HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-29-2013M Park & Rec Mayor David J.Kuptain City Council Richard Dunne TevYL. Gavin E LG � N Anna C. MoeMe THE CITY IN THE SUBURBS- Tish S. Powell John Prigge Carol J.Rauschenbcrger Toby Shaw F.John Steffen Park; and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes City Manager October 29, 2013 Sean R Stegall 6:00 p.m. West Conference Room, Lower Level The Centre of Elgin, 100 Symphony Way, Elgin, IL 60120 Present: Tom Armstrong, Carl Ferron, Karyn Garcia, Carl Missele, Bill Neylon, Kristen Rowe Absent: Siobhan Cottone, Elise Rich Staff: Randy Reopelle, Maria Cumpata, Verdelle Corn | Call to Order: Chairman Tom Armstrong called the meeting to order al 6:00 p.m. || Minutes of the August 27, 2013 meeting: Carl Missele motioned to approve the August 27th minutes. Bill Neylon seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Ui Citizens Forum (items not on the agenda): None. }\( Renaming of Kiwanis Park: Randy Reopelle communicated that Craig Hayward, vice president of /saak Walton League (Ikes) would be coming to this evening's meeting and possibly the president, Ron Ziegler, as well. Bill Jones cannot be here for the meeting and he is the one who spoke to us about renaming Kiwanis Park for the )kes. Randy noted that Walton Island is named after the lkes, so in reality they already have a park named after their club. It was noted by Randy that there are a number of previous examples of the city changing park names; the park on Willard Avenue was named Casa Linda (low income housing) and is now Prairie Park; the park west of McLean Blvd. and north of Rt. 20 was named Zayre Park, now Cornerstone Park. Randy handed out the petition delivered to the department's administration office. The petition requests 1) the park not be renamed, 2) Observatory Park keep that name, and 3) if Kiwanis Park is renamed the petitioners feel it would be appropriate to name the park Willow Creek Park. Carl Missele noted that changing old Kiwanis Park to Willow Creek Park may be confusing as people know Willow Creek as a big church in Barrington. 150 Dexter Court,Elgin,IL 60120 847'931'6100 vvww.dtynfelgin.ong Mr. Hayward and Mr. Ziegler arrived. Mr. Ziegler introduced himself and noted his understanding is that the park down by Kirk and Kramer was being considered to be renamed after the Isaak Walton League. Randy noted that Kirk and Kramer Park is a separate park although it is in close proximity to Kiwanis Park and even closer to Isaak Walton League's property. Kirk and Kramer is located at 895 Jay Street. The park under discussion for renaming is the old Kiwanis Park (located at 600 Ramona Avenue). Torn Armstrong noted that 20 residents surrounding Kiwanis Park have suggested the park be renamed Willow Creek Park. It was noted the park is between both Poplar Creek and Willow Creek. Bill Neylon noted if people knew the creek was named Willow Creek there would not be confusion and would help for location-wise - knowing the park was next to Willow Creek. Carl noted that probably the only the people who know the creek is named Willow Creek are those living in the area. Mr. Ziegler noted that Poplar and Willow Creeks join right at the end of Kramer Avenue. Poplar Creek is the east side of that park and Willow Creek comes out of Lords Park and comes down just on the west side of Willard Avenue behind the businesses. Randy noted that Bill Jones inquired if both the old Kiwanis Park and the Kirk and Kramer Park were being renamed. Kirk and Kramer is the park nearer the lsaak Walton League. Given we are discussing Kiwanis Park, Randy asked Mr. Hayward and Mr. Zieglar if they knew why Bill is interested in renaming old Kiwanis Park after the lsaak Walton League and wondered if the Club has talked about it. Mr. Hayward noted the work that has been spearheaded by the Ikes was to do clean-up work on Willow and the portion of Poplar that comes down from the bridge especially down towards Rt. 20. There have been four cleanups. They involved the city and about 25 school children and at the most we've had about 60 people involved. They are trying to get more people aware that don't know about the creek and the Isaak Walton League. The club is trying to get more recognition about the property and the use of the property, which is used by school children to walk through to and from school. lsaak Walton League has done a great deal of clean-up at the north end of the property on the eastside of the bridge to make it safer and brighter for the kids that go through the property. The property Mr. Hayward is referring to is the park across the bridge and the north end of the Isaak Walton property and to tie the properties together with a name that is easily recognizable instead of a body of water that people don't know what it is. A number of people living in the area are volunteering with the clean-up efforts. Some help with the actual clean up and others allow volunteers and club members access to their property to clean-up the creek. If the park can be renamed using the Isaak Walton League as the name of the property to give it identification of usability that would be great. Carl Missele asked if the club would help maintain the park. It was noted by club that they do not have enough people to maintain the park. Randy communicated that Kirk and Kramer Park is where lsaak Walton League members are cleaning up natural resources and is what the dub is maintaining. But the park being addressed at this evening's meeting is a different park-the park previously known as "Kiwanis Park" at 600 Ramona Avenue. We may be able to address both parks. Before a decision is made to rename Kirk and Kramer Park, staff will check if there is a record as to why Kirk and Kramer Park was named that other than after streets bordering the park. He will also speak with Ms. Prigge about the concern about a confusion of the park name Willow Creek with the large Church in Barrington. MOTION: Carl Missele motioned to table renaming of both parks to the next meeting. Kristen Rowe seconded. Motion carried unanimously, Kristen recommended the petitioners be invited to the next meeting. V. Cell Tower Addition at American Little League: Randy noted that currently there is a cell tower and support building located on the north side of Summit Street at Hiawatha Drive where the former American Little League, now part of National Little League, is located. AT&T approached the city about constructing an addition to the building and attaching another antenna to the existing monopole. AT&T is willing to pay the city $2,000 per month along with an annual increase of 2 to 3 percent. Randy recommends the $2,000 be ear marked to go to a Park fund that could be used to fix up the property. After brief discussion by the advisory board, Carl Missele made a motion. MOTION: Carl Missele motioned that the Park and Rec Board recommend to the city that the expansion of the cell building and tower be allowed and that rental income from it go towards improving the little league complex that it is located in. Carl Ferron seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Maria Cumpata recommended that at the annual youth sport groups' presentation meeting, that the clean-up of building materials at this site be discussed. The groups will probably be invited to the January meeting to begin the youth sports grant process. VI. Miscellaneous: a. Northeast Neighborhood Association (NENA) Request: NENA requests the rental fees for the Lords Park Pavilion be waived for their annual pot luck dinner and membership meeting to be held the evenint of Friday. November S. NENA members volunteer at the eit4's annual Fox Trot. MOTION: Bill Neylon moved to approve that NENA be permitted to use the Lords Park Pavilion and waive rental fee as members volunteer and man a water station at the annual Fox Trot event. Karyn Garcia second. Motion passed unanimously. 150 Dexter Court,Elgin,ft_ 60120 847-931-6100 www.cityofetgin.org b. Other: Rolling Knolls: Randy reminded everyone that on Saturday, November 2, from 10:00 a.m. — noon, the Cook County Forest Preserve is hosting a meeting at the Rolling Knolls property to review the proposed site plan. Recommendations we have provided in past meetings are part of the plan they will be sharing. 8th Annual Youth Scholarship Team Challenge: The team challenge is next week Friday evening, November 8, beginning at 6:00 p.m. VIII. Adjournment: Carl Missele motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kristen Rowe seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. Respectful submitted, ////lif "'' Verdelle Corn, Recording Secretary 7,i' f, Approved. i4,/ 6(1'Z7 .7‘'