OC I (16. 2004
The mmline mos coiled n. otde at m.un p.nn. in GOIIIixumC Room A of Elgin ❑Iy I I:dI by
Chairman Schock Alcmha f pn eenr. Comnt3siorors Filliam. R'uhcn enl C'halrnnnn Schock.
dbscne Sone
Anpras'ul of Ninuits
Cnmmissionet Wuhcn nnude a motion_ secondN Ly C'ommiacinner 011liam. to uppmrr. tba
Cowes uflhn SGnemher 1._'004. uurAing. YIac Cnmmissionen Gillinu; N'nlleraand
lenrmnn Senork. Na»b sone.
GuntimmJ Publie ❑earin i Rmardino Entnn's Rmloo ad Inn, LhI_ r1/h/a Eaton's Red load
Inn. 119 West Cbivaeu Street Holler of ClassAA Lioulm I icons¢; Violation of Eldn
Municipal Code rvenion 6.06.145 - PresurNadon of Peace on Liminsed ProiI
Scott Gulon. >ulcsharulmlderof Eaton's Ro1,,ud has. I.of and William Chtmbmneh. roamer
for Ibc I Icomee_ were present pamuarrl la the Mtice 10 Appear.
• Assiston Curpotetiou t'nunsel Koml aJs i,vd Wo C'omminsion thm a proposal slipuhnion and
cat order has been neggn ncd "Lich pmyides that Garan, freph ood Innltd. will suttend:r
its Class AA liquor license rn April 29. 2005. mai a ( lacc A license will b. runt liremee
will pay a foe of S2000 no lumrthan Nmember30, 3001: that Gcurale liquor license will be
suillmichd 6r a to do) Vcriad, m mdnde uco xeeku W,, nafore Febrnnary?8, ?OOi.
Nr. Koeal anted that the license: "aI tale Commission to rc:uI the severity pflnis
prnishmem because ul'the ammmt of re.enue cmm�llr "¢nested by the Cla>, AA limn:¢.
wbich pertnle the sale of alcohol for oil-situ mencnmption. Mr. CheAmIluchadclsedthe
Conian,,iori that once hie elicit, m o made aware of Orc autivitias taking place at their
mblieltmenL� Jrcy umrparnted with the Parisi DCVaoment and took step, m ill,vim¢ One
Commissioner Gilliam inade a motion, se and N by ( c nnmiormer R;Jtcr._ to approve the
prupumel oipnlation and uKrtxlunlar. 1'eav'. Cammisxiontx, Gillinm. t4'ahe¢, 'unJ CLairman
cchoclk, Nuys Num.
Conaidmmdon ofitioliestodalarml Sulmi-AHLOWIN t.LC for Approtelof]CI f3anrand
Site Plans fur Salmi av 97514 . 15701iie '1'imher Rontl
Commission Sromtaiy Nlemm advised the Commission that CeChy Culrrpil passed Ordinance
63-04 im luly 142004_ gmntiny uwntl Katal use to pursuit IUmm f lopntent of flit Sptm lm ay
. servicemational 157013ig lchea Road Secear Gto,.0]01 of the Liquor Code provides that
the lalmm ora limnsnt premises may not be cnhmamial le chungcil svithom snnmissiun ora ne"