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Ordinance No. T21-99
WHEREAS, the City of Elgin is a home rule unit pursuant
to the Illinois Constitution; and
WHEREAS, the City of Elgin, as a ome rule unit, may
exercise any power and perform any funcsion relating to its
government and affairs; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin has
determined that it is desirable to provid: for the preparation
and adoption of a master plan for the edevelopment of the
riverfront of the Fox River and the censer city area and to
thereafter undertake the redevelopment of the riverfront and
center city area; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Elgin has
further determined that it is necessa y and desirable to
create a new special advisory committee o assist and advise
the City Council regarding the preparat ' on and adoption of
such a master plan and such redevelopment of the riverfront
and center city areas .
Section 1 . Riverfront/Center City Steering Committee
Created. There is hereby created the R'verfront/Center City
Steering Committee for the purpose of ad ising, assisting and
recommending policies to the City Co ncil regarding the
preparation and adoption of a Riverfron /Center City Master
Plan and for the redevelopment of the r'verfront and center
city areas and for all other maters regarding the
redevelopment of the riverfront and center city areas .
Section 2 . Membership.
A. The Riverfront/Center City Steering Committee shall
be composed of thirteen members to be appointed by the City
Council . Each member shall serve for an ndefinite term. The
City Council may at any time appoint suc•essor members to the
committee to replace then-current members or to fill vacancies .
B. One member and chairperson of t e committee shall be
the Mayor, one member shall be a member of the ity Council,
one member shall be the City Manager, ore member shall be a
member of the Kane County Forest Preserv: District Board, one
member shall be an officer or employee of Metra, one member
shall be a representative of the Grand ictoria, two members
shall be representatives with downtown interests, and five
members shall be appointed from the public at large .
Section 3 . Meetings . The members of he Riverfront/Center
City Steering Committee shall meet as s on as practical and
shall establish regular meeting dates whi h shall not be less
than four times annually. The Riverfront Center City Steering
Committee may establish rules regardig the conduct of
meetings and where not otherwise provided Robert ' s Rule of
Order, Newly Revised, shall apply. Minutes shall be taken at
all meetings . All meetings shall be co ducted in accordance
with the Open Meetings Act .
Section 4 . Staff . The City Manager from time to time,
in her discretion, shall make available the service of the
city' s professional staff to aid and cooperate with the
Riverfront/Center City Steering Committee in carrying out its
responsibilities .
Section 5 . Powers and Duties . T e Riverfront/Center
City Steering Committee shall have the power and duty to
evaluate and advise the City Council reg-rding all aspects of
the study, preparation and adoption of a master plan for the
redevelopment of the riverfront and ce ter city areas and
shall have the further power and duty to evaluate and advise
the City Council regarding all oth:r aspects of the
redevelopment of the riverfront and center city areas
including but not limited to :
A. Meet with the city' s consul ' ants to develop a
Riverfront and Center City Master Plan.
B. Meet with property owners and the public regarding
the redevelopment of the riverfront and ce tral city areas .
C. Recommend to the City Council a Riverfront and
Center City Master Plan for adoption by th- City Council .
D. Develop and recommend to the City Council for
adoption by the City Council a financ ' al feasibility plan
which outlines anticipated revenues and expenses associated
with the redevelopment of the riverfront a d center city areas .
E. Invite up to three additional p rsons to participate
on the committee as non-voting ex-officio members when the
committee determines that the participation of such additional
non-voting ex-officio members would ass ' st the committee in
carrying out its duties . Any such non-voting ex-officio
members shall not be counted as members of the committee for
the purposes of a quorum or otherwise .
F. Enlist volunteers to aid in the redevelopment of the
riverfront and center city areas .
G. Solicit donations to be applied toward redevelopment
of the riverfront and center city areas .
H. Recommend to the City Council the application for
grants to support riverfront/center city area redevelopment .
I . Create various ad hoc committees to assist the
Riverfront/Center City Steering Committee, in carrying out its
responsibilities .
J. Work with and coordinate activ' ties with the city' s
consultants for the Riverfront/Center City redevelopment
projects .
K. Provide a public relations prog am for communicating
the Riverfront/Center City Steering Commi tee ' s and the city' s
goals for the redevelopment of the riveriront and center city
areas .
Section 6 . Dissolution of Co mittee . The
Riverfront/Center City Steering Committee shall automatically
be dissolved upon the adoption of a R verfront/Center City
Master Plan by the City Council unless t e City Council takes
further action to extend or recreate the committee .
Section 7 . That all ordinances or p,:rts of ordinances in
conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be and are
hereby repealed.
Section 8 . That this ordinance shall be in full force
and effect from and after its passage i the manner provided
by law.
s Ed S hock
Ed Schoci , Mayor
Presented: August 11, 1999
Passed: August 11, 1999
Vote : Yeas 7 Nays 0
Recorded: August 12 , 1999
Attest :
s/ Dolonna Mecum
Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk
July 23 , 1999
TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council
FROM: Joyce A. Parker, City Manager
SUBJECT: Riverfront/Center City Commissi.n
The purpose of this memorandum is to ou line for the Mayor and
members of the City Council the ;proposal to create a
Riverfront/Center City Commission.
The Riverfront/Downtown planning project ill soon get underway in
the month of August . As a part of that effo' t, it has been suggested
that an advisory body be created o provide input and
recommendations to the consultants and the City Council into the on-
going process and the eventual planning product .
The attached draft ordinance would implement this suggestion. This
ordinance creates the Riverfront/Center City Commission. Its purpose
is to assist and advise the City Council egarding the preparation
and adoption of the master plan and aly redevelopment of the
riverfront and the center city. The Commi-sion would meet with the
consultant to develop and make recommendations to the plan, meet
with property owners and the public regar.ing redevelopment issues
and proposals, analyze the financial fea..ibility associated with
redevelopment projects, and conduct public elations and fundraising
programs .
The Commission would consist of 13 members . These include the Mayor,
also serving as the chairperson, a member of the City Council, the
City Manager, a member of the Kane County Forest Preserve District
Board, an officer or employee of Metra, a representative of the
Grand Victoria, two representatives with downtown interests, and
five members from the public at large . As many as three additional
members would serve in an ex-officio capac ty. The Commission would
meet frequently during the plan preparation process, and then a
minimum of four times a year thereafte to monitor the plan' s
` • I
Riverfront/Center City Commission
July 23 , 1999
Page 2
The organizations from which members are proposed to be appointed
have been contacted. They all have expressed a willingness to be
Members of the Commission would be vol nteers and would serve
without compensation.
None .
Approval of this ordinance creating the Riverfront/Center City
Commission is recommended.
Respec fully Submitted,
Joyce Parker
City M,:nager