G8-09 • Ordinance No. G8-09 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE FOR A PHYSICAL FITNESS FACILITY IN THE AB AREA BUSINESS DISTRICT (264 and 268 South Randall Road) WHEREAS, written application has been made requesting conditional use approval for a physical fitness facility in the AB Area Business District; and WHEREAS, the Zoning and Subdivision Hearing Board conducted a public hearing after due notice by publication and has submitted its findings of fact and recommended approval; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin concurs in the findings and recommendation of the Zoning and Subdivision Hearing Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Elgin hereby adopts the Findings of Fact, dated January 7, 2009, made by the Zoning and Subdivision Hearing Board, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference as Exhibit A. • Section 2. That a conditional use to permit the establishment of a physical fitness facility in the AB Area Business District at 264 and 268 South Randall Road and legally described as follows: Parcel 1: Lots 5, 10 and 11 of Darlene McDermott Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20 and part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 21, all in Township 41 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to said plat of recorded on July 17, 1992 as document number 92K51304 and certificate of correction recorded January 5, 1993 as document 93K00619, in Kane County, Illinois. Parcel 2: Easement for the benefit of Lot 11 in Parcel 1 as contained in the Slope Easement Agreement recorded September 25, 1992 as document 92K68107. Parcel 3: Easement for the benefit of Parcel 1 contained in the Operating and Easement Agreement recorded August 19, 1991 as document 91K45166, First Amendment thereto recorded December 28, 1992 as document 92K93622, Second Amendment thereto recorded December 28, 1992 as document 92K93623 and contained in • Declaration recorded June 28, 1993 as document 93K47279. (Property Commonly Known as 264 and 268 South Randall Road). • be and is hereby granted subject to the following conditions: 1. Substantial conformance with the Statement of Purpose and Conformance and attachments, submitted by Jim Mecha of 1440 Fitness, inc., and d/b/a World Gym, dated received December 10, 2008 and last revised December 19, 2008. 2. Compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances. Section 3. That the conditional use granted herein shall expire if not established within one year from the date of passage of this ordinance. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage in the manner provided by law. Ed Schoc , Mayor Presented: February 11, 2009 Passed: February 11, 2009 Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 • Recorded: February 12, 2009 Published: Attest: Diane Robertson, City Olerk • January 7, 2009 • FINDINGS OF FACT Zoning and Subdivisioa Hearing Board City of Elgin,Illlinois SUBJECT Consideration of Petitioi 03-09 Requesting a Conditional Use in the AB Area Business District,to Permit the Est:ablishmer t of a Physical Fitness Facility, Property Located at 264 and 268 South Randall Road,by Jim M echa, 1440 Fitness Inc., d/b/a World Gym, as Applicant and Otter Creek, L.L.C., as Owner. GENERAL INFORNU TION Requested Action: Conditional Use Approval Current Zoning: AB Area Business District Existing Use: Vacant Commercial Tenant Space • Property Location: 264 and 268 South Randall Road Applicant: Jim Mecha, 1440 Fitness Inc., d/b/a World Gvm Owner: Otter Creek,L.L.C. Staff Coordinator: Sarosh Saher, Senior Planner LIST OF EXHIBITS A. Location Map (see attached) B. Zoning Map (see attached) C. Parcel Map (see attached) D. Aerial Photo (see attached) E. Environmental P soto (see attached) F. Site Photos (see attached) • G. Statement of Pur.)ose and Conformance (see attached) EXHIBIT s Ao