HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=MARCH 03, 2004 (4) • /O\ISG YND sUliI ION HF..\til\O BOARDc•Ilr OFof ELMS \IINV'I'ES OF iNICETI\G MARCH 3. 1004 Theregular neeetiP" ofthe Zoningand Subdivision Hearing Board ess czllcd morclerat ]:M P-M. on W Wnesday. ?larch 2 , 2004, in the cty Council s.han:bcn by Chninian I ineloie. Membmr Present: MichalHillfer, William Rhymos, Jack Riocr, R:llph Tiberi, Daniel Weiler and Cleairman Ruben Ivnnluis. dlembess Ahsenc Tom Krcbsbach. Sniff Picsenv Lauren PmssSeoior PLamerand Tmld Wv4t[. Acancialc Planner. Apprwnlof.Mmun%: Mr. Wcilm mar ad to oppress olbe mime ,of thefbnlarvlS. 2004egulm eern5. assubjunml Mr. Roder seconded the neot ion, s. I was adapted he a role of Fl%ewb andxemno. e'hh .Mr. 'I'ibw solingprecot. • potb Administered: Thu conn report i zdministamd the oath In all pnans desiring to ms0fy. PETITIONS 'FO Rh: HEARD: (UNSl)E AM )NOFPFI'11'IO _ 0603REOUES GC IC Nl>ITIONAI USEAPI'IiOVAL POR ACCEN ORI' PACKAGE I I UOR SALRSLM'TI IE Ax AREA NOSINESS OLSTRICCL PRO�P 'J.-T1'LUCAT ED A) I 799 U5 vLT.STRFPT, BY At DI„MCAS APPLIC ANT.A=D OWNER. MO I ION sADOPTED-6 US, ONO 'I MIntens' is contained esiddn n vcrbaliin transcript recorded at the publw bearing within a Conditional else Review 'mud prepared by the Community Dcvalopmem C:mnp. The applicant prsomsd the ponies. Objectors "tics present tied .spoke. Mr. Ililkot moved to ¢commend zppmval ofPahion W04, ntbjecl wtheccris liorvsforuppnn'W m'oullneoJin the Couditionul Use Review. Mr. Tibert eoonded (he motion, aluch v'us adopted as a sett ofsix )vs and zero no y0NSIDERATIONOFPF. MON07-MRLQ( T TING CONDI'1'IOVAL GSE-APPRO\'AL FOR ACXXCESSOR) PALlzAC6_LI000R SALTS IN 'IF�D_AI�IDSINE.SS EAS I'RICT; PROPERLY[ GATED AT 3 I5.�OGTII R NDAI.L. i�OAr_ DY .41 N. INC., 4S APPLE AND OW'NFR, • %IOVON ADOPTED -6 YEE,0.N_O