October J. 20116
The mcvdne tcux Lnllul to order by Chairman Sclmck it 4:12 p-in in Conference Nonm306.
South Rine at hAgin City Hall %lendi preen[ Cu,unlzdnners Gillian, \Valteta. mid
Chainnco Schoek_ 96scnv. zone.
.Approva] of Minutes
folnmti5lmlar Walters muds , motion.seconded by Co nialleioner Gill'umy Is apptvv, tire
inures oCthe September G,1l106. nmcling- 1'etu: C'ommissiollo, 6111inm.Wahorc and
Cimonowu Schack_ Nays: \one.
1',ntin dCnilideral'u oflnoreafonfn Tru sferof Curuuratestock Duni C'arins
N jilariVels to Ffr 'u \I tormaji for Fac Hole Pah. Inc d/b/a >Nerset. at lSa Scmphonx
dssutam Cogntatior C,mutl Kraal advuul the Commission that u background clients ftS
oafts and revnnl l n_ Efrain Roman a-Ith otererl to the time Eli cin Porous InN in Texas. aad
it temp back abxvluttiv clean. He icmindad Abe Cnnunissioo Ihat the split ration mm In oiler
,lien it xas tomidered at We Nevions mcding, andal omtioo to con>ida the application s.ould
be appropnam.
Commissioner Writers made a ,,Orion. ccuilded by Cbimnisioner Gilliam. to eplaove the
transfer of mtpomte stuck from Cat las Yillanue,c to Iitialn M. Ho,mn for Fac Hole Pub, Inc,
till Aherset, A 64 Symphony Way, ml)JLelmissu'mmc of a 1 couvpans) pernilL Year.
Commix>ioners Gilliam, Writers. and ( 11airmmll Schack. Nines hone.
kpoltration bi"I' -ander orCmporate drove from lulmnna Gross ax 'Trustee at Grose
Family' Trust dated Novt label 9. 1001. to Mal .1. Muvearello for the Gmtbnue Zur Leads.
at 15 ?ortb Crone IS value
Commissioner Gilliam nodi u mnlion. .vcwnded by Conm,iseionet W ads,1, to upptoce the
tranx6a of all the c,rpmnte stock lion, lohan,u Gmcs as Tru>me of Cowls Familh Tm9 dared
November 9. 20111, to Mario 1. Muscumll, for the GaiOaus Zur Gude, it G Surili Grove
ANrnaa, mhject to issuance of a i Cnecupanuy ecnificate Yum Commia>innen Glllimn,
Mallers. mid Chairman Schock.
Mr. Mu,ccatellu stated that be and Fritz Grow had ban co renters ,fOle c,rpoenlm moot) as
Gacthaux Zur Linde. Inc. or 32 years. Poor yeao aqo wben %it. Grass hccane x ny ill, he asked
that Mr Musearello traxfer his 50 Ill ofthe collard su¢k to lohmp,a Groxs IV ?mtect
her. and Mr. Muxearello arrest to do so. City Clerk Mccuill ask ised the Communion that Mr
Muscarello owns the bulldin_o in oblub thu 1 csaVram Is located.