98-51 Resolution No. 98-51 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH U. S. SHELTER GROUP, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS, that Joyce A. Parker, City Manager, be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin with U.S . Shelter Group, Inc . for Phase II of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. s/ Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly, Mayor Presented: February 25, 1998 Adopted: February 25, 1998 Omnibus Vote: Yeas 7 Nays 0 Attest: s/ Dolonna Mecum Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed this ZSR day of February, 1998 , by and between U. S . Shelter Group, Inc . , 400 Park Boulevard West, Itasca, Illinois 60143 . (hereafter referred to as the "Developer" ) , and the City of Elgin, Illinois , a Municipal Corporation, of the Counties of Kane and Cook, in the State of Illinois (hereafter referred to as the "City" or "Elgin" ) . WITNESSETH: Whereas , Developer entered into an Agreement with District on July 15, 1988, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit "A" , which provides for Developer to install Phase II of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer (hereinafter referred to as Phase II ) ; and Whereas, on October 1, 1990, the District transferred to the City its authority over the sewer lines and the obligations of Developer to District as set forth in the Intergovernmental Agreement as Exhibit "B" ; and Whereas, the City asked Developer not to install Phase II as provided for in the Agreement; and Whereas, all homes within the Country Trails Subdivision have now been completed and Developer wishes to complete its business and obligations under the Agreement; and • Whereas, the City plans to install Shales Parkway in the same area as Phase II is scheduled to be installed; and Whereas, the City staff and Developer have agreed that the construction of Phase II is best achieved if included in the City' s plan for extending Shales Parkway; and Whereas, due to the City' s request that Developer delay the construction of Phase II, certain items which were unnecessary in 1989 and 1990, but are necessary today, are not to be assessed against Developer; such items include trench backfill, pavement replacement and utility adjustments; and Whereas , the City has estimated the value of the portion of Phase II for which Developer is responsible to be Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ( $260, 000 . 00) . NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS : ONE: Subject to the agreement set forth in Paragraph Two to make a final adjustment upon completion of Phase II, the City' s acceptance of the payment of Two Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ( $260, 000 . 00) , (the "Deposit" ) shall fully satisfy all requirements of Developer to install Phase II as outlined in the Agreement with District. TWO: Upon the City' s completion of Phase II , (a) Developer will reimburse City for the additional funds over the amount of Deposit to complete the portion of Phase II attributable to Developer, provided, that completion of Phase II occurs prior to 12/31/98; (b) City will reimburse Developer any portion of the Deposit not used to complete Developer' s portion of Phase II . CITY OF ELGIN BY: cyzi„.,a . � U . SHE ' G 'i P, C. BY: I ' • 1 IP.u-w6 • . I r i:,.... 'L 1•'3.11 '' • .:1 7--;) ,..... 1 UL. , L' r- U6.28=-sB • - 2 \ 1 3 4 $AI:ITAf;1' L:STRIC1 Of ELGIN AGREEMENT i_ l - - 5 -I % - -- '�+:.'o. 6 F�VOi /- i 7 :1 1 8 THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed this 15 t Cv7 ck,="• /....; 9 day of aolkl , 1988, by and between: `,11.S,, allEER - _: 10 INC. , 400 Park Boulevard West, Itasca, Illinois 60143, 11 (hereinafter referred to as the Developer) , and the SANITARY • - • 12 DISTRICT OF ELGIN, a municipal corporation of Kane and Cook 13 Counties, Illinois (hereinafter referred to as the 14 District) , 15 WITNESSETH: . 16 17 WHEREAS, the Developer is the Contract Purchaser of the ' 18 real estate described on Exhibit A (hereinafter referred to . 19 as the Real Estate) , and commonly called Country Trails, and 20 WHEREAS, the Developer desires to cooperate with the • 21 District in the construction of a sewer line known as the 22 Country Trails Interceptor, (hereinafter referred to as the 23 Interceptor) to facilitate the development of the Real 24 Estate ` and other parcels of real estate within the 25 District's jurisdiction. That portion of the Interceptor 26 beginning at Manhole #l6 of Poplar Creek Intercepting sewer 27 and ending at the intersection of Bode Road and proposed 28 Lovell Road, shall hereinafter be referred to as Phase I. • . 29 That portion of the Interceptor beginning at the .. 30 intersection of Bode Road and proposed Lovell Road and • 31 ending at the north property line extended of proposed 32 Country•Trails subdivision, shall hereinafter be referred to . 33 as Phase II. • 34 WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to arrive at a 35 schedule for proceeding as rapidly as possible with the 36 construction of Phase I and the timely construction of Phase 37 II agree as follows: 38 1. Upon the execution of this agreement, the Developer - - 39 will deposit with the District $16, 600.00,• for Phase I and 40 $11,750.00 for Phase II for the cost of engineering design .Xlit 1 1� re. 1995 0654 41 (including soil investigation) , plans, specifications, cost 42 estimate and contract documents. 43 2. Upon awarding a contract for the construction of 44 Phase I and/or Phase II the Developer shall deposit with the • 45 District a Letter of Credit for the total contract amount 46 for such phase plus engineering and legal fees, if any, or 47 shall establish an Impound Account in the District's favor 48 in the aforesaid amount. 49 3. Any cost increase for the design, construction, 50 inspection, legal or other costs due to oversizing the 51 Interceptor that becomes necessary to serve areas other than 52 the Service Area described in Paragraph #7 shall be borne by • 53 the District. 54 4. Since time is of the essence in the construction of • 55 Phase I of the Interceptor, the design and construction of 56 this phase shall proceed as rapidly as possible. 57 5. The construction of Phase II of the Interceptor 58 shall commence at the time of annexation to the District of 59 any property to be served by Phase II of the Interceptor or 60 the recordation of the plat of subdivision of the final unit 61 of the Country Trails development, whichever occurs first. 62 Developer shall have the right to construct Phase II prior 63 to these deadlines. 64 6. Developer shall have the right to review and 65 approve preliminary design, engineering plans and 66 specifications and bid documents. - • 67 7. The area to be served, lying within the District's 68 jurisdiction, is attached hereto as Exhibit B, (herein 69 after referred to as the Service Area) . A fact sheet, 70 dated June 28, 1988, attached hereto as Exhibit C, describes 71 the reimbursement areas (hereinafter referred to as the . . 72 Reimbursement Area) . The cost of the Interceptor Sewer 73 shall be spread over the Reimbursement Areas as hereinafter 74 described in Paragraph #8. • 75 8. The District and the Developer agree that the total 76 cost of the Interceptor should be ultimately shared by the 77 developers of all parcels of real estate within the 78 Reimbursement Area, as outlined by Exhibit C, and by any 79 area outside the Service Area, as delineated in Exhibit B, 80 that becomes tributary to Phase II. No change of the 81 acreage in the Reimbursement Area from Exhibit C or Service 82 Area from Exhibit B shall be made without the Developer's 83 approval until such time that the entire recapture amount 84 has been collected and paid to the Developer. Changes in 85 acreage may then be made at the District's discretion. 86 The District agrees that, as a condition precedent to 87 the provisions of sanitary sewer service to each of the 88 parcels of real estate within the Reimbursement Area, other 89 than the Real Estate, whether or not such sanitary sewer 90 service is by means of the Interceptor, the developer or 91 developers of each such parcel shall be required to deposit 92 with the District the prorata share of the Interceptor Cost, - 93 hereinafter defined, (hereinafter called the Prorata Share) 94 applicable to each such parcel. 95 The Prorata Share of each parcel of real estate within 96 the Reimbursement Area shall be computed by multiplying (a) 97 the cost of installation of the Interceptor including all 98 engineering, legal and other related costs (hereinafter 99 referred to as the Interceptor Cost) times (b) the 100 percentage of the area (acreage %) of the applicable parcel 101 within the Reimbursement Area, as set forth on Exhibit C. 102 The Interceptor Cost of each parcel of real estate 103 within the Reimbursement Area shall be the actual 104 installation cost increased at the rate of 10% per annum 105 computed from the date of the completion of the construction 106 contracts to the date of final payment to District by 107 developers of parcels within Reimbursement Area. The 108 District shall remit to the Developer, or its nominee, the 109 Prorata Share of each parcel of real estate within the • 110 Reimbursement Area within twenty-five (25) days of the 111 deposit thereof with the District. The Developer shall be 112 reimbursed- first and the District shall not collect any 113 reimbursement until the Developer has collected all the 114 reimbursement due it. 115 9. The District agrees to make available to the •... 116 Developer periodic accountings of items of receipt and 117 disbursement in connection with the installation of Phase I 118 and Phase II of the Interceptor. 119 10. District represents and warrants that this 120 agreement is not currently in violation of any ordinance of 121 the District. If this Agreement is, at any time after the 122 date hereof, determined to be in violation of any ordinance 123 of the District, this Agreement shall, if possible, be 124 amended to comply with such violated ordinance. The 125 District and the Trustees shall have no responsibility or • 126 liability if this Agreement or any part thereof is set aside 127 by a Court of competent jurisdiction. 128 11. The Developer will obtain if needed an Illinois 129 Environmental Protection Agency permit for connection of the 130 Real Estate to the District for service. 131 12. The parties hereto agree that they shall execute a 132 short form Declaration of Interest, containing detail 133 sufficient to put on notice present and prospective owners 134 of each parcel of real estate within the Service Area, other 135 than the Real Estate, as to the terms and conditions of this 136 Agreement. Such Declaration of Interest shall be recorded 137 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, 138 Illinois. 139 13. This agreement shall become null and void if a 140 certain Real Estate Sale Contract between U.S.Shelter,Inc. , 141 an Illinois Corporation and Philips Development Company and 142 Valley Bank and Trust Company, South Elgin, Trustee under 143 Trust Agreement No. 0388 dated 3-4-88 is not executed and 144 said transaction not closed. Further, this agreement as to 145 Phase II of the Interceptor shall become null and void if • • . 146 the Real Estate, described on Exhibit A (excepting therefrom • 147 that' portion lying south of Boae Ra. ) is not annexed to the 148 City of Elgin prior to July 31, 1988. In any event, the 149 engineering fees addressed in Paragraph One (1) shall not be 150 refundable to the Developer. 151 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this 152 Agreement on the date hereof. 153 154 155 U.S. E . ER 156 157 15841111')/I. 0( 159 I 5 2rztcfpaW 160 161 162 163 • 164 . 165 • 166 167 SANITARY DISTRICT OF ELGIN 168 a municipal corporation of 169 Xane and Cook Counties, 170 Illinois 171 a 172 By 173 Its ?i` 174 175 176 177 -- • • 178 179 • 180 • 4 OFFICIAL SEAL 4 BARBARA M. HEISTEN . NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF ILLINOIS? 4 My Commission Expires Aug.13,1990 • EXHIBIT "A" AREA NORTH OF BODE ROAD. • THE NORTHWEST QI;. .TER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH RANGE • • 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EXCEPT THAT PART THEREOF WHICH LIES WEST OF A LINE WHICH IS 40.00 FEET EAST • OF AND PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE 150 FOOT RIGHT-OF- WAY CONVEYED TO THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY BY DEED • DATED MAY 14, 1928, AS DOCUMENT 10021928 IN HANOVER TOWNSHIP, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. • SCICABRA PARCELS PARCEL 1 • THAT PART OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF AFORESAID SECTION 17 AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 87'-51'-25" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER 768.01 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 1' -10'-19" EAST, 563.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88' -00'-20" EAST, 211. 15 . • FEET; THENCE NORTH 48' . -59'-19" EAST 325.00 FEET, TO THE WEST LINE OF THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 0'-00'-41" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 315.00 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 87'-51'- 25" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER 413.15 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN • COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE EASTERLY • 70.00 FEET AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF (AND CONTAINING 4 .53 ACRES) . • PARCEL 2 THAT PART OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF • THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: • COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TIIE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF AFORESAID SECTION 17 AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 87'-51'-25" EAST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER, 768.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1'-10'-19" EAST 563.50 FEET, TO THE POINT - OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 1'-10'-19" EAST, 300.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'-16'-53" WEST, 181.08 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 3'-01'-16" WEST, 514.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 86'- 58'-44" EAST, 190.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 56'-O1'-16" EAST, 335.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 16'--01'-16" EAST, 165.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 64'-08'-30" EAST 274.38 FEET, TO THE WEST LINE OF THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON PROPERTY; THENCE NORTH 10'-00'- 41" WEST, ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 585.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 48'-59'-19" WEST, 325.60 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88'-00'-20" WEST, 211.15 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE EASTERLY 70.00 FEET AS MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE • . EASTERLY LINE THEREOF, (AND CONTAINING 9.14 ACRES) . • • SCHRAMM PARCELS LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1: THAT PART OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER • OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE SOUTH 88' 30' WEST ALONG THE • NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 483.80 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF POPLAR CREEK DRIVE AS DEDICATED • FOR THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING S 88 '30' W ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO A POINT THAT IS 2039.60 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE S 14'49' W (S 14'41'01 W MEASURED) FOR A DISTANCE OF 1023.42 FEET (1025.85 FEET MEASURED) ; THENCE N 88'31'45" E (N 88'45'00" E MEASURED) A DISTANCE OF 356.32 FEET (352.83 FEET MEASURED) TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF POPLAR CREEK DRIVE; THENCE N 26'39'15" E (N 26'39'15" E MEASURED) ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 36.18 FEET (41.14 FEET MEASURED) ; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, BEING A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 538.19 FEET AND BEING TANGENT TO THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 264 .46 FEET; THENCE N 01'30'00" W ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE, BEING TANGENT TO THE • LAST DESCRIBED CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 696.52 FEET TO THE PLACE • OF BEGINNING, BEING SITUATED IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND CONTAINING 6.45 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2: THAT PART OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE S 88'30' W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 423.80 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF POPLAR DRIVE AS DEDICATED; THENCE S 01'30' • E ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 696.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE, BEING A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS OF 598. 19 FEET AND BEING TANGENT TO THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, A DISTANCE OF 293.94 FEET; THENCE S 26'39'15" W ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE AND BEING TANGENT TO THE LAST DESCRIBED CURVE, A • DISTANCE OF 4.11 FEET (9.37 FEET MEASURED) ; THENCE N 88'31'45" E (N 88'45'00" E MEASURED) . A DISTANCE OF 472.41 FEET (452.97 FEET MEASURED) TO THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 18 • AFORESAID; THENCE N 00'04'10" W (N 1'09'53" E MEASURED) ALONG SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 982.85 FEET (990.08 FEET • MEASURED) TO THE' PLACE OF BEGINNING. BEING SITUATED IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS AND CONTAINING 9.25 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 3: THAT PART OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER • OF SECTION 18 IN TOWNSHIP AND RANGE AFORESAID; THENCE SOUTH 88 1/2 DEGREES WEST ALONG THE QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID • • SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 11.97 CHAINS, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT 1891.6 FEET EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 18, BEING THE EAST LINE OF LAND FORMERLY OWNED BY PETER BURRITT; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BURRITT TRACT SOUTH 14 1/4 DEGREES WEST 15.53 CHAINS; THENCE NORTH 88 1/2 DEGREES EAST AND PARALLEL WITH THE QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 15.86 CHAINS TO THE SECTION LINE BETWEEN SECTIONS 17 AND 18 FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE ON THE SAME COURSE NORTH 88 1/2 DEGREES EAST 5.84 CHAINS; THENCE SOUTH 3 1/4 DEGREES WEST 8.73 CHAINS TO THE • . NORTH LINE OF THE LANDS FORMERLY BELONGING TO EDWARD C. LOVELL ESTATE; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE LOVELL • • ESTATE LANDS, NORTH 64 1/2 DEGREES EAST 3.45 CHAINS; THENCE NORTH 3 1/4 DEGREES EAST 9.60 CHAINS; THENCE EAST PARALLEL • WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17, A DISTANCE OF 2.74 CHAINS; THENCE NORTH 13.08 CHAINS TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE WEST ALONG THE NORTHLINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER 11.58 CHAINS TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17; THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 17 TO THE POINT OF • BEGINNING, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE EAST 185.47 FEET OF THE WEST 271.55 FEET OF THE NORTH 235.00 FEET OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. • LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL 4: THE EAST 185.47 FEET OF THE WEST 271.55 FEET OF THE NORTH 235.00 FEET OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. • n. r / 1 ' __c � ' di 1�. I CONVEYOR { I. y..:::::!:.::: 1,...i 1 1F1- _ .. .•.,�,yU ,,_,/,'; • r) `✓ Yi T1' ® . I Pit :: •\, i . : ; hr � d � 1 .-_! CLQ L �� t' - - _ - • • c i( I i \ 3 ' J! ! I "-.\"*S . C •yo } ! i i • 510 PARCEL PARCEL l SERVICE AREA ./r"--9) ..,- yr,,,-1_' I A t N' ( BOUNDARY 857 /" l iI J12 'II d /// ! (( B t✓ t • t 1 t11 IIS f . ° j I 8;2 . 1,;1• . ,''PARCEL ,.. \, .� ,---,, • I I. ' ' / I: J • B t t • t ! •, 'oo , r . k( ) C? 1 . r j_. i 1 } k } azo y"...--1 r-== N �, .E)J t 1* .:; } it l• v O ! } �r it 1 I t 1 I hp j '. - f I7+ \ PARCEL , PARCEL( I� j R• 4.; *.2 .76 . 1 . CI •III 1. T it 1 ' 6 • t, 1 I NORTH t.IHE`EXTENDED illiallik - L'-1�;ir..• t+_. f/J. • _.... -.—_—.--.-.— r-;== ; , III. • I. *" Of CC2JNTRT TRAILS ,,,_ I '} S t /a ' - it; .:183 J j p I s .i:;..... . . .. C !:l• z PARCEL ]!i I }' I t - �.;� ` E-c •:. • . .•.-� H .-�:--tom:: �\ t ; - \„ INTER. OF 8WE ) �` i } r '_ .iii! _ \l / t \ J • IOVEtI ROADS 1 J i Q_ �� o j �:� } ),, ,_„*"/,'" tb ( �80TJ!" nT J{ 1 */..,44,,,5,..G., L ( t.f r'1 iJ1 II 8,t� 0 1 C- O 4+� 1 6 PAR t; 0 ; 0 J W .�° I!. EL' ;. ' ••i1 gikiioils 1 I I •I =7. Q • .1 �f G , t . `II A . t J �l f 1?,' I 761 i,„...„ „„,` r%r- w `'.110 ° i.. ''.' t l //J/ • j '•-.'/` ' *is o o I SERVICE AREA o _ ti.' J'• ' •� ':PARC: W r� O, t+. Ja,l .:ri. .� '�•- i BOUNDARY • - •Et(�\ ` •4 , J 1, ��-\ '• I ` , ? lr 1 "Iw ion :. ..` t;. 5 i : If: .�I fiP 11 M _:b i f'J/,`"�l\i,A i jam. H 1_J ji Siia i m i t RviN t . . J ,'% ;�L. :. ' PARCEL • .z,...N,'"r . POPLAR CREEK ; E •- 7.. /! +?+.• . Q INTERCEPTOR 0 .{ (r. . . .. • —__ ( �\ ,. EXHIBIT B r f, ' . 4 EXHIBIT C PARCEL A THAT PART OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE VEST 1/2 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING VEST OF THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON RICHT-OF- VAT AND SOUTH OF THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-VAT LINE OF 111E ILLINOIS TOLL ROAD. AND THAT PART OF THE VEST 1/2 OF 111E NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LTING VEST OF THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON RIGHT OF WAY, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 126.9 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 12.4.9A 2G.'I:' PARCEL B ' THAT PART OF LOT 4 AND LOT 5 OF THE DIVISION OF SECTION 0, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST • OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN LYING SOUTH OF THE CENTER LINE OF SHOE FACTORY ROAD, ALL IN COOK CWNTT, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 39.3 ACRES MORE OR LESS. Jn _1 • R-1% • PARCEL C LOIS 12, 13, 29 AND 30 OF BERNER ESTATES, BEING A SUBDIVISION OT PART OF THE VEST 1/2 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF TIIE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AND THE VEST 600 FEET OF THE NORTH 839.87 FEET OF IIIE SOUTHWEST 1/4-OF TIIE SWTIIIEST 1/4 OF SAID SECTION AND THE EAST 300.4 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 Of SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING NORTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF GOLF ROAD (ILLINOIS ROUTE 50), ALL IN CWK CWHIT, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 30.4 ACRES MORE OR • LESS. 38.4A 7.9% PARCEL D THAT PART OF THE SWTH 1/2 OF THE WEST 1/2 OF THE SWTIIEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 0, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING NORTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF GOLF . RG') (ILLINOIS ROUTE 58), IN COOK CWNTT, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 31.7 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 31.7A 6.5. - PARCEL E THAT PART OF LOT 19 OF THE CWNTT CLERKS DIVISION OF THE EAST 1/2 AHD THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING EAST OF THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON RIGHT-OF-WAY. IN COOK CWNTT, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 12.2 ACRES MORE OR LESS. - 12.2,1 2.5% PARCEL F THAT PART OF LOTS 19, 20 AND 21 OF THE COUNTY CLERK'S DIVISION OF THE EAST 1/2 AND THE SOUTHWEST 1/4' OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST Of THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING WEST OF THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON RIGHT-OF-WAY, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 53.0 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 53.0A 10.9% • PARCEL 6 LOT 1 OF COUNTT CLERK'S DIVISION OF UNSUBIDVIDED LANDS IN THE SWTH 1/2 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN AND LOT 22 OF CWNTT CLERK'S DIVISION OF THE EAST 1/2 AND THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ALL IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 38.7 ACRES 3v-7A ItJRE OR LESS. 9.1E PARCEL X THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EXCEPT THAT PART THEREOF WHICH LIES VEST OF LINE WHICH IS 40.00 FEET EAST OF ANO • • PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF THE 150 FOOT RICHT-OF-VAT CONVEYED TO THE COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY BY DEED DATED MAY 14, 1928, AS DOCUMENT 10021928 IN HANOVER TOWNSHIP, IN COOK " • COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 82.0 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 82.0'1 16.9% PARCEL 1 THAT PART OF LOT 1 OF THE ASSESSOR'S DIVISION OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST • OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN LYING NORTH OF THE CENTER LINE OF SHOE FACTORY ROAD. AND THAT PART OF LOT 1 Of THE ASSESSOR'S DIVISION OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN LYING SOUTH OF THE SOJTN RIGHT•OF-VAT LINE OF THE ILLINOIS TOLL ROAD AND THAT PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2 OF L. CURCE FARM SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE EAST HALF OF FRACTIONAL SECTION 6 AND THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF TIIE FRACTIONAL SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 9 EASST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, LYING SOUTH OF TME SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ILLINOIS TOLL ROAD, ALL IN COOK CWNTT, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 62.3 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 62.3A • 12.8: 468.5A • 100: INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Sanitary District of Elgin, a municipal corporation of Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "District" and the City of Elgin, a municipal corporation, Kane and Cook Counties, Illinois, and a home rule unit, within the meaning of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "City", are public agencies within the meaning of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act; and WHEREAS, District and City are also units of local government within the meaning of Section 10 of Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Illinois; and WHEREAS, the District and the City are authorized to contract among them- selves to obtain or share services or exercise combine or transfer any power or function, in any manner not prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, rapid actual and anticipated growth within and in the vicinity of the boundaries of the District and the City has resulted in a demand for immediate and substantial expansion of the treatment capacity of the District and the sanitary sewer collection system for sanitary waste; and WHEREAS, the District is without sufficient available revenue to adequately meet the demand for expansion of the sanitary sewer collection system; and • WHEREAS, the ownership, maintenance and operation of a sanitary sewer collection system are matters within the government and affairs of the parties; and WHEREAS, the District owns, maintains and operates a sanitary sewer collec- tion system to collect sewage and transport said sewage to the District's plants through sewer pipes of substantial diameter commonly referred to as interceptor sewers; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto believe that it would be more efficient and economical if that portion of the sanitary sewer collection system in the City of Elgin were owned, maintained and operated by the City of Elgin.. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the District and the City ogree as follows: I. Except as otherwise provided herein, the District shall convey and transfer by appropriate instrument to City all rights in the collection system including easements, licenses and the sanitary sewer collection system, including interceptor sewer lines and extensions thereto located outside of the District's several treatment plants, except the following: (a) Thot interceptor sewer line extending northward from the North Plant serving West Dundee. (b) Those interceptor sewer lines extending generally southward from the Main Plant serving South Elgin. (c) That portion of the Bowes Rood interceptor sewer line and appurtenances downstream from McLean Boulevard, hereinafter referred to as BRIS 1. 2. Upon the transfer of the District's rights including easements, licenses and the sanitary sewer collection system with the exceptions described above from the District to the City, the City shall assume ownership thereof and shall maintain the same as City property and thereafter City shall have the authority to cause necessary extensions, replacements or paralleling of easements, licenses and lines to be mode as it may determine necessary to serve future needs of the City and the District, provided, however, that these units of local government will cooperate in such expansion so that the District can maintain and enlarge its treatment capabilities and service any such expansion. The District shall retain the joint right to use the said easements and licenses from and after the date hereof. 3. The City shall cause the construction of future extensions and replace- ment interceptor sewer lines which shall generally be in accordance with a development plan to be adopted by the parties, and whenever necessary to allow the District the use of easements and licenses hereby granted or hereinafter acquired. However no construc- tion shall be delayed because the parties have not yet formulated an agreed development plan. Prior to the adoption of a development plan by the parties, City may proceed with construction of sewers at its own risk. • Each party shall, as soon as practicable, notify the other, in writing, of any determination that improvements or new facilities are required for either the sanitary sewer collection system or treatment system, or both. 4. The City shall permit connection to its sewer system, if requested by the District, as a result of annexation of new territory to the District, subject to such condi- tions and costs as may be determined by the City; connection shall be permitted in service areas lying within incorporated cities and villages, but City shall not be required to provide service to any area which is not within the corporate boundaries of any city or village as of the date of this agreement, it being the City's intent not to provide service to another city or village for an area which the City may desire to annex. The City agrees to cooperate in the requests for facility planning area amendments which may be required as a result of such circumstances. 5. The District shall own, maintain and operate the following lift stations which are presently a part of the collection system: Number Location 31 Lower Wellington Avenue 32 National Street 33 Dundee Avenue 34 Abbott Drive 36 Lyle Street 37 Gale Street (The City's Gifford Rood station will be maintained by the District with all costs reimbursed by the City). The balance of the lift stations, together with any lift stations subsequently added to the collection system shall be owned, maintained and operated by the City. Any lift stations hereinafter constructed and connected to the collection system shall be designed and built in accordance with District standards, including sufficient standby electrical power which shall be capable of operating the lift station independently, in the event of a power failure. "Minimum District Standards" shall be defined as then current TEPA standards. • 3 6. The District shall amend its schedule of annexation and connection fees so as to produce sufficient revenues to allow and provide for construction of additional treatment plant capacity. 7. The City shall establish a schedule of fees and charges necessary to provide for the extension, expansion and maintenance of the collection system provided, however, that this provision shall not prohibit the City from entering into preannexation agreements whereby the City deems special contractual relationships to be beneficial both to the overall system of the City and the District and to promote orderly growth of the City and District. 8. The District ogrees to consent in writing and otherwise cooperate in effecting any amendment to its facility planning area required to situate territory newly annexed to the city in the District's facility planning area. The City shall act as peti- tioner in such proceedings to amend or change the facility planning area. 9. The City shall reasonably minimize inflow and infiltration in the installa- tion of sewers and shall continue its existing program of replacement or repair of existing sewers so as to minimize inflow and infiltration. The City and the District shall review all plans and specifications therefore, and the District shall have the reasonable right to specify materials to be used. 10. The diversion structures along the Fox River which are connected to the combined sewer system shall remain the property of the District and the responsibility for NPDES permits shall continue to be the responsibility of the District. The City shall retain ownership of the combined sewers including the pipe which discharges directly into the Fox River from the diversion structures. II. In addition to this Agreement and anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, the City and the District may enter into further intergovern- mental agreements to cover specific projects wherein the details thereof may best be covered by separate agreement. In addition to this agreement the City and the District may undertake any joint projects covered by an appropriate intergovernmental agree- 4 ment whereby the total project costs (planning, design, construction, inspection, administrative, legal and easement costs) are divided in accordance with the terms and conditions of such project agreement. 12. The City shall not assume any obligations of the District under the District's outstanding reimbursement agreements with third parties, and the District shall be solely responsible for any such obligations. 13. The District shall be allowed free access to sewers, manholes and structures owned by the City. The City shall be allowed free access to District sewer structures for its sewer purposes. 14. The City and the District shall pass such necessary ordinances or resolu- tions as are required to effect the terms of this agreement and as may be necessary to comply with state and federal laws and regulations. 15. The City agrees that it will pay all costs (planning, design, construction, inspection, administrative, legal and easement costs) to cause the construction of all sanitary sewer collection system improvements needed to provide service to all properties annexed to or served contractually by the City. 16. The City agrees that it will pay its shore for oversizing the Bowes Road Interceptor BRIS 11 (McLean Boulevard to Randall Rood, e.g. 36" basic to 66" actual). Such costs shall include planning, design, construction, inspection, administrative, legal and easement costs. The District shall own BRIS land the City shall own BRIS II; upon • payment to City of Elgin by South Elgin of its proportionate share of costs incurred, South Elgin may use BRIS II. 17. The City shall be responsible for all costs of the interceptor from McLean Boulevard to the District West Plant (BRIS I parallel) that will provide capacity for the 66" interceptor not presently available for the existing 27" interceptor that runs from McLean Boulevard to the West Plant BRIS I. 18. Subject to the approval of state and federal agencies which have funded its purchase, the City agrees that it will transfer without cost to the District, ownership 5 of certain properties that it owns or may acquire adjacent to the District's North Plant (See Exhibit A) so that the North Plant treatment capacity can be increased to treat the sewage generated by the annexations of property to the City and the District. 19. The City agrees to cooperate and assist the District in so designing and locating additional treatment facilities upon such property as City may convey, as provided in the preceding paragraph, so that District's proposed use meets the standards for reclassification, if necessary, or special use approval, if necessary, under City's zoning ordinance. 20. The City agrees that all properties annexing to the City shall be required to annex to the District at the time they annex to the City and the District agrees that all properties annexing to the District shall be required to annex to the City or Village of South Elgin at the time they annex to the District, except those areas as may be served by the District as described in paragraph 4. 21. All sanitary sewer construction shall be provided with full time resident inspection by an inspector approved by the District; such approval shall not be unreason- ably withheld. 22. As built drawings of all sanitary sewer work shall be delivered to the District thirty (30) days after the sewer is accepted by the City. District shall permit copies of all such as built drawings of the existing collection system as it may possess to be examined by City. 23. All sanitary sewers will be required to pass a.4 pressure air test or SDS. ea , such other test as may be required by :}n. ,�/ / %C . - 24. All properties which are annexed to the City or are served contractually by the City shall be required to install storm sewers and all new structures shall be required to be equipped with sumps and sump pumps which may not be connected to the sanitary sewer a'nyQA •� �• ` 1 ! ` � XV-4 -2) f z2!b�- .L3 / - /- 25. All contract u s shall be re fir-: •to install a sampling manhole, an approved sampler and on approved flow measuring device on the sewer serving their 6 cs • properties to monitor and measure all flows discharged to the District for treatment. The District shall bill the City for sewage treatment extended to contract users of the City. Flow measuring devices shall be calibrated at least once every six months. 26. The City shall continue to own and operate the combined sewer system and the City and the District shall seek to eliminate existing combined sewers, whenever practicable. 27. The Village of West Dundee shall not be allowed to connect to the North- west Interceptor sewer system wtihout approval of the parties. 28. The District shall '_.e reimbursed by the City of Elgin for the funds the District expended in regard to the construction of Phase II of the Northwest Interceptor sewer, in the sum of $658,887, with payments made at the rate of fifty percent (50%) of City development contributions actually received for the Northwest Interceptor. Date: September , 1990 SANITARY DISTRICT OF ELGIN, a • municipal corporation By ; G President, Board of Tru tees Attest: Colioard of Trustees CITY OF EL N, a municipal corporation By .�-� �� L�✓ 'G �� Mayor Attest: • City Clerk • 7 ( / . „. . - — • , -.... .-.,. -... , -,.. ________ -........ -..., -.. ...... .., -..... ..... _..-- - —./E. __-- - . -.....„ ---....„ _- „mos _ ---- - 0 -- \ . • 1—----- . /"-• ' lilt 111‘"--,.. . , .‘ -....., *--... ..., ..•• .* ....- ' r . -,....... .., L.... — ...... 116110- „,,... ---" ...-- ,;...,____ .... -s, . . i . -- - , I . ...., — -....00 —— -AS. _•,.--- . • 1 U. __•—• B,.,..,..E. --••.> <-------;___—.— " r,...---...: _......„ -.... , ___________—,---- • • , • 1 ...• ~0 —,..... ...,_•••••• -71 ' -.. it —4 ... • I '--- -- r-- 1 .--- 1 1:7 • •'" • ... . ...„,,,'',... 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Parker, City Manager SUBJECT: Development Contribution for Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer PURPOSE The purpose of the memorandum is to provide the Mayor and members of the City Council with information to consider the acceptance of funds in lieu of construction of the subject sanitary sewer. BACKGROUND U.S . Shelter, a local developer, entered into an agreement with the Sanitary District of Elgin (SDE) (now known as Fox River Water Reclamation District) in July of 1988 governing the construction of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer. This agreement, attached as Exhibit A, specified that U. S. Shelter would construct the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer in two phases (please see map enclosed in Exhibit A) . U. S . Shelter completed the first phase in 1989 . In 1990, the City of Elgin took over jurisdiction of interceptors within Elgin, including the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer. The jurisdictional trans- fer of interceptors included the transfer of any outstanding agreements . The U.S. Shelter/SDE agreement required U. S . Shelter to construct the phase two portion prior to the City' s approval of the final plat of Country Trails Unit 3 . Shortly after completing phase one of the interceptor, U.S . Shelter was asked by the City to put a hold on phase two. The City' s request was based on the possibility of additional lands annexing to Elgin requiring the expansion of this intercep- tor' s service area. The said lands were subsequently annexed to Hoffman Estates, thus eliminating the need to expand the service area. Since it would be unreasonable to hold up the Country Trails Subdivision due to the City' s possible expan- sion plans, the City allowed Country Trails Unit 3 to proceed without the completion of phase two. Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer (Shales Parkway) January 16, 1998 Page 2 The City is preparing to construct the portion of Shales Park- way between Longford Drive and Bode Road. The Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer was designed by U. S . Shelter to be located in Shales Parkway right-of-way. The City and U. S . Shelter have agreed that the construction of the interceptor sewer is best achieved if included with the Shales Parkway construction project . The final Shales Parkway plans do include the inter- ceptor sewer and a cost estimate has been prepared for the sewer. Due to tax reasons, U.S . Shelter would like to prepay the City the necessary funds to construct this portion of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer based on the preliminary estimate. Typically, developers reimburse the City after the improvement is complete. U. S . Shelter' s agreement to prepay their share of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer is attached as Exhibit B. The extension of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer is neces- sary to serve undeveloped lands east of Cobbler' s Crossing, south of the Tollway and north of Summit Street . COMMUNITY GROUPS/INTERESTED PERSONS CONTACTED Mr. Jack Sorenson, President of U. S. Shelter Group, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT The estimate to construct the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer Phase 2 is $330, 000 . U. S . Shelter' s share of the project, defined by their SDE agreement, is $260, 000 . Once completed, U. S . Shelter will be reimbursed any unused funds or they will reimburse the City if additional funds are needed. U. S . Shelter will submit a check for $260, 000 upon execution of the attached agreement. Because construction of the sewer is now being planned as part of the roadway project, more stringent backfill and compaction requirements exist . These requirements were not applicable when U.S . Shelter would have initially constructed this sewer. Therefore, these additional costs ($70, 000) will be the responsibility of the City. The 1998 budget includes $330, 000 for the total construction of the sewer to Summit Street as well as the $260, 000 reim- bursement from U. S . Shelter. The City' s $70, 000 ($330, 000-$260, 000) portion of the construction is included as part of the 1998 bond sale scheduled for March, 1998 . LEGAL IMPACT None. ALTERNATIVES None . Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer (Shales Parkway) January 16, 1998 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execu- tion of the agreement with U. S . Shelter for a $260, 000 payment for phase two of the Poplar Creek Interceptor Sewer, accept the prepayment of $260, 000 and direct staff to place these funds in an account to be used to fund the interceptor sewer portion of the Shales Parkway construction project. Respectfully submitted, David L. Lawry, rEjOi. Director of Publ s Joe Parker City Manager JE/do Attachments eow