APRIL i. 2004
the meeting was called to older at 4.00p.al i n Conferance Nnom A of[Icin Cit% I fallhg
Chalnnan Schock. ]leobnapaasem: Cummivioaers Wahara. tmd Chairman SOL... It, Abanu:
( onoissioma Odlium.
.\nnrond of V Im)ies
Cmnnni oionet Aa'ahers madeaniotimi c 'c nded be ChUnflon Schock. toapprover t he laiames01'
I he lkbnuny 4,2004. meeting. 1-rrs: Cunmfu9ioneftdilliani and Chairman Schock. Soya:
Application of D\IR \ m 'W tshic. d/h/a aniline Ilea Pantry for a Clnsa H-I I iauo '
Lteals, it 1024 S. Met Into Hmdeg Ord
Commiasiorna Winters made a nation, to appmre the a6resaid
application mbjon to the Circ Councilpuasinp an ordinance forcondllianel use and creaupti an
AndionN ClussH I IlgnITIhQ 'Ilae farthirapplicont. 1'cas: Cmnmissioner Cillivm and
Clraiuocn Schack, Nava: None.
• id)[11itollial OfAhICS, like. d1bla Aldi #50 fort Clue H-I Lig nmr Licrnse at 199 Summit
f onnour,omef Walters nnnde a sinned, oneanlhud by Chalminn Schock. to appNee the[d02Sald
application,nbjen m npplieam hringinu thesign on Hiwcmha into muformance with the muni l
ordinance and aubjcat 10 the ChyCannell pursing an mrdinanm far wndniond use and
cuGnq en udtruanpl Clysis 61 liquor Ilncroc for the applcanl. Yeas 1'ominnslonv Clliwu
and Chairman ScUt Is. Vusr Vona.
�AplbaYon of aid". Inc dd la Aldi s 038 for n CPus H-1 Urinal a I irense at 215 Smuh
Randall Inad
Cmaaarmarioner V.alters made ainmion. eccondcd o Chairman Sednick. , to appmvu the ail ecatd
appllcat cm subject to the Cry -oam51 parmag an urfmtarl for cond'niunul vw and ciuting in
additional ClmsH I liquor hcovse for dik apptieant. Yrns: Commissioner Cullom mad C'haimi
Consid nation of Ap Aicatkan to i- Fdano,ral of 1 in nor I.indoors far cite Pertud Mat 12004
th rua^h dp 6130. 1005
Commissioner Wahers mode a mmiun, seconded by Chainnun Schock, to approve tteto]toring
vat applications , bjeCt w the cola ilio iu owlin d in the menaamnd an Idmished 4v the
nr Cemmissiun Seauary and as indicated below. Yen,r'. Comnnsdnner (1111 inti and
Chaimuu Schock. Sa),: ,Cone.