Meeting of August 20, 2008
A. Call to Order. The meeting of the Veterans Memorial Park Committee was called to
order by Chairman Cook at 5:15 p.m. in the Second Floor North Conference Room at [lie
City Hall of Elgin.
B. Roll Call.
Members Present: Jack Cook, Gene Banke, Jerry Deering, Rich Durme, Wally Porter,
Tom Schmidt, Gordon Schnulle, Wally Wetzel, Tom Sandor, John Walters, Jerry
Tmrlquist. Ex-Officio Members Present: Mike Millikan, Sue Olafson and Cherie
Members Absent: Library member, Carole Medal. Ex-Officio Members Absent: None.
Others Present: Jim Bell,Parks Superintendent, Public Works, Steve Hendrickson,
Shales McNutt, and Bill Dreher,
C. Approval of Minutes.
A motion to approve the July 18, 2008, and August 6, 2008, minutes of the Veterans
Memorial Park Committee was made by Mr. Banke and seconded by Mr. Deering. The
motion was unanimously passed.
D. Comments from audience (one subject per person, limited to three minutes each)
There were no comments from the audience at this time.
E. Park construction update.
Mr. Bell handed out to the Committee new drawings of the park with the requested
change eliminating the landscaping area in front of the American flagpole and replacing
it with a raised platform area.
Mr. Bell indicated that the site concrete, such as the sidewalks, was nearly complete,that
the pre-casts were in full production, the flagpoles would be received in a couple of
weeks, the area was in the process of final grading, and they were ready to meet with the
landscapers. Mr. Bell felt that the park was in good shape. The archway was going to be
built as the Committee had approved. The landscaping area which the Committee did not