06-224 Resolution No. 06-224 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT W I H HEY &ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR DESIGN OF THE COMPENSATORY STORAGE PROJECT ON SOUTH GROVE • VENUE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THI CITY OF ELGIN,ILLINOIS,that Olufemi Folarin,City Manager,and Dolonna Mecum, City Cl ark,be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Engineering Services Agreement on be alf of the City of Elgin with Hey& Associates, Inc. for engineering services for the compensate ry storage project on South Grove Avenue, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part h-reof by reference. s/E• Schock Ed S s hock, Mayor Presented: September 27, 2006 Adopted: September 27, 2006 Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 7 Nays: 0 Attest: s/Dolonna Mecum Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 14 d.y of 6CL,,2006,by and between the CITY OF ELGIN, an Illinois municipal corpora on (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and Hey and Associates, an Illinois professional servi e corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER"). WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the ENGINEE' to furnish certain professional services in connection with Compensatory Storage Construction (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT"). AND WHEREAS, the ENGINEER represents that he is in cot pliance with Illinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and has the necessa expertise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein o-low. NOW,THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the m tual undertakings as set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and su iiciency of which is hereby acknowledged, the CITY and the ENGINEER agree that the ITY does hereby retain the ENGINEER to act for and represent the CITY in the engine:ring matters involved in the Project as set forth herein subject to the following terms conditions and .tipulations, to wit: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. All work hereunder shall be performed under the o irection of the Director of Public Works of the CITY, herein after referred o as the "DIRECTOR". B. The following, but not limited to, outline of the se 'ices to be provided to the CITY by the ENGINEER: Surveying and Data Gathering Stormwater Permit Provide engineering drawings and bid docume l is to cause the construction of compensatory storage Obtain all other agency permits Provide bid and award services Construction Administration and Constructiot C. A detailed Scope of Services is attached hereto as ttachment A. II. PROGRESS REPORTS A. An outline project milestone schedule is provided erein under. B. A detailed project schedule for the Project is inclu.ed as Attachment B, attached hereto. Progress will be recorded on the project sohedule and submitted monthly - l - as a component of the Status Report described in I . below. C. The Engineer will submit to the Director monthly+ Status Report keyed to the Project Schedule.A brief narrative will be provided identi'l ing progress, findings and outstanding issues. III. WORK PRODUCTS All work products prepared by the ENGINEER puts ant hereto including,but not limited too, reports,designs, calculations,work drawings, stu es, photographs, models and recommendations shall be the property of the CITY a: d shall be delivered to the CITY upon request of the DIRECTOR provided, however, at the ENGINEER may retain copies of such work products for its records. Such work products are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the CITY on a y extension to the PROJECT or on any other project, and such reuse shall be at the sole risk of the CITY without liability or legal exposure to the ENGINEER. IV. PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER (Lump Sum i ethod) A. The CITY shall reimburse the ENGINEER for s-rvices under this Agreement a lump sum of$166,450 Dollars, regardless of actual Cos s incurred by the ENGINEER unless SUBSTANTIAL modifications to the project are authorized in writing by the CITY. B. The CITY shall make periodic payments to the EI GINEER based upon actual progress within 30 days after receipt and approva of invoice. Said periodic payments to the ENGINEER shall not exceed the amount• shown in the following schedule, and full payments for each task shall not be made un the task is completed and accepted by the CITY. C. Reimbursable expenses as defined in Attachment A shall be included in the fees noted above and are limited to, travel, reproductions, s i.pping/delivery, aerial photographs, phone and other communication charges, consul it nts and subcontractor fees, equipment and supply costs related to the execution of the project as defined in Attachment A and Exhibit B. Any additional mee u gs or supplemental work would be in addition to the above amount or by separate p ioposal. V. INVOICES A. The ENGINEER shall submit invoices in a forma approved by the CITY. Progress reports (IIC above) will be included with s ll payment requests. B. The ENGINEER shall maintain records showing :ctual time devoted and cost incurred. The ENGINEER shall permit the .uthorized representative of the CITY to inspect and audit all data and records of the EN INEER for work done under this Agreement. The ENGINEER shall make these re ords available at reasonable times - 3 - during the Agreement period, and for a year after termination of this Agreement. VI. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the CI may terminate this Agreement at any time upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the 1 NGINEER. In the event that this Agreement is so terminated, the ENGINEER shall be le aid for services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred prior to to • ation,except that reimbursement shall not exceed the task amounts set forth under Para„ aph IV above. VII. TERM This Agreement shall become effective as of the date t e ENGINEER is given a notice to proceed and, unless terminated for cause or pursuant to Article V, shall be deemed concluded on the date the CITY determines that all of he ENGINEER's work under this agreement is completed. A determination of completion shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims which the CITY may have or thereafte acquire with respect to any term or provision of the Agreement. VIII. NOTICE OF CLAIM If the ENGINEER wishes to make a claim for additio al compensation as a result of action taken by the CITY, the ENGINEER s all give written notice of his claim within 15 days after occurrence of such action. No cla for additional compensation shall be valid unless so made. Any changes in the ENGIN:ER's fee shall be valid only to the extent that such changes are included in writing signed by the CITY and the ENGINEER. Regardless of the decision of the DIRECTOR relative o a claim submitted by the ENGINEER, all work required under this Agreement 4s determined by the DIRECTOR shall proceed without interruption. IX. BREACH OF CONTRACT If either party violates or breaches any term of this Agreement, such violation or breach shall be deemed to constitute a default, and the other party as the right to seek such administrative, contractual or legal remedies as may be suitable to the violation or breach; and,in addition, if either party,by reason of any defau , fails within fifteen (15) days after notice thereof by the other party to comply with the c o nditions of the Agreement, the other party may terminate this Agreement. X. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, ENGINEER a„rees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, its officers,employees, at,ents, boards and commissions from and against any and all claims, suits, judgments, costs, .ttorney's fees, damages or other relief,including but not limited to workers' compensa on claims,in any way resulting from - 4 - or arising out of negligent actions or omissions of the NGINEER in connection herewith, including negligence or omissions of employees or age is of the ENGINEER arising out of the performance of this Agreement. In the event of a y action against the CITY,its officers, employees,agents, boards or commissions, covered b the foregoing duty to indemnify, defend and hold harmless such action shall be defendeby legal counsel of the CITY's choosing. The provisions of this paragraph shall survi'e any completion, expiration and/or termination of this agreement. XI. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY No official, director, officer, agent or employee of the ITY shall be charged personally or held contractually liable under any term or provision o this Agreement or because of their execution, approval or attempted execution of this A: ,eement. XII. INSURANCE A. Comprehensive Liability. The ENGINEER shall provide, pay for and maintain in effect, during the term of this Agreement, a policy of comprehensive general liability insurance written in occurrence form with • .ts of at least$1,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and $1,000,000 aggregate for pro erty damage. The ENGINEER shall deliver to the DIRECTOa Certification of Insurance naming the CITY AS ADDITIONAL INSURED The policy shall not be modified or terminated without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the DIRECTOR. The Certificate of Insurance which shall include Ci ntractual obligation assumed by the ENGINEER under Article X enti ed "Indemnification" shall be provided. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance will respect to any other insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to the CITY. T ere shall be no endorsement or modification of this insurance to make it excess o\er other available insurance, alternatively,if the insurance states that it is excess or prorate,it shall be endorsed to be primary with respect to the CITY. B. Comprehensive Automobile Liability. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance w iitten in occurrence form covering all owned, non-owned and hired motor vehicles with I" "ts of not less than $500,000 per occurrence for damage to property. C. Combined Single Limit Policy. - 5 - The requirements for insurance coverage for the general liability and auto exposures may be met with a combined single limit of$1,000,000 per occurrence subject to a $1,000,000 aggregate. D. Professional Liability. The ENGINEER shall carry Engineer's Professional Liability Insurance covering claims resulting from error, omissions or negligent acts with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. A Certificate of Insurance shall be submitted to the DIRECTOR as evidence of insurance protection. The policy shall not be modified or terminated without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the DIRECTOR. XIII. CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS,TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, PROCEDURES AND SAFETY The ENGINEER shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means,methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the construction, unless specifically identified in the Scope of Services. XIV. NONDISCRIMINATION In all hiring or employment made possible or resulting from this Agreement, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, age, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, of the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and this requirement shall apply to,but not be limited to, the following: employment advertising,layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training, including apprenticeship. No person shall be denied or subjected to discrimination in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or resulting from this Agreement on the grounds of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, ge except minimum age and retirement provisions, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Agreement and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension,in whole or in part, of the Agreement by the CITY. XV. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSORS This Agreement and each and every portion thereof shall be binding upon the successors and the assigns of the parties hereto;provided,however, that no assignment shall be made without the prior written consent of the CITY. - 6 - XVI. DELEGATIONS AND SUBCONTRACTOR', Any assignment, delegation or subcontracting shall be subject to all the terms, conditions and other provisions of this Agreement and the ENGINEER shall remain liable to the CITY with respect to each and every i em, condition and other provision hereof to the same extent that the ENGINEER would have been obligated if it had done the work itself and no assignment, delegatio or subcontract had been made. Any proposed subcontractor shall require the CI 's advanced written approval. XVII. NO CO-PARTNERSHIP OR AGENCY This agreement shall not be construed so as to cre to a partnership, joint venture, employment or other agency relationship between e parties hereto. XVIII. SEVERABILITY The parties intend and agreed that,if any paragrap , sub-paragraph, phrase, clause or other provision of this Agreement, or an portion thereof, shall be held to be void or otherwise unenforceable, all other portion- of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. XIX. HEADINGS The headings of the several paragraphs of this Agr-ement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in o way are they intended to define, limit or describe the scope of intent of any provision of this Agreement, nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms an. provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. XX. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT This Agreement and its attachments constitutes th entire Agreement of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not b- changed, modified, discharged or extended except by written amendment duly exec ted by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be bine g upon the other party unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed a endment hereof, or change order as herein provided. XXI. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be deemed to have been ma ie in, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. Venue for the resolution of any disputes or the enforcement of any rights pursuan I to this agreement shall be in the Circuit Court of Kane County, Illinois. - 7 - XXII. NEWS RELEASES The ENGINEER may not issue any news releases without prior approval from the DIRECTOR, nor will the ENGINEER make public proposals developed under this Agreement without prior written approval from the DIRECTOR prior to said documentation becoming matters of public record. XXIII. COOPERATION WITH OTHER CONSULTANTS The ENGINEER shall cooperate with any other consultants in the CITY's employ or any work associated with the PROJECT. XXIV. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC CONTRACTING The ENGINEER certifies hereby that it is not barred from bidding on this contract as a result of a violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E et seq. Or any similar state or federal statute regarding bid rigging. XXV. SEXUAL HARASSMENT As a condition of this contract, the ENGINEER shall have written sexual harassment policies that include, at a minimum, the following information: A. the illegality of sexual harassment; B. the definition of sexual harassment under state law; C. a description of sexual harassment,utilizing examples; D. the vendor's internal complaint process including penalties; E. the legal recourse,investigative and complaint process available through the Illinois Department of Human Rights, and the Illinois Human Rights Commission; F. directions on how to contact the department and commission; G. protection against retaliation as provided by Section 6-101 of the Human Rights Act. A copy of the policies must be provided to the Department of Human Rights upon request 775 ILCS 5/2-105. XXVI. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS All recommendations and other communications by the ENGINEER to the DIRECTOR and to other participants which may affect cost or time of completion, - 8 - shall be made or confirmed in writing. The DIREI TOR may also require other recommendations and communications by the EN INEER be made or confirmed in writing. XXVII. NOTICES All notices, reports and documents required under his Agreement shall be in writing and shall be mailed by First Class J\1ail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: A. As to CITY: JOE EVERS, P.E. City of Elgin 150 Dexter Court Elgin, Illinois 60120-5555 B. As to ENGINEER: TOM POLZIN, P.E. Hey and Associates 26575 W. Commerce Drive, Suite 601 Volo, Illinois 60073 - 9 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have placed their hands and seals upon and executed this Agreement in triplicate as though each copy hereof was an original and that there are no other oral agreements that have not been reduced to writing in this statement. For the CITY: ATTEST: THE CITY OF ELGIN By By jb _ — '\ City Clerk City Ma •car (SEAL) For the ENGINEER: Dated this /5day of c=521°'/1L`n D r ,A.D., 2006. ATTEST: By %Geeel,r(7; 7/141:24%,„ B y / -47 Secretary President (SEAL) "OFFICIAL SEAL" k ke JULIE BABENKO NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF ILLINOIS (Th C?"66-' M Commission Expires 06/30/2007 - 10 - ATTACHMENT A DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK Hey and Associates shall provide all necessary professional se rice to design, permit and construct compensatory storage in accordance with the City Stormwater Ordinance on the property include in Exhibit A. This project is a follow up project to the flood pla n filling undertaken on City property located on Grove Avenue south of Prairie Avenue and north f Lake Street. Some of this property has been designated a public park while the remainder has be ansferred to a developer for construction of a townhome development. Surveying and Data Gathering 1. We will complete topographic surveying utilizing a subcon.ultant, Patrick Engineering. This survey shall capture the existing conditions including topoL, aphy, trees, existing structures, rights-of-way, property lines,utilities, ground and surface \ ater elevations. At least one permanent control point similar to the one used on Kimb:rly Avenue project shall be set at the site. 2. We will complete subsurface investigation of the soils thro ghout the site utilizing a subconsultant, prepare permit applications and supporting documentation necessary to acquire approvals from the affected agencies. Subsurface investiga l'on shall include items of work described in Exhibit B. Stormwater Permit We will complete a stormwater permit in accordance with the ity's current stormwater ordinance. Engineering Drawings and Bid Documents Hey and Associates will prepare final plans, specifications and stimate for each the initial phase and the final phase. The development of the plans and specificatio s shall include providing the City with a 50% and 95%review. A. Full Build-out Off-site Compensatory Storage Gra i ing Plans 1. We will perform a wetland delineation of the affected area o determine wetland boundaries. The boundaries will be surveyed by Patrick Engineering, as a s s consultant to our contract and included on the base mapping already prepared by Patrick ,ngineering. 2. We will prepare grading plans for the off-site compensato storage area immediately north of the water treatment plan on the west side of the Fox River (see attached Exhibit A). The plans will reflect available City property, the volume required fro the referenced development and regulatory constraints such as existing wetlands and flood ay. It is likely however that this plan will yield at least wetland impacts necessitating a more co •licated permit process. It is possible that meeting the required storage volume will necessitate e cavation below the existing river - 11 - bank elevations and a piped outlet to the river therefore p.rmits from IDNR and/or ACOE will likely be required. 3. Because the plan will likely result in different volume than was envisioned in the 2003 plan for the same area, a revised FEQ (Full Equations) model will e prepared that considers the reduction on overall volume when compared to the 2003 .nalysis. We are assuming that IDNR- OWR will not require any floodway modeling. 4. We will prepare bidding documents including General Co, ditions and Bid Forms for use by the City in the bidding process. We will also prepare an estim.to of probable construction costs for the improvements. 5. We will prepare a City tabbed stormwater permit application as well as IDNR-OWR and Corps permit applications. This grading plan will include a planting plan but exclude any .econdary-use landscape or park design. SUPPLEMETAL SERVICES Development of the project designs will require supplemental professional services. Those services include surveying,geotechnical engineering and structural eng eering. • Surveying services may include gathering additional topo! aphic data to cover the full extent of the City's holdings in the area and gather additional infor ation adjacent to the river, location of soil borings and wetland flags, etc. • Geotechnical engineering services may include soil boring , analysis and reporting including design recommendations. • Structural engineering services may include the structural .esign of retaining walls,water level control structures or outfall structures. Apply for all other agency permit 1. We will prepare a summary of the regulatory requirements associated with creating off-site compensatory storage for the area immediately north of t e water treatment plan on the west side of the Fox River. We will review Corps of Engineers 04 and Section 10 requirements as well as IDNR-OWR 3704 and 3708 regulations for poten al constraints including wetlands, floodway and public waters. 2. We will prepare permit applications and supporting docu entation necessary to acquire approvals from the affected agencies. - 12 - Provide bid and award services 1. Submit ten (10) complete sets of plans, specifications anbid documents to the City's Purchasing Agent. 2. Answer bidder questions regarding these documents. 3. Provide review of bid documents and prepare a bid tab. 4. Check contractor references. 5. Provide a recommendation for award. Construction Administration and Construction 1. Provide on site material testing and inspection with trainee personnel. Furnish the necessary testing equipment for each assigned task. 2. Provide soil erosion sediment control observation and pl.nting plan implementation observation. 3. Provide geotechnical, structural and survey services inclug construction layout and as-builts. 4. Provide professional recommendation for contractor payouts, change orders, insure waivers are provided,insure prevailing wages are paid. 5. Review and approve shop drawings. 6. Conduct job meetings with the contractor and maintain a construction schedule. 7. Prepare a punchlist and a deadline for the contractor to complete. Note: the contract will require the work to be completed within either 30 or 60 days of . nchlist receipt. 8. Provide as constructed drawings and recommendation fo acceptance of the project by the City Council. 9. Exhibit C provides additional definition of Supplemental :nd Construction Services. Fee Summary Task Fee Prepare Construction Plans $30,000 Hydraulic (FEQ Analysis $15,000 Permitting I $5,000 Supplemental Surveying I $36,400 Supplemental Geotechnical Engineering I $7,750 Supplemental Structural Engineering $7,500 Bid Phase Services I $5,000 Supplemental Services Administration $7,300 Construction Administration and Construction Engineering $50,000 Reimbursable Expenses $2,5_0_0 Total $166,450 COMPENSATORY STORAGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT EXHIBIT OF ATTACHMENT A 4970 Varsity Drive r: ZIA i 1=1101A Lisle,IL 60532-4101 ENGINEERING INC. Tel:(630)795-7200 Fax:(630)724-1681 July 26, 2006 Mr. Tom Polzin Vice President Hey and Associates, Inc. 1141 Commerce Drive Geneva, IL 60134 Subject: Proposal to Provide Professional Services Topographic Mapping, Boundary Survey, Geotechnical Investigation and Structural Engineering Services Off-Site Compensatory Storage Project, City of Elgin Reference: Patrick Proposal No. 2A607.034 - Revised Dear Mr. Poizin: Patrick Engineering Inc. (Patrick) is pleased to submit thiS proposal to perform a topographic mapping, a boundary survey, and a geotechnical investigation for the proposed flood plain excavation along the Fox River. The project site consists of the land south of Jerusha Avenue, north of Frazier Avenue, east of the railroad tracks, and west of the Fox River in Elgin, Illinois (the"Site"). This proposal describes our Scope of Services, Fee and Schedule. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following services will performed for the following parcels designated by their Permanent Identification Number (PIN) as well as the dedicated and vacated roads between the parcels. According to the exhibits provided to us, there are properties that are owned by the City of Elgin as well as properties not owned by the City. Those properties that are not owned by the City have been indicated as property to be acquired by the City. City owned property: 06-11-253-011, 06-11-253-001, 06-11-253-002, 06i-11-253-005, 06-11-253-010, 06-11.- 252-003, 06-11-251-005, 06-11-206-006, 06-11-206-001, 06-11-205-006, 06-11-205- 012,06-11-204-001,06-11-203-014,and 06-11-203-014. Non City owned property: 06-11-252-002, 06-11-206-004, 06-11-206-005, 06-11-207-001, 06-11-253-003, and 06- 11-253-004. Additional Topographic Mapping Within Elgin Properq Patrick will perform topographic mapping within City property in areas that were not covered by our surveys in the Spring of 2002. These areas are parcels 06-11-203-012, 06-11-203-014, and Chicago,IL • Lisle,IL • Springfield,IL • Madison,WI • Milwaukee,WI • Detroit,MI • Philadelphia,PA (800)799-7050 • www.patrickenginee1ing.com Hey and Associates July 26, 2006 Page 2 of 5 06-11-179-007 as well as some road right of way areas. In . ddition, we will survey at an interval of 100 feet or less, depending on the bends of the shore! ne, 25 feet into the shore from the waterline within City property. Patrick will locate all changes in slope as well as trees that have a diameter six inches or greater. Patrick will also show planimetric features (if any) as well as any apparent utilities. Patrick will utilize the same control points used from the previous survey to provide consistent coordinates and elevations. Topographic Mapping Not Within Elgin Property The following scope of work assumes that we have been giVen permission to be on property that is not currently owned by the City. Patrick will perform topographic mapping consistent with the methods described above. In addition, we will survey at an interval of 100 feet or less, depending on the bends of the shoreline, 25 feet landward of the shoreline. River Cross Sections Patrick will obtain cross sections at an interval of 100 feet Or less, depending on the bends of the shoreline, 25 feet into the river along the entire extent of the project. This data will be used to append the topographic survey for the site. Boundary Survey Within Elgin Property and Dedicated Roads Patrick will perform a boundary survey of the listed parcels above within City Property as well as the dedicated and vacated roads. This will also allow us to delineate the above properties that are not owned by the City. Patrick will perfonu necessar research at the Recorder's Office to determine the legal descriptions of the City's parcels. Patrick will locate and set new monuments were existing corners are missing. Patrick will prepare a Plat of Survey to show the location of the property lines as well as the road right of way lines. Geotechnical Investigation The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to identi the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and provide recommendations for site preparati n. Patrick understands that the project will consist of providing flood plain storage with a water level control structure along the Fox River. Our services will consist of the following items: • Patrick will call JULIE to have network utility col mark underground utilities in the vicinity of each boring. Onsite utilities will need to be marked by the existing property owner, or project drawings indicating site tJtilities need to be provided to Patrick prior to mobilization to the Site. Information gathered on utilities will be shown on the topographic survey listed above. • Patrick will locate the borings onsite and use a trucic-mounted drill rig to drill and sample the soil borings. Per our discussions, Patrick propOses ten borings to be completed. Four Hey and Associates July 26,2006 Page 3 of 5 borings at 25 feet and six borings at 15 feet will e performed. Soil samples will be obtained at 2.5-foot intervals to a depth of 15 feet, a d at 5-foot intervals thereafter using a 2-inch O.D. split-spoon sampler or Shelby toe sampler (ASTM D 1586/ASTM D1587). • Borings will be filled with tamped soil cuttings upon completion. Settlement of soil cuttings may occur over time, and the Owner should maintain these areas by filling with gravel whenever necessary. Excess soil cuttings wihl be spread on the ground surface at each boring location. • Drilling will be performed under the direction of an experienced geotechnical engineer or geologist who will keep daily drilling logs, classify each soil sample, prepare field boring logs, and perform and record the results of field testing procedures. • Representative soil samples obtained in the field Will be laboratory-tested to determine relative engineering properties according to ASTM procedures. The testing program will consist of moisture content testing (maximum 65) and unconfined compressive strength tests(Rimace)on selected cohesive samples. • Prepare a report describing the subsurface inVestigation and the soil conditions encountered, and providing geotechnical recommendations for design of the flood plain storage area along the Fox River. A Boring Location Plan and typed soil boring logs will be attached to the report. Upon completion of the investigation, two copies of the subsurface investigation report will be delivered. Structural Engineering Design The structural Scope of Services will include designing on box culvert (pre-cast or cast-in-place to be determined) with wing and head walls (and/or intak grate) according to structural design criteria and applicable code requirements (the design load1 and other design criteria will need to be provided by Hey and Associates). The work will consist of documenting the design methodology and acceptance criteria; summarizing appli able codes and standards, loads and load combinations; design input; and assumptions and refe ences pertaining to this structure. We will evaluate the existing site conditions and geotechnical formation available as they relate to the proposed construction. Hey and Associates will be re ponsible for determining the location of and the opening size for the box culvert. Patrick will no check the system hydraulics,but will . be responsible for analyzing the structural requirement of the box culverts for the design hydraulic loading condition, as provided by Hey and AssoCiates. The design will consist of one plan sheet with the structure plan, cross-sections, and details. Construction specifications will be provided on the drawing. Hey and Associates July 26, 2006 Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE The following schedules are dependant on receiving written authorization to proceed and a fully executed contract. It is assumed that this work will begin in August 2006. Topographic Mapping of All Areas The topographic mapping of missing areas will be completed within 3 weeks from the notice to proceed or written authorization or permission to enter properties not owned by the City(if they will be part of our scope) whichever is later. River Cross Sections The river cross sections will be completed within 2 weeks from notice to proceed. Boundary Survey The boundary survey will be completed within 4 weeks froth notice to proceed. Geotechnical Investigation Two working days are needed to complete the borings. The laboratory-testing program will require five working days with a final report available within five to ten working days after completing the testing program. The above schedule will vary depending on the schedule for the equipment and trained personnel needed for this project. Structural Design We can complete the structural design within 2 weeks of completing the geotechnical investigation and obtaining the design criteria from Hey and Associates. FEE Additional Topographic Mapping Within Elgin Property The topographic mapping will be done on a time and material basis not to exceed$8,900. The area is heavily vegetated and our progress is somewhat unpredictable. Additional Topographic Mapping Not Within Elgin Property The topographic mapping will be done on a time and mate al basis not to exceed $5,900. The area is heavily vegetated and our progress is somewhat unp edictable. River Cross Sections The river cross sections will be completed for a lump sum df$4,400. Boundary Survey The boundary survey will be completed for a lump sum of $17,200.00. Should there be any unexpected discoveries in the documentation of the Reborder's Office, we will notify you regarding any questions or potential scope changes prior to proceeding with the field services. I Hey and Associates July 26, 2006 Page 5 of 5 Geotechnical Investigation Patrick proposes to perform the Scope of Services for a lu p sum of$7,750. This fee is based on the use of prevailing wage for our field crew. Shoul unusual conditions be encountered while drilling, we will notify you promptly so additional d lling can be authorized while we are still onsite. The cost of additional drilling or requests for scope changes will need to he negotiated. Should meetings be requested, attendance tim will be billed on an hourly basis in accordance with our 2006 Fee Schedule. Structural Engineering Design Patrick proposes to complete the referenced Scope of Servides for a lump sum fee of$7,500.00. AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION Enclosed is one copy of this letter. Attached to the letter aid the copy is Patrick's Client Project Agreement including the Standard Addendum for Environ>✓nental and/or Geotechnical Services. If you would like Patrick Engineering to perform these services, please sign both copies of the Agreement and return one document set to the undersigned k Patrick Engineering Inc. The other copy is for your records. Receipt of the executed documents will serve as our notice to proceed. This Proposal is valid only when accepted and returned tb Patrick Engineering Inc. within 30 days from the date of this letter. Thank you for this opportunity to provide engineering services on this project. If you would like to discuss this proposal in further detail, please feel free to contact either of the undersigned below at(630) 795-7200. Sincerely, PATRICK ENGINEERING INC. tv _/(C) ' l I r� Dawn Edgell, P.E. effrey C. Schuh, P.E. Project Manager Senior Vice President de/sl Enclosure: Client Project Agreement with Standard Addendum for Environmental and Geotechnical Services (two copies) Y:\Proposals\Proposals E-L\Hey&Associates\2A607.034\Polzin_072406.doe PATRICK C TENT PROJECT AGREEMENT ENGINEERING INC. FO' PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INC UDING THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR ENVIRONME TAL AND/OR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES This Agreement between Patrick Engineering Inc. (PATRIC ) and Hey & Associates (CLIENT) consists of these terms, the proposal(including attachments hereto) identified as 2A607.034 and dated July 26, 2006 and PATRICK's Standard Addendum fo Environmental and/or Geotechnical Services. This Agreement is effective this 26th day of July, 006. ARTICLE I: SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services to be performed by PATRICK is set forth in the foregoing proposal ("Services"). CLIENT may request, orally or in writing, ch.nges to the Services. In the event PATRICK agrees, in writing, to such changes in the Sery ces, the changes are binding upon CLIENT, and CLIENT agrees to compensate PATRICK for all Services performed at CLIENT's request. PATRICK shall not, however, be liable for failure to perform or execute any changes in Services unless such changes are agreed to in writing by P 'TRICK. Any services performed by PATRICK at the request of CLIENT shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE II: STANDARD OF CARE PATRICK shall perform the Services with the care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of PATRICK's profession practicing in the same locality under similar conditions or circumstances. PATRICK makes no other warranty, guarantee, or rep esentation, express or implied, in connection with this Agreement, the performance of the Sery ces or in any report, opinion or other document developed as part of the Services. ARTICLE III: CONFIDENTIALITY PATRICK shall maintain as confidential such information ob ained from CLIENT or developed as part of the Services as CLIENT expressly designates in wr ting as confidential. This obligation shall not apply to information which is or comes into the public domain or which PATRICK is required to disclose by any of PATRICK's insurers as it re.tes to a claim or incident that may generate a possible claim, law or order of a court, administrative agency or other legal authority. Unless otherwise agreed, PATRICK may use and publi.h CLIENT's name and a general description of the Services in describing PATRICK's exp-rience to other clients or potential clients. ARTICLE IV: SITE ACCESS, SUBSURFACE HAZARDS A D SITE DATA CLIENT shall provide PATRICK with lawful access to the .ite(s) where the Services are to be performed. CLIENT shall defend PATRICK from any chall-nge to such right-of-entry and shall indemnify and hold harmless PATRICK from any claims of espass which may occur. PATRICK will take reasonable measures to minimize damage to t e site and disruption of operations thereon, however, CLIENT acknowledges that certain proc-dures may cause some damage to land or disruption (e.g., without limitation, soil borings), and that PATRICK shall not be liable for such damage or disruption, and the correction of which s all not be PATRICK's responsibility unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. CLIENT shall supply PATRICK with information on the existence and location of underground u ilities, structures and other hazards, including hazardous wastes or hazardous substances, at a y site where the Services are to be performed. PATRICK shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of information furnished by others (including the location of undergrou d utilities and data on subsurface conditions) and will not conduct independent evaluation th:reof unless specified in the scope of Services. PATRICK shall not be liable for damage to u derground utilities or structures not disclosed in writing or incorrectly disclosed to PATRICK, and CLIENT agrees to defend and indemnify PATRICK at its sole expense for any claims aga nst PATRICK arising from CLIENT's failure in this regard. Patrick Engineering Inc. Partnering to Build Better Infrast ucture 022806r5 Page 1 of 6 �� PROJECT AGREEMENT PATRICK~ ~ ~ ~~�~~ ~- FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INC.ENGINEERING INCLUDING THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND/OR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES ARTICLE V: BILLING, PAYMENTS AND COLLECTION Unless th rwiagreed, CLIENT shall pay for the Servicesin accordance with PATRICK's schedule of Standard Charges in effect at the time the Servi es are performed. Invoices will be submitted monthly and are due upon receipt. If CLIENT obje ts to an invoice, CLIENT shall notify PATRICK in writing within fifteen days of receipt of the invoice, give the reasons for the objection, and pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute within thirty days of receipt of the invoice. Any unpaid, undisputed invoice which is thirty days past due shall be assessed a late payment charge of 1.5 percent per month. PATRICK shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon ten days notice if payment as to any undisputed invoice is sixty days past due. CLIENT agrees to reimburse PATRICK its full costs of collection of any amounts due and unpaid after sixty days, including reasonable attorney's fees, court costs and the reasonable value of PATRICK's time spent on collection of such amounts. ARTICLE VI: INSURANCE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILIT PATRICK carries substantial insurance coverage including Vorkers Compensation, Employer's Liability, Commercial General Liability (including contractual liability), Commercial Automobile Liability and Professional Liability. A copy of PATRICK'S current insurance nd limits is available upon CLIENT's request.. The parties have assessed the relative risks and benefits which will accrue to each in the performance of the ServiceS and have agreed that PATRICK's total aggregate liability to CLIENT (or anyone claiming by Or through CLIENT) for any injury to person or property, claims, damages, expenses, costs or lOsses of any kind, from any cause whatsoever, shall not exceed the total insurance proceeds paid on behalf of or to PATRICK by its insurers in settlement or satisfaction of such claims. If insur nce coverage is not provided, then the total liability of PATRICK for such uninsured claims sh II not exceed the total fees paid to PATRICK under this Agreement or$25,000, whichever is le s. In no event shall either party be liable to the other in contract or tort for consequential or inOdental damages including, but not limited to, lost profits or losses from interruption of business. ARTICLE VII: INDEMNIFICATION (A)To the fullest extent permitted by law. PATRICK shall indemnih/, defend and hold CL|ENT, its employees including reasonable attorneys fees and litigation costs ("Claims") out of the negligent acts, errors or omissions, or willful misconduct of PATR|CK, its employees, agents or subcontractors except to the oxten1, if any, that any such n results from the negligent acts, errors or omissions, or willful misconduct of CLIENT, its empl yees or agents. (B) To the fuUentox0entpermittodby |avv. CL|ENTeha|| indemonify. defendundhn|dPATR|CK, ito emp|oyees, agents and subcontractors harmless from and against all demands, claims, auitu. liabilities, fines, penmWmu, and costs including reasonable ttorneys fees and costs of litigation ("Claim") caused by or arising out of (i) any conditions existihg on or beneath CLIENT's property at the time of performance of the Services, including, but not limited to,pollution or contamination of property or (ii) the negligent acts, errors or omissions, Or willful misconduct of CL|ENT, its emp1oyeaa, agents or contractors except to the extent, if athat any such Claim results from the negligent acts, errors or omivainno, or willful misconduct of PATR/CK, its empk)yeeo, agents or subcontractors. The indemnity obligations stated herein'shall survive the termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE VIII: NOTICE OF CLAIMS;COOPERATION ln If CLIENT dfacts that might give rise to a cl im arising out of the negligent acts, errors or omissions or willful misconduct of PATRICK, its e ployees, agents or subcontractors, CLIENT shall immediately notify PATRICK of same in wri ing. PATRICK shall be entitled to contest any such claim with counsel selected by PATRICK br its insurer and shall be entitled to control any litigation relating to such claim. CLIENT shall not settle or compromise any such Patrick Engineering Inc. Partnering mBuild Better moo,murture 022806r5 Page 2 of 6 I PATRICK CLIENT PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEERING INC. |NCLko|mGTnEST*WDxRoADDENDUMF0R ENvR0wmsmTm AND/OR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES claim without PATRICK's prior written consent and CLIENT slaII cooperate with PATRICK and its insurer in connection with the defense of any such claim. ARTICLE IX:WORKSITE SAFETY/PATRICK SITE VISITS PATRICK will comply with CLIENT's rules and regulations governing PATRICK's activities on CLIENT's premises to the extent that the same are provided to PATRICK prior to the start of the Services. PATRICK will be responsible only for the on ite activities of its employees and subcontractors. If the Services include site viuito, to monitor construction activitiesforoomp|ianoewith plans and specifications, the pa�ieoaAreethat PATRICK shall assume no responsibility or authority for supervision or control over any Contractor's work or worksite oafety, shall have no right to stop the work and shall have no resprsibility or authority for the means, methods,techniques, sequencing or procedures of constructin. ARTICLE X: REUSE OR ALTERATION OF DOCUMENTS Documents prepared by PATRICK are instruments of its I services and PATRICK retains all common lawstatutory and other reserved rightsincluding cppyright. The documents are fothe exclusive use of CLIENT on the project identified in the Scope of Services. PATRICK assumes no responsibility if the documents are reused by CLIENT or others on any other project. In the event that others alter the documents without PATRICK's authorization, any and all liability arising out of such alteration is waived as against PATRICK, and CLIENT assumes full responsibility for such changes. Where PATRICK has used due care in the electronic or disk transmission of data, information or documents to CLIENT and its agents, CLIENT shall be responsible for and bear the risk of loss or damages resulting from (i) errors or defects introduced by such transmission, (ii) CLIENT's or its agent's automated conversion or reformatting of the data, information or documents and (iii) deficiencies, defects or errors in CLIEN-Ils or its agent's software or hardware utilized to receive, transmit, utilize, format or reproduce the data, information or documents. ARTICLE Xl: DELAYS Except for the obligation to pay monies owed, neither CLI NT nor PATRICK shall be liable for any fault or delay caused by any contingency beyond its con rolinduding. bu1not|im)ted\o. de|ey caused by any third party, any additions or modifications o the Services to be performed by PATRICK under the Agreement, woather, acts of God, wars, terrorism, labor disputes, material uhodmga, delay in obtaining any permits, fires, ordomnancio or requirements of governmental agencies. ARTICLE XII: SUCCESSOR, ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and iheirireopenUve successors and assigns. Neither party shall assign its interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other. ARTICLE XIII:TERMINATION I This Agreementmaybeterminated by either partyupon written notice to the other. Upon receipt of notice of termination from CLIENT, PATRICK shall irnmediately cease work and take all reasonable steps to minimize costs relating to terminati n. CLIENT shall pay for services rendered through the date of receipt of notice of termin tion, plus any unpaid reimbursable expenses and reasonable costs relating to the termination, i cluding reassignment of staff. ARTICLE XIV: SEVERABILITY If any term of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceablematter of law, such term shall be deemed reformed or deleted, but only to the etent necessary to comply with legal requirements. The remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Patrick Engineering Inc. Partnering to Build Bemermoao*ucture 022806r5 Page 3 of 6 PATRICK CLIENT PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEERING INC. INCIIIDING THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR ENVnONmEwTALAND/OR{�sOrsC*w�ALS[nwCEu ARTICLE XV: APPLICABLE LAW ThioAgreementohaUbegovernedbyandoonotruedina000hdunoevxiththe |awmoftha8taKoof Illinois. The parties to this Agreement agree that any litigation under or regarding this Agreement will be brought only in the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Jud|oia|Qroui\, DuPage County, Illinois. ARTICLE XVI:ATTORNEY'S FEES In the event PATRICK prevails in any litigation to enforce any term or provision of this Agreement, it shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney's fees and costs Irom CLIENT. ARTICLE XVII: ENTIRE AGREEMENT CL|ENT, by the underoigneU, acknowledges that it has read this Aureoment, understands it and agrees to be bound by its termsTheUarmoendnondihons f this Agreo ttogether with the PATRICK proposal (including attachments thereto) and any pplicable Addendum, constitute the entire Agreement between the parties and supersede all rior oral or written representations, understandings and agreements. The parties agree that Iany purchase orders, work orders, acknowledgments, form agreements or other similar documents delivered to PATRICK shall be null, void and without legal effect to the extent that they conflict with the terms of this Agreement or any Addendum attached hereto. This Agreement may be,amended or modified as set forth in Article I or by a written instrument signed by both parties. Ekh person signing below represents that he or she has full legal authority to bind the parties to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agrement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives, as follows: HEY&VSCIATIE1 � P EER| INC. � - � J-.J--)~� Signature Sign (irer 1 AVIA-4 L~ . 1-e-6 t•-) ' - "--f4+� \ � Printedwmno PrintedN�mo V\ Ck IfiC41P {. U �� `DE- -77. Title Title 1 4677EAVIMA, k4 701° 2.--/C �L�,`, ' DateDate ' ' Patrick Engineering Inc. Partnering to Build Better Infrast ucture 0e2806r5 Page 4 of 6 PATRICK CLIENT PROJECT AGREEMENT ENGINEERING INC. FORT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INCLUDING THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND/OR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Standard Addendum fpr Environmental and/or Geotechn!cal Services SECTION 1-AGREEMENT. This Addendum is made a part of the attached Client Project Agreement and is incorporated as though fully set forth therein. SECTION 2-POTENTIAL FOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. PATRICK shall backfill borings or excavations upon comp tion of its work in accordance with the scope of services. CLIENT acknowledges that bac ill may settle over time, requiring additional filling to avoid hazardous or unsafe conditions. (CLIENT agrees that PATRICK shall not be responsible for additional backfilling, or liable for irjjuries or damage caused by settled backfill. SECTION 3-POTENTIAL FOR CROSS-CONTAMINATION. CLIENT acknowledges that commonly used methods of subsurface investigation, such as soil borings, trenching and sampling, may penetrate through 1 a contaminated area and create a subsurface pathway for environmental contamination to reach uncontaminated soil or groundwater ("cross-contamination"). While backfilling With grout (or using other generally accepted means) is intended to seal such pathways, CLIENT acknowledges that such a seal may be imperfect and agrees not to hold PATRICK or its subcontractor liable or responsible for such cross-contamination unless caused directly by a grossly negligent act, error or omission of PATRICK or its subcontractor. SECTION 4-DISPOSITION OF SAMPLES, CUTTINGS AND(EQUIPMENT. No samples of soil or rock will be kept by PATRICK longer than sixty days after submission of PATRICK's report, unless otherwise agreed. If samples collected by or received by PATRICK as part of the Services contain or are suspected to contain petroleum hydrocarbons, Hazardous Substances, Hazardous Constituents or other pollutants s defined by federal, state or local laws (collectively referred to herein as "Hazardous ubstances"), PATRICK will, after completion of testing, (1) return such samples to CLIEN , or (2) using a manifest signed by CLIENT as generator, have such samples transported to a location selected by CLIENT for final disposal. CLIENT agrees to pay all costs associated with the storage, transport and disposal of samples. CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that PATRIK is acting as a bailee and at no time assumes title to such contaminated samples or materi Is. Unless otherwise agreed, drill cuttings and fluids generated during drilling and samplin operations which are suspected of containing Hazardous Substances will be placed by PA RICK in properly labeled drums and CLIENT shall take responsibility for lawful removal, trans ort and disposal of these materials. All laboratory and field equipment contaminated th Hazardous Substances during performance of the Services which cannot be reasonab decontaminated shall become the property and responsibility of the CLIENT, for which CLL NT shall pay PATRICK fair market value. SECTION 5-DISCOVERY OF UNANTICIPATED CONDITIONS. Discovery of unanticipated Hazardous Substances, underground obstructions, underground utilities or other latent obstructions to the performance of the Services shall constitute a changed condition mandating termination of the Services unless PATRICK and CLIENT are able to negotiate equitable adjustments to the scope of services, PATRICK's compensation Patrick Engineering Inc. Partnering to Build Better Infrastructure 022806r5 Page 5 of 6 PROJECT AGREEMENTENGINEERING-PATRICK- ----- -INC. FDR PROFESSIONALSERV|CES INfLUDING THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR ENVIRONMNTAL AND/OR GEOTECHN CAL SERVICES and/or the time for performance. PATRICK will promptly notify CLIENT if such conditions are encountered. SECTION 6-NO GUARANTEE. Because logiand soil formations inherently nature, PATRICK's opinions (including opinions regarding potential clean-up costs or quantity estimates) are not guaranteed to be a representation dt actual site conditions, the extent or quantity of contamination, or costs, which are also subjct to change with time as a result of natural or man-made processes. SECTION 7-ENVIRONMENTAL INDEMNIFICATION. Without limiting in any way CL|ENT's indemnity obligation set forth in the Agreement, CLIENT further agrees that, to the fullest extent permitted by la , CLIENT shall indemnify, defend and hold PATRICK, its employees, agents and subcontr ctors harmless from and against all demands, claims, suits, liabilities and costs including r asonable attorneys fees and costs of litigation ("Claims") caused by or resulting from (a) CLIENT's violation of any federal, state or local statute, regulation or ordinance relating to the rrianagement or disposal of Hazardous Substances, (b) CLIENTs undertaking of or arrangement for the handling, removal, treatment, storage, transportation or disposal of Hazardous Substances; or (c) the presence, discharge, release, or escape of Hazardous Substances at, on, under or from any site at which the Services are performed, except to the extent that such ICIaims are shown by final judgment to have been caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of PATRICK, its employees, agents or subcontractors. Patrick Engineering Inc. Partnering to Build Bemermfriastructure 022806r5 Page 6 of 6 COMPENSATORY STORAGE CONSTRU TION PROJECT EXHIBIT • OF ATTACHMEN A CONSTRUCTION SER CES 1. Liaison and Contract Control Act as the CITY's representative with duties, responsibiities and limitations of authority as assigned in the Construction Contract Documents, and .dvise and confer with CITY officials during construction and issue the CITY's authorized instructions to the Contractor. Assist the Contractor in understanding the intent of the i onstruction contract Documents. Serve as the CITY's liaison with other local agencies su h as utility companies, businesses, CITY's on-site representative, etc. 2. On-Site Review of Work Conduct continuous and full-time on-site observations I f the work in progress to determine that the PROJECT is proceeding in accordance with the Construction Contract Documents and that completed work will conform to the requiremei is of the Construction Contract Documents. • Instruct Contractor to correct any work believed to be u satisfactory, faulty or defective, not conforming to the requirements of the Construction Contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspections, tests, or approval required to be made and report same to the CITY; and advise CITY of action taken or i any special testing or inspection will be required. Verify that tests are conducted as required by the Const ction Contract Documents and in the presence of the required personnel, and that Contra tors maintain and submit adequate records thereof; observe, record, and report to the CI appropriate details relative to the test procedures. Perform or cause to have performed as applicable, all roquired field tests such as concrete tests, soil compaction tests and ensure such tests are m• e as specified. Analyze the results of all field and laboratory tests to determine the suitabil ty compliance with the requirements of the Construction Contract Documents. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or o her agencies having jurisdiction over the project, record the outcome of these inspection. and report to the CITY. Stake-out construction lines and grades and assist the Contractor with interpretation of the Drawings and Specifications. Prepare and submit detailed daily reports of constructio progress. Page 2 3. Contractor Suggestions and Requests Consider and evaluate suggestions and requests for mo e ifications in drawings and specifications which may be submitted by the Contract.r and make recommendations to the CITY with any time or cost implications for final decis'en. 4. Shop Drawings Develop shop drawing submittal requirements and assi•t Contractor in development of submittal schedules. Review and monitor compliance ith submittal schedules. Review and approve shop drawings and samples,the r-.ults of tests and inspections and other data which any Contractor is required to submit, out only for conformance with the design concept of the project and compliance with the i formation given in the Construction Contract Documents. Such review shall nit be construed as relieving the Contractor of the responsibility to meet requirements o the Construction Contract Documents. Determine the acceptability of substitute aterials and equipment proposed by the Contractor; and receive and review(for general con ent as required by the specifications)maintenance and operating instructions, guarantees,bonds and certificates of inspection which are to be assembled by the Contrac or(s) in accordance with the Construction Contract Documents. Record and maintain a shop drawing submittal and app-oval log and notify the Contractor whenever submittals are tacking or untimely. 5. Schedules Prepare a final Primavera type construction schedule w th the participation of the Contractor and obtain the Contractor's approval of the onstruction schedule. A schedule of shop drawing submissions, and schedule of values shal also be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the engineer. Work with the Contractor to maintain a workable upda ed Primavera type construction schedule that is maintained and monitored weekly as construction progresses as required by the Construction Contract Documents. Report progress and schedule deviations and corrective measures proposed by the Contractor to the ity. 6. Job Meetings Conduct weekly progress meetings with all parties as r:quired by the Construction Contract Documents to review construction progress, design int:rpretations and overall progress. Prepare,maintain, and circulate copies of minutes ther:of. Arrange a schedule of on-site job work meetings with the General Contractor and Su.contractors to review day-to-day Page 3 requirements and problems. Prepare, maintain, and circ late copies of minutes thereof. 7. Contract Administration and Records Handle all day-to-day Contract Administration and ass ciated correspondence. Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence, reports of ob conferences, shop drawings, and samples submissions, reproductions of original Const ction Contract Documents including all addenda, change orders, field orders, additional dra ings issued subsequent to the execution of the Construction Contract Documents, pro gess reports, and other project related documents. 8. Reports Furnish written reports to the CITY on a biweekly basi• of progress of the work and the Contractor's compliance with the approved progress sc edule and schedule of shop drawing submissions. 9. Contractor Pay Requests Review the Contractor's requests for payments as cons ruction work progresses, and advise the CITY of the amounts due and payable to the Contr ctor in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract Documents. 10. Change Orders Perform evaluation of proposed Construction Contract hange Orders and submit recommendation for approval or denial to the CITY. P epare Construction Contract Change Orders when authorized by the CITY. 11. Government Policies Review the Contractor's compliance with government I mandated programs. Compliance with OSHA requirements and general safety provision- will be reviewed by an independent safety officer retained by the Contractor as part of the .enstruction work. The safety officer will visit the job site periodically and will submit writ-I:n reports to the CITY, Contractor, and ENGINEER. 12. Record Drawings Prepare record drawings which show field measured di ensions of the completed construction work which the ENGINEERS consider siLnificant and provide the CITY with one set of reproducible record drawings and all equips ent operation and maintenance manuals within ninety(90) days of the PROJECT com iletion. Page 4 13. Final Completion Conduct a final inspection of the PROJECT with the C!TY and the Contractor, and prepare and give to the Contractor a final punch list. Issue an o inion of satisfactory completion for acceptance of the PROJECT by the CITY to Process th• Contractor's final request for payment. • OF E(c, 4.ibk 4'3 City of Elgin Agenda Item No.September 8,8, 2006 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Olufemi Folarin, City Manager s-', 1.112,1,74. raidt John Loete, Public Works Direc or SUBJECT: Engineering Services Agreement for the Compensatory Storage Project PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Mayor and 'members of the City Council with information to consider an engineering services agreement to design the compensatory storage project needed as a result of the fill placed for the townhome development on South Grove. oft. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the attached agreement in the amount of$166,450. BACKGROUND In 2001 the City agreed to provide the compensatory storage required by the ordinance as a result of the flood plain filling on South Grove Avenue at Prairie Street. To remove the site from the flood plain, the topography of the site had to be elevated with earthen material. By ordinance the volume of flood plain lost to the filling must be compensated or with a volume equal to one and one-half times the fill and the new townhome development could not proceed until the land was officially removed from the flood plain. The site chosen by the City for the compensatory storage is 11 land owned by the City located at Clifford and Owasco Streets. The attached engineering service agreement will prepare engineering plans, permits and bid documents to construct as much compensatory storage at this location as possible. If possible, the City will use any extra storage volume to accommodate compensatory storage needs of other downtown developments. The attached scope of services agreement assumes that the City owned land is sufficient in size to accommodate the necessary storage. 40.1. The agreement with Hey and Associates is an exception to he procurement ordinance because no selection process was done. Hey and Associates is the engineer of record for the flood plain modification which facilitated the townhomes development tt Grove and Prairie, the flood plain • ESA for Compensatory Storage Project September 8, 2006 Page 2 issues related to Festival Park and the storm water reviews of the Fountain Square and River Park Place projects. All of these projects are related to the coibpensatory storage project. As a sub- consultant to Hitchcock, Hey and Associates has participated in several riverfront projects which include the aforementioned townhome and Festival Park projects. Currently, it is estimated that construction (excavation, grading, plantings, tc.) of the site could cost $2.8 million. No funds have been budgeted within the 5 year plan fOr this expense. COMMUNITY GROUPS/INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED None fr / FINANCIAL IMPACT The agreement with Hey and Associates will total $166,450. Adequate funds for this project are budgeted ($10,343,433) and available ($443,552) in the Riverboat Fund, account number 275- 0000-791.92-35 under project number 039520, Festival Park. 41. WEGAL IMPACT V None ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the Engineering Service Agreement for the Ccmpensatory Storage Project. 2. Do not approve the Engineering Service Agreement for the Compensatory Storage Project and direct staff on how to proceed. Respectfully submitted for Council consideration. do Attachment 4111. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this day•f ,2006,by and between the CITY OF ELGIN,an Illinois municipal corporation(hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and Hey and Associates,an Illinois professional service 'orporation(hereinafter referred to as "ENGINEER"). WHEREAS,the CITY desires to engage the ENGINEER to furnish certain professional services in connection with Compensatory Storage Construction (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT"). AND WHEREAS,the ENGINEER represents that he is in comp ce with Illinois Statutes relating to professional registration of individuals and has the necessary e .-rtise and experience to furnish such services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein bel. NOW,THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the mut undertakings as set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and suffic -ncy of which is hereby acknowledged,the CITY and the ENGINEER agree that the CI does hereby retain the ENGINEER to act for and represent the CITY in the enginee ' r; matters involved in the Project as set forth herein subject to the following terms conditions and stisulations,to wit: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. All work hereunder shall be performed under the .' :ction of the Director of Public Works of the CITY,herein after referred to s the "DIRECTOR" B. The following,but not limited to,outline of the servi'es to be provided to the CITY by the ENGINEER: Surveying and Data Gathering Stormwater Permit Provide engineering drawings and bid documents to cause the construction of compensatory storage Obtain all other agency permits Provide bid and award services Construction Administration and Construction G A detailed Scope of Services is attached hereto as ' :chment A. II. PROGRESS REPORTS A. An outline project milestone schedule is provided he in under. B. A detailed project schedule for the Project is include. as Attachment B,attached hereto. Progress will be recorded on the project sch:duleand submitted monthly -2 - as a component of the Status Report described in C •-low. C. The Engineer will submit to the Director monthly a S -tus Report keyed to the Project Schedule.A brief narrative will be provided iden ' progress,findings and outstanding issues. III. WORK PRODUCTS All work products prepared by the ENGINEER pursuan hereto including,but not limited too,reports,designs,calculations,work drawings,studies,photographs,models and recommendations shall be the property of the CITY and 'hall be delivered to the CITY upon request of the DIRECTOR provided,however,th. 'the ENGINEER may retain copies of such work products for its records. Such work •roducts are not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by the CITY on any- -rasion to the PROJECT or on any other project,and such reuse shall be at the sole risk if the CITY without liability or legal exposure to the ENGINEER IV. PAYMENTS TO THE ENGINEER(Lump Sum Me' od) A.. The CI shall re' urs the ENGINEER for se 'ces under this Agreement a lump `� sum of . . 4P4O�: ; :::; `.:°;';` .''`': I:: :': :`: :`. ::'::`: ':: .Dollars,regardless of actual Co incurred by the ENGINEER unless S STAN IAL modifications to the 41111w project are authorized in writing by the CITY. B. The CITY shall make periodic payments to the ENt INEER based upon actual progress within 30 days after receipt and approval o'invoice. Said periodic payments to the ENGINEER shall not exceed the amounts s.own in the following schedule,and full payments for each task shall not be made until e task is completed and accepted by the CITY. C Reimbursable expenses as defined in Attachment A ,hall be included in the fees noted above and are limited to,travel,reproductions,ship.ing/delivery,aerial photographs, phone and other communication charges,consultan, and subcontractor fees, equipment and supply costs related to the execution of the project as defined in Attachment A and Exhibit B.Any additional meet'.; or supplemental work would be in addition to the above amount or by separate pro••sal. V. INVOICE S A. The ENGINEER shall submit invoices in a format a'proved by the CITY. Progress reports (IIC above)will be included with all i. yment requests. B. The ENGINEER shall maintain records showing ac . .time devoted and cost incurred. The ENGINEER shall permit the . ' orized representative of the CITY to inspect and artdrr all data and records of the ENG I ER for work done under this -3 - Agreement. The ENGINEER shall make these recor. available at reasonable times during the Agreement period,and for a year after te .tion of this Agreement. VI. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, the CITY :ytenninate'this Agreement at any time upon fifteen(15) days prior written notice to the E INEER In the event that this Agreement is so terminated,the ENGINEER shall be pa . for services actually performed and reimbursable expenses actually incurred prior to te tion,except that reimbursement shall not exceed the task amounts set forth under Paragra.h IV above. VII. TERM This Agreement shall become effective as of the date the NGINEER is given a notice to proceed and,unless terminated for cause or pursuant to Article V,shall be deemed concluded on the clan-the CITY determines that all of the ENGINEER's work under this agreement is completed. A determination of completion shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or claims which the CITY may have or thereafter acquire with respect to any term or provision of the Agreement. VIII. NOTICE OF CLAIM If the ENGINEER wishes to make a claim for additional compensation as a result of action taken by the CITY,the ENGINEER shall give written notice of his claim within 15 days after occurrence of such action. No claim for additional compensation shall be valid unless so made. Any changes in the ENGINEEZ's fee shall be valid only to the extent that such changes are included in writing signed by the CITY and the ENGINEER. Regardless of the decision of the DIRECTOR relative to a claim submitted by the ENGINEER,all work required under this Agreement as determined by the DIRECTOR shall proceed without interruption. IX. BREACH OF CONTRACT If either party violates or breaches any term of this Agreement, such violation or breach shall be deemed to constitute a default,and the other party has the right to seek such administrative,contractual or legal remedies as may be suitable to the violation or breach; and,in addition, if either party,by reason of any default,fails within fifteen (15) days after notice thereof by the other party to comply with the conditions of the Agreement,the other party may terminate this Agreement. X. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law,ENGINEER agrees.to and shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless the QTY,its officers,employees,agents, boards and commissions from and against any and all claims,suits,judgments,costs,attorney's fees,damages or other I -4- relief,including but not limited to workers'compensation claims,in anyway resulting from or arising out of negligent actions or omissions of the E INEER in connection herewith, including negligence or omissions of employees or agents of the ENGINEER arising out of the performance of this Agreement. In the event of any. tion against the CITY,its officers, employees,agents,boards or commissions,covered by the foregoing duty to indemnify, defend and hold harmless such action shall be defended • legal counsel of the CITY's choosing. XI. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY No official,director,officer,agent or employee of the CI shall be charged personally or held contractually liable under any term or provision of Agreement or because of their execution,approval or attempted execution of this Agree -nt. XII. INSURANCE A. Comprehensive Liability, The ENGINEER shall provide,pay for and maintain in effect,during the term of this Agreement,a policy of comprehensive general liability insurance written in occurrence form with " • of at least$1,000,000 aggregate for bodily injury and$1,000,000 aggregate for prope q damage. The ENGINEER shall deliver to the DIRECTOR a -rtification of Insurance naming the CITY AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. i e policy shall not be modified or terminated without thirty(30)days prior written noti•e to the DIRECTOR The Certificate of Insurance which shall include Con. , obligation assumed by the ENGINEER under Article X entitle• "Indemnification" shall be provided. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance with -spect to any other insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to the CITY. Ther. shall be no endorsement or modification of this insurance to make it excess over ether available insurance, alternatively,if the insurance states that it is excess or prorate,it shall be endorsed to be primary with respect to the CITY. B. Comprehensive Automobile Liability. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance wri .n in occurrence form covering all owned,non-owned and hired motor vehicles with ' 'ts of not less than$500,000 per occurrence for damage to property. C. Combined Single Limit Policy. - 5 - The requirements for insurance coverage for the genual liability and auto exposures may be met with a combined single limit of$1,000,00' per occurrence subject to a $1,000,000 aggregate. D. Professional Liability. The ENGINEER shall carry Engineer's Professional iability Insurance covering claims resulting from error,omissions or negligent acts with : combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.A Certificate of Ins . - shall be submitted to the DIRECTOR as evidence of insurance protection. Th- policy shall not be modified or terminated without thirty(30) days prior written notic- to the DIRECTOR XIII. CONSTRUCTION MEANS.METHODS.TE«' IQUES,SEQUENCES, PROCEDURES AND SAFETY The ENGINEER shall not have control over or c - ;e of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods,techni. es,sequences or procedures,or for safety precautions and programs in connection wi the construction,unless specifically identified in the Scope of Services. XIV. NONDISCRIMINATION In all hiring or employment made possible or result' from this Agreement, there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex,age,race,color,creed,national origin,marital status,of the presence of any sensory,mental or physical handicap,unless base. upon a bona fide occupational qualification,and this requirement shall apply to,but of be limited to,the following: employment advertising,layoff or termination,rates .f pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training,including ap renticeship. No person shall be denied or subjected to discrimina on in receipt of the benefit of any services or activities made possible by or re g from this Agreement on the grounds of sex,race,color,creed,national origin,age except minimum age and retirement provisions,marital status or the presence .f any sensory,mental or physical handicap. Any violation of this provision shall be co idered a violation of a material provision of this Agreement and shall be grounds for cancellation,termination or suspension,in whole or in part,of the Agreement by e CITY. XV. ASSIGNMENT AND SUCCESSORS This Agreement and each and every portion thereof all be binding upon the successors and the assigns of the parties hereto;prov .-d,however,that no assignment shall be made without the prior written consent of th. CITY. - 6- XVI. DELEGATIONS AND SUBCONTRACTORS Any assignment,delegation or subcontracting shall b:subject to all the terms, conditions and other provisions of this Agreement an. the ENGINEER shall remain liable to the CITY with respect to each and every ite condition and other provision hereof to the same extent that the ENGINEER wo . have been obligated if it had done the work itself and no assignment,delegation o subcontract had been made. Any proposed subcontractor shall require the CITY's advanced written approval. XVII. NO CO-PARTNERSHIP OR AGENCY This agreement shall not be construed so as to create a partnership,joint venture, employment or other agency relationship between the parties hereto. XVIII. SEVERABILITY The parties intend and agreed that,if any paragraph, 'ub-paragraph,phrase, clause or other provision of this Agreement,or any p.rtion thereof,shall be held to be void or otherwise unenforceable,all other portions o this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. XIX. HEADINGS dew The headings of the several paragraphs of this Agree ent are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no y are they intended to define, limit or describe the scope of intent of any provision .f this Agreement,nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms and p ovisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. XX. MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT This Agreement and its attachments constitutes the e tire Agreement of the parties on the subject matter hereof and may not be . anged, modified,discharged or extended except by written amendment duly execute• by the parties. Each party agrees that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the other party unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed ame dment hereof,or change order as herein provided. XXI. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made ,and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.V.nue for the resolution of any disputes or the enforcement of any rights pursuant t. this agreement shall be in the Carcuit Court of Kane County,Illinois. - 7 - XXII. NEWS RELEASES The ENGINEER may not issue any news releases wi out prior approval from the DIRECTOR,nor will the ENGINEER make pus 'c proposals developed under this Agreement without prior written approval from the el ' CTOR prior to said documentation becoming matters of public record XXIII. COOPERATION\14TH OTHER CONSULT S The ENGINEER shall cooperate with any other co ' pants in the QTY's employ or any work associated with the PROJECT'. XXIV. INTERFERENCE WITH PUBLIC CONTRA' ING The ENGINEER certifies hereby that it is not barre• from bidding on this contract as a result of a violation of 720 ILLS 5/33E . seq. Or any similar state or federal statute regarding bid rigging. XXV. SEXUAL HARASSMENT As a condition of this contract,the ENGINEER shall have written sexual harassment policies that include,at a minimum,the following information: A. the illegality of sexual harassment; B. the definition of sexual harassment under state law; C a description of sexual harassment,utilizing examples; D. the vendor's internal complaint process including penalties; E. the legal recourse,investigative and complaint process available through the Illinois Department of Human Rights,and the Illinois Human Rights Commission; F. directions on how to contact the department and commission; G. protection against retaliation as provided by Section 6-101 of the Human Rights Act. A copy of the policies must be provided to the Department of Human Rights upon request 775 ILCS 5/2-105. XXVI. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS All recommendations and other communications by the ENGINEER to the DIRECTOR and to other participants which may affect cost or time of completion, - 8 - shall be made or confirmed in writing. The DIRECTIIIR may also require other recommendations and communications by the ENG I ER be made or confirmed in writing. XXVII. NOTICES • All notices,reports and documents required under Agreement shall be in writing and shall be mailed by First Class Mail,pos :e prepaid,addressed as follows: A. As to QTY: JOE EVERS, P.E. City of Elgin 150 Dexter Court Elgin,Illinois 60120-5555 B. As to ENGINEER TOM POLZIN,P.E. Hey and Associates 26575 W.Commerce Drive,Suite 601 Volo,Illinois 60073 - 9 - IN'WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned have placed their hatids and seals upon and executed this Agreement in triplicate as though each copy hereof was an original and that there are no other oral agreements that have not been reduced to writing in this statement. For the CITY: AT.I.EST: l'HE CITY OF EIrGIN By By City Clerk City Manager (SEAL) For the ENGINEER: Dated this day of ,AD.,2006. 411m• AT1EST: By By Secretary President (SEAL) - 10- ATTACHMENT A DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK Hey and Associates shall provide all necessary professional servic: to design,permit and construct compensatory storage in accordance with the City Storinwater • .' ce on the property include in Exhibit A. This project is a follow up project to the flood plain .• undertaken on City property located on Grove Avenue south of Prairie Avenue and north of - - Street. Some of this property has been designated a public park while the remainder has be t . .ferred to a developer for construction of a townhome development. Surveying and Data Gathering 1. We will complete topographic surveying utilizing a subconsul,• t,Patrick Engineering. This survey shall capture the existing conditions including topography,trees,existing structures, rights-of-way,property lines,utilities,ground and surface wa r elevations.At least one permanent control point similar to the one used on Kimberly Avenue project shall be set at the site. 2. We will complete subsurface investigation of the soils throug out the site util»ing a subconsultant,prepare permit applications and supporting do umentation necessary to acquire approvals from the affected agencies. Subsurface imrestigatio shall include items of work described in Exhibit B. • Stormwater Permit . We will complete a stormwater permit in accordance with the Ci s current stormwater ordinance. Engineering Drawings and Bid Documents Hey and Associates will prepare final plans,specifications and est .to for each the initial phase and the final phase.The development of the plans and specifications hall include providing the City with a 50%and 95%review. A. Full Build-out Off-site Compensatory Storage Grad' : Plans 1. We will perform a wetland delineation of the affected area to .-tennine wetland boundaries.The boundaries will be surveyed by Patrick Engineering,as a subc.nsuhant to our contract and included on the base mapping already prepared byPatrickE ,_ineering. 2. We will prepare grading plans for the off-site compensatory s .rage area immediately north of the water treatment plan on the west side of the Fox River(s:e attached Exhibit A).The plans will reflect available City property;the volume required from e referenced development and regulatory constraints such as existing wetlands and floodwa It is likely however that this plan will yield at least wetland impacts necessitating a more comp ated permit process. It is possible that meeting the required storage volume will necessitate excvation below the existing river .00.b. - 1 1 - bank elevations and a piped outlet to the river therefore permits from IDNR and/or AWE will blsely be required. 3. Because the plan will likely result in different volume than wa. envisioned in the 2003 plan for the same area,a revised FEQ(Full Equations) model will be prepared that considers the reduction on overall volume when compared to the 2003 analsis.We are assuming that IDNR- OWR will not require any floodway modeling. 4. We will prepare bidding documents including General Conditions and Bid Forms for use by the City in the bidding process.We will also prepare an estimate c4 probable construction costs for the improvements. 5. We will prepare a Citytabbed stormwater permit application as well as IDNR-OWR and Corps permit applications. This grading plan will include a planting plan but exclude any secondary-use landscape or park design. SUPPLEMETAL SERVICF S Development of the project designs will require supplemental professional services.Those services • inch ide surveying,geotechnical engineering and structural engineering. am. • Surveying services may include gathering additional topographic data to cover the full extent of the City's holdings in the area and gather additional informatibn adjacent to the river,location of soil borings and wetland flags,etc. • Geotechnical engineering services may inchide soil borings,analysis and reporting including design recommendations. • Structural engineering services may include the structural design of retaining walls,water level control structures or outfall structures. Apply for all other agency permit 1. We will prepare a summary of the regulatory requirements as ociated with creating off-site compensatory storage for the area immediately north of the cfrater treatment plan on the west side of the Fox River.We will review Corps of Engineers 404 and Section 10 requirements as well as IDNR-OWR 3704 and 3708 regulations for potential Constraints including werInnds, floodway and public waters. 2. We will prepare permit applications and supporting documentation necessary to acquire approvals from the affected agencies. 010, - 12 - Provide bid and award services 1. Submit ten(10) complete sets of plans,specifications and bid documents to the City's Purchasing Agent. 2. Answer bidder questions regarding these documents. • 3. Provide review of bid documents and prepare a bid tab. 4. Check contractor references. 5. Provide a recommendation for award. Construction Administration and Construction 1. Provide on site material testing and inspection with trained personneL Furnish the necessary testing equipment for each assigned task. 2. Provide soil erosion sediment control observation and planting plan implementation observation. 3. Provide geotechnical,structural and survey services including construction layout and as-builts. 4. Provide professional recommendation for contractor payouts,change orders,insure waivers are provided,insure prevailing wages are paid. 5. Review and approve shop drawings. 6. Conduct job meetings with the contractor and maintain a construction schedule. 7. Prepare a punchlist and a deadline for the contractor to complete.Note:the contract will require aft. the work to be completed within either 30 or 60 days of punchlist receipt. 8. Provide as constructed drawings and recommendation for acceptance of the project by the City Council. (j 9. Exhibiprovides additional definition of Supplemental and Construction Services. Fee Summary Task Fee Prepare Construction Plans $30,000 Hydraulic (FEQ) Analysis $15,000 Permitting $5,000 Supplemental Surveying $36,400 Supplemental Geotechnical Engineering $7,750 Supplemental Structural Engineering $7,500 Bid Phase Services $5,000 Supplemental Services Administration $7,300 Construction Administration and Construction Engineering $50,000 Reimbursable Expenses Total $166,450 so /11 0 I , .• , , -; .... .. 's;.'...'; •.,7".."! :':' •,-tt.:''''.:'=" *. ,S.,......- . *.sil'''' ..- .. 4:.1.1fi.::..•!..,'.''..641:44..111 '.,. . .. ' 7.... ? 'r' -..•.,, ' .-.'-. .,:-- ..:• ',fit •. - •:. -, .-if.!,......0...;4:4-:114:,. . . ,,, . . s...., ,-,00. .. ;,,„ - k,.. ''' .. . . , . . . .1.!. ,, ,i1,, , LEGEND • ' -, '1,.%! .1:.„,.- .•1 ( 1 jilti• - 1 .1 '$0,,H„..' - • .kitaN,, ' • :.,, .F,r ''. , v' • v..,......,.-.........v....w— ont% 1 ' : : _. . 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'':.!...S4:T.1%S., ? . 1 ''' ,• .'40' l'iii il )I Lcxhibt.- A 6 Pte44chnient A ( . .... COMPENSATORY STORAGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT EXHIBIT B OF ATTACHMENt A PATRICK 4970 Varsity Drive Lisle,IL 60532-4101 ENGINEERING INC. Tel:(630)795-7200 Fax:(630)724-1681 July 26, 2006 Mr.Tom Polzin Vice President Hey and Associates, Inc. 1141 Commerce Drive Geneva, IL 60134 Subject: Proposal to Provide Professional Services Topographic Mapping, Boundary Survey, geotechnical Investigation and Structural Engineering Services Off-Site Compensatory Storage Project,City of Elgin Reference: Patrick Proposal No.2A607.034-Revised Dear Mr. Polzin: Patrick Engineering Inc. (Patrick) is pleased to submit this proposal to perform a topographic mapping, a boundary survey, and a geotechnical investigation for the proposed flood plain excavation along the Fox River. The project site consists of the land south of Jerusha Avenue, north of Frazier Avenue, east of the railroad tracks, and west Of the Fox River in Elgin, Illinois (the"Site"). This proposal describes our Scope of Services,Fe{e and Schedule. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following services will performed for the following parclels designated by their Permanent Identification Number (PIN) as well as the dedicated and vacated roads between the parcels. According to the exhibits provided to us, there are properties that are owned by the City of Elgin as well as properties not owned by the City. Those properties that are not owned by the City have been indicated as property to be acquired by the City. City owned property: 06-11-253-011, 06-11-253-001, 06-11-253-002, 06-1i-253-005, 06-11-253-010, 06-11- 252-003, 06-11-251-005, 06-11-206-006, 06-11-206001, 06-11-205-006, 06-11-205- 012, 06-11-204-001,06-11-203-014,and 06-11-203-0 4. Non City owned property: 06-11-252-002, 06-11-206-004, 06-11-206-005, 06-11-207-001, 06-11-253-003, and 06- 11-253-004. Additional Topographic Mapping Within Elgin Property Patrick will perform topographic mapping within City property in areasthat were not covered by our surveys in the Spring of 2002. These areas are parcels 06-11-203-012, 06-11-203-014, and o Chicago,IL • Lisle,IL • Springfield,IL • Madison,WI • Milwaukee,WI • Detroit,MI • Philadelphia,PA (800)799-7050 • www.patrickengineering.com oft- Hey and Associates July 26,2006 Page 2 of 5 06-11-179-007 as well as some road right of way areas. In addition,we will,survey at an interval of 100 feet or less, depending on the bends of the shoreline 25 feet into the shore from the waterline within City property. Patrick will locate all changes in slope as well as trees that have a diameter six inches or greater. Patrick will also show planimetric features (if any) as well as Einy apparent utilities. Patrick will utilize the same control points used from the previous survey to provide consistent coordinates and elevations. Topographic Mapping Not Within Elgin Property The following scope of work assumes that we have been giver permission to be on property that is not currently owned by the City. Patrick will perform top graphic mapping consistent with the methods described above. In addition, we will survey t an interval of 100 feet or less, depending on the bends of the shoreline, 25 feet landward of a shoreline. River Cross Sections Patrick will obtain cross sections at an interval of 100 feet or less, depending on the bends of the shoreline, 25 feet into the river along the entire extent of the project. This data will be used to • append the topographic survey for the site. Boundary Surrey Within Elgin Property and Dedicated Rads 4sm+ Patrick will perform a boundary survey of the listed parcels arbove within City Property as well as the dedicated and vacated roads. This will also allow us to delineate the above properties that are not owned by the City. Patrick will perform necessary rsearch at the Recorder's Office to determine the legal descriptions of the City's parcels. Patrick{ 11 locate and set new monuments were existing corners are missing. Patrick will prepare a Platy of Survey to show the location of the property lines as well as the road right of way lines. Geotechnical Investigation The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to identify the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and provide recommendations for site preparation. Patrick understands that the project will consist of providing flood plain storage with a water level control structure along the Fox River. Our services will consist of the following items: • Patrick will call JULIE to have network utility companies mark underground utilities in the vicinity of each boring. Onsite utilities will need to be marked by the existing property owner,or project drawings indicating site utilities need to be provided to Patrick prior to mobilization to the Site. Information gathered on utilities will be shown on the topographic survey listed above. • Patrick will locate the borings onsite and use a truck-mounted drill rig to drill and sample the soil borings. Per our discussions, Patrick proposes ten borings to be completed. Four • Hey and Associates July 26,2006 Page 3 of 5 borings at 25 feet and six borings at 15 feet will be erformed. Soil samples will be obtained at 2.5-foot intervals to a depth of 15 feet, and t 5-foot intervals thereafter using a 2-inch O.D. split-spoon sampler or Shelby tube pler (ASTM D 1586/ASTM D1587). • Borings will be filled with tamped soil cuttings upon completion. Settlement of soil cuttings may occur over time, and the Owner should maintain these areas by filling with gravel whenever necessary. Excess soil cuttings will be spread on the ground surface at each boring location. • Drilling will be performed under the direction of an experienced geotechnical engineer or geologist who will keep daily drilling logs, classify each soil sample,prepare field boring logs, and perform and record the results of field testing procedures. • • Representative soil samples obtained in the field will The laboratory-tested to determine relative engineering properties according to ASTM procedures. The testing program will consist of moisture content testing (maximum 65) and unconfined compressive strength tests(Rimac®)on selected cohesive samples. • Prepare a report describing the subsurface investigation and the soil conditions encountered, and providing geotechnical recommendations for design of the flood plain dm. storage area along the Fox River. A Boring Location Plan and typed soil boring logs will a attached to the report. Upon completion of the investigation, two copies of the subsur ace investigation report will be delivered.. Structural Engineering Design The structural Scope of Services will include designing One bctx culvert(pre-cast or cast-in-place to be determined) with wing and head walls (and/or intake grate) according to structural design criteria and applicable code requirements (the design loads and other design criteria will need to be provided by Hey and Associates). The work will c sist of documenting the design methodology and acceptance criteria; summarizing applicable codes and standards, loads and load combinations; design input; and assumptions and reference�ss pertaining to this structure. We will evaluate the existing site conditions and geotechnical information available as they relate to the proposed construction. Hey and Associates will be responsible for determining the location of and the opening size for the box culvert. Patrick will not check the system hydraulics,but will be responsible for analyzing the structural requirements of the box culverts for the design hydraulic loading condition, as provided by Hey and Associates. The design will consist of one plan sheet with the structure plan, cross-sections, and details. Construction specifications will be provided on the drawing. ashE Hey and Associates July 26,2006 Page 4 of 5 SCHEDULE The following schedules are dependant on receiving written au orization to proceed and a fully executed contract. It is assumed that this work will begin in Au t 2006. Topographic Mapping of All Areas The topographic mapping of missing areas will be completed within 3 weeks from the notice to proceed or written authorization or permission to enter properties not owned by the City(if they will be part of our scope)whichever is later. River Cross Sections The river cross sections will be completed within 2 weeks from notice to proceed. Boundary Survey The boundary survey will be completed within 4 weeks from notice to proceed. Geotechnical Investigation Two working days are needed to complete the borings. The laboratory-testing program will require five working days with a final report available within five to ten working days after completing the testing programa The above schedule will vary depending on the schedule for the equipment and trained personnel needed for this project. Structural Design We can Complete the structural design within 2 weeks of completing the geotechnical investigation and obtaining the design criteria from Hey and Associates. FEE { Additional Topographic Mapping Within Elgin Property The topographic mapping will be done on a time and material basis not to exceed$8,900. The area is heavily vegetated and our progress is somewhat unpredictable. Additional Topographic Mapping Not Within Elgin Prope The topographic mapping will be done on a time and materialbasis not to exceed$5,900. The ty area is heavily vegetated and our progress is somewhat unpr ctable. River Cross Sections The river cross sections will be completed for a lump sum of$4,400. Boundary Survey The boundary survey will be completed for a lump sum of$17,200.00. Should there be any unexpected discoveries in the documentation of the Recorder's Office, we will notify you regarding any questions or potential scope changes prior to proceeding with the field services. --'-'-.•:••.: -4-'....Y...--":••-•.•.. ...••••.'''' -.::::,i f,-(;'•' i C.-. . ,,',. . •-:,-,.....], .,..'„,f, :,;:: -,:'., %,.... .•:::',., •r....:.• --...• :::::,.1 .--•...,.. ..-.-: . :.--.• .•..,,,;: ......1., ':•.:. ... ::.... %.,- ..•....:.•,.... •,....',....... '1•-:-..--:. ••-—:'''''• ...-.'''''-,:. ''''-...-.''. :,.:•''':,.:---7... 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Geotechnical Investigation ..:•,-: :.,.. ••• ........ ••••...., •••••: ..........,••• ......... •4, ....;--:..i.„ • • .. ...:. ••• ••..•---...:„ ••., •-.• .......•• .., :::..... ..:. ,•,.. . .. •...,.. ..... h.' t nrforfin the Scope-of Servicesfora lump, urn'of.$1;7.50':.:This.feets:bssed.......-...:, . .• .. .i.', Patrickl prop-spsf'.9.:p- .„ • :.4: ...4: . ..,....... :•;•44 .:.• ••• , -,•:• :.,• .:::.• ..:;-. 4.''' ., '. ',.-'' i:-•'''' ti use of prevailing wage for,our nel<t etew:---- Should tiseal conditions be-encounterept .....„. ....„,, -:.,..... Whil.6..drilling;'..Vie will optify-:.:yee,,rioplptly.-.aci., ..441.#.6tial.f.'dii. Ili',' ii '': . i •-4: 4 :".::::• g can be authorized while we are stilt.orisitp. The cost of additional. drilling.'pr::: rpgixesti..:.feeil..;ac.'efle.,..6.0.-ti..'gii*.„-..*14-1) 004...!:4?... ..p . •;::' :....', ......„., ,,. negotiated Should m. :eti,t-1;:i.ile-••.:ielultpa;•., t6.1.0alie,e.,..; 1.i.pp",:‘.,..rilF.b?:.,.billo,..,4'..bn an hotTly"basis n:1'•'...-• '''.'':..: .:::. .:„:•-::::'-''-,-.. '''''isOOOrdSnce.ciiittiiir' 006 Fee Schedule....' ..----: '' :::-;'''' -,::' -,.-.- •-•- .I'. --- " --:--- '" ".:,:•.. ....."-:::::,. 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' ' ' -' '''.•'''•.: you la likePatrick EnginOOrririgto,i)er fOrni.':thOSO:serii please sign both copies of the -..'....-. .:!....., '''..•-:-..,.::7::- .... .::-:: Agreement"ancliaterii'ene.-docieneitt set tethertnixtersignOtt at.. atriek Engineering lepThe other --4 :ottier.,....-:,..:.....,,,, •-•;;;;::,-,:. ..: :.:•':.-. '''''-4„,.:'-': -:;., &:#p)i.ts,,f6i your records :Receipt of the executed documents ,:If serve as notice,to.lirocittl„..1.- .,:::. • •...:,..::: ••• .:;,, Thii.Piepeial,ii'void;:oely4hen iiqc.61Aed-ind-inturncd-•-idsi .:;-•; •iripli•Engineering Inc within 30;1.,„.. * .,:..,.: .:,..:•..., N,, 2.-. '--- -:-.,:, ..-„.:',..•days from Ihe.date oft.I.u. igt.t.p.c ,....,,.. .-.,, •,....,. -.:.,.. ,:., . ,..-: ....,-,. ,,-, ,..•..,,, -„. ..-,::::- . .•,. ... :,•,.•...•„:: ..,,.:,.., ,. .•,. ,.,.,„.. . . ''''' -• 'I.' • .....::"'"••••••':':. 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PATRICK - • ••••••. • • y.,;. • •NOINEERINØ ROFESSIONAL SERVICES • •••• • %:•• ;• •••••• • INOLUD1 G THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR . •"••• •••• "•::" ENVIRONMENTA AND/OR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES':- . . . . . .„ ••'''''H••••:• .'114Agriii4 ypetit n Patrick riEngineering inc 0..:Ney.&Associates:(CLIENT),, •••••• • •• consists of terms the proposal attachments the.z. o)Identified as.2A667pa*.and% .; . • •••• • . -• „ dated JUIY.26-,2008 and PATRICK's.Stiandard:Addendbm for En irorimentai:and/or deoteChnioal.... ..„.: Services This Apreetneht is effective thiS:28.th:Pay.of -• • • . .•:. ••• . . . .• : .„ • . •:. :.„ . „ • • . . . .• . . . . „ '• • .:ARtICLE1:::SCOPE OF SERVICES • • • • . ---- :.rThe Scope of Services to be performed by PATRICKisget forth.:in the'foregoihd.proposal . . -.:; "••••. ("Services") :CLIENT may request,.orallyor in wnting criang:et0 the.Services... event: . . . . ,•• : PATRICK agrees,.in'Writinginto:such,changes in the-.Services the changes are binding-upon .-'CLIENT; and CLIENT agrees to Compensate PATRICK for all•-erYites performed at:•CLiENTss::. .:" request...PATRICK shalt nOt;•;.hOWeVert:•Pe orrh.De execute any,changes in . • •„ ••_. .„. • . . •••• Services unlessstictr•,:changes are agreed in writing by,PAT.'4bK..Any serviCeS:Pelloithecl.byc.. PATRICK at the request of CLIENT Shall-begOVerned::00he ter..s of this Agreement: ,•,, " •••• • "" •:. :.• . . •• • . • •-.- ••••i •••• • ARTICLE II STANDARD OF CARE• • •.• • PATRICK Shall perform the'Semites With.theieare-end-.:SkIll Or.inarilY exergisect:'py•mp.riibtO of • • profession practicing I the same locality under si !tar conditions or CirtumatehcPs. PATRICK makes no other warranty, guarantee, or repre ntation express or implied in • connection with this Agreement the performance pf the Sei*loe.ziOrfhanyrePOrt,opinion or other • • document developed as part ape Services. •. • ARTICLE 111.;CONFiDENTI.A.0* • • •-• •-•• . : . •••••• PATRICK shall-maintairfas confidential such information obtain-ii• from CLIENT:::or.d.evelOPed-es . .„: . dm*. pert of the Services as CLIENT;expressly designates in writin. as confidential..--Thisbbligation - ••: :;- shall not apply.to information which is or comes into•-,thepubl doMaIrr.brWhich-PATRICKis.. ••-iy required to-discldse by any of ••Pif.iTFt1C1c.s insurers as it,relate, to---a claim',.or inddent'IttaMaY.:•- •••• :'-:•.:generate a:pbasible claiifl,law or::Order'Of 4,•b9411,- diiiii..)isteittlNi'':09,ency or bthbelo6al,oiithbrity,.... Unless:otherwise ,agreed PATRICK may.use end..publish LIENT'S..name and a .general': •'I: of'thei•:SerViceSSin..dispribing -PATRICKue eXPerie Oa to other.dents or.potential . . • • •:••• •••••• ••• „•• .••: :..• clients •• •.• • " •-• , •••. •••• .:.• .. • .:.• . . . . . . . „ . • ; ARTICLE IV;SITE ACCESS, SUBSURFACE HAZARDS AND ITE DATA . • • . CLIENT shall ProVide PATRICK With.lawful access tosite ).where the.Services:0619 be . • . • : performe&:-CLIENr•shall•deferid.PATRICKfrom any challenig to such right-of-entry and shall indemnify and'hpld'harialesS,PATRICKfrPrn:any claims ortree sass which may occur. PATRICK •-• ••••• • •••will take reasonable measures to •niihirrike darraPe--.t&-.the--zite and 'disruption of -Operations• thereon, however) CLIENT abknOWled§ee.that certain procedu es may cause some damage to • ••••• (04,0::Without limitation, soil tiorings .ahprffi,...;•PATRrcKihall nOt•beilabro.tor- :-; • such 0064401:g,-disruption, and:the.correction of which shall not be.PATRICK'S•respOrisitillity,.• unless otherwise agreed to In writing b.,i4he.:parile*:':.:CLI:NT shall.supply •PATRIP.cwith • information-on the existence-and:•lopation:Of updergrOUnd'Utillti is,,atrUctiAres.and:other hazards • • •- •• including hazardous wastes or lia-ardous substances) at any te where the SerVices'areig•pd- • •••••• • • .„, performed PATRICK rely.,ontheecctirecy and.completeness of informetiOnf.. ., , • ••• •••••• by others (including the location of Amderground tilitmes and, data on: subsurface •••:':'"'conditIOneY:and.wiif-not.:Condiict Independent evetyetibm:there.o •• ••• • •• •• • :• •: ." • Services PATRICK shall opt-ba liable for damageto 'round utilities or structures not • •••• disclosed in writing or Incorrectly disclosed to PATRICK an. CLIENT agrees...tb-cleferici„Eind • • indemnifI PATRICK at As-sole e0riSe fOr.!ahY,:clairns against PATRICK•-arfainglro .p.14ENT'a failure:in thiS.regard. .,.... • . . . _ Patrick Enginqering Ins, •. ••• :•: ..•_: •. .. •• .. • • --• • " • • •••••• " "" • " " ••• -*- ••• '•-•• •••:-• --• . . ..„ •. ••• ...• . . . . . ..„ . . . . . •.. Partnering ra Bu.1.0 1.3ett.. infragtrupt re :i..022666r5 .7Pac.10.:1 of •••• •:: •". • • "*".• •"• CLIE PROJECTAGREEMENT T C K • • .:.. ••.:. :.•• FO FESSIoN At:S Owl p INCLUD .1'0 THE STANDARD ADDENDUM FOR, :. • EN\fiRONMENTit,ANO/OR GEOTE0411OPL SERVICES • ARTICLE V BILUNG,PAYMENTS AND COLLECTION . ••:: • : ••••: • Unless otherwise:agreed, CLIENT shall.-pay.tor''the Services fl...aotordance'.with'PATRICk's„ • • •..:::schedule of Standard Charges in effect at the time the Services are performed. Invoices will be ••'• , •••••: •• submitted monthly and are due upahreCelptlf CLIENT objects t. aninvoice,-.CLIENT shall notify::: • • • .: •.' :.• • PATRICK in writing within fifteen daya of receipt ofthe invoice g e reasons for the objection,':: •• .••• - • ::•and pay that portion of theinVoice.notindisputeWithin thirty da s of receipt.of the invoiae..„Any ••••• . • unpaid,undisputed invoice which is thirty days past due shall be.:asessed..a late payment charge • ••• •:: of•t•-.5,percentper month_: PATRICK shall have The.•right to ter •(nate this Agreement upon ten.::;• • .• • • :•••• . notice if payment as to any undisputed Invoice is Sixty•da.ePast'due.•CLIENT:agreeetO:• . • '.." • reimburse PATRICK itsfullof..p011aptioftet any amounts we ancf Unpaid after sixty days, ••• :-. including reasonable attaineyslee .caurtodSts.arid:the-:raa-..nable value Of-.PATRICK'S time • • spent on collection of such amounts • • • • -ARTICLE VI:INSURANCE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY .-.• . • • • PATRICK carries substantial insurance coverage W• kers Compensation Employer's • ;, • Liability, Commercial General Liability (including contractual Ii OR ), Commercial"Automobile,.: Liability and Professional Liability A'cppy of PATRICK'S curren insurance coverages and limits isavallable:UporuCLiENTs reqUest..:: The Parties have assess•.• the.relative risks and benefits:: ••••'.• . .:.• ..• .„ which wilt accrue to each in the performance of the Services e .4 have agreedthet:-PATRICK'S • total aggregate liability to CLIENT(or anyone claiming by•or•• rough CLIENT) for any injury to •::,person or property;-.. damages expenses 'costs or:loss-s•of any kind, from any cause whatsoever shall not exceed the total insurance PrOceeda paid behalf of or to pAllitcK by its • • • insurers in settlement or satisfaction of such dein.* .if coverage-is•Pat PfaVided, then •;-: • . the total liability of PATRICK for such uninsured claims shall ot:::exceed the total fees paid to•::: . PATRICK under this Agreement or$25;960.;-whichever is less..i in no event shall either party be • mak• •••••': liable to the other In contract or tort for donsepueritlal or incidi•ntal damages including:but not • : ••-• limited to,lost or tosses from interruption ofbusiness . . . . . ARTiCLE VILINOEMNIOICATI04. . . •:•. • •••• '••••• . , (A)To the fullest extent permitted bylaw,.PATRICK shallindem ify;:-defend and hold CLIENT, its • . ... •:: .. ;:iemployees and agents,::harmless frainfand against ail_demands;:claims,sUlte.Habilities and costs . . . • .. including reasonable lees and litigation.Oats. by Or.arising but Of the ••• ...• negligent acts errors oror willful rnjeCondikt.of:PA: RICK,.its,employees„agents Or.. . . subcontractors except to the extent, it results.:fro the negligent acts •: . . . , . errors or -.Orpisignt••ipTviiiiift.fir:filiscoildubt of CLIENT.iteemploy;-i:s otagents. . . . (15.);To-the fullest eitent..PerMittecby.jaii,.CLIENT inderpni ,.detend and hold PATRICK its .• . • .. •• • .• • ..eiMployeas,.agents]and subcontractors harmless from and agiriStall-:derriandS:;'claims, suits, :••• .-; liabilities,lines penalties, and:goats including.::reasonabie-atto ...eys-feee'arid costs of litigation . ' • .•• ••••• :•.: • •-?('ClaiM"),-peOsed.by:Or arising out of(i) any conditions existing ri or beneath.CL1ENT's property •-• •• •,.:, ••• ,.•-:'•atthe time of..perforMartee•of the Services, including,,but pot lin tad to; pollution or coptaroioatioo„.. : •-:- of property•Or..:(II)-the'negligent acts; errors or prnissions,:-..dr. Ilful misconduct of CLIENT, its eff101Oyees;.gtient6:.o.vdootratior$::thccept,p3--thp::eidggit if any,...hat.anyetich Clairhresulta.frarp •• •• • ,•• the negligentacia,,errors or prnissiensi;or'Willfui...raiipphcktot of ''.AtRICK jte'emplOyees,:agents:' .."- -.:.; subcontrattors.-:The indemnity obligations- stated::herein•sh•II•survive the::termination:of:thieAgreement -,. • • • •:.• .... • .... • ...• • • •• .,. • ••• -• -•. •• •• • ••• ..• • • •• • •••••• •• . " .; AFiTIOLkV114.::NOT.JCE:9F CLAIMS,COOPERATION •." ••••'. • • If CLIENT discovers any faciethat:might glveriSe to a claim•-:rising out ••• • -•-• ••• • :..• •... •... . . • : Or willful misconduct of ite?empl..yeesi.agents glOCtifitTaofOrS, • .• ••••• CLIENT shall immediately notify PATRICK of same "- . • • • contest any Such clairry.with.46Urisel seletted.by,..pATRICK'pe insurer and shall be entitled to• . • • .::. • control any litigation relating to such claim 'CLIENT•shallno settle or compromise any such • . , . . . . . Patrick Engineering Inc Partnering fp 4344 Better infrrretnre re 022806r5 i.f'ag ?of 1:3,;• :*- • • • .„ • •: , „,.. „, • •••: . •••• . •.. •• . • . „ ••• • ••:•• •-: •••• • ... ,..,.. ••.. ' • - •. .• .. ••..' :•., •:: ,..... ' ••••. .... . PATRICK ,, -'''': ;• .''...-;.-.'..: I_ SERVICES,,..' :.:. :.......,...- .,. T FESSIONA - • '..•. .i::: .,,,).. 4.,....., ,,.....3. 1l.i....,.,. ., 0:;.;p:1:1,-.PROJECT A ORE EM ENT...:.„ .,eNanysepw64:,..". ..., .,...., ......, ..., , DARIO ADOENWM,FOR ow sora :': .. .- •.' ' -, '. •:. INcupl p THE STAN-.-- ---. . ESERVICES. ,......i ' • '':' '1::. ..':).' '1.%. ...;''' '' ' . ' ": *: ''.1:'•-•'': ':'. •::'''' ''.' - :'......: ',.-...::1 fs}V.IRONM..•ENTAL: ,.NO/OR :'': .'-. :: ,..,' •.','' •..::: .:::'.:.::.':''•••••:: **;:'. *:without e PATRIcks,Pri Or.,Wiittin1:.cO.:Pie9.;:t and CLIENT ii ^i,'. .,f,:.°0..'..'..P.9.....,riit... ,rii!11.1 .1..1.7....,..10 ri,....,,..d.H,. s.:::,..;: :•••• ,;:::,•.ii.,:! ..„,::,••,..,,.., •:,:i i.',7 insurer in connection h . .. . ... .. . .. ... . . '" .. "' • ' .:., ..'''ARTICLE IX;VV ORKSITE..S..AF ETV_ with CLIENTS rules,and•regulations ,.., ... P:A:.,TRICK', . ' kiwitgoo eArTnRintgc.Kp.hor.io.lbe. !tart,of the the..., ;of it ..s.:.:employees, ,a__n4..',.•,:::. ,, ii•:, ,,,.'..,;,. :,,,..;.'.,', '• - , .- -- •• CLLENrs premises tclhe-extedt thatthe,Sant a arefor provided to . ,activities r Services.,--PATRICK will* be responsible includeonly for site visits•for example to:::Tbn:i„or'c°nstruPhorl'actlY`w!':-..- .::: ,. . .:.,.• . ICK shall-etsurfie:no. ..- .:,: .::-. .•;.:i. Subcontractote. •.lf the Services ' the'parties agree hats..pATft„ .....,... w , .. ..,L_Ll..,.i.. ,.....:.,- .. 1 ' ' :.. •'-''.:.:..::' ::.18r coinplanco with plane and specifications, or control' over any .actailsyvork:,cfr worksite safety, authority onsi ility-oi.authoritY for-- het..,..:eaq:. .' ...• - .-. '* .:-• - '.: responsibilityor •-• ,work shall have re.SP. .:.: --... ...-......,........--,' ..„...,- :.:,- - '..:: .,::: ..:.•,.. - for supervision,„. , .:no ... . ••::'.. ':: ': „.:, shall:have no right to stop th.er .• ... -: • rprocedures of construction. ::: ,- . . : . ... . ..., - ..::: • ...:',:,' ;:.... :F,' ::-.. -...i, methods lect'niques,:::*ikillqneir9 o • . • • - •- •.:::,.•••• .i:. •• -... :',.•.,., y. .--::•:: .:,', . ----,-... .-, .;:.. - -., • ...'ALTERATION OF DOCUMENTS- services— ::,and PATRICK retains:e --•:.1. '' .:' ::'-'''.-:,. ARTICLE X;..REUSE OR Documents prepared by PATRICK are: 'inathrutrnetontscit:a0ifngitscopytright11: ,,...doc.tim, n law,-statutory and Other reserved rights . • . . pioic,,c't-iderttlfle0.:_ ,- • - on any other project''In the...-.. . :.i.-, ., -- ,•:. -::-: : in the Scope pt Services,:•PATRenctiKaret:efoprththees::...: exclusivecommouse of CLIENT;on the e no responsibility if the documents are r'etok,i.f-try CLIENT or oth rs . • Mt'arising :'• -;,:..: ,.-, f..,... • • -::.; - '-'::;.• ..,i.-: event that othereelter... T assumesfull responsibility for the documents without PATRICK's authon bort,any Ha y, . ,..., ....... ,,i,. .. i.i,.. ..: ...,• i....:•'..-„,- out of such alteration Is weiVecdx-aspeaegapient,;ed oPpeATfcleiCreKt,o!trtVe eCtetaLlEtt. . transmission Of data,, ..:::.,-.: .. :',•.:c. ,,..:,,,-: „,,-.,...i auchbhangrie* rF441:Tdott4T. and its agentS, r icor disk .•ocull bec:•ed)ia!bpdynicsi.bi,lietefadensmincLOjeane:::•:!:,;: 1:': ,.,....., ;.,.,,,,.. .,•,;.:.....,.,, information or documents' t ... . 'fr 0)'errors or7dLe!EfoctNTs shall .; '' ,. '''':::,:.:"H. .-..:• ''.,.•:;.•!'ih.....e risk of bee or damages „pre! . ''• ..• •- •;:'•:•••'::•••:-: ' ••':•':.•'•(ii) CLIENre or its agent's automated. e, ortnatbrreProdtidetbe ata-, rtf 0 74ti6r)-.,'.., ,-,...,. ...• ..,." .,.,::,• !:.:::. '::.'*. ;:'•: "':':;' ... conversion.:,or reforms ing. of the datai infcert.mperatiob,:wil oer,-...,',......:.;..!,, .1..:....,,:i.,:.;:....,,.... .i.. ....,...... defectsor errors in CUE NT Or, its agents software..-........,...., ••-• •-,.. :. •;',- ,..p •:,i: ., documents arid(iilYdefic rici ar- C.,-cuTent - .:.,.., .-.•..i, ,:.•.,:• :.i..:).i --.. utilized to receive;transmtelti.;;;Sti '• .... .- - .... .. . . .. .. .. .. ..,. -- ' . ' '' .. '' '' ,. ' .n. ,, • ,.., ... ., .. ... ARTICLE.iii:pE14YtE .„... .''•:.:-..: ''..,,,,, ' 1:' . :.',., . * '::.' •d. g;,..' 41.: obligation to.pay oWecinet:•..:. .,. . ' - • - Iv' PATittb1;iC!ch--9.thirm.il••itdeieti:fr'itipa.?bdOe_for 4,i,,:.,_.,. additionscy de'modifications 19::t :.Serras.'.t.: disputes, material '''.''''''''''..-:'''.:::... '''':.:1:'.'.:,.:."'.',•':::-::'.-:':' ePckaahr;C::tioTs.ife.ffieClaetPtiigt.C4'.teiKboct'b:7"dn.160;.Plya:.t:„'"-4'n9irdo'L:14;,:':.:As.Ple:i:rtr;pHg..,.71Erii;:.ptyc4).'we:,perh17thpieettrel:',,•,....a.otti;.6:e:;;'ndGrule.,.,,,dits'.,r.,,'rnC.:(-;irersr::::..:4i.1..1 .11:::r.68rleiLirri'r.;11.:.;nir‘l;Le.'m.17a'n+'1:t;'-.6473-gal:.... vrieo;:.....,.':ir:ed:ii:,:ab!',...l.,'....:',:::•':..,,.'n‘:•',-..:::.......::','',.,'...;..•'........',.........,.: .,.i'.:.,',..i'.:...t . .... .... ..... .. . ... agencies ;,.'•..c:itri,.114.*::ii...itjaCi§$64i'..AS,a,„ja*.:., '• ',1'..':. :theirrespective ...: ....- .,..- ...,_the. .: -:. .:,... ... .---': --bceSsoreend assigns - ''. '..' ."::: •••'...:-.: This Agreement shaft binding upon the parties ,-r1dspveu er ts assi-t TOSt in thiS.Agreemeot withoUt'.the:.priOrwrittenconsent., .‘,:,„.- s,,,,. ,-:..::::•••:'- .:.,,- other •• . ..'•-:: ..••'••• „.....:;ARTICLE•"• XIII;TERMINATION ;; ,:writtiii,n,,kciii.ge:ta t:10 ottlet, Upon receipt . ... ... .. . ..,. . be:terminated by either party upon ., 1..!. .. f iv nesse'work and take alt..:. ., H , :.,.•,... ThisAgreement may 7 . -CLIENT- PATRICK Shall. imrh011 ., -7 ... •••••%'•-• •- .--for 'services ' .• ' " '' •f notice 01 termination from:.. . 'relatingtof,teritirietion. :',.0-IENI,1-.ff.hal.it,:Ps.Y.'.:....r , -..::. .:•.:' ''.1": .... ''''..,„,''''..i....'.411reeitinable' steps to minimize. m.....Pts. .......t.,..no.66.4::...o.f,„i.e....:r.mo..na....150..4;plus 40y, ippald, re.ir,n.....b,r !-.:..,1".•::.,,i,. -.,i ., :-•- .,.,. - „. - ' . •' ' ...: ...--.- rendered through the date receipt the termination,including reassignment otet7it,..: ..' ':' :'isr: •- ':.:.• ''...' ' and reasonable costs*4;00P -•0 : • .....:. h; " -- " •-•:•:•:, ‘.-•'• :•••:exPer)ses'IY1 ....,. --,..- -•-:',..: •-:.-:, -•:;. •'•:;: •:;,'• .:.' ,. ..--. .. :- .:.:.• '• ...... '..„-.-....-.- :....-. ..•-•:•:-. --, ,.--.---.--,, ::: ,. -::...; ..: .,- „,,-•::- .• ...: .:::•.-...-:: -:i- ::,.!- ;-,.,., ::•:: ,. .-:-:: .. .:. ••••••..• -•--.:-:, .' .-:.: -J-:,,. -.•-,--. _,:.,••:-: ,---i ARTICLE XIV SEVERABILITY ''''' r:..:.-•... -:::..-''-''';'•-.. '-1'.:..'. .'''-'..'...•1. if.,'..e-..r'.y. :termof this Agreement iSheldto be invalid pr,unenforceable,-..- .lA 4..imatter--..oft•.•ay..r-au'F.....P-,.:I,71 shall or deleted, butOntyto the extent necessary to comply with legali requiremenhereraitilg1 .6NsiPnaof hlitgreementehalfrenainihf411-f9rand effect -.'.:.-.„::,.•. -.•-•.-..i::::, -..,,:....,'-:iH-,-.-..,.''..::.•..:-:%.-:,.. Patrick Englleersng me, Partnering to Bulk!Baiter Infrastructzro 022808r5 Page 3 of S .....,:...., . .:„......? . ..:,:• ,,,,!:.:-,..:.,,..,., ..,...:;,..,,,,:f.,-.: . . .. ''.. ;.:'''' ..-.:': ,,::.- • ,.•..,;,: ' ...;:.. .:.:i '..:::.:* :.':'. „. ir,. . ,-, .. -,- -.. -..,- .• :: - .:.'.. ....:. ...,.... 1:-.: :::::. ',. .. ,- .... ,•=• -...'"'":.:., :" ,-:-., . .....'; . '-:,::; .'.:.. ... .. . . . . ... .. .:!. :..• .:.:', r::: -.'....::i, ...'.",:.,. ...:-'•:-,, '''.,:-...:':"•-.:-..- ' '',7..... ':. . r.;:i ;:.:' • ..' , ::'' ..•, .:... •••••••. '''.. i,.:: ' ' , ,i.:,;:i ::::, ,f,.;: '.i'., 7:?.' . :'.' „,,:':'.'..:„••• ". .,,.;:i'...: '',,:....' .:.,:i.'.''''.'..!. "• ..,i•• .;.';.••• •.• ''''' ,..„,.:': ••••5, '....:,,,,, '' 1,..,', '' ..,:,:::, :4..i '''...:': .• ''..::.•.••.]::: .••• '''' ,,..'"'•.:.., '• ',...'. ':: '• ''' I:" .'" .'"'. ,.. .... .... .. ...,,. .. .... . . . . . .., .• '''- -.'•'"-- ..'"--1 • ''" -!--.. -:F' Ow rivFEssio.NAL:SeRvic-g :::-- 'i•:' -,:•-- •,• :F-". :':'• -",:: :•• •, ,• ::--,- , , ---. -•••-• ----- --•---, -- -: iNetopt G THE STAND4146,AbDETNDUM ODR,..,•,'.'-. „,*-,f*--*. ... •-•,-,-,..,;--;4-', 41111"*". -'1::-.;---- '. '.r :::; . .::'. .'...'1' . ''''' .., '''.:', '!': . '' • '::" .,..: 1' ..:,:' '' '' ...„ :.'.' Niii.FiONWTNTALA!*NOR GE01.EPI.k1041.1S,ER'‘'.49e:':::'' .„ . .. .,.,. .... . •.. . ... „ARTICLE XV:.APPLICABLE LAWi ' -':- ' -•• ..,:.:. - .:•... --- :,:: — ,.. ' ..,:- '-' .:: '• -.•::: • ..-- -• .:::::: ::::: • .i.,-,: .- .,,,., -...-:.:' -': •::: ..' -•,:,''-'-.. This Agreement shall be governed by and tit accords - ...,With-.thertaiis,Oi the State of •• :„!.-'" :):.., '• ::,'-'-''' ... .. .. ..., ...-..illitiois.:-The parties to this Agreement agreethatany litigatiohu-, .r or regardirm thig.;•k0-faeinpnt.':::: -..,..•:. - ,,,,::: - ;::: ' ••.:. - '... ''''' ,..: - :., w i0'be....brought only in Circuit Court of the Oghtisenthiltidio: 'CircuitiiPtiPage County Illinois .. .. ..., ... :: :.:-:. ...,- '.:•.J.. •':;: ....•:. ' .: ',. ARTICLE XVI:ATTORNEY'S- PEES ,-- -I.- ...-).::-• ' .-:, .'. in the event PATRICK prevails in any litigation to enforce any tein+n, biproisiOtt•of this Agreement. ..-,... .' • ,„ • ,::i ' -.-....; it shall be entitled ta Its reasonable attarneyiteet-ehri;oopte•frorti'qjENT:' ARTICLE XVII p' i.:viReAGREEMENT ' ...-.'''' .';;::*- :,.:-::.•'' :.:,•:: '.,.: ' ::i, . ,-- ..:' -,, '• '•-•' -•-',: ' .•-: .---.;-•:. ::i ''.i.: ..:':•.• ••. •."•• " .. - •" ,:: . •;.-- ' :.,...',:- ,-,:. CLIENT,. by the undersigned, .acknowledges that it has read this Agreernent; understands it and - .1i. ''''f),,....i. '''••-:•::, ' „., ::•."---•..-.'.; -':)•:-:. agrees to be bound by Its tern's. The terms and of this Agreement, together with that:— ....- -' :i • ... .. .,... ' ..: ' .--:i-.• .:-.'... '. '.*".PATRICK,prepoiallincipding,eitathinentS thereto)'alict:aily.: 15plipai)Ify Addendpm,constitute the ' ....,' .:' :. .--.: " -:.•-•'.- entire Agreerneht betWeerilhe parties and supersede all-prib. Orel or written representatiO0s, understandings arti....t.agreernents...::-The.Partiee-egreei.that apurchase orders work orders, , .:. . .?•i,. ,. .,-•: '-:.:', -.) •::: •::. • kacnoiMedgmerit$,.fOryinagoieniehte,or-othei Sin-lifer doopmeht ‘..deliveredte,S;PATFilbKihail bei....--• •:•.: ..•:,:. •- '.•',...: ... . .. ... . . . _. . ... .. .. . . ., ..)-Jiuk,-)./oid and without legal effect to the extent that they 660flicti#ith the terms Of this Agreement Or-enY.Adderidure eitaohedberete. This-'6greementmay be arriencied or.inooiriekia.s Set forth ir(::: •:-. ' ---- :.-.i'i -:::;-: Article I Or by.a written instrument signed bY;bOth,.PertieS. •Each person signing below represents :!:'... 1-::: .-It, • -';',. that he or she has ftittleget-authbrityto bind the parties to the terms and conditions contained in ),• -,.-- ;,;:- . . ... ..... ... ... .,:. .,::..- ,,,.,:- ,:•.•,:.,. :-•,:tho..:Andreeiypent. :•':.'i' f-J::-•-.- ..,...::: .,4..,.,:: .,, ..,.,,.. :...: ;r-,-?- -....., ..i,-. ,:-.: .,,-.... :-.-:, ,-::,:-. •:.:-, .,.--.:..,--. :-:-,. .:,.,, -.-;:- ,,.:.i. ... . .. .. .. . . ..-', -:': .'•J'..- ''::::. Ii+4•WriTistSS WHEREOF, the parties-tiive;: auiiid this AO eerrent tb.--6,9;exeouted-.by itiOir.diAY ..• .. .... ... ... . - .. ..... ..., ... . .... - authodied representatives,as follows; :-:' ::: --'.': -i'i ;-.•::. :::::::. ..-F.:: .'. ':i: :.:.-. ..].: ...i:-. :- :--.- .--;-: . ,,., .,. ;:. , ;::-- . :...,- . „,....,„.;!i: . ..;;,; , : ::;.. .::.; .f.i.:: ...:i .,ii:-, . :.-.. .::4-., ;:i .. .;-- :::-.. ..1.,.;::: :-..• .... .. ,.., . . . .. „ ... .. . . .... .. .. ... . --:-.Heif.-.8(AsSocIATEs.. :. ... ..---; . -:::...--,-; . . ,"- R:.- •RIC.K 14.4111.F.Efilt.4 14t.. -:I*, -:.,',. 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'... :f:':'.: .:,•'- , -..---. ..., ::::••,..... .,.',''..1::, i.--,-. '.::. - --i - -•;'''-';• ,:• - excavations: 'ilaorif'aoail6k4 P.kril6C'!halt PaP"It.bPcmg4or. that--haPldill... sE61.1°14 g'F4)71 ....7:-7....:' .:H Orliostf.I.,.i:.ser;r;,1.1,:vri;'-actii.r.)Oerc!..a.Iraine.q€<:us,rivrkihtnyl.,...-:.....:.:.:: - -.:::r . .1:•-.-,- '''.' .,.: ':' ,-, the scope'of aervidea.,....:. "Ct4E,I\R acknowledges additionallillinG:tii ayaiqitnQt be responsible for r!.a.z.-.af.06- .Ft.isf:f;t bx:?! additional unsafe ,f?or:lainiitileitif6nsi.:in-iCii(-ril,..N....6Tr,0g:nlai:.;.6that fATI3,.., - ttled'''''....., .-. .., ...' :•• •-• ..-. '.'::,.. '" ''''''' •:,..: .,,,., ' backfill . F!..i'‘.. ?„',:', „ ..'.!: ... -.:.•:'?....,.. '.. ,::..." .-. - ,.:,.,..-.-..:.,'., .".:•_:•-:,•...-:..'.'..'.,...:-.'.,.' SECTION:•.',.3-POTENTIAL F.::.a... CROSS-CONTAMINATION:::•:',.ji--:,;. :-,::..:-;:: ,„:.:,i.r.:::.- ,,;:: .,:.'. :•:.:....:::,",....•:•-.••.,-:.-..:..'..-_'...:.•...•,:;•.'.'::'•'..•.•:•,.;',•::': ,,:'.:.,--',••.:,.--".::..---:-.- :•::! :---:. .,...:. ,.,...:::, ,... •:•.:.,,,.:-.,,-.,, -..:. ••• ,.-;•••• ::;;-:, •: ..:„ ._.., i-,:ion..-.--..ucti:.ias.eijil..,,,..•-• .,..., - ....„....-. ..,:,..: ..-:' .:-::- . •••••: .. ,.: ::, - „......-----'-: ', '' -"*- -'-'" , .* used methods 9f. 13.1?Orface-11-9Yesl!9-di investigation .i,.'-':, _COEN+:acknowledges that.camrha ,,, lhroii6h.6'.00ritaminetod-E7,a- ,.:. .,. ,..,,„. ' '''.. '-'.. -'3. ';-'''' •'•' ''• . tenoning and sampling may penetrate- - • --.-:io Jteach uncontaminated toil. or...,,,-; , -..•,.. :- ,, .:--- ,,„: ...-,:;: borings,,- .... • --f •.-nvitohmelter,-..contarntnation ...:. •-• -. '-',..,- .„::-:-'''' ,-,.: :;':•. :*::::' subsurface pathway'''•Pr.: eiiii.ctioo ..: While backfliking.withigrout.,(or using Other'generally' --- , "grpaixiwater,(itross-aaitarn . ..„....: ,...:..i.;::.::,.. ,•••••,..,:,..,,, accepted means).Is..intaiteeitii,,iitao.t.s.tegt..6,,ht.:'iu6a0.ti'ApTaRthlowal(11;r Its i L:!.i tv Vic:1 14 1 g-apknoriedgas inreest seohnsi•baleeefoarli may be,Imperfect end:agrn :.,caused directly,.. _ L. 4-grcisly. 1. Ftririage9tPntr,...alLbi7bi-?or!--br:'(13)71.i.):ssibri'; 4,...,:, 'i.:. ._-., ..:::: ,...:„..:.., ..•.'.: - --- -- . -- :-. - --suctvcross-bontamination;unless .,....: 9::.e.' !7reF7 '"7 ...., ..,..-,,,,. . - ,,,..-- • .-.i.:: .;...:-. ....,, .,-.. .---,:•:- .. -•.',. ,.,,....--: ,,, -•:..::..... ...„;. - PATRICK artta's06ailtiat9r.... -..-,i, ,,. ......:,...:., :•,' ::,, •,;:•-•.:. .:::..., :..:,:'-.„,i 1'- ,. '' -:.: • -i',.:' ':-..•.- .. '':' .,......'-..,.. •••• :•.: ' :.-• - ..• -.:• : ''''n1 ' -.. •-..;'.': ..' ''''' -..SECTION A.'.:1:)1-80:'.0.Str.'Y.IONO F SAMPLES,C.:Yil-,-P`). .aS. NPell9PM.- .NT....''..::.!,... .i:... ,.. of :. •-'........ ...........,, --:::::. .:- . „,.....,.. ,,...,./..:.:,..,... ..--. ...,, ..:,-,.:......• ...,..-: .....: .....: than,!i..._.:da....s-,:iitterelorttlsion ... ..• „.,:, -.. .:.: .:.,..,.. . N o..samr4.4 ..of:Sol or rock be kept Eiii.,.PATpICK1PngT. ... r" r-Y ---.- :-..--: ' . ::...:: ... 1;,.'• ', ..;i•'-',.' ..Ftitfiii-dic.f,i,e port unless otherwise agreed if if.':samples collectedreniblfiiPrvirtedtivrbeocinsbY, w...P13,ATarITIOC,K.i...:::,._.:".: ;••::,.:::::..,.:„....... ..::, ., - ' • .." - ':',. '.•:: .'.. . rt of the Service4 contain or are suspected-tazontala Par ....„.. ,..... .,..,_ .. ,,,,..,,,, . ;-.:--:..... :::.:• :i: ti.-:as,tiolefined by,federai,,.stzep or",-,s,!,..,... -.:::- " .-'''': ' '''' •• f:' a.'''Pa... . Hazardous:.; .posistitiienta•or:other.poi1u an ..„ ..,„ .. :-' h'.. .':•• .-' .. :taws':'(collectively: referred.,:.to .:.,.,.: ..... herein:1--es. 'Hazardous Substances") :FiATFtICK will, 'after-. ::. .:.. • -:-., ..: completion of: testing (t) such samples fr: lo.GLIENT„ :7.(2).'using.a.-rnanifeat•Sidnecl„ .by...:-:"'-' . . --:- ,haversuct).-. CLIENT sarnples,:trans?orted. to Ott arid disposal of :,-,. ''-..-.. :. :.,:•_ " e...:16. ".,,t1,dii selebyted.srpbyCL.INTolpr final ' ::.. ..:.)., . ,....., ....diabosai.,CLKNT agrees f3'6 PP4-4,C6$s"essoo..,.associated with the: or,ge,..p.en.,.. ..:. samples CLIENT acknowledges and agrees . , that'PATF4iCK '' ..1-'(ideas::otherwise agraedd.t.---- '.• r: -- -"- ' '• . ' :'''''C .:;: --'-'''' ' 4 • .:such contaminated-samples pri4aotiag as a-baliap an a.at.•h>.ti. me a..drnes..41...e,-.omaterials. ....,.. -,... .. .-.al*suspected of :.--.- :.:--i,i.': ',.- .'-•-•!:. - neiated--Cluriiig,..drilliag and sampling operations winch cV- Ir151v,.,':Etn:'fiLliCitgo.•gties8obStandas_Atilll Oa'laki•Pect*Pl'Fq., andP property labeled drums and :::.''':,.:• r .:-:•, I. .'. .cif.theee materials ..:,:. "'' •..c.: ...,•i:.:: . J..! " ::.-..'•- ;;::.,::..-::-:-.:,-.. .......:.::: ..,., -;:q0nPOilinv-:' a'..-1k -7-•::responsibility.fitir.la.441-:rernoYet:1ranff).°1...t.L.: , : • -.- ... • CLIENT-Shall ta.:! .. .• ..• ---..,..... disposal i' substariOei"vOuritisj.,:-L ritereinated.::::with.: 'Hagar .,.11 :-: .......,,,,...._--., th6,•...: - .„-. • .:.-.-. „.-.-., '':: • ..-:: :'''''....:• ''':'. ,-:-'"--;* Air laboratory' and '-fielli. equipment - g.... ...- - '-"bhi"ii oentarninated ahal/.....yeurie „.,, .. :.:. . .;.:. .,. ,:,•-- performance. f the Services vitiljOh cannot .47-:-P3) !Pfle...: t.... ,.: PATRICK fair market,-,-:: -.:.; ......,-, ,.... ... •' ' • ' -:'''• '' s:'r-• •-'' - 9 --' - ' -CLIENT' forwhichCLIENT, shall,ply .: value .::-.•'..:11'.:-.--.:: ''''''.----•':!.....r::-,•::::-- ":::'' SECTION„ 5::.-*69Y,... .Y: 6,...6:-::-Iit44.... ...:f41'1P1---F'.,,..47D'CONDITIONS -:- '-:”: .1.--- ...•••'••••' .. -:., :: •- :.• • -.:: ,...-. .:-.. -:::- ..r:: :,. -."" .:. -• .-.• - ...:- • •-.:• ::_., :,:, •::....:: :;-,: -,--., 4aza.,. 1,,a04...,s._. .Substances.-'..' up:-.-os.r_gc.9....t.1h•:d...,,,,_9*).JI.?ps:,.•underground" 'Discovery of- unanticipated , . ., ... ..,.. . ,. .mandating performancetermsinottroonti,o;te : .:oftheServices shalt: -constitute.. ''a.:':::','-: ::-.. 1,*.''''',-1 :;'''• .::: '• ;',:- • -'''';'' ...; ..:'.1 -ttilitiet'er other .'9156t1Ydr99,-- •:.'..-- :. :.-'7 . . - faes haise,4 P:ATRICK:.:and....,.....911 .NT gii:a._ :Y.' . '''''. .••• ::.: ' -''''' ' changed condition .equitable adjustments the P.olie..:::Pf.sfv'° ',.. .........: .,, .,..„ ... ,.,:y .,:J.:, ,...,.•-: ...aule,:to-.Tie6OUS ..„. ": ''PATF1 ICK:s-compensetiori,:... ......, .... .,:., ..--,- -..--r:,. •:;--- ... •-ri,...Y.,. „.. '-i'.:.:-:''''...„-:.'"-.LE...'':;...-::- .:i:.-..:..: . .:i.:: . ..:.:•-.., ,....':',.. .„,.,--:.„..,::"..-', .,,,...:‘,--. ::..'.."..-„--'-. ,,.-:e-"'.:,.,:' ....'..:. :-':.: .:i; ., ..,.: .. ':.-...,,..1': ...„ ''',...:,,,, ' •'' 's% "''''. • . '''' ...- . - ''..:. tLre 022806r5 Page Sot 8 Patrick Engineering Inc . - ,-..-,- Partiing to llilikt1461101PfttisITe ,:'" .f:r;-- -.. ::.-: rr.r N .---?-i"--:- .. :':'.-- .,. .--:-:-,.... '','-',::.;,--- -r-...:r.• -,..-..;- - -:;:r -.-..,-: ';-.; r .,. .,,, r.-,-- ,,,, .--,,,,, .. .... _ . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . .... . 4010 -' -.-.. ::' r---::':-:-.r.. r'. ,.:r:-I.. r.,?.r - ::-:-.., --:!;:-- .:::-..J , :::.: . .-::" .. '---• .::. :'' ,... - „„.r.- • .---.,. r.r:..i. :-::::r. i::..-r.: r...r-.- .--rr:- --r.-- ,.. .., ... - ., ---- .:. ,...: - r.: .,,-p-.rr-rr ... ... . . „ ... . . , • . ' : . • " ••••.f.'• ' LI. NT PROJECT SERVicES •:„ • • :ENGINAIIMPING OOP: • • . • -,. • • . . •.!•-• INICLUBING•11-Ig.STANDARD AppNpyrviFQ9— :••••'• • - • • •• • • • •• • • "• -• •• ENVIRONMEIVT ANWOR:GEOTF.CHtilaAl SERVICES . . • • and/or the performance PATRICK Will promptly ii! ifi;t.C!..tENT if sUoti,•:o6nditiOna,are..,,, • • : • .::encoUntered • ,-'••• , : -• • SECTION:• 0'GUARANTEE.' ".•:. • • .::. • :.• • • ; .:; 'Because geologic and•::soli•formations ira inherently iandirn. -„veriable and indeterminate.•in • .,• • : • • •• ••• 'nature, PATRICK'S oriinions.(including opinions regarding •'tential clean-up costs or dUaritity:., • .„ • - „.• • • 'estimates) are not guaranteed to be a.representation of conditions;.-the'extent or .: ••••• ••••• quantity of contamination or iqoata;c:Whigb:ara also subject to Change,with:one, a.E.resylt •": .:.• . natural or man e processes • " "'•• SECTION t.ENVIRONMENTALINDEMNIOIATIPti ••••:: „. .:•:' . ••••• . Without limiting in.any way-OL1ENt's indemnity obligation =.:•1 forth iri,lhe Agreement CLIENT .further.agrees•that, to the.fullestiiiwtent permittedby law:, C !ENT:shall Indemnify defend and .,••:- ••••• hold PATRICK its'employees, agentsand sOcoritiacto s harmless troin„and against. all :„ •••: ..„. demands, claims;,suits,.tiabilttlea,and costs including teat I•nable.attorneys faes and costs of „. •:"" ,:• litigation (Claims ) caused by Or.resulting frdm CLIEN s violation of any federal, state.or ••••..••• • ••• local-statute regulation or-ordinance relating to the man-gement-Or.disposal of:HazardOus:, • • ::•.:•::' Substances (b)CLIENTS undertaking of pt.:arranger:06M fir the handling remoVal,treatment;:*1:- ..,„ • • ••• :i•atorage;,transportation or disposal Haiardpdapubataii., discharge,„ . .. •••. ••• ..• : ..:g • release, or -escape''of,,,Flazardou,s Substances at on;::-.un.;er, or frorn-anYsite at:which,:the •••-•••: . '•';Services are perfeirmed,,OibiapttO:Itii extent that SUth CIa s if.e.: t.10.1.416::bY'finatiU.dgiiient to ..• • • have been caused by the negRgence or willful misconduct-.i•F'ATRIdiC,.itaamPtoyees.,:agenta'. • : •• ••.• . • • ...• • ....• .• .• •- .. . . . . . . ... •., ••• •• . . . , • ••• • • .•••• ••• • ••. . . . . .• .•., • •• ••• •• •,. • . . . . 41110+-. •:-• •••••• • . • -• " • • "" .• . . . •••-. •• . • •• .. „ . . •• • . . . . . .. . . .. • „ .•• •• • . . . . . . . . . •• - ••• . ,. ... • .. •••. . . . ...„ .• „ • •,• •• •.. •• • •••• ,• .• • ••• •••• .• • • .•• • ••. . . . . . . . •• • .• . . . „. . ••• • . •• ...• •• . . •.•• ••• •. . •• ..• ..: . . •. •. . .,„. ..• •..... • . Patrick Engineering Inc . . - Partnering toguqd BOtteriarasti• ture 0228Q615. Page.6 f 6 .'-;- .'• • oft. COMPENSATORY STORAGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT zi EXHIBIT 1114C„ OF . ATTACHMENt A CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 4000. 1. Liaison and Contract Control Act as the CITY's representative with duties,responsibili ies and limitations of authority as assigned in the Construction Contract Documents, and ad "se and confer with CITY officials during construction and issue the CITY's authori ed instructions to the Contractor. Assist the Contractorin understanding the intent of the construction contract Documents. Serve as the CITY's liaison with other local agencies such as utility companies,businesses, CITY's on-site representative, etc. 2. On-Site Review of Work Conduct continuous and full-time on-site observations of the work in progress to determine that the PROJECT is proceeding in accordance with the Construction Contract Documents and that completed work will conform to the requirements of the Construction Contract Documents. • Instruct Contractor to correct any work believed to be unsatisfactory, faulty or defective, not conforming to the requirements of the Construction Contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspections, tests,or approval required to be made and report same to the CITY; and advise CITY of action taken or if any special testing or inspection 411116, will be required. Verify that tests are conducted as required by the Construction Contract Documents and in the presence of the required personnel, and that Contract<rs maintain and submit adequate records thereof; observe, record, and report to the CITY appropriate details relative to the test procedures. Perform or cause to have performed as applicable, all required field tests such as concrete tests, soil compaction tests and ensure such tests are mace as specified. Analyze the results of all field and laboratory tests to determine the suitability compliance with the requirements of the Construction Contract Documents. Accompany visiting inspectors representing public or other agencies having jurisdiction over the project, record the outcome of these inspections and report to the CITY. Stake-out construction lines and grades and assist the Cdntractor with interpretation of the Drawings and Specifications. Prepare and submit detailed daily reports of construction progress. Page 3 requirements and problems. Prepare, maintain, and circulate copies of minutes thereof. 7. Contract Administration and Records Handle all day-to-day Contract Administration and associated correspondence. Maintain at the job site orderly files for correspondence,reports of job conferences, shop drawings, and samples submissions, reproductions of original Constructi.n Contract Documents including all addenda, change orders, field orders, additional drawMgs issued subsequent to the execution of the Construction Contract Documents, progress reports, and other project related documents. 8. Reports Furnish written reports to the CITY on a biweekly basis ofprogress of the work and the Contractor's compliance with the approved progress schedule and schedule of shop drawing submissions. 9. Contractor Pay Requests Review the Contractor's requests for payments as constriction work progresses, and advise the CITY of the amounts due and payable to the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract Documents. 10. Change Orders Perform evaluation of proposed Construction Contract Change Orders and submit recommendation for approval or denial to the CITY. Prepare Construction Contract Change Orders when authorized by the CITY. 11. Government Policies Review the Contractor's compliance with governmental Mandated programs. Compliance with OSHA requirements and general safety provisions will be reviewed by an independent safety officer retained by the Contractor as part of the construction work. The safety officer will visit the job site periodically and will submit writtenl reports to the CITY, Contractor, and ENGINEER. 12. Record Drawings Prepare record drawings which show field measured dintensions of the completed construction work which the ENGINEERS consider significant and provide the CITY with one set of reproducible record drawings and all equipment operation and maintenance manuals within ninety(90) days of the PROJECT completion. Page 4 13. Final Completion Conduct a final inspection of the PROJECT with the CITY and the Contractor,and prepare and give to the Contractor a final punch list. Issue an opinion of satisfactory completion for acceptance of the PROJECT by the CITY to Process the Contractor's final request for payment. oak