the meeting was called to order by Chairman Schuck at 4:09 pan. in Conference Ronin 208,
South Wing of Elgin Cit Ifull. Members premne Commissioners Gilliam Walters. and
Chairman Schock. Absent. None.
Approval of Minutes
Commisloner R'allcn made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gilliam, to approve the
nutcsol'the April 10, 2007, meeting Ycoe. Commissioners Gill ran . A4ul mos a ad Chairman
Schock. Mai, None.
1. T.icenec Applicationof Dundee Elgi,, CVS, 1..I_C, d/ !u CVSThannacy #582916[a
Clan ft Liquor License
Chairman Schock stated that he C nmmissiun hadjusl leaned that there were some
concerns about this application from two neiehborhoo l groups. Norheast Ncigh1brhoud
AS,Snciatiwn and the Sunman Park Aemeiation. Chairman Selmck mentioned that he had
talk with representatives from VENA, but nut pith an ser: from the Snmund Park
Ao,cimion, Hisreeommcmdafion was to Table the application until a meeting with
reprewriati.eu from the Summit Pak Asspcimion was held. Cpmmii, iwner Gillian
made a motion, seconded by Commissimmr Walters, to table comidumdon of We
application of Dundee Ll gin CVS. L.L C, dE'4 C VS Pharnmcy #5829 for a Class 0
liquor license umil Jona fi. 1007. Peas: Cummissiolars Gi I harm )A alters. and Champion
Schack. Nay s: None.
_.. Liccas Application of Main's Sm izzle link, Inc., d+G Elgin Swlisle Inn at 751 Sorb
State Slreml. fern Clens l' Liquor Lit cn.se
The owners, Nicholas Ind future Cerins,were in anendanm and described the nature of
heir business flies stated that the rcciunrant would be open for mea kfasl, lunch, and
dinner until ti:00pm. 'I he Commission complimenmd them on the appeamnce of the
building Mr. M Mt , Carilrl tbhed heyhoped to open by the end of xf
Cenanl[slaner Gilham made a motion. seconded by Conmassloner Waftersi to approve
Ow applicmirn of Flgin'a Swirzle lmn, lac for a Class F liquor Incase subjected receipt
of copies ofr1wir lease and their mcenpaney purer. Yeas Conainsionera Gilliam.
Wolters, and Chairman Schuck. NaYi: Near.
o. Application for Transfer of 100% of Cnrpomm Stock from the Ennteal'Gcoree
Wdllenbom to Mcdanie Wallenbom for the curpnration known as Valley Phis Inc_ cGG
Jake's Pizza and Pub. located at 728 Wen Chicuso Street