.fanner. 12006
The meetin¢ ryas cal IM to oNa at 1:00 p.m. in Conference Roam A of Elgin City Hill by
Chairman Schnek. Members pros rn: Cbminissiomas Gilliam, Wdlmts, and Chuimtan Schlock
Abstan Nate.
Commissioner Writers made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Gilliam, to approve the
mutes u r the Nor ember 2, 2005, Traveling. Yes: Commissiaius Gillimr Welters and
Chairman Schock. Nays None.
Poll HearitarReiturrinor RubioUr., d/b/a Lur r SO North Snrinh Street Holderof
Class E and Class P11 Lic c Violationson Del 10 2005 of Fl¢'n \Lm Tinal
Code Ch 1 606entitled "Alcoholic Liquor Dealers " and Violations of Criminal Laesaf
the Stale of Illinois
Asxisunt Corporation Cultural Kozel stated that vcsteril he received a lehor dated Formal 3.
2006, addrucxed to the Chairman of the Liquor C'ontmissiml, door Lupe Rubio,Yresdcm and
• bulc shareholdu of Rubio. Inc, surrendering the Class E and Class P liquor licetnes leeued to
Ruhio. Inc_ dibla Luauf. IT light of the surrender of liquor liccnseS issued to Rubio. Inc., the
City is making a motion to dismiss the complaint dated Dcocmber 21, 2005, against Rubio, Inc.
NL. Kmnl stated that he has prepared a draft order rcdueucing the voluntary surrutder of Ila
licenses, mrd he araehed a copy o(0a letter from %is. Rubio to said order. A condition of the
rzatder does riot prohibit Rubio_ For. (runt applying for a liquor accroc in the future.
However. the ability to apply for renewal of the liquor license for 2006.200] is inin airily waived
Commissioner Cilliant made n motion, scwndcd by Conlmixsionet W ethers grant the City's
motion to dismiss the abo.e complaint agamxt Rubio, lac., d/b/al lacaur. yens: Commlasiuners
Gilliam. Waltm. amt Clrairmn Schock. Nays: None.
Crab Hudgem, bole shareholder and prcsidem of Pmtha Rotenainmcarq Inc., requo had that the
Liquor Commission consider recormnending thnl the City Council amend the Liquor Code to
extend the hours of operation lot a Class A-1 liquor licatse r on l mlay and Saturday nights by
one hour by changing the required closing time tient 2 00 nor. to 3:00 a.nm.
Commissioners directed Assistant Consolation Counsel K0721 to prepare a imposed ordinance to
increase the]lours of opaonon on Friday and Saturday nights by Fernandina an establishment
holding a Class A-1 license to he open until 3 Uo a.m. instead of 2:00 zam.