G16-86 "Da" Ordinance No. G 16-86 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN PARKING RESTRICTIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF ELGIN BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS: Section I. That Title I I, Chapter 11.36 of the Elgin Municipal Code, 1976, as amended, be and is hereby further amended by adding to the list of streets where parking is prohibited under Section I I.36.050M the following: Timber Drive. Timber Drive, north side thereof, from the east curb- line of McLean Boulevard easterly for a distance of 2,200 feet. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provi- sions of this ordinance be and are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten days after its passage and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. s/ Edgar A. Andersen Edgar A. Andersen, Mayor Pro Tern r.. Presented: February 24, 1986 Passed: February 24, 1986 Vote: Yeas 5 Nays 0 Recorded: Published: Attest: s/ Nancy Roll Nancy Roll, Deputy Clerk