G17-18 Ordinance No. G17-18 AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING TERRITORY IN THE CI COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO PCF PLANNED COMMUNITY FACILITY DISTRICT (711 E. Chicago Street) WHEREAS,written application has been made to reclassify certain property located at 711 E. Chicago Street and 712 Laurel Street from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District; and WHEREAS, the zoning lot containing the premises at 711 E. Chicago Street and 712 Laurel Street is legally described herein (the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing concerning said application on February 5, 2018 following due notice including by publication; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission have submitted their Findings of Fact concerning said application; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of said application, subject to the conditions articulated below; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin, Illinois, has reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission; and WHEREAS,the City of Elgin is a home rule unit and as a home rule unit may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and WHEREAS, zoning, including, but not limited to, this ordinance granting a planned development as a map amendment from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District pertains to the government and affairs of the city. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Elgin hereby adopts the Findings of Fact, dated February 5, 2018, and the recommendations made by the Community Development Department and the Planning&Zoning Commission, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as Exhibit A. Section 2. That Chapter 19.07 Zoning Districts, Section 19.08.020 entitled "Official Zoning District Map"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: The boundaries hereinafter laid out in the "Zoning District Map", as amended, be and are hereby altered by including in the PCF Planned Community Facility District the following described property: THAT PART OF LOT 24 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S SUBDIVISION OF THE UNDIVIDED LANDS IN THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION18, BEING THAT PART OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE LYING NORTHERLY OF A LINE DRAWN FROM A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT THAT IS 336.0 FEET SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SAID WEST LINE AND THE CENTER LINE OF EAST CHICAGO STREET TO A POINT OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 24 THAT IS 256.0 FEET SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SAID EAST LINE AND THE CENTER LINE OF EAST CHICAGO STREET IN THE CITY OF ELGIN IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. And, THAT PART OF LOT 24 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S SUBDIVISION OF THE UNDIVIDED LAND IN THE SOUTH 1/2 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTHERLY OF A LINE DRAWN FROM A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT THAT IS 336.0 FEET SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SAID WEST LINE AND THE CENTER LINE OF EAST CHICAGO STREET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 24 THAT IS 256.0 FEET SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF SAID EAST LINE AND THE CENTER LINE OF EAST CHICAGO STREET, LYING NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF LAUREL STREET, IN THE CITY OF ELGIN, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN(s): 06-18-301-052-0000; 06-18-301-050-0000; (commonly known as 711 E. Chicago Street and 712 Laurel Street) Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Elgin hereby grants the rezoning from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District at 711 E. Chicago Street and 712 Laurel Street, which shall be designed, developed, and operated subject to the following provisions: A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PCF Planned Community Facility District is to provide a planned environment for various types of community facilities, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 "Planned Development" of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. In general, community facilities provide governmental,recreational,educational,health,social,religious,and transportation services to the community on a for-profit or on a not-for-profit basis. B. Supplementary Regulations. Any word or phrase contained herein, followed by the symbol "[SRI", shall be subject to the definitions and the additional interpretive requirements provided in Chapter 19.90"Supplementary Regulations",of the Elgin 2 Municipal Code, as amended. The exclusion of such symbol shall not exempt such word or phrase from the applicable supplementary regulation. C. General Provisions. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, the use and development of land and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.05 "General Provisions", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. D. Zoning Districts; Generally. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District,the use and development of land and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.07 "Zoning Districts", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. E. Location and Size of District. PCF Planned Community Facility Districts should be located in substantial conformance to the official comprehensive plan. The amount of land necessary to constitute a separate PCF Planned Community Facility District exclusive of rights of way, but including adjoining land or land directly opposite a right of way shall not be less than two (2) acres, unless such land is located between any nonresidential zoning district,and any residence district or any residence conservation district, which all have frontage on the same street and on the same block. No departure from the required minimum size of a PCF Planned Community Facility District shall be granted by the City Council. F. Land Use. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, the use and development of land and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.10 "Land Use", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. The following enumerated "land uses" [SR] shall be the only land uses allowed as a "permitted use" [SR], or as a"conditional use" [SR], in this PCF Planned Community Facility District: 1. Permitted Uses. Those land uses enumerated as permitted uses within the CF Community Facility District, Section 19.30.130 A., Land Use, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amended from time to time. 2. Conditional Uses. Those land uses enumerated as conditional uses within the CF Community Facility District, Section 19.30.130 B., Land Use, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as it may be amended from time to time. G. Site Design. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, the use and development of land and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Section 19.12, "Site Design", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, and Section 19.30.135 "Site Design" for CF Community Facility District, of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, except as provided within this section, and shall be in substantial conformance with the following: 1. Substantial conformance to the Development Application and supporting documents submitted by UP Development, LLC, an IL LLC, as applicant, and 3 German Hernandez/Luz M. Cantu-Hernandez, h/w, as property owner, including the following materials: a. PUD Proposal for Hanover Landing—711 E.Chicago St.and 712 E.Laurel St. letter from Cullen J.Davis CEO UP Development,LLC,dated February 10, 2017; b. Undated Statement of Purpose and Conformance Rider, received January 17, 2018; c. Plat of Survey for 711 E. Chicago Street,prepared by Marchese Surveying, Inc., dated April 26, 2004; d. Plat of Survey for 712 Laurel Street, prepared by Lester L. Krusemeier, Professional Land Surveyor, dated March 3, 2012; e. First Floor Plan Sheet A1.1, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; f. Second Floor Plan Sheet A1.2, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; g. Third Floor Plan Sheet A1.3, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; h. Exterior Elevations Sheet A4.1;prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects& Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; i. Exterior Renderings Sheet A4.2; prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; j. Undated Dumpster Enclosure Plan and Elevation Sheet A4.3; prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, received January 23, 2018; k. Preliminary Landscape Plan Sheet 1 of 3,prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; 1. Landscape Specifications Sheet 2 of 3, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; m. Landscape Plan Details Sheet 3 of 3, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; n. Site Lighting Plan and Calculations, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 17, 2018; o. Undated eleven-sheet site engineering plans titled "Proposed Improvements for Residential Development 711 East Chicago Street City of Elgin, Illinois", received January 17, 2018; p. Preliminary Stormwater Management Report for 711 E. Chicago Street City of Elgin, IL, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; q. Undated Exhibit F Project Overview and Operations Narrative, received December 27, 2017; and r. Undated Exhibit G Parking Narrative, received December 27, 2017. In the event of any conflict between such documents and the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances, the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances shall supersede and control. 4 2. The proposed residential care facility is hereby exempt from the supplementary regulation for residential care uses listed in Section 19.90.015 "Definitions and Regulations"of the Elgin Municipal Code,as amended,which states residential care facilities shall be licensed by the State of Illinois. The facility must, however, comply with any and all applicable requirements of the State of Illinois. 3. The minimum building street setback from the north street line along E. Chicago Street shall be 15.2 feet, and shall be in substantial conformance to the undated eleven-sheet site engineering plans titled "Proposed Improvements for Residential Development 711 East Chicago Street City of Elgin, Illinois", received January 17, 2018. 4. A tree removal and replacement plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the building permit in conformance to Chapter 19.16"Tree Preservation"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, to supplement the Preliminary Landscape Plan Sheet 1 of 3, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018. 5. All proposed street graphics shall comply with the street graphics ordinance. 6. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. H. Off Street Parking. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, off-street parking shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.45 "Off Street Parking", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, with the following departure: 1. A minimum of 60 parking spaces shall be provided for the proposed residential care facility. A maximum of five community members not residing at the facility (out-patients) are permitted to visit the facility for treatment and professional services at any one concurrent time. I. Off Street Loading. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, off-street loading shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.47 "Off Street Loading",of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. J. Signs. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, signs shall be subject to the provisions of 19.50 "Street Graphics", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. K. Nonconforming Uses and Structures. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, nonconforming uses and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.52 "Nonconforming Uses and Structures"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. 5 L. Amendments. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, text and map amendments shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.55 "Amendments" of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. M. Planned Developments. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, the use and development of the land and structures shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60"Planned Developments"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. A conditional use for a planned development may be requested by the property owner without requiring an amendment to this PCF zoning district. N. Conditional Uses. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, conditional uses shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.65 "Conditional Uses", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. A conditional use may be requested by the property owner without requiring an amendment to this PCF zoning district. O. Variations. In this PCF Planned Community Facility District, variations shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.10.500 "Authorized Land Use Variations", Chapter 19.12.800 "Authorized Site Design Variations", and Chapter 19.70 "Variations", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. A variation may be requested by the property owner without requiring an amendment to this PCF zoning district. P. Appeals. Any requirement, determination, or interpretation associated with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance may be appealed subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.75 "Appeals", of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage in the manner provided by law. / /#1, avid J. K.jp .in, (ayor Presented: March 21, 2018 Passed: March 21, 2018 ,r Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 9 Nays: 0 ;•"�_� " " Recorded: March 21, 2018 Published: March 23, 2018 fl uatitts.) Kimberly Dewis, ty Clerk 6 EXHIBIT A February 5, 2018 RECOMMENDATION & FINDINGS OF FACT OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF ELGIN, IL OVERVIEW Provided herein are the written findings and recommendation of the Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding Petition 32-17 and 33-17 an application by UP Development, LLC, as applicant, and German Hernandez/Luz M. Cantu- Hernandez,as property owner, are requesting approval of a map amendment from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District, including a departure from (1) Section 19.45.070 "Table of Required Parking" to reduce the number of parking spaces required, and (2) Section 19.30.135 "Site Design" to reduce the building street setback, and requesting approval of a conditional use to establish a residential care facility, all at the property commonly referred to as 711 E. Chicago Street and 712 Laurel Street. The property is zoned CI Commercial Industrial District and ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District. GENERAL INFORMATION Petition Number: 32-17 and 33-17 Requested Action: Planned Development as a Map Amendment, & Conditional Use for a Residential Care Facility Current Zoning: CI Commercial Industrial District& ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District Proposed Zoning: PCF Planned Community Facility District& ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District Existing Use: Single-family Detached Dwelling Proposed Use: Residential Care Facility Property Location: 711 E. Chicago Street& 712 Laurel Street Applicant: UP Development, LLC, an IL LLC Owner German Hernandez/Luz M. Cantu-Hernandez, h/w Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 Staff Coordinator: Damir Latinovic, AICP, Senior Planner LIST OF EXHIBITS ATTACHED A. Aerial Photo/Location Map B. Zoning Map C. Parcel Map D. Site Location E. Development Application and Attachments F. Correspondence G. Draft Ordinances BACKGROUND The applicant, UP Development LLC, is proposing to construct a new three-story residential care facility with 40 residential units and approximately 1,816 square feet of ground floor office space at 711 E. Chicago Street. Lo —___ ,. . . . . ■ ■ ■ �- ■ ■ ■ , 40. ^I; • iir. MINI[ as Figure 1:Proposed building rendering along E. Chicago Street. The subject property is zoned CI Commercial Industrial District and is part of ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District.The property consists of two parcels: 711 E.Chicago Street,the northern portion of the property, and 712 Laurel Street, the southern portion of the property. The southern portion of the property, encompassing approximately one half of the site, is located within a 100- year flood plain along Willow Creek. The 3.78 acre property is improved with a single-family residence and a detached garage both located near E. Chicago Street. The southern portion of the property has never been developed due to the flood plain, and it remains partially wooded. The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing structures and construct a new three-story residential care facility. The proposed building would be located along E. Chicago Street with a -2 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 surface parking lot with 60 parking spaces to the east and south of the building. The proposed building would include 32 one-bedroom units and 8 studio units for a total of 40 residential units. The building will also include approximately 1,816 square feet of ground floor office space, of which approximately 1,000 square feet would be occupied by the Ecker Center for Mental Health. The offices for the Ecker Center would be located on the north side of the building along E. Chicago Street. The remainder of the office space would be located near the main entrance to the building for building support staff and building management. The applicant will add new landscaping throughout the site in compliance with the zoning ordinance including five new street trees along E. Chicago Street and 32 canopy, ornamental, and evergreen trees along the perimeter of the site and within the parking lot. As an amenity for its residents,the applicant is proposing to install community gardens on the south side of the parking lot. All proposed improvements would be located outside of the existing flood plain. The well-designed building incorporates traditional building materials, and its location on the property and massing are considerate of several influences—most notably that adjacent properties still contain single-family homes but those properties will most likely also redevelop with more- intense land uses along this commercial/mixed-use corridor. The new building is appropriately located toward the street with parking to the side and rear. The setback from the front lot line is nearly the same as that of the existing single-family house (and still back of the existing single- family house to the west),but the new building is moved significantly away from the west lot line and the single-family home located thereon (the existing single-family house on the subject property is only 3 feet from the west lot line whereas the new building would be between 25 and 37 feet away).Next, the flat-roof design is consistent with several proximate non-residential land uses on both sides of the street,but the stepped,two-and three-story front façade provides a design solution that respects the existing, adjacent land uses. The first two floors of the building would include a masonry exterior while the top floor would primarily be clad in fiber-cement panels. A short parapet wall with composite trim fascia would conceal the building's flat roof. The ground floor office space for the Ecker Center as well as the ground floor office space at the main entrance to the building would be distinguished with a different (red) color masonry exterior and entrance canopies. All residential units will feature operable double-hung windows. - 3 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 - -- 1 b // L \ ►1 -1. • r.•i - -^ ..-._ /,a 'y. R / G I U _ -"ILPRGPOSD / s./MbI ., 3-STcRV BJILINHC / H _ __ CF nam n`.."" Pu. a' . . 2 '..• I: ` A �4 RPM_--- ,. ea cvwawm p I 0 _ #s . i ") - --_. - : ,�,. ,dpi .A11 —k u b ® 0.%b ilir)V --nr is los M raas 111" "P"1-4° K rs g , s. "' V I SI Op.uMal.0' r i /d' ' - - Se i r U ys / �" U or` e Figure 2: Proposed Site Plan Facility Operation The building will provide permanent supportive housing for people living with disabilities. The building would include a community lounge room, a computer room, a fitness room, and common laundry facilities. Per the applicant's operations narrative, all building residents will live independently and retain all rights of tenancy. All tenants will be given an opportunity for optional services. Those services would be tailored based on the needs of individual residents and will be coordinated by Hanover Township. In partnership with the Ecker Center, the services would include case management, life-skill training, and employment assistance. The Ecker Center for Mental Health would occupy approximately 1,000 square feet of the ground floor commercial space on the north side of the ground floor closest to E. Chicago Street with its own separate entrance. The Ecker Center would provide supportive services to other community members not residing on the property (out-patients). A maximum of four staff members would provide services for up to five outpatients at any one concurrent time to assure adequate parking is available on site. Parking Per the zoning ordinance, the proposed facility is required to provide 87 parking spaces (two parking spaces per unit plus one parking space per 250 square feet of the office space). The applicant is requesting a departure from the zoning ordinance to reduce the parking requirement from 87 to 60 parking spaces. The applicant expects that all units in the building would have single occupancy. In addition,based on parking counts at similar supportive housing developments developed and operated by the applicant (Myers Place in Mt. Prospect, IL and PhilHaven in Wheeling), the typical parking occupancy rate ranges from 0.33 to 0.57 parking spaces per occupied unit. With 40 units, these rates would require between 13 and 23 parking spaces. That being said, to ensure demand is -4 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 accommodated, the applicant is proposing one parking space per unit(40 parking spaces total) for the residential portion of the building. For the office use in the building,the applicant is proposing the parking requirement be based upon the demand for said parking: one parking space for the maximum number of proposed employees (ten), plus two parking spaces for each out-patient, with a maximum of five out-patients during any one concurrent time, to account for out-patient turnover (ten). As such, the parking requirement for the office use would be 20 parking spaces, which is more than twice the typical zoning requirement for a similar size office space(7 parking spaces). In total,the applicant is proposing 60 parking spaces,which more than meets the parking demand. Extra available on-site spaces will more than accommodate guests and/or deliveries. Zoning In addition to the departure from the parking requirement, the applicant is also requesting a departure to reduce the building street setback. The proposed building will align with the adjacent house to the west, but due to the angle of Chicago Street, the closest point of the building would be 15.2 feet from the north property line along E. Chicago St. The applicant is proposing to construct the building 15.2 feet from the north street line along E. Chicago Street. Per the zoning ordinance, based on the average street setback on this block of E. Chicago Street, the minimum required building street setback is 58 feet. The proposal requires approval of a planned development as a map amendment from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility,and approval of a conditional use for a residential care facility. The proposed PCF District represents an extension of the existing CF Community Facility zoning district located adjacent to the south across Laurel Street. The proposed zoning classification would have the same site design requirements as the typical CF Community Facility District, except for the two departures outlined above for parking and the building street setback. The proposed PCF District would allow the same land uses currently allowed in all other CF Community Facility districts, including the residential care facility for which the applicant is requesting conditional use approval. The proposed Planned Development as a Map Amendment from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District and Conditional Use for a residential care facility requires the review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the City Council. The Community Development Department offers the following additional information: A. Property History. The 3.78-acre property is improved with a single-family residence and a detached garage. The existing home was constructed in 1898. Due to the existing floodplain, the southern half of the property with frontage along Laurel Street has never been developed and remains partially wooded. - 5 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5,2018 The property was initially zoned B Residential by the City's first zoning ordinance in 1927. In 1950, the property featured a split zoning classification. The northern portion of the property along E. Chicago Street was zoned D Commercial, while the remainder of the property was zoned A Residential. In 1962, the property was rezoned, but maintained the split zoning classification. The northern portion of the property along E. Chicago Street was zoned B3 Service Business District,while the remainder of the property was zoned R2 Single-family Residence District. In 1992, the entire property was rezoned to CI, Commercial Industrial District as part of the comprehensive amendment to the zoning ordinance. In 2001, the property became part of the ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District due to its frontage along E. Chicago Street arterial road. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning. The property adjacent to the west is zoned CI Commercial Industrial District. The northern portion of the property with frontage along E. Chicago Street is improved with a single-family residence. The southern portion of the property with frontage along Laurel Street is occupied by a commercial operations yard for a tree-removal company. The property adjacent to the east, zoned CI Commercial Industrial District, is improved with a single-family detached residence that is currently occupied by a real-estate company. The properties to the north, across E. Chicago Street, are also zoned CI Commercial Industrial District. The properties are improved with several commercial one-story buildings home to a variety of businesses including a motor vehicle dealership and an equipment rental facility. The property to the south across Laurel Street is zoned CF Community Facility District. The property is located entirely within the floodplain along Willow Creek and remains wooded and undeveloped. C. Comprehensive Plan. The northern portion of the property along E. Chicago Street is designated Urban/Traditional (2.1-8.7 d.u./net acre) and Neighborhood Mixed-Use by the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan. The Urban/Traditional Residential designation is suitable for any area where urban density land use,including detached and attached single family homes,and higher density multiple family dwellings exists or is desired. These areas generally include that part of the community that developed between the 1850s and early 1960s,but are also recommended around the mixed-use centers and along the transportation corridors identified on the Future Land Use Plan. Appropriate locations offer neighborhood access to local, collector and arterial roads, access to water and sanitary sewer systems, and proximity to public safety services. The provision of park and open space is encouraged to provide opportunities for recreation and access to bicycle and pedestrian trail networks. Other uses allowed in this - 6 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 category may include neighborhood commercial centers,churches,and schools in locations deemed appropriate by the City. Neighborhood Mixed-Use Centers are designed to meet the daily"convenience"goods and service needs of residents in immediately adjacent neighborhoods. Their size would not generally exceed 10-30 acres, and would include a mix of small scale retail/service uses, a neighborhood park,and possibly an institutional use such as a church or elementary school. Access is generally from local and collector streets. Too numerous to indicate on the Land Use Plan Map (except for existing locations), neighborhood mixed-use centers should be specifically located and mapped in the course of more focused planning efforts and development review. The southern portion of the property is designated as Parks and Open Space by the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan. The Parks and Open Space Designation includes those areas intended to remain in natural open space and land areas along water features, as well as, areas designated for active and passive parks, trails, athletic fields, and golf courses. Community and neighborhood parks are to be distributed throughout the planning area to provide full park service coverage to all residents, subject to the service area standards described in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. D. Zoning District. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District. The purpose and intent of the PCF Planned Community Facility District is to provide a planned environment for various types of community facilities, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60 "Planned Developments"of the Elgin Municipal Code,as amended. In general,community facilities provide governmental,recreational, educational,health, social,religious, and transpiration services to the community on a for-profit or on a not-for-profit basis. E. Trend of Development.The subject property is located in an area of the E. Chicago Street corridor that sits between the commercial auto-oriented uses located east of Willard Avenue, and the residential and small scale commercial uses located west of Bode Road, which provide services to the immediate neighborhoods east of the downtown. The character and type of development along E. Chicago Street east of Willard Avenue is dominated by motor vehicle dealers and motor vehicle repair shops on large lots. The properties west of Bode Road are improved with a mix of single-family homes and one- story commercial buildings. Most single-family homes are still occupied by residential uses, but the trend of development has been the conversion of single-family homes into small commercial offices and retail services such as small insurance agency offices and beauty salons.The properties west of Bode Road are zoned RB Residence Business District to allow for the trend of neighborhood commercial mixed-use center development to continue as designated by the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan. - 7 - Recommendation&Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5,2018 FINDINGS After due notice as required by law, the Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of Petitions 32-17 and 33-17 on February 5, 2018. Testimony was presented at the public hearing in support of and against the application. The Community Development Department submitted a Map Amendment and Conditional Use Review and Written Findings&Recommendation to the Planning&Zoning Commission dated February 5,2018. The Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission have made the following fmdings regarding this application against the standards for a map amendment outlined within§ 19.55.030,a planned development outlined in§ 19.60.040,and a conditional use outlined in§ 19.65.030: STANDARDS FOR MAP AMENDMENTS AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS: A. Site Characteristics Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to its size, shape, significant natural features including topography, watercourses and vegetation and existing improvements. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to its size, shape, significant features including topography, watercourses, vegetation, and existing improvements. The 3.78-acre property is affected by an existing flood plain that negatively affects any potential development on this property. The property has been improved with a 2.5-story single family residence and a detached garage since 1898 both of which are located near the north property line along E. Chicago Street. The remainder of the property is primarily located within a 100-year flood plain and remains vacant, and primarily wooded area.As the majority of the property will remain open space,the property is best suited for the intended Planned Community Facility District, which also accommodates institutional uses such as the proposed residential care facility. B. Sewer and Water Standard.The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the availability of adequate Municipal water, wastewater treatment and stormwater control facilities. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the availability of adequate water, sanitary treatment, and storm water control facilities. City infrastructure for water, sanitary sewer and stormwater utilities are located within E. Chicago Street right-of-way. The applicant will abandon the existing water service at the main, and will install a new water service line connecting with the main in E. Chicago Street. The applicant will also connect to the existing sanitary sewer line in E. Chicago Street. The existing facilities have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development. - 8 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5,2018 The applicant will install a new underground stormwater detention facility under the proposed parking lot to accommodate the stormwater runoff associated with the new development. The proposed development will not have any impact on the existing flood plain as the proposed building and parking lot improvements will be located north of and outside of the existing floodplain. C. Traffic and Parking Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. 1. Nonresidential land uses should be located central and accessible to the area or population served without requiring traffic movements through or into a residential neighborhood. Nonresidential land uses should not be located within residential neighborhoods, but on their periphery as defined by the "arterial street"[SR]system. 2. The number of locations for vehicular access to or from a public right of way should be limited to those which are necessary for the reasonable use of the property and consistent with current traffic engineering standards. Property with two (2) street frontages should not be permitted access to or from the street with the higher degree of continuity within the overall street system or with the higher traffic volume. With the exception of residential driveways, locations for vehicular access to or from a public right of way should be aligned directly opposite existing or approved locations across the street. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion.The property has frontage along E.Chicago Street on the north side and Laurel Street on the south side of the property. The applicant will replace the existing driveway access with a new full driveway access to E. Chicago Street. No new access driveway is proposed to Laurel Street.While the number anticipated trips to and from the property will increase from the existing number of trips for the single-family residence,E.Chicago Street experiences low volume of traffic and has adequate capacity to absorb any additional traffic as a result of the proposed facility. The proposed use will not have any negative effects on the existing off-site traffic circulation. The applicant is requesting a departure from the zoning ordinance parking requirement. The applicant is proposing to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 87 to 60 parking spaces. Per the zoning ordinance,the proposed use would be required a minimum of two parking spaces for each dwelling unit plus one parking space per 250 square feet of the building's office space (1,816 square feet). As such a total of 87 parking spaces are required per code. -9- Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 However, the proposed residential units will be studio or one bedroom units all of which are expected to have single occupancy. In addition, the proposed development will primarily provide housing for people with disabilities. Based on the applicant's parking counts at other similar facilities for the same demographic, the car-ownership and parking occupancy rate for this type of facility ranges from 0.33 to 0.57 parking spaces per unit. To ensure sufficient parking is provided on site, the applicant is proposing one parking space per unit. The applicant is also proposing a modified parking requirement for the proposed office use in the building. Per the zoning ordinance, the proposed 1,816-square foot office space would be required to provide a total of 7 parking spaces. The applicant is proposing the parking requirement for the office use be based on one parking space per maximum number of employees, plus two parking spaces for each out-patient. With a maximum of ten employees during the peak demand shift, and a maximum of five out-patients during any one time, a total of 20 parking spaces would be required for the office use. With 40 parking spaces for the residential units, and 20 parking spaces for the office use, the applicant is proposing a total of 60 parking spaces be required for the proposed facility, which would meet the maximum parking demand. Staff believes the proposed parking requirement is appropriate for the proposed use. The proposed development will not have any negative effects on the surrounding properties. D. Zoning History Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to the length of time the property has remained undeveloped or unused in its current zoning district. Findings.The property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to the length of time it has remained undeveloped or unused in its current zoning district. The property was developed with a single-family residence in 1898. Since its completion, the single- family residence continues to occupy the 3.78 acre property despite the trend of commercial development along E. Chicago Street. The majority of the 3.78 acre property remains undeveloped due to the presence of the flood plain on the southern portion of the property. As the majority of the property will remain vacant open space, the propped Planned Community Facility District is an appropriate zoning classification for the property. E. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land use and zoning. Findings. The property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land uses and zoning. The property adjacent to the west is zoned CI Commercial Industrial District. The northern portion of - 10 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 the property which front along E. Chicago Street is improved with a single-family residence. The southern portion of the property which fronts along Laurel Street is occupied by a commercial operations yard for a tree-removal company. The property adjacent to the east, zoned CI Commercial Industrial District, is improved with a single-family detached residence that is currently occupied by a real-estate company. The properties to the north, across E. Chicago Street, are also zoned CI Commercial Industrial District. The properties are improved with several commercial one-story buildings home to a variety of businesses including a motor vehicle dealership and an equipment rental facility. The property to the south across Laurel Street is zoned CF Community Facility District. The property is located entirely within the floodplain along Willow Creek and remains wooded and undeveloped. The proposed PCF zoning classification for the development of a residential care facility with accessory office space along E. Chicago Street is compatible and consistent with surrounding zoning classifications and land uses. The proposal will preserve the existing flood plain as undisturbed open space consistent with the existing use south of Laurel Street and the CF District classification. F. Trend of Development Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area. Findings. The subject property is suited for the intended zoning district with respect to consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area. The subject property is located in an area of the E. Chicago Street corridor that sits between the commercial auto-oriented uses located east of Willard Avenue, and the residential and small scale commercial uses located west of Bode Road, which provide services to the immediate neighborhoods east of the downtown. The character and type of development along E. Chicago Street east of Willard Avenue is dominated by motor vehicle dealers and motor vehicle repair shops on large lots. The properties west of Bode Road are improved with a mix of single-family homes and one- story commercial buildings. Most single-family homes are still occupied by residential uses, but the trend of development has been the conversion of single-family homes into small commercial offices and retail services such as small insurance agency offices and beauty salons.The properties west of Bode Road are zoned RB Residence Business District to allow for the trend of neighborhood commercial mixed-use center development to continue as designated by the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan. - 11 - Recommendation& Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 The proposed one- and three-story building fits well between the single-family homes and one-story commercial uses to the west, and the larger more intense auto-oriented commercial uses to the east. The proposed development will also include a ground floor office space that will provide medical and social services to the immediate neighborhood and the patients from a larger area. G. Zoning Districts/Planned Development Districts Standard: The suitability of the subject property for the intended planned zoning district with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent, and the location and size of a planned zoning district. Findings. The property is suitable for the intended planned zoning district with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent and the location and size of the zoning district. The purpose and intent of the proposed PCF Planned Community Facility District is to provide a planned environment for various types of community facilities, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.60"Planned Developments"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended. In general, community facilities provide governmental, recreational, educational, health, social, religious, and transpiration services to the community on a for- profit or on a not-for-profit basis. The proposed zoning classification will allow for the construction of a residential care facility with ground floor office space along E. Chicago Street which will provide medical and social services to the community.At the same time,the southern portion of the property will be maintained as open space due to the presence of the flood plain consistent with the purpose and intent of the Community Facility district. H. Comprehensive Plan Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives, and policies of the Official Comprehensive Plan. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended zoning district with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives,and policies of the Official Comprehensive Plan.The proposed development with a one-and three-story residential care facility along E.Chicago Street with ground floor commercial space is consistent with the future land use classification for the property by the 2005 Comprehensive Plan. The northern portion of the property along E. Chicago Street is designated Urban/Traditional (2.1-8.7 d. u. / net acre) and Neighborhood Mixed-Use by the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan. The Urban/Traditional Residential designation is suitable for any area where urban density land use, including detached and attached single family homes, and higher density multiple family dwellings exists or is desired. These areas generally include that part of the community that developed between the 1850s and early 1960s,but are also recommended around the mixed use centers and along the transportation - 12 - Recommendation&Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5,2018 corridors identified on the Future Land Use Plan.Appropriate locations offer neighborhood access to local,collector and arterial roads,access to water and sanitary sewer systems,and proximity to public safety services. The provision of park and open space is encouraged to provide opportunities for recreation and access to bicycle and pedestrian trail networks. Other uses allowed in this category may include neighborhood commercial centers, churches, and schools in locations deemed appropriate by the City. Neighborhood Mixed-Use Centers are designed to meet the daily"convenience"goods and service needs of residents in immediately adjacent neighborhoods. Their size would not generally exceed 10-30 acres, and would include a mix of small scale retail/service uses, a neighborhood park,and possibly an institutional use such as a church or elementary school. Access is generally from local and collector streets.Too numerous to indicate on the Lands Use Plan Map (except for existing locations), neighborhood mixed-use centers should be specifically located and mapped in the course of more focused planning efforts and development review. The southern portion of the property is designated as Parks and Open Space by the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan. The Parks and Open Space Designation includes those areas intended to remain in natural open space and land areas along water features, as well as, areas designated for active and passive parks, trails, athletic fields, and golf courses. Community and neighborhood parks are to be distributed throughout the planning area to provide full park service coverage to all residents, subject to the service area standards described in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. ADDITIONAL STANDARDS FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS Natural Preservation Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended planned development with respect to the preservation of all significant natural features including topography, watercourses, wetlands, and vegetation. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended planned development district with respect to the preservation of all significant natural features including topography, watercourses,wetlands,and vegetation. By locating the proposed building along the north property line,the applicant will not disturb the existing flood plain or trees on the southern portion of the property. The existing flood plain area will be preserved as open space. The applicant will also add additional trees and landscaping appropriate for the scale of the development to provide screening from the adjacent properties to the west and east. J. Internal Land Use. The suitability of the subject property for the intended planned development with respect to the land uses permitted within the development being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding property. - 13 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended planned development district with respect to the land uses permitted within the development being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding properties. The proposed PCF Planned Community Facility District would allow for the construction of a new residential care facility. The ground floor office space would occupy approximately 5% of the building area, and will function as an accessory use to the residential care facility. A portion of the office space will be occupied by the Ecker Center for Mental Health which will complement the facility by providing medical and social services to the building residents and other community members at large. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DEPARTURES AND EXCEPTIONS The applicant is requesting the following departures from the requirements of the zoning ordinance: 1. Section 19.45.080,"Table of Required Parking.The applicant is proposing to reduce the number of parking spaces required from 87 to 60 parking spaces. Per the zoning ordinance, the proposed development would be required to provide a minimum of two parking spaces per each dwelling unit, and a minimum of one parking space for each 250 square feet of office space. With 40 proposed units and a total of 1,816 square feet of office space, the property is required to provide a total of 87 parking spaces. The applicant is proposing to reduce the number of required parking spaces for the proposed use as follows: a. The maximum the number of parking spaces required for the residential units to be one parking space per each unit, which equals to 40 parking spaces. b. The maximum number of parking spaces required for the proposed office use to be one parking space per maximum number of ten employees,plus two parking spaces per one out-patient with a maximum of five out-patients at any one concurrent time. As a result, the facility would be required to provide a total of 60 parking spaces, which meets the parking demand. 2. Section 19.30.135, "Site Design". The applicant is proposing a building street setback of 15.2 feet from the north property line along E. Chicago Street. Per the zoning ordinance, the minimum required building street setback (based on the average building setback on this block of E. Chicago Street) is 58 feet. Staff believes the proposed departures are appropriate and necessary to achieve a desirable in-fill development. The unique nature of the proposed development justifies a unique approach to the - 14 - Recommendation& Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5,2018 parking requirement. A typical parking requirement for a multi-family residential building and a typical parking requirement for an office use are not appropriate for the proposed use.All proposed dwelling units are either studio or one-bedroom units which will most likely have only one occupant per unit. In addition, the personal vehicle ownership rate of the building tenants is significantly lower than that of a typical multiple-family residential building, as demonstrated by the parking counts at other similar facilities providing permanent supportive housing for individuals with various types of disabilities.As a result,the applicant and staff anticipate that the actual parking demand by the residents of the facility will be much lower than the 40 parking spaces proposed. Similarly,the proposed office use will not function as a typical office use where vehicles associated with the employees represent a large majority of the parking demand. In the proposed residential care facility, the majority of the first floor office will be occupied by Ecker Center for Mental Health that will provide services to community members not residing at the facility(out-patients). As such, requiring additional parking to satisfy the parking demand by the out-patients is necessary. The self-imposed limit of providing services to no more than five out-patients during any one concurrent time would assure that adequate parking is available even during the overlap of out-patients visiting the facility. The proposed departure for the building street setback is largely necessitated by the presence of the existing flood plain on the property. To keep the building and the required parking outside of the existing flood plain, which occupies the southern portion of the property, as required by the stormwater ordinance, the proposed building is located on the north side of the property. The proposed building would align with the existing house adjacent to the west, but due to the angle of E. Chicago Street,the closest point of the proposed building would be 15.2 feet from the street lot line, less than the required 58-foot building street setback. However, the presence of the new building along E. Chicago Street corridor will have a positive impact on the character of the immediate neighborhood that currently features several deteriorating commercial buildings in need of modernization and rehab. STANDARDS FOR CONDITIONAL USES A. Site Characteristics Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to its size, shape, significant features including topography, watercourses, vegetation, and existing improvements. Findings.The subject property is suitable for the intended conditional use with respect to its size,shape,significant features including topography,watercourses,and vegetation,and existing improvements. The 3.78-acre property is affected by an existing flood plain located on the southern portion of the property that has a negative impact on any potential development on this property.The applicant is requesting a departure to reduce the number of parking spaces required, and to reduce the building street setback to construct the - 15 - Recommendation& Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5,2018 building and the parking lot on the northern portion of the property along E.Chicago Street. By placing the proposed building along E.Chicago Street,the existing flood plain and trees would be preserved as open space. The applicant will install additional landscaping materials appropriate for the scale of the development and in compliance with the zoning ordinance requirements to screen the proposed facility from adjacent properties. B. Sewer and Water Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to the availability of adequate water, sanitary treatment, and storm water control facilities. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended conditional use with respect to the availability of adequate water, sanitary treatment, and storm water control facilities. City infrastructure for water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater utilities is located within E. Chicago Street right-of-way. The applicant will abandon the existing water service at the main, and will install a new water service line connecting with the main in E. Chicago Street. The applicant will also connect to the existing sanitary sewer line in E. Chicago Street. The existing facilities have adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed development. The applicant will install a new underground stormwater detention facility under the proposed parking lot to accommodate the stormwater runoff associated with the new development. The proposed development will not have any impact on the existing flood plain as the proposed building and parking lot improvements will be located north of and outside of the existing floodplain. C. Traffic and Parking Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended conditional use with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on-site and off-site vehicular circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion. The property has frontage along E. Chicago Street on the north side and Laurel Street on the south side of the property. The applicant will replace the existing driveway access with a new full driveway access to E.Chicago Street.No new access driveway is proposed to Laurel Street. While the number of anticipated trips to and from the property will increase from the existing number of trips for the single-family residence, E. Chicago Street has adequate capacity to absorb any additional traffic as a result of the proposed facility. The proposed use will not have any negative effects on the existing off-site traffic circulation. The applicant is requesting a departure from the zoning ordinance parking requirement.As indicated above,the applicant is proposing to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 87 to 60 parking spaces. The proposed reduction in the parking requirement is based - 16- Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 on the unique nature of the proposed use. With 60 parking spaces provided, the facility would meet the maximum parking demand. Staff believes the proposed parking requirement is appropriate for the proposed use. The proposed development will not have any negative effects on the surrounding properties. D. Location, Design, and Operation Standard. The suitability of the subject property for the intended conditional use with respect to it being located, designed, and operated so as to promote the purpose and intent of this title and chapter. Findings. The subject property is suitable for the intended conditional use with respect to it being located, designed, and operated so as to promote the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. The proposed facility will provide needed, permanent supportive housing for residents living with disabilities. Per the applicant's operations narrative, all building residents will be able to live independently and retain all rights of tenancy similar to any other multi-family residential building. All services offered to the tenants will be optional, but would be tailored to meet the needs of the individual. All business activities will be conducted on the interior during the normal business hours similar to other commercial properties along E. Chicago Street. The property would maintain one access driveway to E. Chicago Street and would not have any access to Laurel Street.No evidence has been submitted or found that the proposed use will be located or operated in a manner that will exercise undue detrimental impact on surrounding properties. E. Historic Preservation Standard. Where applicable, the conditional use shall make possible an efficient contemporary use of or a compatible improvement to a designated landmark or property located in a designated historic district while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural values to an historic preservation plan. Findings. This standard is not applicable. The subject property is neither designated as a local historic landmark nor is it located within a locally designated historic district. RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department and the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of Petition 32-17 AND 33-17, subject to the following conditions: 1. Substantial conformance to the Development Application and supporting documents submitted by UP Development,LLC,an IL LLC,as applicant,and German Hernandez/Luz M. Cantu-Hernandez, h/w, as property owner, including the following materials: - 17 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 a. PUD Proposal for Hanover Landing — 711 E. Chicago St. and 712 E. Laurel St. letter from Cullen J. Davis CEO UP Development, LLC, dated February 10, 2017; b. Undated Statement of Purpose and Conformance Rider,received January 17,2018; c. Plat of Survey for 711 E. Chicago Street, prepared by Marchese Surveying, Inc., dated April 26, 2004; d. Plat of Survey for 712 Laurel Street, prepared by Lester L. Krusemeier, Professional Land Surveyor, dated March 3, 2012; e. First Floor Plan Sheet A1.1, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects &Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; f. Second Floor Plan Sheet A1.2, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; g. Third Floor Plan Sheet A1.3,prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects&Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; h. Exterior Elevations Sheet A4.1; prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; i. Exterior Renderings Sheet A4.2; prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 23, 2018; j. Undated Dumpster Enclosure Plan and Elevation Sheet A4.3; prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects& Engineers, received January 23, 2018; k. Preliminary Landscape Plan Sheet 1 of 3, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; 1. Landscape Specifications Sheet 2 of 3,prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd.,dated January 17, 2018; m. Landscape Plan Details Sheet 3 of 3, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; n. Site Lighting Plan and Calculations, prepared by Hooker De Jong Architects & Engineers, dated January 17, 2018; o. Undated eleven-sheet site engineering plans titled "Proposed Improvements for Residential Development 711 East Chicago Street City of Elgin, Illinois",received January 17, 2018; p. Preliminary Stormwater Management Report for 711 E. Chicago Street City of Elgin, IL,prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018; q. Undated Exhibit F Project Overview and Operations Narrative,received December 27, 2017; and r. Undated Exhibit G Parking Narrative, received December 27, 2017. In the event of any conflict between such documents and the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances, the terms of this ordinance or other applicable city ordinances shall supersede and control. 2. The proposed residential care facility is exempt from the supplementary regulation for residential care uses listed in Section 19.90.15 "Definitions and Regulations" of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, which states residential care facilities shall be licensed by - 18 - Recommendation & Findings of Fact Petition 32-17 and 33-17 February 5, 2018 the State of Illinois. The facility must, however, comply with any and all applicable requirements of the State of Illinois. 3. A tree removal and replacement plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of the building permit in conformance to Chapter 19.16 "Tree Preservation"of the Elgin Municipal Code, as amended, to supplement the Preliminary Landscape Plan Sheet 1 of 3, prepared by Manhard Consulting Ltd., dated January 17, 2018. 4. All proposed street graphics shall comply with the street graphics ordinance. 5. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The vote of the Planning&Zoning Commission on the motion to recommend approval of Petition 32-17 for the map amendment from CI Commercial Industrial District to PCF Planned Community Facility District, subject to conditions outlined above, was five (5) yes, one (1) no, and zero (0) abstentions. One member was absent. The vote of the Planning&Zoning Commission on the motion to recommend approval of Petition 33-17 for the conditional use for a residential care facility, subject to conditions outlined above, was six (6)yes, zero (0) no, and zero (0) abstentions. One member was absent. Respectfully Submitted, s/Robert Siljestrom Robert Siljestrom, Chairman Planning&Zoning Commission s/Damir Latinovic Damir Latinovic, AICP; Secretary Planning&Zoning Commission - 19 - 0K (11 r= . I 4l ± I,, : l CU M3 al _ -/ v o 4- IP, D Eastview Stir) ./_ -.--... , I .' ft 0,1,7 M 4,1„ lit""—jr_ Allfitlii— . , 4 34 y .<m x 1171 %... 4 ,.. , , ' 'I5',." :// ' . .. u p cl" :: ,''''' elli ��. Off`,`.." fii. .Issaj ..., , ,, . . \ \ l r j a 41. 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