HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-47 Resolution No. 19-47
that pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9)the City Council hereby finds that an
exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best interest of
the city; and
ILLINOIS, that Richard G. Kozal, City Manager, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are
hereby authorized and directed to execute a Services Agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin
with the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University (NIU) for NIUNet Internet Service, a
copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
s/David J. Kaptain
David J. Kaptain, Mayor
Presented: March 20, 2019
Adopted: March 20, 2019
Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 8 Nays: 0
s/Kimberly Dewis
Kimberly Dewis, City Clerk
Northern Illinois University
N I V Department of Information
Technology Services
Solutions DeKalb Il,60115
This NIUNET SERVICES AGREEMENT executed Service Order Form,which shall
(collectively with each Service Order also be incorporated into this Agreement
Form,as defined below shall henceforth as Attachment B (in sequence) and shall
be referred to as the"Agreement"),is be made a part hereof by this reference.
made by and between the Board of Services may include but are not limited
Trustees of Northern Illinois University to the following:
("NIU") and the City of Elgin,a municipal
corporation, ("Customer") this 20th day (a) Transport. Network services that
of March ,2019. Each of the provide for a point to point
aforestated parties shall be known location through the NIUNet
individually as a"Party"and collectively infrastructure. NIUNet can
as the"Parties." support 100/1000/10000Mb/sec
The Parties agree as follows: (b) Internet Services.NIUNet shall
provide a low cost access to its
1. Purpose of NIUNet current service provider for
general commodity internet access
NIUNet is an initiative of Northern Illinois upon request.
University that is designed to provide (c) Co-location Services. NIU can
general technical and development provide co-location space in the
support,network services and co-location NIU data center for the housing of
to other governmental and not-for-profit equipment in a secure and
organizations. controlled environment.
(d) Storage services. NIU shall provide
2. Services Provided storage as a service upon request.
NIU will provide to Customer the services Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
outlined in any applicable Service Order stated herein, no payment by Customer
Form(s) attached to this Agreement as to NIU shall be due except as stated in a
Attachment B ("Services") as may be Service Order Form that is executed by
added to from time to time by the Parties the Parties,
hereto,and which shall be incorporated
into and made a part hereof by this 3. Restrictions
reference.During the term of this
Agreement,the Parties may agree to (a) Hardware.The NIUNet
additional services pursuant to a fully infrastructure is owned by NIU.
Customers are not allowed access disclose any information as
to equipment operated and owned necessary to satisfy the law,
by NIU. regulation or other governmental
(b) Installation of equipment. Any request,to operate appropriately,
network equipment required to be or to protect itself or its users.NIU
installed into the NIUNet will not intentionally monitor or
infrastructure will be installed by disclose any private information,
authorized NIU personnel only. unless required by law.
NIU will authorize and specify (b) Acceptable Use Policy. NIU reserves
equipment compatible with the right to remove content or
NIUNet on an as needed basis. traffic from the network that
(c) Authorized Use. NIUNet network violates the Northern Illinois
connections shall only be available University Acceptable Use Policy
for use by the Customer to whom ("Acceptable Use Policy") as stated
Service is granted.Connections in 'Attachment A,'incorporated
may not be shared by any means herein and made a part hereof.
including wired or wireless (c) Laws and Policies. Use of the
networking except as authorized Services provided must comply
by NIU. with all existing Federal,State and
municipal rules and regulations.
4. Maintenance (d) Right to amend Policies. NIU
reserves the right to amend the
(a) Facilities. NIU reserves the right to Acceptable Use Policy at its
schedule regular or emergency discretion,provided the changes
maintenance on the network do not materially affect the terms
equipment. NIU shall use its and conditions of this Agreement.
reasonable efforts to provide
advance notice for maintenance 6. Payment
and shall use reasonable efforts to
schedule maintenance during off Customer shall pay for(i) Services set
hours. forth on the attached Schedule(s)to this
(b) Losses. Customer agrees that NIU Agreement; (ii) any additional Services as
shall not be held liable for losses provided in the applicable Service Order
incurred due to planned or Form(s); and (iii) applicable maintenance
unplanned outages in Service. services at the then-applicable rates.
Without limiting the foregoing, Customer
5. Security shall pay all one-time set-up and
installation charges,any one-time or
(a) Right to Monitor and Control recurring telecommunications service
Content NIU shall have no charges (regardless of whether such costs
obligation to monitor information are passed through by NIU or billed
or material on the system or separately by a telecommunications
network. However,NIU shall have provider), related administrative fees
the right to monitor the system charged by NIU,and all sales and use
electronically to identify and taxes,as well as duties or levies arising in
connection with the Services.The annual Agreement before the end of the
Customer fee is billed in advance on an term,or if NIU terminates this
annual basis,except Customer may elect Agreement because of a violation
monthly,quarterly or semi-annual billing by Customer of any material term
for an additional administrative fee.The or provision of this Agreement
amount of the administrative fee will vary including,but not limited to,
with the frequency of the billing.All other Customer's failure to make any
amounts will be billed as the service or payment when due,then Customer
charge is incurred. Some qualifying shall pay NIU an early termination
Customers may be granted extended fee of Three Thousand Dollars
payment terms for one-time set-up and ($3,000),which both Parties agree
installation charges with addition of an is fair and reasonable and shall not
appropriate administrative fee. Payment be construed or deemed as an
is due within thirty(30) days from the unfair or unenforceable penalty.
receipt of the invoice.Unless superseded Previously paid and one-time
or prohibited by applicable provisions of installation charges are not
law, Customer will be charged a 0.5%late refundable. In the event Customer
charge on the first day of each month on requests NIU to continue providing
all invoices remaining unpaid forty-five any portion of the Services beyond
(45) days after the date appearing on the the requested termination date,
invoice.These payment terms do not Customer agrees to pay NIU for
apply to amounts paid to NIU through the those Services at the then-
Universal Service Fund (USF) program applicable rates in accordance
established by the FCC. with the terms of payment
provided in Section 6 above.The
7. Term and Termination above termination charges do not
apply to Service moves or
(a) Term.The term of this Agreement upgrades.
shall be effective from March 1, (c) Termination. Upon termination of
2019 for the greater of a period of dedicated Service with NIU,
Five (5)years ("Agreement End whether such termination occurs
Date") or the date a Service Order at the end of the initial term or any
Form terminates ("Service Order subsequent terms,or as an early
End Date"),provided that no termination during an agreement
Service Order Form's term shall period, Customer agrees that all IP
commence after the Agreement addresses assigned from NIU's
End Date. Classless Inter-Domain Routing
(b) Early Termination. Either Party may (CIDR) block shall be promptly
terminate this Agreement at any returned. In addition,Customer
time for any reason upon thirty shall be responsible for
(30) days written notice. If transitioning responsibility of
Customer terminates this primary and/or secondary DNS to
Agreement for any reason other their own DNS server, or that of its
than NIU's breach of its new carrier.
responsibilities under this
(d) Price Adjustments. If NIU initiates WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY
reduced Customer Fees to its Non- OF CUSTOMER. NIU SHALL NOT BE
Profit Customers during the LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR
Agreement period,Customer may CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR
renew this Agreement at the new BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
rates for a term of equal or greater WARRANTY OR ANY IMPLIED
length than the balance remaining WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR
on the initial term. In all instances, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
the renewal will be for a minimum
of twelve (12) months and the 9. Rights and obligations of Customer
renewal rates will reflect the term
discount of the new term period. If (a) Customer is Responsible to Its
this Agreement provides Customer Authorized Users.Customer is
access via fiber connectivity,the solely responsible for
Customer may renew at the new communicating with its own
rates for a period coterminous authorized users,and for handling
with the initial agreement term. all complaints and trouble reports
(e) Fiscal Appropriation Termination. made by its authorized users,with
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if, respect to the Services provided
for any fiscal year during the term hereunder.
of this Agreement,sufficient funds (b) Acceptable Use Restrictions.The
for the discharge of the Customer's Acceptable Use Policy applies to
obligations under this Agreement the use of all Services provided by
are not appropriated and NIU. By accepting Services from
authorized,then the Agreement NIU, Customer agrees to comply
shall terminate as of the last day of with the AUP as defined in
Customer's preceding fiscal year 'Attachment A'and any changes
(i.e., December 31st),or when such made from time to time thereto.
appropriated and authorized funds Customer also agrees to be
are exhausted,whichever is later, responsible for the compliance by
without liability to Customer for its users with the AUP.
damages, early termination fee or
other charges on account of the 10.Rights and Obligations of NIU
NIU shall be responsible only for the
8. Limited Warranty operation and maintenance of the
Services.Customer shall be
NIU will supply,at no charge,new or responsible for maintaining and
rebuilt replacements for defective managing its own network that
equipment or parts for the initial term of interfaces with the Services. NIU shall
this Agreement.This Limited Warranty not be responsible for cabling that
does not cover damages due to accident, connects Customer-owned equipment
misuse, abuse or negligence by Customer. to NIU equipment or the Services.Any
REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS interruption in the Services that is
PROVIDED UNDER THIS LIMITED caused by the malfunction or
interruption of any physical and issue insurance in the State of
telecommunications media or facility Illinois and must be rated"A-"or
(including,but not limited to cables better in accordance with the latest
and fiber optic lines) or by any edition of Best's Insurance Guide
malfunction or manufacturer's defects published by A.M. Best Company, Inc.
of equipment either provided by NIU or its equivalent. Notwithstanding
to Customer or separately purchased anything to the contrary herein,the
by Customer will not be deemed a Indemnifying Party shall not be liable
breach of NIU's obligations under this under this Section 11 for any
Agreement. monetary damages in excess of the
aforementioned amount or for any
11. Indemnification and Insurance Claims or occurrences not covered
under such general liability coverage.
Each Party(the Indemnifying Party
for purposes of this Section) shall This Section 11 is subject to applicable
indemnify, hold harmless and defend provisions and limitations of Illinois
the other Party as well as its law.
employees and agents, (collectively
"Indemnified Parties") from and 12.Limitation of Liability
against any and all claims, damages,
losses,liability,suits,actions, CUSTOMER'S ACCESS TO AND USE OF
demands,proceedings whether legal THE SERVICES ARE AT ITS SOLE RISK.
or administrative and expenses, EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED
including,but not limited to related WARRANTY IN SECTION 8 ABOVE,
reasonable attorney's fees THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY NIU
(collectively"Claims") attributable to ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS"AND
a third party or government agency "AS AVAILABLE"BASIS. NIU DOES
against any of the Indemnified Parties NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES
to the extent that such third party or WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR FREE
government Claims arise out of or OF HARMFUL COMPONENTS. EXCEPT
relate to (i) any willful misconduct, FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY IN
negligent or tortious act or omission SECTION 8 ABOVE, NIU MAKES NO
by the Indemnifying Party; (ii) EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED
infringement of intellectual property WARRANTIES.
rights or violation of laws and
regulations by the Indemnifying Party NIU AND ITS EMPLOYEES ARE NOT
(ii)a breach or alleged breach of this LIABLE FOR ANY COSTS OR DAMAGES
agreement by the Indemnifying Party. ARISING FROM CUSTOMER'S USE OF
Each Party shall carry and maintain
comprehensive general liability EXCEPT FOR INDEMNIFICATION,
insurance in the amount of$2,000,000 DEFENSE AND HOLD HARMLESS
per occurrence. The insurance shall OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED FOR
be written by and secured from HEREIN AND TO THE MAXIMUM
companies approved to do business EXTENT PERMISSIBLE UNDER
ILLINOIS LAW, NEITHER PARTY IS this Agreement shall be governed
LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR by and construed in accordance
ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, with the law of the State of Illinois.
EXEMPLARY, MULTIPLE,SPECIAL, Venue for the resolution of any
PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL disputes or the enforcement of any
DAMAGES. rights arising out of or in
connection with this Agreement
CUSTOMER ASSUMES FULL shall be in the Circuit Court of
RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK FOR THE Kane County,Illinois,with jury
USE OF THE SERVICES AND THE trial waivable only with the
INTERNET,AND IS SOLELY written consent of both Parties at
ACCURACY,COMPLETENESS,AND (b) Entire Agreement.This Agreement,
USEFULNESS OF ALL SERVICES its Attachments, exhibits and the
PROVIDED HEREUNDER. NIU shall not Service Order Forms entered into
be liable for failure or delay in by the Parties from time-to-time
performing its obligations hereunder (all of the aforementioned are
if such failure or delay is due to incorporated into and made a part
circumstances beyond its reasonable of this Agreement),is the final
control,including,without limitation, expression of their agreement with
acts of any governmental body,war, respect to the subject matter
insurrection,sabotage,embargo,fire, hereof and may not be
flood,strike or other labor contradicted by evidence of any
disturbance,interruption of or delay prior or contemporaneous
in transportation,or inability to obtain agreement.This Agreement
raw materials,supplies,or power supersedes and replaces any and
used in or equipment needed for all past agreements between the
provision of the Services. Parties hereto regarding the
subject matter hereof whether
This Section 12 is subject to applicable written,oral or implied.This
provisions and limitations of Illinois Agreement may not be amended
law. except upon the written consent of
the Parties. No failure to exercise
13.Data Content and no delay in exercising any
right,remedy,or power hereunder
NIU is not liable for the content of any shall operate as a waiver thereof,
data transferred either to or from nor shall any single or partial
Customer via the Services provided by exercise of any right, remedy, or
NIU. power hereunder preclude any
other or further exercise thereof or
14.Miscellaneous the exercise of any other right,
remedy,or power provided herein
(a) Governing Law;Jurisdiction.The or by law or in equity.The waiver
validity,interpretation, by any Party of the time for
enforceability,and performance of performance of any act or
condition hereunder shall not context or intent reasonably ought
constitute a waiver of the act or to survive the termination or
condition itself. expiration of this Agreement,shall
(c) Assignment.This Agreement shall be so survive.
binding upon and inure to the (h) Waiver of Service. The Parties agree
benefit of the Parties and their that service by certified first class
respective successors and assigns. U.S.mail to the Legal
Customer may not assign this Department/Office of General
Agreement without the prior Counsel of the other Party shall
written consent of NIU. constitute effective service.
(d) Headings;Severability.Headings (i) Execution by Counterparts.This
used in this Agreement are for agreement may be executed in
reference purposes only and shall counterparts, each of which shall
not constitute a part hereof or be an original and all of which
affect the meaning or shall constitute one and the same
interpretation of this Agreement. If agreement. For the purposes of
any provision of this Agreement executing this agreement,any
shall be held by a court of signed copy of this agreement
competent jurisdiction to be transmitted by fax machine or e-
invalid,unenforceable,or void,the mail shall be treated in all manners
remainder of this Agreement shall and respects as an original
remain in full force and effect. document. The signature of any
(e) Counterparts. This Agreement may Party on a copy of this agreement
be executed in counterparts,each transmitted by fax machine or e-
of which shall be deemed an mail shall be considered for these
original, but all of which taken purposes as an original signature
together shall constitute one and and shall have the same legal effect
the same instrument. as an original signature. Any such
(f) Independence. Each Party is faxed or e-mailed copy of this
independent of each other and agreement shall be considered to
shall not be deemed as an have the same binding legal effect
employee,joint venture,affiliate or as an original document. At the
partner of the other. request of either Party any fax or
(g) Survivability. Sections 11, 12 and e-mail copy of this agreement shall
14(a),along with any payment be re-executed by the Parties in an
obligations by Customer under this original form. No Party to this
Agreement shall survive its agreement shall raise the use of fax
termination or expiration. machine or e-mail as a defense to
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this agreement and shall forever
any other section or provision of waive such defense.
this Agreement,based on its
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed and delivered as of the dates below.
Board of Trustees of
Northern Illinois CITY OF EL
0" $ 1 l i ' ' I Signed
Name:Sarah McGill Name(Printed): Richard G. Katal
Title:VP Administration&Finance Title: City Manager
and CFO
Date Signed: —14g--1C1 Date Signed: March 20, 2019
i. L/
City Clerk
Attachment A
Northern Illinois University Acceptable Use Policy
This Policy is a guide to the acceptable use of Services. By Customer.Any Customer
connected to NIU's network in order to use it directly,or to connect to any other
network(s),must comply with this policy and the stated purposes and Acceptable Use
policies of any other network(s) or host(s) used.Customer is responsible for the activity of
its users and for ensuring that its users are familiar with this policy or an equivalent policy.
In addition, Customer is encouraged to maintain and enforce its own Acceptable Use
policies.The provisions of this policy govern all use of the Services,including any
unsupervised anonymous network access offered by Customer.The following guidelines
will be applied to determine whether or not a particular use of the Services is appropriate:
(1) Users must respect the privacy of others.Users shall not intentionally seek
information on,or represent themselves as,another user unless explicitly
authorized to do so by that user. Nor shall Users obtain copies of,or modify
files,other data,or passwords belonging to others.
(2)Users must respect the legal protection applied to programs,data,
photographs, music,written documents and other material as provided by
copyright,trademark, patent,licensure and other proprietary rights
(3) Users must respect the integrity of other public or private computing and
network systems.Users shall not intentionally develop or use programs that
harass other users or infiltrate any other computer, computing system or
network and/or damage or alter the software components or file systems of
a computer,computing system or network.
(4)Use should be consistent with guiding ethical statements and accepted
community standards.Use of the Services for malicious,fraudulent,or
misrepresentative purposes is not acceptable.
(5)The Services may not be used in ways that violate applicable laws or
(6)The Services may not be used in a manner that precludes or significantly
hampers network access by others. Nor may the Services be used in a
manner that significantly impairs access to other networks connected to NIU.
(7) Connections which create routing patterns that are inconsistent with the
effective and shared use of the Services may not be established.
(8)Users are prohibited from sending unsolicited advertising,whether
commercial or informational in nature to addresses that have not specifically
requested such material.
(9)Repeated,unsolicited and/or unwanted communication of an intrusive
nature is strictly prohibited.Continuing to send e-mail messages or other
communications to an individual or organization after being asked to stop is
not acceptable.
The intent of this policy is to identify certain types of uses that are not appropriate,but this
policy does not necessarily enumerate all possible inappropriate uses.Using the guidelines
given above, NIU may at any time make a determination that a particular use is not
NIU will not monitor or judge the content of information transmitted via the Services,but
will investigate complaints or abusive data stream patterns of possible inappropriate use.
In the course of investigating complaints, NIU staff will safeguard the privacy of all parties
and will themselves follow the guidelines given in this policy and in NIU's Privacy Policy.
NIU will only release sensitive,confidential or personally identifiable information to third
parties when required by law, or when in NIU's judgment,release is required to prevent
serious injury or harm that could result from violation of this policy.
Remedial Action
When NIU learns of possible inappropriate use, NIU staff will notify the Customer,who
must take immediate remedial action and inform NIU of its action. NIU will assist the
Customer in identifying the nature and source of the inappropriate use and in
implementing remedial action if requested. Provided the Customer implements remedial
action promptly,NIU will take no further action. If NW is unable to contact Customer or if
Customer is unable to implement remedial action, NIU reserves the right to pursue
remedial action independently.Wherever possible, NIU will pursue remedial action with
the least impact to the overall service for the Customer. Should the situation be considered
an emergency,and NIU deems it necessary to prevent further inappropriate activity, NIU
may temporarily disconnect a Customer.An emergency is defined as: "Serious security
incidents that require immediate attention to prevent harm to an individual,to protect
information from loss or damage that would be difficult or impossible to correct or to deal
with serious on-going denial of service attacks."If temporary disconnection is deemed
necessary by NIU staff, every effort will be made to inform Customer prior to
disconnection, and every effort will be made to re-establish the connection as soon as it is
mutually deemed safe.
Attachment B
[Attach final Service Order Form(s)numbered in sequence(i.e..B-1,B-2,B-3,etc.)]
As a Service Order to the Services Agreement between City of Elgin and NIU commencing March 1, 2019
Attachment: 61
Description: City of Elgin Renewal of NIUNet ISP and G.8032 protection
Contact and Notice Information
Northern Illinois University ("NIU") !City of Elgin
CONTACT: Dorf Admin Services(c/o Matt Parks) COMPANY CONTACT: Jeff Massey
PHONE:815-753-1071 _ PHONE: 847-931-5642
EMAIL:DoITAdminServices@niu.edu EMAIL: masseyj@cityofelgin.org
PAYMENT ADDRESS: Commercial Accounts Receivable BILLING ADDRESS:
Bursars Office 150 Dexter Court
Northern Illinois University Elgin, IL 60120-5555
1425 W.Lincoln Highway
DeKalb, IL 60115
Billing Information and Service Commitment Period
Order Type/Term Renewal /36 month
Billing cycle (select one): Annual 3/1/2019-2/28/2022
Actual Service Start and End Date: 3/1/2019-2/28/2022
Service Order Monthly Recurring Charge(select one):
1Gps of Internet access $2000/month
G.8032 ring protection for intemet acces $250/month
Service Order Non-recurring Charge: n/a
Other Charges: n/a
Service Description
ISP Service connection consists Symmetrical Internet Access. Total cost will be Eighty One Thousand Dollars
By signing,Customer and NIU considers all associated requirements of the contractual terms on this specific projec/circuit to be
Northern Illinois University Customer
Si- W 'E1 /th 3/20/19
Signature/Date Signature/Date
Sarah McGill /VP Admin &Finance and CFO Richard G. Kozal, City Manager
Print Name/Title Print Name/Title