rear Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. Side Setback 10 ft. 6 ft. Interior Setback 10 ft. 6 ft. Combined Side 20 ft. 12 ft. Setback A new PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District would be established for Unit 3 to reflect the new lot size and site design requirements. The proposed parks and open space areas would be zoned the same PCF Planned Community Facility District found in other parts of the subdivision in Unit 1 and Unit 2. Public sidewalks, street trees, and street lights are provided as required by the subdivision ordinance, and a ten-foot wide,multi-purpose trail is provided along US. Route 20 terminating at the east and west property lines for future connections on adjacent properties. Tall Oaks Investment, LLC has not identified a specific builder or specific model homes for Unit 3. At the time of building permit review for the construction of the single-family homes in Unit 3, staff will review the proposed model plans and elevations to ensure they conform to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines for the Elgin's Growth Area (formerly known as the Far West Area of Elgin). If the model home floor plans or elevations do not conform to the design guidelines, the plans would have to be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission with final approval by the City Council as an amendment to the approved annexation agreement and planned development plans. Figure 4 (below) provides an example of homes built in Elgin on 63- foot wide lots. These houses are currently under construction by M/I Homes in the West Point Gardens South subdivision and conform to the city design guidelines. - 5 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 a - _ , \ in 'n itt Figure 4. Representative elevations of homes on 63-fot wide lots currently under construction by Mi?Homes in West Point Gardens South Subdivison Tall Oaks Unit 5 The proposed 10-acre, Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision would include 86 townhomes in 16 buildings whereas the previously approved plan for Unit 5 included 65 units in 12 buildings. The developer for Unit 5, D.R. Horton Inc., is constructing townhomes in Unit 4 of Tall Oaks Subdivision, immediately to the west. As such, the townhomes in Unit 5, which meet the residential guidelines of the recently adopted 2018 Comprehensive Plan, would be the same as those constructed in Unit 4. The proposed buildings are a mix of 4-, 5-, and 6-unit buildings with rear-loading, attached, two- car garages for each unit. All buildings and units would face public streets and would maintain the same street setback as in Unit 4. The attached rear garages would be accessed from private driveways. Extensive landscaping is provided throughout the neighborhood to screen the internal driveways and to provide a buffer to the single-family home neighborhood (Unit 3) to the east. Unit 5 also includes a dog park on the north end of the subdivision as an amenity for the residents of Tall Oaks Subdivision. Because of smaller unit sizes and a more-efficient overall site plan, the amount of open space proposed is more(and the amount of impervious surface is less than)that amount provided in 2008 amendment. - 6 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 elk • EJ ■m 111' 11111 ■® l i /l 1 Figure 5.Proposed townhome building in Unit 5 The proposed townhomes meet all requirements of PMFR Planned Multiple Family Residence District established by Ordinance G3-08 and the layout of the townhome buildings is consistent with the layout of the recently completed townhomes in Unit 4 adjacent to the west. The Community Development Department offers the following additional information: A. Property History. Tall Oaks Subdivision property was annexed to the city in 2004. The 196.07-acres of land were zoned PSFR1 Planned Single Family Residence District (estate home portion), PSFR2 Single Family Residence District (conventional homes), and PCF Planned Community Facility District for several park$ and open space. The subdivision was approved for 323 single-family homes with a density of 1.65 du/acre. In 2008, a 5.3-acre vacant property adjacent to the north was annexed and added to the subdivision. At that time, Unit 4 and Unit 5, which were previously approved for single- family homes, were rezoned to PMFR Planned Multiple-Family Residence District to allow a total of 101 townhome units. The rezoning also resulted in the loss of some single- family home lots. With the approved changes, the subdivision was planned to have a total of 305 single-family homes and 101 townhome units (406 units total with density of 2.01 du/acre). To date, 111 single-family homes and four townhouse buildings have been completed. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning. The properties to the south and east are zoned PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District and PCF Planned Community Facility District. The properties to the east are part of West Point Gardens Subdivision, while the properties to the south are part of Tall Oaks Subdivision (Units 1 and 2). The properties to the west and to the north are located in unincorporated Kane County. Most properties are - 7 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 used for agricultural purposes with several single-family residences on large lots while several commercial uses are located along US Route 20. C. Comprehensive Plan. The portion of the subject property proposed to be developed with single-family homes in Unit 3 is designated as Single-Family Detached by the City's new Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines adopted by the City Council on July 11,2018. On the Residential Area Framework Plan, Unit 3 is designated as Single Family Neighborhood. The single-family detached land use includes smaller lot, single-family home lots typical of eastern and central portions of the City as well as larger estates in more rural portions of the City's western Growth Area. Within Elgin's historic core, isolated single-family attached and small scale multi-family development may occur as a complement to single- family development, but should respect the scale, intensity, and character of the surrounding neighborhood. Densities should range from 1.5 to 6.5 du/ac. However, more specifically, densities within the Residential Core area identified on the Residential Areas Framework Plan should range from 4.0 to 6.5 du/ac; densities within Single-Family Neighborhood should range from 2.5 to 3.0 du/ac; and densities within the Growth Area Residential area should range from 1.5 to 2.5 du/ac. The density of Unit 3 alone is 2.87 du/acre. Unit 5 is designated as Single-Family Attached by the City's new 2018 Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. On the Residential Area Framework Plan,Unit 5 is designated as Single Family Attached/Multi-Family. Single-Family Attached land use includes structures containing multiple single-family dwellings, each sharing a common wall with at least one adjacent dwelling. These typically comprise two-unit townhome and duplex units, but multiple unit rowhomes and triplexes are also common in Elgin. Single-family attached development provides affordable housing options for young families as well as empty—nesters looking to downsize but remain within the Elgin community. Single-family attached development can be used to buffer single-family detached residential areas from more intense commercial or multi- family developments. This land use can also be used to increase the number of residents living in areas well served by infrastructure and community assets such as Downtown Elgin. Densities should range from 4 to 20 du/ac. Development on the lower end of this range will consist primarily of duplexes, and development toward the higher end of this range will be townhouses within the downtown and/or near mass transit. The density of Unit 5 alone is 8.6 du/acre. The overall density for the Tall Oaks Subdivision would increase from 2.01 du/acre to 2.26 du/acre. - 8 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 D. Zoning District. The property is zoned PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District by Ordinance No. G 1-08, PCF Planned Community Facility District by Ordinance No. G2- 08, and PMFR Planned Multiple-Family Residence District by Ordinance No. G3-08. The purpose and intent of the PSFR2 District is to provide a planned urban residential environment of standardized moderate density for single-family detached dwellings, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 Planned Developments of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended. The PSFR2 District is most similar to, but departs from the standard requirements of the SFR2 Single Family Residential District. The purpose and intent of the PCF District is to provide a planned environment for various types of community facilities, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 Planned Development, of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended. In general, community facilities provide governmental, recreational, educational, health, social, religious, and transportation services to the community on for profit or a not for profit basis. The PCF District is most similar to, but departs from the standard requirements of the CF Community Facility District. The purpose and intent of the PMFR District is to provide a planned urban residential environment of the lowest standardized density for multiple family detached dwellings, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 Planned Developments of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended. The PMFR District is most similar to, but departs from the standard requirements, of the MFR Multiple Family Residential District. E. Trend of Development. The subject property is located in the City's Established Growth Area and Primary Growth Area. Most undeveloped areas, or areas formerly used for farming purposes have, upon annexation to the City, been developed with single-family residences or townhome residences, except for a developing commercial corridor along U.S. Route 20 near Nesler Road. All surrounding properties are currently developed or are zoned for single-family residential developments. The proposed development of Unit 3 and Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision is consistent with 2018 comprehensive plan. FINDINGS After due notice as required by law, the Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of Petition 18, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 on September 10, 2018. Testimony was presented at the public hearing in support of and against the application. The Community Development Department submitted a Planned Development Amendment Review and Written Findings & Recommendation to the Planning& Zoning Commission dated September 10, 2018. The Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission have made the following findings regarding this application against the standards for map amendments - 9 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 outlined within § 19.55.030, and the standards for planned developments outlined within § 19.60.040: STANDARDS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS For consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the Community Development Department offers the below findings regarding the application against the standards for a map amendment outlined within § 19.55.030, and a planned development outlined in § 19.60.040: A. Site Characteristics Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to its size, shape, significant natural features including topography, watercourses and vegetation and existing improvements. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to its size, shape, significant features including topography, watercourses, vegetation, and existing improvements.The Units 3 and 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision are approximately 46.8 acres in area. This portion of Tall Oaks Subdivision is generally flat with little elevation change. An existing stormwater detention facility is located on the northeast portion of Unit 3 that would be modified and continue to serve the subdivision for stormwater management purposes. The area is vacant and does not include any significant trees or vegetation. With no existing improvements, the area is well suited for the proposed Unit 3 and Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision with appropriate connections to the other portions of subdivision. B. Sewer and Water Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the availability of adequate Municipal water, wastewater treatment and stormwater control facilities. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the availability of adequate water, sanitary treatment, and storm water control facilities. The applicant will install all necessary water, stormwater, and sanitary sewer facilities. New water service lines will be provided within the street rights-of-way to service the proposed single-family homes and townhomes. An existing stormwater detention facility that services the subdivision is located immediately north of the proposed Unit 5 subdivision, and an existing stormwater detention facility is located in the northeast corner of the proposed Unit 3 subdivision. The two stormwater facilities would be modified to adequately serve the proposed subdivisions in addition to other stormwater facilities south of Gansett Parkway that serve the remainder of Tall Oaks Subdivision. Importantly, the amount of impervious surface within the Unit 5 is less than that amount approved in 2008. C. Traffic and Parking Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site - 10 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. 1. Nonresidential land uses should be located central and accessible to the area or population served without requiring traffic movements through or into a residential neighborhood. Nonresidential land uses should not be located within residential neighborhoods, but on their periphery as defined by the "arterial street"[SR] system. 2. The number of locations for vehicular access to or from a public right of way should be limited to those which are necessary for the reasonable use of the property and consistent with current traffic engineering standards. Property with two (2) street frontages should not be permitted access to or from the street with the higher degree of continuity within the overall street system or with the higher traffic volume. With the exception of residential driveways, locations for vehicular access to or from a public right of way should be aligned directly opposite existing or approved locations across the street. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. The proposed Unit 3 and Unit 5 subdivisions have multiple points of access to Gansett Parkway,which is a collector road, connecting to Nesler Road to the east and Russell Road to the west.Neither Unit 3 nor Unit 5 have direct access to Route 20. All surrounding roads can absorb the additional traffic anticipated from the additional 29 single-family homes in Unit 3 and additional 21 townhomes within the proposed Unit 5. Recall that, in November 2015, the City approved an amendment in West Point Gardens South subdivision that reduced the number of single-family homes by 24. Tall Oaks subdivision and the surrounding area will continue to function with safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation with minimum traffic congestion. Roadway impact fees required by both Kane County and the city will be collected to fund future roadway improvements at the time of building permit review for each home/townhome. All single-family homes and townhomes would have at least two garage parking spaces with additional parking available in the driveways. Parking for all proposed residential dwelling units will be provided in conformance with the zoning ordinance requirements. D. Zoning History Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the length of time the property has remained undeveloped or unused in its current zoning district. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the length of time the property has remained undeveloped or unused in its current zoning - 11 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 district. The majority of proposed Unit 3 and Unit 5 were annexed in 2004. A small 5-acre portion of the proposed Unit 5 was annexed in 2008 when it was added to the subdivision. The property has never been developed. Prior to the annexation to the City of Elgin, the Unit 3 and Unit 5 areas were used for agricultural purposes. E. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land use and zoning. Findings. The property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land uses and zoning. Most surrounding properties have been developed with single-family homes upon annexation to the city, except for a developing commercial corridor along U.S. Route 20 near Nessler Road. Tall Oaks Subdivision is located west of West Point Gardens Subdivision which is developed with similar density townhomes and single-family homes. The surrounding land uses located to the south and west are either improved with estate homes or are in agricultural use in unincorporated Kane County. The proposed layout of Unit 3 and Unit 5 is consistent with the preliminary plat for the subdivision approved in 2004. F. Trend of Development Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area. Findings. The subject property is suited for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area. The subject property was annexed in 2004. Most surrounding properties that have been annexed to the City west of Randall Road since early 2000s have been developed with residential subdivisions which include both single-family residences and multiple- family residences(townhomes). Developments in the last approximately 15 years that have been approved by the City in the area of the subject property include West Point Gardens, Sandy Creek Estates, Providence, and others. G. Zoning/Planned Development District Standard: The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent, and the location and size of a zoning district. Findings. The property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent and the location and size of the zoning district. The proposed Unit 3 is zoned PSFR2 District and PCF District. The purpose and intent of the PSFR2 District is to provide a planned urban residential environment of standardized moderate density for Single family detached dwellings, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 Planned Developments of the Elgin Municipal - 12 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 Code, 1976, as amended. The PSFR2 District is most similar to, but departs from the standard requirements of the SFR2 Single Family Residential District. Because the proposed single-family lots within Unit 3 generally have smaller lot areas and lot widths than the previously approved Unit 1 and Unit 2 of Tall Oaks Subdivision, the applicant is proposing a new separate PSFR2 District for Unit 3. A new PSFR2 District for Unit 3 is appropriate considering typical lot width for lots in Unit 3 is approximately 63- 68 feet, while the lot widths in previously platted Units 1 and 2 range between 75 and 85 feet. Similarly, the minimum lot area in Unit 3 is 7,434 square feet while the minimum lot area in Units 1 and 2 is 10,000 sq. ft. The single-family homes in Unit 3 would have a six- foot side yard setbacks instead of the ten-foot wide setbacks required in Units 1 and 2 to maintain the similar width of single-family homes. The front and rear yard setbacks would match those in Units 1 and 2 with 25-foot front yard and 30-foot rear yard setback requirements. The proposed Unit 5 multiple-family residences (townhomes) would be zoned PMFR Planned Single Family Residence District established by Ordinance No. G3-08. The purpose and intent of the PMFR District is to provide a planned urban residential environment of the lowest standardized density for multiple family detached dwellings, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 Planned Developments of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended. The PMFR District is most similar to, but departs from the standard requirements, of the MFR Multiple Family Residential District. The proposed multi-family buildings would match the existing multiple-family buildings in the adjacent Unit 4 of Tall Oaks Subdivision. All new buildings within the Unit 5 would also meet all bulk requirements established by Ordinance G3-08 including the minimum 20-foot building street yard setback and minimum 16-foot vehicle use area street yard setback. H. Comprehensive Plan Standard. The suitability of thi4 subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Official Comprehensive Plan Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Official Comprehensive Plan. The subject property proposed to be developed with single-family homes in Unit 3 is designated as Single-Family Detached by the City's new Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines adopted by the City Council on July 11, 2018. On the Residential Area Framework Plan, Unit 3 is designated as Single Family Neighborhood. The Single-Family Detached land use includes smaller lot single-family typical of eastern and central portions of the City as well as larger estates in more rural portions of the City's western Growth Area. Within Elgin's historic core, isolated single-family attached and - 13 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10,2018 small scale multi-family development may occur as a complement to single-family development, but should respect the scale, intensity, and character of the surrounding neighborhood. Densities should range from 1.5 to 6.5 du/ac. However, more specifically, densities within the Residential Core area identified on the Residential Areas Framework Plan should range from 4.0 to 6.5 du/ac; densities within Single-Family Neighborhood should range from 2.5 to 3.0 du/ac; and densities within the Growth Area Residential area should range from 1.5 to 2.5 du/ac. The density of Uni 3 alone is 2.87 du/acre. The Unit 5 proposed to be developed with multiple}family residences (townhomes) is designated as Single-Family Attached by the City's new 2018 Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines.On the Residential Area Framework Plan,Unit 5 is designated as Single Family Attached/Multi-Family. Single-Family Attached land use includes structures containing multiple single-family dwellings, each sharing a common wall with at least one adjacent dwelling.These typically comprise two-unit townhome and duplex units, but multiple unit rowhomes and triplexes are also common in Elgin. Single-family attached development provides affordable housing options for young families as well as empty—nesters looking to downsize but remain within the Elgin community. Single-family attached development can be used to buffer single-family detached residential areas from More intense commercial or multi- family developments. This land use can also be used to increase the number of residents living in areas well served by infrastructure and community assets such as Downtown Elgin. Densities should range from 4 to 20 du/ac. Development on the lower end of this range will consist primarily of duplexes, and development toward the higher end of this range will be townhouses within the downtown and/or near mass transit. The density of Unit 5 alone is 8.6 du/acre. The overall density for the Tall Oaks Subdivision would increase from 2.01 du/acre to 2.26 du/acre. ADDITIONAL STANDARDS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS Conditional Use for a Planned Development: Where applicable, the suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use for a planned development with respect to the provision for the purpose and intent of planned developments and with respect to the provisions of section 19.65.010 of the zoning ordinanc . No conditional use for a planned development should be granted for the sole purpose of introducing a land use not otherwise permitted on the subject property. Findings.This standard is not applicable.The applicant is requesting approval of a planned development as a map amendment. - 14 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 J. Natural Preservation Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended planned development with respect to the preservation of all significant natural features including topography, watercourses, wetlands, and vegetation. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended planned development with respect to the preservation of all significant natural features including topography, watercourses, wetlands, and vegetation. The proposed Units 3 and 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision are approximately 46.8 acres in area. This portion of the Tall Oaks Subdivision is generally flat with little elevation change. An existing stormwater detention facility is located in the northeast portion of Unit 3 that would be modified to continue to serve the subdivision for stormwater management purposes. The area is vacant and does not include any significant trees or vegetation. With no existing improvements, the area is well suited for the proposed Unit 3 and Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision with appropriate connections to the other portions of subdivision. No significant watercourses or wetlands are present on the property. K. Internal Land Use. The suitability of the subject property for the intended planned development with respect to the land uses permitted wi4hin the development being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding property. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended planned development with respect to the land uses permitted within the development being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding properties. The proposed Unit 3 would be developed with single-family residences, while the proposed Unit 5 would be developed with multiple-family residences (townhomes). The final plats for both Units 3 and 5 include an improved street network with more connections between the two units. All proposed streets would be public streets with unrestricted access. In addition, single-family homes of Unit 3 are adjacent to the single-family homes in the adjacent West Point Gardens subdivision to the east,while the proposed townhomes within Unit 5 are adjacent to the existing townhomes of Tall Oaks Unit 4 immediately to the west. The proposed plats for Unit 3 and Unit 5 are consistent with the preliminary plat of subdivision approved in 2008. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DEPARTURES AND EXCEPTIONS The applicant is proposing a new PSFR2 Planned Single Family Residence District for Unit 3. The applicant is requesting the following departures from the SFR2 District requirements of the zoning ordinance: - 15 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 1. Section 19.25.335, "Site Design". The proposed departures from the standard SFR2 District requirements are provided in the table below(current PSFR2 District requirements established by Ordinance G 1-08 for Tall Oaks Unit 1 and Unit 2 are also provided for reference below): Requirement Standard SFR2 Previously approved Proposed PSFR2 district PSFR2 District District for Unit 3 requirements established by Ord. No. G1-08 (existing Unit 1 and Unit 2) Lot Area Min. 10,000 sq. ft. 10,000 sq. ft. 7,434 sq. ft. (12,000 sq. ft. corner (12,000 sq. ft. corner (9,676 sq. ft. corner lot) lot) lot) Lot Width Min. 75 ft. 75 ft. 63 ft. (90 ft. corner lot) (90 ft. corner lot) (82 ft. corner lot) Street Setback 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Rear Setback 40 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. Side Setback 10 ft. 10 ft. 6 ft. Interior Setback 10 ft. 10 ft. 6 ft. Combined Side 20 ft. 20 ft. 12 ft. Setback Staff finds the proposed departures are appropriate and consistent with the overall residential neighborhood density identified in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. With the reduced lot sizes and the resulting overall increase in the number of units within Tall Oaks subdivision, the overall density for the subdivision would be 2.26 d.u./acre. This falls well below the target densities in the Single-Family Neighborhood area, which should range from 2.5 to 3.0 du/acre, as specified by the 2018 Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines. The proposed 63-foot wide lots with minimum lot area of 7,434 square feet are similar to the West Point Gardens subdivision adjacent to the east. West Point Gardens Subdivision includes a mix of townhomes and single-family homes, both front loading and rear loading (via an alley). Majority of the single-family lots are 60-63 feet wide with an average loft size of 8,127 square feet. It is worth noting that Unit 3 lots are located on the north side of Gansett Parkway. Other single- family homes in the subdivision (Unit 1 and Unit 2) are located on the south side of Gansett Parkway. Therefore, the somewhat denser neighborhood of Unit 3 would establish its own neighborhood character without any impact on the existing character of Unit 1 and Unit 2 neighborhoods. Unit 3 also serves as a transition neighborhood being that it is adjacent to the townhomes in Unit 4 and Unit 5 of Tall Oaks Subdivision. - 16 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of Petitions 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18, subject to the following conditions: 1. Substantial conformance to the Development Application submitted by Tall Oaks Investment, LLC c/o Richard Guerard and D. R. Horton, Inc.-Midwest c/o Omar A. Rodriguez Caballero or Danielle Dash, as applicants and property owners, received May 15, 2018, and supporting documents including: a. A letter regarding Tall Oaks Subdivision Units 3 and 5 from Peter C.Bazos, Esq.,dated May 15, 2018; b. Undated First Amendment to Rider Statement of Purpose and Conformance Amendment to Annexation Agreement and to existing Planned Development Districts, received September 6, 2018; c. Undated representative model sales signage package, prepared by Parvin-Clauss Sign Company, received September 6, 2018; d. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated March 23, 2015, last revised February 3, 2016; e. Zoning Exhibit Tall Oaks Unit 3,prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated August 24, 2018, last revised August 29, 2018; f. Final Plat of Subdivision.Tall Oaks Unit 3, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated May 11, 2018, last revised August 24, 2018;' g. Landscape Plan Tall Oaks Unit 3, prepared by Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc., dated May 8, 2018, last revised August 24, 2018; h. Final Engineering Plans for Tall Oaks - Unit 3 City of Elgin, Illinois, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated May 10, 2018, last revise August 24, 2018; i. Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost for Tall Oaks Unit 3, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated August 24, 2018; j. Undated Declaration for Tall Oaks Unit 3, prepared by Richard Guerard, Guerard and Krasner, LLC, received August 27, 2018; k. ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Tall Oaks Unit 4 and Tract to the East, Elgin, Illinois, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated October 5, 2017, last revised November 2, 2017; 1. Final Plat of Subdivision Tall Oaks Subdivision Unit 5, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated April 20, 2018, last revised August 17, 2018; m. Landscape Plan Tall Oaks - Unit 5 Elgin, Illinois, prepared by Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc., dated May 3, 2018, last revised June 29, 2018; n. Public and Private Storm Sewer Exhibit Tall Oaks Unit 5 Elgin Illinois, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated July 3, 2018, last revised August 17, 2018; o. Final Engineering Plans for Tall Oaks - Unit 5 City of Elgin, Illinois, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated April 20, 2018, last revised August 31, 2018; - 17 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 18-, 19-, 20-, and 21-18 September 10, 2018 p. Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost Tall Oaks - Unit 5 Elgin, Illinois, prepared by Mackie Consultants, LLC, dated May 10, 2017, last revised August 31, 2018; q. Cost Opinion for Landscape Plans, prepared by Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc., dated June 29, 2018; r. Cost Opinion for Dog Park,prepared by Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc., dated August 30, 2018; s. Dog Park Exhibit Elgin, Illinois prepared by Gary R. Weber Associates, Inc., dated August 30, 2018; and t. Amended and Restated Declaration for Tall Oaks Townhomes, prepared by Steven H. Goodman, Meltzer, Purtill & Stelle LLC, recorded June 18, 2018, received July 5, 2018. In the event of any conflict between such documents and the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances, the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances shall supersede and control. 2. Model home plans for all homes within Unit 3,including to-scale floor plans and elevations of each side of the home, shall be review and approved by the Development Administrator for conformance with the Residential Area Design Guidelines (Appendix A of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Elgin) prior to the issuance of a building permit. Notwithstanding provisions within said Guidelines, vinyl siding is not a permitted primary building material. Plans found by the Development Administrator to not conform to said Guidelines may only be approved as an amendment to the annexation agreement and planned development ordinance(s) relating to Unit 3. 3. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The vote of the Planning&Zoning Commission on the motion to recommend approval of Petitions 18, 19-, 20-, and 21-18, subject to the conditions outlined above, was six (6) yes, zero (0) no, and zero (0) abstentions. All members were present. Respectfully Submitted, s/Robert Siljestrom Robert Siljestrom, Chairman Planning&Zoning Commission s/Damir Latinovic Damir Latinovic, AICP; Secretary Planning& Zoning Commission - 18 - -- lir •-; . ..; . - ,- .-P ,ow .• . . . . , . . • . • . . ,t• ., _. ..a ••••• — t , • lif 10 Ilk 41E 41 ---- - ----' ,4::, '--,, - 'o• ,...•.-- ,. _... ,04' , . . . .. .. -.' • . ; Subject Property . 0 , L Petition , . .. - ailk , ,., ,, ,,. • I 44--A.•-•-•('-'7 =,44::::.: -._..) • ,„ .- .41..1/414-, p. • Plank d.; - - - ‘ , ' 1 4 _, .; A, —..... . 1 1- .------ ft ! ....,.... 417,, i''!-• 4%4 .pe , --., .....-- _ . . 011111M11 / •_ . ,. 1 . i . 4 • 111111111111 • , , ), , . - I t Ft. . . - - litit . 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A 4 * , '--i.,:i„434,1004034000410004'-" , --_ - ?.* ., C ° , , • P Al As. , t 1 7 , • . 4 7. „ , ' • • — •-•--' . ' .4-7 - .-- - ' i .., , , ... At..sikAL ........- , .a.. ... - 2018 Photo: Northern Portion of Unit 3 Looking South • EXHIBIT D SITE LOCATION 101 Russell Road Petitions 18-18, 19-18, 20-18, an • 21-18 4 it w _•�+' � a.is. .'u `. ,i" . L - pat.,. r `!. s ik t y` soir ri ` 2018 Photo Unit 5 Looking South 4 EXHIBIT D SITE LOCATION 101 Russell Road Petitions 18-18, 19-18, 20-18, and 21-18 'N Iii ",/..t.''°°. \i- ''''' f 4 N 0 _ Non fi n ri .hi ii lei 21 11 ari till - ANN gall - f' ‘ \ - - tiltit ' •#*%., 22 1 1 PI i _._ 1 N i di , - i ' -1 i I 7*1 77 f I Q 11111.U0 /31 /21310 Existing Townhomes in Unit 4, Under onstruction a\ i 1 VIM fai z Ir $1 ,. } Illc e0/:31 /20I0 I 3 5 Existing Single-Family Home in Unit 2, Under Construction Fence Exhibit • October 16, 2018 Ilirr • ti • 1 f 1 ' > • 6-foot high white PVC privacy fence