Meeting of August 6, 2008
A. Call to Order. The meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Committee was called to
order by Chairman Cook at 5:15 p.m. in the Second Floor North Conference Room at the
City Hall of Elgin.
B. Roll Call.
Members Present: Jack Cook, Gene Banke, Jerry Deering, Rich Dunne, Wally Porter,
Tom Schmidt, Gordon Sehnulle, Tom Sandor, and John Walters. Ex-Officio Members
Present: Mike Millikan, Sue Olafson.
Members Absent: Wally Wetzel, Jerry Turnquist, and Library member, Carole Medal.
Ex-Officio Members Absent: Cherie Murphy.
Others Present: Jim Bell, Parks Superintendent, Public Works; Dick Hayden, Hitchcock
Design Group; Mark Underwood, Hitchcock Design Group; Steve Hendrickson, Shales
McNutt: Eleanor Richoz and Bili Dreher.
C. Presentation by Hitchcock Design Group and Shales McNutt.
Jim Bell began his presentation by introducing to the Committee a packet which was
prepared by Hitchcock and Shales McNutt showing the design that the Committee voted
on as well as construction drawings. He reminded the Committee that the City's contract
is with Shales McNutt and not with Hitchcock and that Hitchcock is a subcontractor of
Shales McNutt.
Mr. Bell acknowledged that, although still shown on a few pages of the packet, the new
design does not include the star design. He did not believe that Hitchcock was going to
update its perspective, although Mr. Deering indicated that he would check to see what
the price would be to have Hitchcock update the drawing.
Mr. Bell indicated that the most critical issues for Shales McNutt are that they need to
know what style brick pavers would be used and the number of conflict plaques. He
acknowledged that the Committee had questions for Shales McNutt and/or Hitchock and
turned the floor over to Shales McNutt representative, Steve Hendrickson.
Mr. Hendrickson asked the Committee to look at the document he handed out entitled
"Construction Schedule." He pointed out that it was divided into three sections -- what