Minutes of May 20, 200E
1. Ca0morder:
The meeting was calked to order at 7:07 F.m.
Present Paul Meting, Mike Powers, Shirley Friedman, Bobbi Engleby, Jennifer
Amounts- From Wisest, Sue Moylart Gregg Guerrero, Vicki Kirkland, garb
Absent Christie Awe, Judy Steffen
Stall Becky Sletten
Guest:Tom Armstrong, Principal Planner
11. Appro.alof.aMinutes:
Motion was made to approve April minutes. Motion seconded and passel.
11L Guest Speaker:
"Pant Armstrong gave a presentation to the group on several issues including
entryway signs, the city's new Comee ensivc Platt and various zoning issues.
Tum said the entryway co er ince has chosen a firm to create o Master Plan for
the city that would include a comprehensive wayfaring system. This would
• include chmyway truss, signs to the downtown area and notable points such as the
library and rmrcation center. Pending approval by the City Council, the Rom will
go ahead with this project.
Conceptual the Comprehensive Plan, 1'om said that growth issues poise some
interesting questiotu for the city. We have to decide how far we want Elun's
boundaries to go.'I'his is an important question to be answered, as doing so could
add another 10,000 people and really stretch the binds of fie city. Many other
communities, such as Naperville, are facing these .name issues. This could change
the ieeidenllUsines ratio, as well as in:ate the problem of how we insure that
residents west of Randall Road will always feel a pan of the community.
Neighborhood groups could play a big pan in helping improve Elgin. Mike
Powers comment W that he is still vmazed at how far went HotTnnan Estates has
reached and what a mistake he thought it was to not have annex W that land. Sue
Muylau continental that she would rather ace the emphaais be on quality, and that
we were right to amsex along Randall Road. Tem said that the majority, of
amsexing is taking place to die west and has been for conunercial puryeses. He
feels builders should be required to pick up impact fees for public safety
nothings, as there could be the uwd for 2-3 to the west, dQpending on haw far
we grow. The city also has plans and money set aside to work on Is entryway
confiders, though a time table has not loan established nor the priority list of
corridors decided.