G72-95 Ordinance No. G72-95 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE AUTHORIZED STRENGTH OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section 1 . That Chapter 2 . 52 entitled "Police Department" of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by amending Section 2 .52 . O10A to read as follows : A. There is established an executive department of the city to be known as the police department. The police department shall consist of one hundred forty-one ( 141) sworn members, of which one member shall be chief, no more than three (3) members shall hold the rank of deputy chief, no more than six ( 6) members shall hold the rank of lieutenant, no more than sixteen ( 16 ) members shall hold the rank of sergeant and the balance of said members shall be of police officer rank. Section 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3 . That this ordinance shall be effective from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. ,/-) e,,,,-, )74 Kevin Kelly, Mayor Presented: September 27 , 1995 Passed: September 27 , 1995 Omnibus Vote: Yeas 7 Nays 0 Recorded: September 28, 1995 Published: Attest: 106414""--&- Dolonna Mecum, ity Clerk