December L 21104
The resider rescheduled operate one, collar! to order at 5'.20 p.nt. in Conli'rva¢r. Norm 1 of
Elgin Ciry I tall by Utnirman Schock_ Members prune Cnmmissioncta Gilliam W oder,
(arrived m =23 p.to ), and Chrutai oSchock. ALsion None.
A pprm'al of Notorious
C'onlnus5lislor Gilliam vanes a motion, s000rid No bit-Chi inion Schools, to 'nppmve the nitidus of
tltc November 3, 2004,nmetiny Yves: Cnntmis3iunar Gilliam and Chninrial Schock. sft 'N.
Con Oderaniurt -d Palliation of4 mle Pub, Inc., 159S -mphranv No air. for Class N liguor
I cenne
Assistant Coryormion Counsel Kozel stared f1dl the Fmhole Pub moventh'has 'a Class A liquor
licensc. and the applicant is asking had it be churned to a Class k liquor licnse.
Commissioner Gilliam mala. a Illusion, swvndcd by Commissioner se alters it, v
approe the
nib!' -d application subject to the 1,11coxing. Applit,ttion theing ainvined a its face 1 snarl
ibal Larlos \ illatre.a is the corporate serntarof FokholePb, Iat ring to
sfiu '
the Cis Clark re0ecting thin applicant her ea'ercised it, option to renes. We lease for the
pmmiser at 158 Symphony Way, and creation Ill at additional Clore R license by the ('iry
C'mmcll. Y¢se'. Commissimims Gilliam, Wnlmts and Chaimten sell N;qs-. Kone.
Consideration f \ 1' fllu-mu Fnterp e+ Inc.. dO1u l's Cafe and Creanrrr'v.
43 DuPaire Court, for Class F-1 I lower Liminv
Thr Clry Clerk advised the Liquor Commission that AI's Cafe can cels, has a Class Ir liquor
license Hmsexer. prior to the license mnoanl on May L 2060._ this eatalthJrenr had a Clan
F-I liquor livens. The mamr is requernin War aClas E-I lienee again ba aypcueJ for this
ulebllzhmem in that they nou"again fine a full &mmr menu, are doing more bm¢µot bnslnesS,
and eaul Om nhl Iity to serve of Apes ofliquor rather rlem bcins limited to saving only beer "al
o 1uv us provided by the current Class Y license.
C'ununissioner Gilliam made a notion, seconded by C'nnimissioner \fifers. to apormw rhe
aforesaid application. Ywe. ComnessimrCrS U111ar1. Wa0cr5. and Chroor Sclock.