Meeting of April 1 Q 3005
A Gdlta0rder. 'phemeetln¢of the Veterans Munwrlal Peak (nominee was called to
order hp Chairman Cook ut 9.30 RnI it the Poneer Room of The Centre of Elgin.
K Roll Call.
Members Prevent lack Cook, Gum Eankc. ]erty Dearing, Art R Ikaus, Wells floor,
Tom Sdunidl, Gurdon 9clrelle, With Wetzel, Tum Sailor_ lair Wahera, Ie a,
'I-umquist. and I.ihraN member. Carola Medal.
Members Absaf Rich Dunne and Welly Wseml. Ex-Olfe'O Memhsev Absent. Mike
MilliF n, Sue Olafron and Cherie Murphv.
Others Present Eleanor Richoz, Dill Dalur, Darisc Tnalsen and Dob Dalsmno,
C. Approval of Minmes.
A motion to approve We March 19, 2008,minutes of the Vummn'e Memorial fork
Carotid(( was onde by Mr. Danks and emonded by Mr. Scbnulle. 'I he motion out,
ooamooudv passed.
D. Illeroulon of(committee's Role This Point On Until Cron fiction of Park.
Chamnam Cook addresxed his concerns JI LH whom the (omolvee would be going from
here and what pro Glume should no followed from this point on I lis llding ars that the
(Ommhlec Ind done about av much as it possibly could do anti I given 0te tools needed to
proceedfife believed that what hnppen.v from this point on r d yuMart upon Cip,
gimes He felt that the Committer nadcl vvasHimrncea that at least a Phase 11 would
beconmareulip- bcoau wkinunbosr ces, lbe Comnduecingncoab1
fundmiaina. Choi11a ' n 000w indired i Opal Corm sed Rat titre mcsdngr asn
'transitional as
Z' and wondered if the Commincx ei1ould covtinoc err a group or if it
should meet es Sob-Commium_
Chh Cite Cnnk also believed that the C000ium floral, a aeon which would rxwk
.rich City hall, Shales NcRuu, Hitchcock Design Group, and the (ommiuts and would
Cooke wondered
efix nncione: needsrobe",m added
Cook.wndeod shat the Le Officio mcm�bcn. who ..cat added to the Centimes far this
r acre r_aing m do m hdp the(amines He believed that V Deeringrngbl
.all as this liaison. Mr. Deering responded Ihuh to lute, the Vcmmn's Memorial
Park wasour under xay.t signed sealed, meld w that thedesign as v nomp:ete other
than one courts points (hot Wood be determined tiro (lie road (such as whet kind of