HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Image Commission • ELGIN IMACEADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES ON JANE 2d, 2002 Elgin City Hall Elgin, Illinois I. CALL 1'0 ORDER 'Ilie meeting was called to order at 6 32 p.m. Present: Paul Meaning. Start"Friedmor, Greg Guerrero, Sue Moylan, Barb Flanigan, Bnbbi Frigidity, Vicki Kirkland, Jennifer Moment Form Wieser and Mike Powers Absent: Christina Awe, Judy StcBen Staff'. porky Sletten IT. APPROVALOFMIN'UTES • Minutes of May Ask, 2002 approved III. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion followed on We Fannin Of July Patadejudging. Commission members that volunteered or were chosen included Barb, Paul, Bobbi, Vicki and Fran. First. second and third place winners will he presented at a City Conrail meeting. Paul said that the parade will start at 9:00 a.m, and that the judges will be lombod next to the fountain in (Jupiter Coen. A Table end chairs will be provided. Paul has contacted Nomm at DNA to get more information on duJudging. Jennifer Aimanu lel everyone know matl0l S. Sets ice Center has heal designated ac Volunneur Central and that hey will be serving breakfast and lunch to who Over is working the p adw 'I lie viewing stands in Goin of Police Denominators. B. Sue discussed the All-America City effort, and noted how well it was o:ganked. She said that Kanev City was great, veryi nhive. Though it was a large eflbn, with the money that the city provided and donations, the cumnninee firuncially conte out O.K. IV. N'E\VBUSI,NESS • 'I'o date, the Commission nncmbers footless sent in men rap 10 list include Sue, Boldn Errb, and Vicki. Members were asked to have distrusts completed hythe • Image advisory Commission June 24, 2002 ext meeting, lists ever be emailed to Un'ky at sleucn bra' it !y�rg or brought to the next meeting, V. DA IN OF 6E%'I' NICCTINC.: July 22'". 2002 VI. ADJOUR MEN7 After the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p,Jr., Commission members attended the Elgin Community D'etxork'sn ovie viexing of"Save Our Lands, Save Our Toxmi'. 41 Respectfully submitted by Becky Stmca Date • FaSLyMangu OmcOlrecky`Lmge Ativuvry C'ammiyiod1W261...orcs lune 02,rd mpd • • ELGIN IMAGE ADVISOR) COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 22,2002 ELGIN CITY HALL 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was railed to order at 7:12 Tim. Present Paul Missing, Ging Guerrero, Barb Flanigan, Bubbi Englehp, Vicki Kirkland, than Wiesen Ludy Steffi Absent: Shirley Friedman, Sue Moylan, Jennifer Alntuaa, Christine Awe Staff. Becky Shoran IT. APPROVAL OF MINUTES III, OLD BUSINESS A. Pounds discussion, Paul and Vicki suggested some holes for distinguishing Hous should be in place next year. Becky recommended we contact DNA about this. Tani reminded • commission that winners will be announttd and awards presented at the next Council Meeting at 7:00 on July 26th. Ile asked that the judges (Vicki Kirkland, Barb Ramada, Bobbi Bnglebg and Fran Wieser) accompany him to that nucha& Paul has contacted float representatives and invited than to the meeting 'Dte winners arc Elgin Atmmul Little League, Ise, Ahode. 2nd; Provers St. Joseph Ilusynal, 31 d; and Cavalry Baptist Clurch; honorable mention. Becky staled she thought the judges' stand should have a banner or something to distinguish it and will try to have one next your. An actual viewing stand was aeons from Tho police station at Its end of the parade and apparcutly was not used. AT I agreed the site at Dupagc was central but the lack of shade made it extremely hut. Drug stated he wished the post had had a theme. Beaky said it did have. Greg suggested the judging could be based on the success of conveying the theme. B_Paul personally Thal Richard Panichi for the lunch and walk in the Sleepy Bellow Ravine. He asked for and received approval to wored personal letter fian the Commission. C Not at I lists are in so Becky suggested we wait until the next meeting to compile them. She asked tam the lists be tamed in before the meeting aid she will put Llan In one document. D. Prod reconunctrded we attend the next"Blanc by Block" meeting on July 31, 2002. Those that attended the Got meeting found it interesting and the movie stimulating. Barb suggesWd the city is not doing what the movie suggests and wondered why rise city sponsored it Becky stated it is not a city presenutien but is sponsored by the Elgin Contractility Network. A • discussion on west side sprawl fol low ed. Vicki once again ex pressed wncom for adeyuaro parking space in the Palle development. Pail thinks that Mork Barreci has fought for Things in • the past (land for a library branch) and will do so in the future. He feels the city planners are tougher today. Trade Celming sums up and Bobbi asked if that would he a part of the west side Plan. E. The information on possible grant, is not here yet. We will have That at the next meeting. Paul raked for volmrco¢ to write the gents. F. I Ire Awards Program has a confined data at the new Centre on March 13th. IV. NEW BUSINESS Becky stated that the city is in the process of making stickers, sips, etc to promote die All America City award. Businesses may use the logo but not for commercial reasons. V. OPEN DINCDSSION Hobby showed commissioners a letter to the editor in the Carrier News lion Friday, July 19, 2002, entitled "Elgin Needs to Iell Its Story to the World,' All agreed its within, Jeffrey White, should be mngrntulated for the pride he expressed in Elgin. Judy will keep a copy it) list folder. Several people stated Elgin needs a downtown lodging facility--perhaps a bed ind • retail Becky thinks we need mare retail and food downtown. Commissioner shared their lists and several great suggestions sante up. Puking To downtown mid the use of the property the Crocker'I'heater sits un also was a cunQnn Hab said she knows rouge who feels any nostalgia for We Crocker. Judy stated that she (moves people who feel it is a part of our heritage. More discrosiwr en the plana 1'ar downtown townhouses, etc, will certainly cents up at future mmtings. Pamphlets for the Elgin Pine Arts Festival on August 23, 24,25, 2002 were given to commissiomrs. VI. DATE OF NEXT MEETING August 2n, 2002 VII. ADJOURRNMMEN I'-8;15 ... .SUK ,----------------_------------- ----= a d406?- Res ectfully submitted by Judy Steffen Jvty-P5. 2002 �rtrfal • ELGIN IYIACE ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUCil126,2003 ELGIN CITY IIALI. L CALL TO ORDER The meeting wan called m order at ''.10 Rm. by Sue Malan Drastic Paul Madng. Gab Guurtem, RI Harrigan, Bobbi Bngleby, Vicki Kirkland, Fran IIirnm, ludy neither. Shltlp Friedman. Sue Moylan, Lcnnilly Maintain, ( insturre Awe FIAT; Becky Sletten HE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion mad,by Red, Flanigan and seconded by Vicki Kirkland m approve Finuar e. Noliun world . III. OLA BUSINESS 3.1 FOURTH OF.IIILY PARADE. Jennifer Almamn suggested we define Fort,etc. at uurNi meeting and Free ro the DNA a ApN. Thiy can then give them to the ura nnu_ Reeky, nugc.tons suggested that the list of tar the parade judging be given to DNA right away while it is Ihxb 6. everyone's minds. 3:2TOPTENLASTS Rooky said we are still mlmss several Curear loaur; lntsof the popu,, phases and minuses to presentm the City Coano;L 33 GRANT PROGRAMS No infomtatlon Ilable at this time on possible proud Programs 3.411AAGE AWARDS PROGRAM Rail) stated she needs names and phone umbers at The Com,, m nmke the arrangements for the 3003 award_ Prescript] that he listener caterer has not yet been chosen, sr that information is not avllable, bra the date is ser A Lanuay loth,2003 cut oaf for nominations was agreed upon. IN . NEWBUSINESS 4,1 Jrmm i lei and Shirley stated me eedmor: sharing with ether commissions Subgroups trate what s Dung on. and develop some rynerl ry. Becky reminded embers about thediffculry in gClling mpresemafives from vinous groups trustier I there War a very Sproul Hppone. Auer. there are several vehicles in the commodity than aremmtly Iwd minftm the public about the different swat, end ativities going on including the C itv's monthly calendar. the Spirit, City website and the Chamber and Eui^ Aare( convention no Visitors Bureau wEarn,, Mamhem sell Image Advinnry Cnmmrmpn Minutes continued page 2 expressed co H Ilectiveneeciarropporsorialoonlact. lmmili, aP stated that our Hums were net in the media farepacks and they true been asking about them. Ducky can they are admitted quarterly, bol Put nun he changed to be included monthly if that Is the preference. V. OPEN DISCUSSION Shirley reminded the Commltaion that he liquor store on Highland Avenue will be moelag in September/OctoMm. Seeks relays(] that( aunc roan Stu Wasilewski had tuggcxtW le Commission consider frescoing o citizenship award. Qutrently nccm In no award expressly for people who go above and beyond to help a fellow (crus[. Cho is reminded us tMt we changed the mama ft, ourawardisirmyearsunt Aceky pnintdnut that e,cinyeat we receive Jmegc Awned applications for kernel, It, one done outstanding deeds nor noicsmrily related to Linage enhancement Paul entrance Should ton some ads again us [bat seemed to help last time. SUR c suggested we get an application and pun on le, 8 nda next month The blurring Of ut wards and the Nayor s Award for Effa rnuai concern. Jennifer suggested vc insist the citizenship award a topcoat' supplication. Shirley thought we should nwanl It at a council meeting and not a[ our swords handout Chis added that the Chalrmnn'e Award is really like • a citizenship mwai Paul snit Reeky stared the award warrior, Ibr pec Pnmhh ofluly Parade came to the City Courich meeting and were very pleased in eecena their awards. Jennifer Sugg eyed Cnmmi csioners should wear their nnmnd.deno badges to other event Paul our we should wear them with discretion VI. DATE Of NE%'t MEEET16G September 23, 3002 VIC ADJOIiAN>t Fly'I-8:US P.m. - ,, Fesluetfir r ubt by Judy SmlTco Dam • • ELGIN INIA E AD3'ISfIRI' COhI\IISS I ON Al IN I'IS OF SEPTEMBER 30. 20112 ELGIN CITI' HALL I. CALL 170 ORDER Thu meeting was called to order at 9:00 pm. Present: Paul Maung, G<g Guerrero, Bobbi Englety, Vicki Kirkland, Ran Wieser, Judy Steller, Shirley Friedman, Sue :Noylar. Christine Awv, Jim Cosgnff Absent: Dart Flanigan, Jennie Almanza Staff: Becky Sletten 11. INTRODUCTION OF NEICOMMISSIONER JAMES COSCWFF Jim introduced lumcelfas on who intends to bmome in Elgin "lifer" He has lived in Elgin for six years and wimesscd many sued changes. He has ideas to share; and as an owner of de velopnmMconstmmion business that does renovations in Chicago,be know s that real estate drives communities. Paul welcrmedhlm, and camntissiuners introduced • themselves. IIL APPROVAL OF MIN O'FF.S Bevy concdud the spelling of August. Chris Ax a made a motion to approve the In mutes as amended, rend Shirley FdWmmvseconded the motion. Mrtioncarricd. IN . OLD BUSINESS 4.1 to review the lists from conunissiunets, Paul sidled on each to select the most impnnant items on Usher lists. Fran Wieser began with her top three for improccenents: more and wider sidewalks mid hener public transportation on the west side of Elgin, the need for larger retailers and more variety for dining and entertainment. said better enforcement of overcrov. single limi ly hmnes. Iter nhnices for things she enjoys about Elgin are ethnic diversity, sense of community, reliable public ecrvlce employees, and being part of an All America City. Sue Moylan responded to better transportation needs by stating that at a Mem meeting, Pace stated that they are looking into remnting busses so Oey all do not have to come into downtown Elgin in a big eight that exists today. Hicarings for this move aro • coming up soon. She also seared that the removal ol'the downrown bus terminal is called for in the downtown plan and that the terminal might he placed in other pons Hosea. • Shirley Fredman cited the folloolms items an her line need more up-to-date entertainment at Hemmen: need innpnwemcnts on signs on enlryw ays; electric am telephone boxes need shrubs around them; and positively, the Elgin Symphony Orchestra plans to use Wing Perk as "Kavinhu" Becky responded to We question of signage by interning us that the last council reeling a plan to hire a tion to do a central signage program was decided upon, A master plot could cuoNinale tire appearance of signs and make them more wdform. Tim brick Cormbrasssign oothe tollwaycameup ac examplesmf"d same toemulate. Those signs mere paid for by ver m Cit. Hospital. me Cuinu. and wee city moneyr lie scored RL 31 as nccding improvement. Bobbi Tordelay chose the following negativeswalking accessibility to places of business (no sidewalks), removal ofabove ground power lines, and improvement of schaolsmdpmplei perceptionnofschuok llerposcives: strengwm.seof ommunity/small town feel (resident volunteuism is a pan of hots), the architecturally do trice housing stock, said the cultural imtimtions such as the Elgin Symphony. V icki addressed the perception ofwhools problem by suggesting U46 needs to market the schools and needs a bigger PH department. Judy staled the l l-06 has been sold short by more and that the schools on the prefer list' are still doingioh of eeducation students who are not disadvantaged while Clouding to rho needs of nose who Barb Flanigan was not present, but her list elicited many Comments. Paul liked the idea of selection a Identification project. Sec. Becky and Shirley thought Herb's idea of hm,ing a omco-a-month positive honoree by the Image Commission is a great idea. Barb's question as to whether or nor rhe Item cart gel a book store was considered by Sue, who room tried us that Books at Sunset is a gent place and has even bean featured in the national media. him made a unique suggestion mar we should cork on getting a Slnrbeck's franchise in the new library. Apparently other towns have done this. Sue Moylan ranked her lop three thhrgs to lex In Elgin'. tinct, the vandy of educational opportunities bard preschool to college in Elgin; second the greet new neighborhood association coalition: and thud, we arc increasingly comfortable with our diversity. Her vegetative selections were the following: a need for another north worm mad on the west side or Elvin; our had operation outside of town: and the existence of negative natives who are resisting the pluralization of Elgin. Thu response to Sue s suggealions is that the City must Continue to improve its reputation. The school distinct mads to cduca a the rcalmis (especially those grain surrounding arms) about the positive here. • Vicki Kirkland selected! increasedtou foremphavis from her list increased mailed eommm� tcaton with new residents which requires making 'communication' a priorly • and bee firig up the communication stall and promoting the Centre us a 'Carol ity Cater; making sure all kids have access. Baky's response to the communication problem was to say that it is pmt of me need lbrhikepatha, betltxtianspotation, do Vicki stated that we need to connect cast and Treat. Greg mentioned that a pedestrian bridge over the river to RI. 31 at riverboat Is up lar consideralinn and might be a symbol of breaking barriers. lanifa Alamnaa was abient. Jim responded to L¢ citing We empty lust on S. Gul as a minas by saying he viewed all empty lots as opportunities. Paul began by explaining Elie need to eliminate duplication of functions and resources, He offered the exanryle of building a database of downtown propmic, ajob ow axing mndermken by DNA. The IJRA may not have sufficient swff to undertake the small liry of such an pndcnaking. C'roperated with Other groups may make it possible to do. He that listed his top throe suggestions: the passibility of a Ravinie at Wing Park now being considered by the Elgin Symphony: the need for more downtown events such as a'Taste of Blgin." and the establishment ofmore "CrrcenAcres" widin the day. His last sug6cstion about burying lines under ground (also a complaint of Hobbi) was reddrecxed by Jim who stated mine cnmpwticc are willing to bear the cost when streets are being tom up for other reasons. The city mart be vigilant in identifying those opportunities to place pipes, etc. underground when the occasion arises Paul'suseotllel • (dens was oast the city'seradication to redo elopmem wand contmllcl expansion and El inn's resources of water and transportation loci l ities (190, 3 Metm stations, etc.) Greg; suggestnA a Taste of Elgin might be lied into the Beer Test in Joe Becky minded the commission on the messes of the South balm Ri.0 lest, Greg read sugreitions from his list. Itis lust cancan was lar the excessive parking nn marry entryway streets. Tied into ahls is the traffic ort Re. 25 going through a residential area Jim mspnrial to his concern about traffic on Rt 25 from first-hand experience. He stated the cars aren't the problem. The woks that use that more me Lhe source of concern. He investigated why they prefer Rt 25 to Shales Parkway and discovered the lick of slop lights on the Parkway is the reason. Truckers c rmoa mm ut stop signs wipwnt tying up traffic Reflected stop signs with lights might be an easy solution to encouraging trucks to stay of Rt 25. Judy summed up her positives by focusing on people who volunteer, whn make our town small-town friendly, who invite diversity, wed who make up The mlmted cultural enrichment groups. She read from her list of negatives Lwu she fell impdrlanl: making sure developers don't make us do their biding (the \faro Seat people didn't Bunk we should tear down the Crocker) and the bad rap the school system receives which requires a concerned effect 10 accentuate the positive adtimn who know they had a robot eduction mid her own experience of paying tuition to kap tier children in the diviff). • As a result of this exchange of ideas, duce things to do emerged: have a month ly column honoring a wudlry honoree (photos and features in the cape); encourage a • beautification project; look into the rink's putting stop lights on Shales Parkway; said investigate the pussihility of Stsbock's franchise at the new library. 4.2 Suggestions for guidelines to inti the Mage Advisory function ofjudging are parade floats. Judy suggested these recommendations sure inthe July 2'2"" minutes Becky agreed to capture those and send on to DNA. 42 Imugc Award Banquet Becausc of Barb's absence, this will he taken up at next mmnh's [Irwin,. V. NEW BUSINESS 5.1 No counters relative to the City Budget Process pokentation. 5,2 City of Elgin Matter Sign flan. Becky already informed us of this plan. Sue suggested all signs should look the same. VI. OPEN DISCUSSION Paul passed sound a letter from the All Nnerica City Co-cltaus (including onrits,n See), • thanking us or our support. Becky discussed the city's scvnd survey. She said it was overwhelmingly positive. 'The nmherune problem is speeding ltraffic. Thcsurveyisnnlhcwehsiw, but she "ill naaAccopias for us. VII. DA TE FOR NEXT MEETING October281h,2002 VIII. ADJOURNMENT Greg MAVRMollenloadJoum, wd Chdssccondedir Motionaarried. Meeting adjourned at 8.42 p.m. r,. ( 0 101��/i Respirofully, Cs submitted by Judy Smflun Date • ELGIN IMAGE ADVISOR} COMMISSION • MINUTES OF OCTOBER 28, 200E CITY HALT. L CALLTOORDER The meeting was called to urdcr it 9:06 punt. Present. Britain Engleby, Jim Cospir, Greg Guerruo_Sue Moylan, Christina Awe, Barbra Flanigan, Paul Miring. Fenn Wieser Abxente Jennifer Alman7a, Vicki Kirkland, Judy Steffen, Shirley Friedman Staff: Beckv Slencn It. APPROYAL OF AINIJTES Minulew of Sepaanba 30, 2002 approved. Ill. OLD BUSINESS A motion was made to send flowers to Jennifer. Mouth pausal. Becky will make the • arrangements to have them delivered. Becky passed out topics ofthe Community Sort cy lard discussW the results with member. Overall, they were very positiv'it including the resident' fedings about city cervices, their ncighlwrhoods and the continuity. Thou ware Witte changes from the 2000 survey in terns of demographics that ware interesting. Concerns lir residents were traffic and speeding in their neishlenrbeods. Hispanic residuum rated their satisfaction with their neighborhoods higher than whiteresidents. Thepureentage aRcsidents with college and Mosier level degrees has increawrisince2f)(00. These were lust some of the result. Sue suggestW donne wcekh' articles on the survey showcasing bits and proms of the results. Paul talked about the meeting at Elgin Community College October 17 that was pot on by the Clamber Relatlion Commi«oc. 'I he tatµul ramp was local reapers, though money that came re hour east of Elgin. Sean Stonnall and Charles Fall presented a very guud program on the Enhancing Elgin effort. Sense of the ied%mising being done by the Enhancinu Elgin image ampaiga includes Barington Threaten. Paul said is not ahuap. Airy, buildav, businmsas and Chanaa r haw all donated to the campaign. Approximately 25 realities auended. Paul said the Retention Committee Inas done sun aye of businesses and found that sane business have left (mostly because ofthe ecrimnry), hutjust as many are coming Elgin has a good pool of labor farces, good water, geed location. • Sue suggested having Charles come to one 01C)m amemngs. Everyone agreed that would be an xcellenl idea. Sue will call Charles and have Linn come to next meeting in January. Becky said That the City is going to be organizing a mor in the spring for rmidcmial teapots with the linage Conmtission Monica of October 28, 2002 Page 2 • target audience being realms that have never been to Elgin before. 'fhe Vi liege of StrewnwoaA and Geneva have done lours like this to help promote their communities. Toplg— Virtual discussed the top 10 list. Sue said we should focus on things the City can improve and nut l Dowmoxm was discussed - Paul is working with developer for comics in professional building Paul thinks having mnre people downtown is what is really needed to make it successful. Garbage and roadside memorials are still big issues. Jim leek negudac image still the higgest problem. Paul fell that if we used improve all these things being discussed. our imine will improve. Sue fell hat slymge issues (especially along the comak rs), were still a problem. Becky mentioned that there Was Fill in the budget to undertake a major sign o vleml, but Red ntany would still be grandfmhered in and that Roche we should Intik at ways to phase them out entirely. Sue said other cunununities sash ac Mt. Prospect or W imtmka have %cry strict rules. Chris mentioned that she knows the Code Depanme t is cracking dawn because they sent a letter to her bank about a sign they had up. ) hatn¢r rules art put in place, Paul stated that it shuuld be a loel playing field with esery business being treated el oa lly. Paul wamn FSO m do mnre concats in the parks and thought this would help our Rare. Businesses should he encouraged to nominate for Imaec .Award. Mashers tunic up with their list of image detractors slid enhancers based on priority (attached)- • Suggestionsfor 4aofdaily — ,Sue Sugg died thev be tabled until Judv gets back. Holiday All- Sue will ask Judy it I Cordal December 17 is available. IV. NE)VIDSINfSs V. DATE OFNEX71MF.ETING: December 23, 2002 VI. ADIODRNIEN"I' Motion was made to adjourn the mating. Meeting was adlourned at Slogan 0.m. 1� ate a S- 001 Respectfully submittedby Bucky Stollen Date • • ELGIN IMAGE ADVISORY COMMISSION NOTICE OF RELOCATION OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 2002 6 :45 p.m. BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH 340 GRAND AVENUE ELGIN, IL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lice Novemle= 25 , 2002 regularly scheduled meeeiig of the Elgiu image Advisory Commission has been ieloea:_d to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 350 Grand Blvd. , Elgin IL 60120 . DATED: Novembe[ 22 , 2002 • CITY OF ELGIN By Becky Sleaen Public lnformazion Officei • • ELGIN IMAGE ADVISORY COMMISSION NOTICE OF RELOCATION OF REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 2002 6 :45 p.m. BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN CHURCH 340 GRAND AVENUE ELGIN, IL N0'1'10E IS HFRFBY GIVEN that the November 25 , 2002 regularly scheduled meeting of the Elgin -mage Advisory Commission tan been relocated to Bethlehem Lutheran Choreh, 350 Grand Blvd- , LIS,,, IG e012C . DATEDNovember 22 , 2002 • CITY OF ELGIN By Becky Sletten Fub11c Information Officer •