AUGUST 6, 2008
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schock at 4:08 p.m. in Conference Room 208,
South Wing of Elgin City Hall. Members present: Commissioner Gilliam and Walters and
Chairman Schock. Absent: None
Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Walters made a motion, seconded by Chairman Schock, to approve the minutes of
the July 2, 2008 meeting. Yeas: Commissioner Walters, and Chairman Schock. Nays: None.
Commissioner Gilliam voted present.
License Application
1. Adonay, Inc. d/b/a Casa Lara, located at 7 Clock Tower Plaza, for a Class E Liquor
Assistant Corporation Counsel reviewed the application. The applicant, Edgar Lara, was
present, and his daughter Citallin acted as interpreter. Both were sworn in by the court
reporter. Mr. Lara confirmed that it was his signature on the application.
Councilmember Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Gilliam, to
approve the application of Adonay, Inc., d/b/a Casa Lara, for a Class E liquor license
subject to receipt of the confirmation of a corporate secretary and the receipt of the
Articles of Incorporation. Yeas: Commissioners Gilliam, Walters, and Chairman
Schock. Nays: None.
2. Red Bar Winery, Inc., d/b/a Red Bar Winery, located at 74 South Grove Avenue, for a
Class V Liquor License
Mr. Kozal reviewed the application. The applicants, Ellsworth James and Doris Canfield,
were present. Mr. Kozal advised the Commission that a new liquor classification would
need to be created for this application and presented a proposal for a Class V license. Mr.
Canfield objected to the proposed $2,500 fee and argued that other municipalities were
charging from $400 to $600 for the same type of classification. A fee of$500 was agreed
Commissioner Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Walters, to
recommend creation of a Class V liquor license at an annual fee of$500. Yeas:
Commissioners Gilliam, Walters, and Chairman Schock. Nays: None.