93-295 Resolution No. 93-295 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINANCE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH AGENTS TO SELL CITY MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSES AND RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR WATER BILLS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ELGIN, ILLINOIS that it hereby authorizes the city' s finance director to enter into agreements with agents for the sale of motor vehicle licenses and accept payment for water bills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such agency agreements shall be with persons, firms or corporations which are otherwise authorized to sell state motor vehicle licenses or accept payment of public utility bills. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such agents may be paid a fee not to exceed fifty cents ($.50) for each city vehicle license sold and each payment of a water bill accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all such agency agreements shall be in writing and in such form as approved by the corporation counsel . s/ George VanDeVoorde George VanDeVoorde, Mayor Presented: November 17, 1993 Adopted: November 17, 1993 Vote: Yeas 7 Nays 0 Attest: s/ Dolonna Mecum Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk Elm n7e4 Agenda Item No. • .o October 21, 1993 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robert O. Malm, Interim City Manager SUBJECT: Satellite Collection Locations PURPOSE To seek City Council approval of expanding satellite collection locations for water bills and vehicle licenses. BACKGROUND In an effort to offer increased customer service, staff has investigated alternative methods of providing our services to the public. One such area is the sale and collection of vehicle slickers. While we have had outside locations sell vehicle license in the past, response has not been overwhelming (less than 4„ 000) . We can attribute this to the additional fee that is charged along with the passive approach used in selling the license. (The sale of licenses was added as a customer convenience but really not emphasized. ) Staff approached West Suburban Currency Exchange, Inc. because they have four (4) locations in Elgin and come highly recommended by surrounding municipalities. They currently sell vehicle stickers for sixteen ( 16) communities. Currently a $ .50 service fee is charged by satellite locations and passed on to the customer. The service charge is mandated by current resolution and in our opinion does more to discourage sales than to encourage them. If our goal is to provide more accommodating service to our customers, we should be willing to absorb the service charge as part of the cost of doing business. The currency exchange offers convenient evening, Saturday and Sunday hours, they are familiar with the vehicle license process and offer multiple locations. The vehicle license program grosses approximately $1. 1 million. FINANCIAL IMPACT We are estimating . approximately 5,000 - 10,000 stickers will be sold by satellite locations. If the $.50 service charge is absorbed by the City rather than passed on to the customer, the cost would equal $2,500 to $5, 000. RECOMMENDATION In order to extend convenient customer service to Elginites, it is recommended that the City Council approve the expanded sale of vehicle licenses to satellite locations and absorb the $.50 service charge. Rob rt 0. Maim, Interim City Manager cjg (Pk • r