HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=JUNE 06, 2007 (4) . Liquor commission Meering
Jmc 6. 1007
• Gilliununare a motion. seconded he Comn:issloner Walter. to continue the Pubhc Hearing
regarding Azteca Do Oro. Inc. d•bra Aamoa De Oro Rolanrant, at l60 National Areet (holder of
Class C Liquor Licenve, to July 11, 2007, Yeas. Commurioners Gillian, Walters, and
Clmimmn Schack. NaysNone.
Public (rearing Regarding Rill's Tan, Inc.. J/bra Rill's Tan at 160 Brook Street. holder of
it Claes A iauor Liecnac: Violation oacurrcn on April Id, 21102, T kansee's Agent at
Emnlm'ces Sold Alcohol Witham hitting Completed in Required BASSE ICenlfication
or Reit Snneriked DiredR M1v a RASSCI' Cbmified Emnlosae
pis. Lyla Rmgeca_ Vice-lin sidcut of Inc corpurauun. eas present in acmrdanee nith the Nodes
to Appear.
Ms_ Ban goqd bus mdioumd a willinanase to ciiw 'mm a stipulation and ngreed order repaoling the
nlleeationn in the complaint. Ms B irgccs stated that she Led been called b% a widnair who
inl'ortnod her that her dux on, out of do} mn. she did lease the ymm isez immedialvk and
did remm within appmsimmely filbert ntnmzs of le4romp the police were pres ut 'lite person
who was scrvina during the time Ma_ Burgess nus pane now has her BAS'bf I' Training. Nla_
Bmgez provided a cup% of a cenifcate issued in the name at Deaml Carlmn. Conrnissionef
Walter mads a motor, seconded by Cnmmissiuna Gilliam, to aswes a line of$i00 plus costs
tobep' It Withinfine d Yns: Comm sC,illiam. N idles, link] Chairman Schou A.
Nin, Nine,
Public Rearing Rennrdin!• I•ttlrn De latah. loo., tlIM1M F.rtrellne Ud blillcnipm. at xll �.
State Street, holder nt a Class .\ Liuuor lJ e: Violation. ocnn'red on .1 rril ll, 2110).
and .Anri115, 11111). Licenxe 1•erntnc l Persons footer than the Age of 21 l ears to
Romain an the Liaenud Prcmiaes
Durma Dei.ara.prceiJrtpofthe COr ratiaa aid Gabino Acostathemanangr, for EnnYlns Del
blilhnium were present in snvMmrtr. with the ]'once m :\ppear.
AvuslagniCortionalion Counsel Komi ithioedhoComagnis,win that he had mnfanhd aehh No. De
Lam and 11r. dcwta, mid rlmt thea stem wiling m enter a "blind Alen". ]Is. Dc Lara nJdreh ed
the Commission and indicated rhe% were not an•are that minors Could rent be present on the
pmmiaeawhileliyuur ndsbeing .sen•od. She l odicatedthuooco thcybecameauarvol'tlik.
minors Imre no loser been allossed to be on the pin ikev.
Assistmn (:orpnmtinn Cowed Amnl indcaged! convonntime; have bean held with the
apresenmlives of[Lc establishment donne Lack m I998. I lc also mnlinned Cher his oxyenence
in dealing sirh FIs. Ile Lara is that site has been a straight lornard and upfront optician.
Comn{issinncr Wellen said
fen he n•m uppall d that five muton had blood alcohol IcvQls and
feliaheavc linewnsinorder. Commissioner \falers madcamoiinn. seconded 1,v
Comn ' v . CII'
to aso,cs a fine oC$i.00Dp1 to be paid l'dthinN days. Yeas
Conn nersGill'am w Ila . , and Cognition 9elnck Nuys- None.