G38-97 Ordinance No. G38-97 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2 ENTITLED ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL OF THE ELGIN MUNICIPAL CODE, 1976, AS AMENDED BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS : Section 1 . That Chapter 2 . 56 entitled "Reserve Policemen" of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, be and is hereby further amended to read as follows : PART-TIME POLICE OFFICER 2 . 56 . 010 OFFICES - ESTABLISHED. There is established the office of part-time police officer. Part-time police officers shall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council in such numbers as the corporate authorities shall from time to time deem necessary, which office shall be subject to the provisions of 65 ILCS 5/3 . 1-30-21, and 50 ILCS 705/8 . 2, as amended, elk except as otherwise provided herein. 2 .56 . 020 OFFICES - TERM. Part-time police officers shall serve at the discretion of the city council and may be removed from office at the will of the mayor and city council . Part-time police officers shall receive such hourly compensation for their services as shall be determined by the corporate authorities . 2 . 56 . 030 FUNCTIONS - RESTRICTIONS . Part-time police officers shall not be members of the regular police department, nor shall they supplement members of the regular police department in the performance of their assigned and normal duties, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. Uniforms and identification symbols worn by such part-time police officers shall be different and distinct from those used by members of the regular police department. The part-time police officer shall at all times during the performance of their duties be subject to the direction and control of the chief of police. eft 2 . 56 . 040 USE OF FIREARMS . Part-time police officers shall not carry firearms except with the special permission of the chief of police, and when in uniform, and while in the performance of their duties . 2 . 56 . 050 POWERS AND DUTIES . Part-time police officers shall be conservators of the peace and shall have the following powers and duties : A. To arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, all persons who break the peace or are violating any municipal ordinance or any criminal law of the state; B. To commit arrested persons for examination; C. To direct traffic and assist in traffic control; few D. To assist in parade control and to keep peace in all large gatherings in and about the community; E . To aid in the control of natural or manmade disasters and in case of civil disorder, and to assist in cases of riot, disaster and emergency control as directed by the chief of police; F. To perform such other related duties as directed by the chief of police or the corporate authorities . Expressly provided, that in cases which render it impractical for members of the regular police department to perform normal and regular police duties, the chief of police is authorized to assign part-time police officers to perform such normal and regular police duties on a temporary basis to the extent permitted by law. 2 . 56 . 060 BOND. The part-time police officer so appointed shall at the time of their appointment execute to the city •.. a bond in the penal sum of $500 each, with surety approved by the city council, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duty as required by law. 2 . 56 . 070 TRAINING - PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT. All armed part-time police officers shall meet the requirements established by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board for full-time officers . Any part-time police officer failing to meet such requirements or who fails to obtain a waiver of certification from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board, shall be ineligible for appointment, and shall be removed from office. 2 . 56 . 080 TRAINING - POSSESSION AND USE OF FIREARMS. A. While actively pursuing training, reserve policemen may, if authorized by the chief of police, continue to carry their duty firearm pursuant to Section 2 . 56 . 040, if the following criteria have been satisfied: 1 . Completion of the basic police training course; or 2 . Completion of not less than 24 hours elk of the state mandated firearms training course as provided in the "Firearms Training for Peace Officers Act" (Peace Officer Firearm Training Act ( 50 ILCS 710/0 . 01, et seq. ) B. Part-time police officers who have not attended and successfully completed a state-mandated firearms training course shall be scheduled immediately for attendance at the earliest practicable time. 2 . 56 . 090 TRAINING - ASSIGNMENTS. Part-time police officers shall be assigned to details that have a diminished probability for armed confrontations . 2 . 56 . 100 TRAINING - COMPENSATION. A. While attending prescribed local training, part-time police officers shall be paid their regular hourly rate of pay for each hour of training attended. Section 2 . That Title 2 entitled "Administration and ek Personnel" of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by adding Chapter 2 .57 entitled "Auxiliary Police Officer" to read as follows : Chapter 2 . 57 Auxiliary Police Officer 2 . 57 . 010 OFFICES - ESTABLISHED. There is established the office of auxiliary police officer. Auxiliary police officers shall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the city council in such numbers as the corporate authorities shall from time to time deem necessary, which office shall be subject to and governed by the provisions of 65 ILCS 5/3 . 1-30-20, as amended, except as otherwise provided herein. 2 . 57 . 020 OFFICES - TERM. Auxiliary police officers shall serve at the discretion of the city council and may be removed from office at the will of the mayor and city council . Auxiliary police officers shall receive such hourly compensation for their services as shall be determined by the corporate authorities . eft 2 . 57 . 030 FUNCTIONS - RESTRICTIONS . A. Auxiliary police officers shall not be members of the regular police department, nor shall they supplement members of the regular police department in the performance of their assigned and normal duties, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. When it is impractical for members of the regular police department to perform those normal and regular police duties, however, the chief of police may assign auxiliary police officers to perform such normal and regular duties on a temporary basis to the extent permitted by law. Identification symbols worn by such auxiliary police officers shall be different and distinct from those used by members of the regular police department. Auxiliary police officers shall at all times during the performance of their duties be subject to the direction and control of the chief of police. B. Auxiliary police officers, before entering upon any of their duties, shall receive a course of training in police procedures appropriate for the exercise of the powers conferred upon them under this chapter. The training and course of study shall be determined and provided by the chief of police. No person shall be appointed as an auxiliary police officer if that person has been convicted of a felony. 2 . 57 . 040 USE OF FIREARMS. Auxiliary police officers shall not carry firearms . 2 . 57 . 050 POWERS AND DUTIES . Auxiliary police officers shall be conservators of the peace and shall have the following powers and duties : A. To arrest or cause to be arrested, with or without process, all persons who break the peace or are violating any municipal ordinance or any criminal law of the state; B. To commit arrested persons for examination; C. To direct traffic and assist in traffic control; D. To assist in parade control and to keep peace in all large gatherings in and about the community; fow E . To aid in the control of natural or manmade disasters and in case of civil disorder, and to assists in cases of riot, disaster and emergency control as directed by the chief of police; F. To perform such other related duties as directed by the chief of police or the corporate authorities . 2 . 56 . 060 BOND. The part-time police officer so appointed shall at the time of their appointment execute to the city a bond in the penal sum of $500 each, with surety approved by the city council, conditioned for the faithful performance of their duty as required by law. 2 . 57 . 070 ASSIGNMENTS. A. Auxiliary police officers shall be assigned to details that have a diminished probability for armed confrontations . B. Auxiliary police officers will be assigned details primarily at Hemmens Auditorium, Gail Borden Library, police information desk, and crowd control and traffic direction at parades and festivals . 2 . 57 . 080 TRAINING - COMPENSATION. While attending prescribed local training, auxiliary police officers shall be paid their regular hourly rate of pay for each hour of training attended. Section 3 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed. Section 4 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately after its passage in the manner provided by law. Kevin Kelly, May Presented: August 13, 1997 Passed: August 13, 1997 Omnibus Vote: Yeas 7 Nays 0 Recorded: August 14 , 1997 Published: Attest: Dolonna Mecum, Ci y Clerk