HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Elgin Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium MINUTES
FEBRUARY 13, 1989
Members Present: Delvin Johnston, Charles Kaltenbach, Edward
Kelly, Walter Cordin
Members Absent: Ronald Pavlik, Sharon Jakle, Christian Schock
Staff Present: James J. Cook
The meeting was called to order at 8 : 10 a.m. by Chairman Delvin
Approval of Minutes
Ed Kelly made a motion, seconded by Walter Cordin, to approve
the minutes of the October 10 , 1988 meeting. Unanimous approv-
Discussion of Possible Projects
Jim Cook reported a development agreement has been executed with
Harris Properties for South Grove Avenue and they have 90 days
in which to solve some problems.
Jim Cook stated the Gail Borden Library is discussing expansion
and their plans need to be determined. Ed Kelly suggested a
meeting with representatives of the Library to discuss mutual
goals and objectives.
Del Johnston suggested a banquet facility be considered for the
Borden Square property.
Ed Kelly stated Alexander' s Restaurant is contemplating building
a banquet facility and is attempting to purchase the motel next
to their property. He suggested the Authority help them to
acquire the building.
The next meeting of the Authority was scheduled for April 3 ,
1989 at 8 :00 a .m.
There being no further business before the Elgin Metropolitan
Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority, Walter
Cordin made a motion, seconded by Charles Kaltenbach, to adjourn
the meeting at 8 :40 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea M. Paetsch
Recording Secretary
JULY 24, 1989
Members Present: Delvin Johnston, Ed Kelly, Ronald Pavlik,
Sharon Jakle, Christian Schock
.Members Absent: Charles Kaltenbach, Walter Cordin
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by Chairman Delvin
Approval of Minutes
Sharon Jakle made a motion, seconded by Ronald Pavlik, to
approve the minutes of the May 8 , 1989 meeting. Unanimous
Jim Cook introduced Deborah Nier, Administrative Assistant to
the City Manager, and stated she would be handling staff work
for the Authority in the future.
eft Discussion of Possible Projects
Ed Kelly stated new legislation has been passed designating a
computer software tax to civic center authorities in addition to
race track funds. Several communities have already taken
advantage of the funds.
Jim Cook stated Elgin is eligible for funding under this legis-
lation but Senator Friedland and Representative Kirkland need to
be contacted to add the City to the list of communities request-
ing funds.
Jim Cook stated the City plans to demolish the Suds Laundry
building but two other buildings at that location may have some
historical significance and cannot be demolished. If restora-
tion is undertaken, funds will be needed fbr the work. He
stated the area may be a good location for a recreational center
(volleyball ,and basketball courts , gymnastics , etc. ) and would
be a project for the Authority to consider. Also, the Library
is planning to expand their facilities and the Authority could
work with them to coordinate both projects. Ed Kelly volun-
teered to contact representatives of the Library to discuss
their plans.
It was suggested that the Development Corporation also become
involved in the project.
Elgin Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium
and Office Building Authority Minutes
July 24 , 1989
Page 2
Ed Kelly stated that ECC has included a fine arts building or
theater in their long range plans and suggested they might be
incorporated into the plans for the Suds Laundry site. Ron
Pavlik agreed to talk to Paul Health, President of the college,
to determine their plans.
Meeting with Betty Hoxey
Jim Cook reported Betty Hoxey will be available to meet with the
Authority in September to talk about revenues and application
for funds. The Authority decided to invite her to attend a
meeting on either September 11 or 25 . Deborah Nier will contact
her to determine her availability.
Kimball Street Widening
Jim Cook stated Kimball Street needs to be widened to compensate
for the lack of a north end bridge. A traffic study of the
entire city will be done in the near future and recommendations
will probably be made regarding Kimball Street. If widening
does take place, buildings along the roadway will need to be
purchased and demolished.
Farm Colony Site
Del Johnston reported the bill regarding the farm colony site on
McLean Boulevard has been passed by the State House of Represen-
tatives and Senate and is awaiting the Governor' s signature.
The outcome should be determined in nine or ten weeks.
There being no further business before the Metropolitan Exposi-
tion Auditorium and Office Building Authority, Sharon Jakle made
a motion, seconded by Ronald Pavlik, to adjourn the meeting at
8 :40 a.m. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
tis (t)
Andrea M. Paetsch
Recording Secretary
SEPTEMBER 11, 1989
Members Present: Delvin Johnston, Edward Kelly, Sharon Jakle,
Christian Schock
Members Absent: Ronald Pavlik, Charles Kaltenbach
Staff Present: Deborah Nier
Guest: Betty Hoxsey, Administrator
Civic Center Support Program
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8: 10 a.m. by Chairman Delvin
Approval of Minutes
Christian Schock made a motion, seconded by Sharon Jakle, to
approve the minutes of the July 24 , 1989 meeting. Unanimous
Discussion with Betty Hoxsey
Betty Hoxsey informed the Authority that the General Assembly
recently passed legislation which increased the bond authority
cap of the Civic Center Support Program to $200 million from
$100 million. In July of this year, DCCA received requests
totaling $122 million, all of which probably will not be funded.
If the Elgin Authority decides to apply for funding, a pre-ap-
plication consultation is necessary early next year for July
consideration. If no funds are available, the application can
be submitted for consideration the following July.
To be eligible for funding, the majority of space in a facility
must be used by a public body and the local civic center author-
ity must hold title to the property during the life of the
bonds, but ownership can be transfered to private sources after
the bonds have been retired. Also, the property must be located
within the limits of the local authority.
In order to be eligible for funds , a feasibility study must be
done to determine if a project can break even financially within
five years. Future improvements to the facility must also be
considered. The facility should also fill as many needs of the
community as possible and only five or ten percent of the space
can be allocated for private use. Ms. Hoxsey suggested a
-s �3)
Elgin Exposition Auditorium and Office
Building Authority Minutes
September 11 , 1989
Page 2
survey should be distributed to local organizations to determine
The State will fund 75 percent of a project and the remaining 25
percent must be raised locally in cash. It is possible to
request funding for more than one project but unlikely that more
than one will be approved.
Application can be made only in July, and the Authority should
receive notice of acceptance by January, February or March, with
monies for construction distributed in the spring.
Chairman Johnston directed Deborah Nier to determine Elgin' s
funding eligibility using a formula Mrs. Hoxsey provided.
Mrs. Hoxsey stated she is available should any questions arise.
Discussion of Possible Projects
Ed Kelly stated Elgin Community College is considering construc-
tion of a fine arts center and the Gail Borden Library is in
need of additional space. The Development Corporation is ready
to take possession of the farm colony site on McLean Boulevard.
He suggested the college, library and Development Corporation
meet to discuss their needs and the possibility of a joint
Christian Schock suggested a fine arts building could be con-
structed in the downtown area.
Del Johnston stated the Mayor has requested the Development
Corporation be involved in downtown renovation.
Ed Kelly suggested an updated survey of Hemmens usage be pre-
pared and Del Johnston asked Deborah Nier to look into the
ownership of the Hemmens Auditorium being transferred to the
Chairman Johnston stated Walter Cordin has resigned from the
Authority and the City Council needs to appoint a replacement.
The next meeting of the Authority will be held on October 23 at
8 a.m. in the offices of the Elgin Area Chamber of Commerce.
Elgin Exposition Auditorium and Office
Building Authority Minutes
September 11, 1989
Page 3
There being no further business before the Elgin Metropolitan
Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority, the meeting
was adjourned at 9 : 20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea M. Paetsch
Recording Secretary
OCTOBER 23, 1989
Members Present: Charles Kaltenbach, Ed Kelly, Sharon Jakle,
Delvin Johnston, Christian Schock
Members Absent: Ronald Pavlik
Staff Present: Larry Rice, City Manager
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8: 05 a .m. by Chairman Delvin
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Sharon Jakle and seconded by Ed Kelly to
approve the minutes of the September 11 , 1989 meeting. Unani-
mous approval.
Replacement of Member
Chairman Johnston stated there is an opening on the Authority
created by the resignation of Walter Cordin and suggested Pat
Sjurseth or Don Laird as a replacement. Ed Kelly suggested a
representative of the Gail Borden Library board, Charles
Kaltenbach suggested a representative from the Hemmens Advisory
Board and Ed Kelly suggested Harvey Eisner. Chairman Johnston
told the members to call him in the next few days if they had
any other suggestions and he would pass them on to the Mayor.
Hemmens Auditorium Ownership Restrictions
Sharon Jakle read portions of a letter from Deborah Nier,
Administrative Assistant to the City Manager, regarding legal
restrictions on ownership of the Hemmens Auditorium. In order
to transfer ownership of the building to the Authority, an
amendment to an agreement with the First National Bank of Elgin
would have to take place. Chairman Johnston said that before
the bank is approached, a project must be selected.
Discussion of Possible Projects
Ed Kelly suggested discussions be held with ECC and the Gail
Borden Library board regarding possible projects.
Larry Rice said it would seem that with development coming
westward, Elgin would need some sort of update in facilities.
Elgin Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium
and Office Building Authority
October 23, 1989
Page 2
Chairman Johnston said the Mayor has asked the Development
Corporation to become involved in organizing the downtown
business community to develop a long range plan for the down-
Charles Kaltenbach suggested the Authority could be a catalyst
in rejuvenating the downtown.
Chairman Johnston said a meeting with downtown businessman will
be held soon.
A report on the usage of the Hemmens Auditorium was distributed.
Larry Rice asked how the Authority would handle a financial loss
of a building under their ownership. Chairman Johnston replied
that the City would have to back the Authority.
Date for Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Authority will be on Monday, December
11 , at 8 a.m. in the offices of the Chamber of Commerce.
Chairman Johnston said as a matter of information that the
Development Corporation will take ownership of the "farm colony"
property at the Elgin Mental Health Center in the next few days.
The property will then be marketed and profits from the sale
will be used for downtown redevelopment.
There being no further business before the Elgin Metropolitan
Exposition Auditorium and Office Building Authority, Ed Kelly
made a motion, seconded by Sharon Jakle, to adjourn the meeting
at 8:45 a.m. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Andrea M. Paetsch
Recording Secretary