HomeMy WebLinkAbout18-47 Resolution No. 18-47
that pursuant to Elgin Municipal Code Section 5.02.020B(9) the City Council hereby finds that
an exception to the requirements of the procurement ordinance is necessary and in the best
interest of the city; and
ILLINOIS, that Richard G. Kozal, City Manager, and Kimberly A. Dewis, City Clerk, be and are
hereby authorized and directed to execute a purchase agreement on behalf of the City of Elgin
with Smith Ecological Systems Company regarding the purchase of a new lime feeder and
controller at the Leo Nelson Riverside Water Treatment Plant, a copy of which is attached hereto
and made a part hereof by reference.
s/ David J. Kaptain
David J. Kaptain, Mayor
Presented: April 25, 2018
Adopted: April 25, 2018
Omnibus Vote: Yeas: 9 Nays: 0
s/Kimberly Dewis
Kimberly Dewis, City Clerk
I HIS .\GRhLMLN I is hereh\ made and entered into this 25 da\ of April. 2018. b\ and
bets\een the Cit\ of Elgin. Illinois. a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Cit\") and
Smith Ecological S\stems Compan\. an Illinois corporation. (hereinafter referred to as "SMITH" or
NO\k . U II.RI 1 ORI . for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants
contained herein, the sufticienc\ of \\hich is hereb mutual{) aclkno\\ledged. the parties hereto
hereh\ agree as t.11o s:
Cit\ shall purchase. and SMI I II shall sell the goods and or ser\ices described h\
Attachment A. attached hereto and made a part hereof.
?. This agreement is subject to and au\erned h\ the lass, of the State oI'Illinois. Venue for the
resolution of an disputes or the enforcement of an rights arising out of or in connection \\lift this
agreement shall he the Circuit Court of Kane Count\. Illinois. SM H hereh\ irre\ocahl\ consents
to the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court of Kane ('cunt\. Illinois for the enforeentent of any rights.
the resolution of an\ disputes and or for the purposes of an\ lass suit brought pursuant to this
agreement or the subject matter hereof: and SMI 1 II agrees that ser ice h\ first class E.S. mail to
Smith Ecological Systems Compan\ c o 13r\an G. Selander. 1827 18' A\elute. Rockford. Illinois
61104 shall constitute etfeeti e ser\Ice'. Both parties hereto \\al\e an\ rights to a jur\.
I here shall he no modification of this agreement. e\cept in \\riling. and c\ecuted \\ith the
same formalities as the original.
4. I his agreement embodies the \s hole agreement of the parties. I here are no promises. terms.
conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. and this agreement shall supersede all
pre\ious communications. representations or agreements. either \erhal. \\ritten or implied bets\een
the parties hereto.
SMI I H hereh\ \\ai\es an\ and all claims or rights to interest on Iuone\ claimed to he due
pursuant to this agreement. and \\ai\es art\ and all such rights to interest to \\Inch it Isla\ other ise
he entitled pursuant to la\\. including. hut not limited to. pursuant to the Local Go\ern►tlent Prompt
Pa\ment Act (51) ILLS 505'1. et set/ ). as amended. or the Illinois Interest Act (815 II.('S 205,I. et
ceq.). as amended. I he pros isions of this paragraph shall sur\i\e an\ eviration. completion and or
termination of this agreement.
6. The terms of this agreement shall he se\erable. In the e\ent an\ of the terms or the
pros isions of this agreement are deemed to he \oid or other\\ise unenforceable lar an reason. the
reminder of this agreement shall remain in full fierce and effect.
7. Not ithstanding an\ other pros ision of this agreement. it is expressly agreed and understood
that in connection \\ith the performance of this agreement. SM 1111 shall comply \\ith all applicable
federal. state. cit\ and other requirements of lass. including. but not limited to. an applicable
requirements regarding pre\ailing ,A ages. minimum \\age. ssorhplace salt and legal status of
employees. \►\ ithout limiting the foregoing. S\11 111 hereh\ certifies. represents and \\ar ants to the
( it\ that all of S\1I 1 I'S employees and or agents \\ho \\ill be pro\iding products and or services
ss ith respect to this agreement shall be legal l\ authorized to \\oris in the t'nited States. SMI 111
shall also. at its expense. secure all permits and licenses. pa) all charges and lees. and gise all
notices necessary and incident to the due and lass tul prosecution of the ssork. and or the products
andror sers ices to he pros ided for in this agreement. the ('its shall has the right to audit any
records in the possession or control of SNIII II to determine S\1I I H'S compliance \sith the
pros isions of this section. In the es em the Cit) proceeds ss ith such an audit. 1111I I shall make
mailable to the (it> SMI I H'S relesant records at no cost to the City. City shall pa) an> and all
costs associated ss ith an> such audit.
8. This agreement may he executed in counterparts. each of ss hick shall be an original and all
of sshich shall constitute one and the same agreement. For the purposes of executing this
agreement. an> signed cop) of this agreement transmitted by fax machine or e-mail shall he treated
in all manners and respects as an original document. I he signature of any part) on a cop) of this
agreement transmitted b> tax machine or e-mail shall he considered for these purposes Us an
original signature and shall has the same legal effect as an original signature. An> such faxed or e-
mailed cop) of this agreement shall he considered to hake the same binding legal effect as an
original document. At the request of either part) an> fax or e-mail cup) of this agreement shall he
re-executed hs the parties in an original form. \o parts to this agreement shall raise the use of fax
machine or e-mail as a defense to this agreement and shall tOrever ssaise such defense.
�). In the e em of an> conflict bets\cell the terms and pros isions of this purchase agreement and
Attachment A hereto. the terms and pros isions of this purchase agreement shall control.
10. City shall pa) the total sum ofS-1.1.-1-15.1)0 ss ithin thirt_> 1301 da>s of deliser> or cit>'s receipt
of ins oice. sshicheser is later. The atOrementioned total sum is inclusise of all freight. shipping and
applicable taxes.
I I. III I shall complete delis er> of all goods on or before December 31. 2018.
I?. In no esent shall (its he liable for an> monetary damages in excess of the purchase price
contemplated h) this agreement. In no es em shall City he liable tier any consequential. special or
punitise damages. or any damages resulting from loss of profit.
I3. 1 ransler of title. and risk of loss shall pass to the ( it> upon delisers of the goods. All
transportation and delivers shall he at SM I H'S sole expense.
S;\1Tl H LCOl.O(l('.\t SYS I I \1S L111' O1 ( I\
W1c � /AM F. MG1cSc1-1
Print Name - Richard (i. hoial. ( it) Manager
C •' t --
Signature ( it> Clerk
6A L-- M A K3 A G . - S �
l itle
4 I S Jo,
Smith Ecological Systems Company
817 17th Ave — ---
Rockford IL 61104 Estimate# Date Terms
Phone# 815/968-8079 2346 1/18/2018 \:t o
Fax# 815/968-8506
E-mail orders@smithecologtcal.com
Elgin Water Department Factory Trained Rep
Attn Finance Department
150 Dexter Court [-M13
Elgin IL 60120-5555
Qty Item Description ILMI Total
1 31-165 Gravimetric belt feeder 43 895.00
2000 PPD
a)304SS Housing& Ingredient Contact Part
b) 1!2 HP Motor-0-90VDC TENV Tachometer
cl 304SS SCR Drive&Setpoint Controller Panels
d)Weigh Deck Load Cell Broken Belt Detector
'8 weeks lead time
FREIGHT Estimated shipping 550 00
We are Just providing the feeder in 304SS material of
construction and delivering it to Email
the jobsite If anything else is required. please let us
know Also note that the setpoint
controller now includes an HMI touchscreen(in lieu of
the old touchpad screen
which is no longer available) The winng connections
should be the same Notes
� f
Price%alidity 30 dans
Pricing does not include duties.brokerage tees.travel.freight charges.and or other
applicable charges(unless speci ticall listed above). If material orders are tax exempt. Total supply cops of lax I xemption Certicates. Total 54.1.445.110
All equipment osill he guaranteed against detects in material and%%orkmanship for a period
of one I►sear from date of installation(not to exceed 18 months from date of shipment).
Warrants shall be limited to the exchange ofdetectise parts.excluding all labor and shipping
We sincereh appreciate this opponunits to quote sour requirements.and look f orsoard t i
being of sen ice!