S3-09 • Ordinance No. 53-09 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE FOR THE PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 301 WILLARD AVENUE (PRAIRIE PARK) WHEREAS, the city has adopted a Stormwater Management Ordinance to promote effective, equitable, acceptable and legal stormwater management measures by establishing reasonable rules and regulations for development that include managing and mitigating the effects of urbanization on stormwater drainage through planning, appropriate engineering practices and proper maintenance, and through the promulgation of rules and regulations for protecting the public health and safety and reducing the potential for loss of human life and property from flood damage; and WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Ordinance is codified in Title 21 of the Elgin Municipal Code and includes standards and procedures for granting variances from the provisions of the Stormwater Management Ordinance when strict compliance with the requirements of the Stormwater Management Ordinance are impracticable; and WHEREAS, the Stormwater Management Ordinance generally requires that any new development shall not increase flood elevations or decrease flood conveyance capacity upstream • or downstream of the subject site; and WHEREAS, the City of Elgin's development of 301 Willard Avenue (the "Subject Site") contemplates the construction of a recreational area including soccer fields, basketball courts, a skate park, bicycle path, picnic area and adjoining off-street parking facilities to support those amenities (the "Subject Site"); and WHEREAS, the Subject Site is located entirely within the 100-year floodplain of the Lord's Park Tributary; and WHEREAS, the only option for providing the required stormwater runoff storage volume for the Subject Site is within said floodplain; and WHEREAS, Section 203(1) of the city's Stormwater Management Ordinance authorizes the Subject Site's required stormwater runoff storage volume to be provided by enlarging existing regulatory floodplain storage (onstream site runoff storage) as a variance, provided that flood damage will not be increased and the development will not increase flood flows for both the two-year and 100-year floods; and WHEREAS, the city has applied, pursuant to Petition 44-08, for a variance pursuant to Section 203(1) of the Stormwater Management Ordinance; and • • WHEREAS, the city's requested variance is the minimum necessary to permit the development on the Subject Site and that all release rate, storage volume and basin-sizing requirements are being met; and WHEREAS, the city's requested variance will not increase the probability of flood damage because the proposed development of the Subject Site meets the release rates and detention volumes required by the Stormwater Management Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the development of the Subject Site will include stormwater detention and compensatory storage for floodplain fill utilizing Best Management Practices (BMPs), including utilizing stormwater storage basins with natural planting; eliminating curb and gutter from the parking lot to allow stormwater runoff to flow over vegetated surfaces before entering the storm sewer system; providing retention volume beneath the pond outlet for sedimentation and infiltration benefits; preserving Waters of the United States on the south side of the Subject Site; and, maintaining much of the Subject Site as open space; and WHEREAS, recognizing the ponds' location entirely within said floodplain on the Subject Site, said ponds have been designed to store one hundred percent (100%) of the stormwater runoff volume; the outlet restrictor has been designed to ensure the site release rate requirements are not exceeded in the free-outlet condition; and, the development of the Subject Site as a park increases the volume of storage on site and does not raise the flood elevations; and WHEREAS, the stormwater management and detention facilities for the Subject Site • have been designed in accordance with the Stormwater Management Ordinance's requirements relating to allowable release rates under a fully developed state; and WHEREAS, the existing Waters of the United States on the south side of the Subject Site are being preserved, much of the Subject Site is being maintained as open space, and the volume and the volume of floodplain storage on the Subject Site is being increased; and WHEREAS, the city's Planning and Development Commission recommended approval of the variance request under Petition 44-08 during its September 15, 2008 meeting, the Planning and Development Commission's finding of facts for Petition 44-08 being incorporated into this ordinance by reference as if set out herein in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Elgin, Illinois as follows: Section 1. Incorporation of Preambles. The preambles of this ordinance are hereby incorporated into this ordinance as if set out herein in full. Section 2. In accordance with the procedures set forth in Article 9 of the Stormwater Management Ordinance, Petition 44-08, seeking a variance from the provisions of Section 203(1) of the Stormwater Management Ordinance for the construction of a recreational area at 301 Willard Avenue including soccer fields, basketball courts, a skate park, bicycle path, picnic area • and adjoining off-street parking facilities to support those amenities, is hereby granted, subject to 2 • the city's substantial conformance with its Statement and Purpose and Application for Variance dated September 3, 2008, as prepared by V3 Companies of Illinois, Ltd. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication in the manner provided by law. d Schock, Mayor Presented: February 11, 2009 Passed: February 11, 2009 Omnibus Vote: Yeas: S Nays: 0 Recorded: February 12, 2009 Published: Attest: Diane Robertson, City Cle k • • 3