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Snare Minutes of February 18 , 1990
Gail Bottl=n he qaryuer andion the lawcal enforcement
citify, e question tior. waw called and a roll
ca_. veto taken :
venders vote
Aves--dcCereon, De3cec, DiF,11 . 10 , Cordon,
is bey, Ha Lnowski, nallOhberger,
Milan, Pukoj and Stickling.
Nays--Bcdnar, Carlson, Dra_all , Hirschborg,
Kirkland , Poberaen and Smith .
Abstain--Ydtcs .
30 ayes , ] rays, 1 aostain , >btion passes.
Moran continues in report that the committoo
fished to recommend that the Board agree to the
following as Priorities for use 0t the $350 , 000
nudu,Lp.d for parking and retort Such to the
City Council !
1 . dntermaC the feasibility of adding a root
or additional parking level to the Spring
Streeting deck .
2 . onductVa study to dethrrine the highest
• and best use of the NBU ptopnrty .
3 . develop parking to ' the artiern
: area of
tra center city ( Civic/Culturaldihttiet) .
2ndersmr snggdnted : rat the -tons addressing the
NBD prOpe ty be dealt With i nedlafely since
discuaainns 'd underrway between Knne CauLy
and the City fm the purchase of tl'.e NBD
.:ilding . Anderamr made a authorizing
Parking, Trnnspertdti0n , cnarketiral and
tity Ccrmittee to take Cen ary
action (a ) to obtain c c0ptaal drawings at
the possible u8ob cf the NBD buildinq and
property at a cast not to exceed 515 , 000 .
Anderson then made a motion t0 accept the
andation regarding the r maini:q two
priorities and inform the City Council .
Preside of n-ionto asked Lha: the difference
betwexplain a -tarn a e be
explained .ayes . Peltian tle$udCacuCeA the motion.
All ayes . M.ot10n paSSed .