HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Image Commission Minutes • Ell IMM.F. Commimian Meeting 'I inuree Pebrnnr 2b'2000 Him Cit Hall PaesenC Eleiuo Stele. Paul Marina, lion Henriluon. Chns Ago. \folk Block. plichaeI Patens, Bnrh llanicuu Absents }bueha Lit-0np,smn. Gail lraizI Vicki Kirkland sell Present Beaks Karolius.en l. 'Ihe menina sari callad in order at 7:10 pin, by ChoomaP Paul phu IL Old unites, A.) Pslablisluncm of Awards Carnal Chulnn.ur Mating asked fonoluutc ns to sit on a mmmittec for the rents a ofmakine ndmlioos for imrm pem(nb m t111le IPoland. Thls would include Mmes like Lila eralwmnioa cntrm, ratine shl and nominainn font. The uommiaoo mould nko make ueLMotion. for impro nnil to next au s coande curerioac. 'I he following InI Cum - Priced in 'L on th tev U II • fruits. Chia a -c. Both I'lanican. V ks Kirkland a r t plearllt ar the need t_ Ot had r0'e ed list se and Ila, SHILU LICcclued Thu dam and Lime of the commiuee's first nmcbn^_ .rill be set hi the Chairpl \c hen 9aerrnined. the dam of dart naceune needs to beaubmitmd In the Glc Clerk Is hour, in advnnre Of Ill. 'I he aaaaalnee will make a r.[It'll m the ennnniasion with rccuntnendthons. A discussion fol loo cd on final data for the Intake am ardP. nomination daadlinee and other changes that could he more to improve the cram. BJ I it don Reporls Corridor reports are due to BI b. March 2J. 'Ib date. Ic ine Steele and Nhi don Iii ngnon lime snap i red their reporh. Hen Henricksen or art to Poke a report on do Ream 25 corridor. ,A date ol'Apnl26 trns set to male the fomaal le vsematian to Phi Cit% C ,it ciI To rc ery. -unriMr Ps=ienccems an: m Lbllo%s, It'll, I Ihom l-90/Luk, S Inter to dooTtotw)'. Elaine Steele Roto 26]Dundoe (1-00 to Vdin) nen Henriksen % iIlahake (front dos nto %11 to circ limits): Goll Pam gnu( Dosnmtm Area: Malty Rlioukand Kea'm Nalcnn (DVA) Coll R 'alksummir (cilq limits It, ULtdaC: Vicki Kirkland Chica,nelioom 19 (cin limitswdornnonn): planhn hi.inasmn ( ) hike Ilam Carnal Alike Pial pmol a ¢pion ao he Pon' of Lha uPvrning Pour Brldl LS bila rose on Julp 0. On Ferman II Mie met lith CII) staff. Caunailntan Stan n"asllmsski mad • repre.,cnnti.es of thespeeiel events arm whichndl l be oeennulne the race to discuss the course. criteria of the event, mlunteer needed,sponsors and expected number of t iaiture 'I Lc proposal e fimding [tic event s91 be presrnted to Cil% Counsel l on March g" (subsequently Mauch 22). II approccd. Chicego Special Lente n ill handle its majority of the otganlzntion and PrQPam ions. }like memianed that in Oowvees Gruyc. where a slmflar went here been conducted for the last 10 the city It It Pau, an V0,000, Thcyeaici pile hem Ica 10.000 to ),000 visitor Wu last 'I he roan will be Ilam ly-orientated �%ith other ummmu races WKiqu Place- incl naive in-lint sacking, shooing the noes RL,shahg Assn and n spo_ahedi dime the n tilu Prior 'Ilam will w he sonic sort ol'fcstival with food vendors the da% of the es cul III, mce i,shopiag cep cely. It has tlur mucrnadnnal sanchoolnfl nhMn is unique. A Chicago radio station i, interested Coplcb Newopapen still bt W, local oftener. all thus call need spomonhips_ of Ss D00. '1 be race gets shelter its Non at closer to the finish line. The main race hill last appm.eimarcly 2 "_ -3hann So far 3 hasmadonal team, hmcsign,(] tip. III. San nosiness A.) G1ffer d Park Assaciation Hounee'alk / Cbncv saclosoll of proposal fool Paul nednerlmd lie (olllhrd Park Asosenion on co-spm n • mmesidurine the nem Housessmll, . Anwtioa ,oismademc %like Pinsersand seronded be Elaine Suelces agrecm Pattie Pink pending d,mils. Paul nedn.n nlllatuandthcitei meeting to dutus2 the proposal. 1\'. Adjournment Chnimten ,hlaang th:mked ewpbne for helping nidi the Imanc mvnw- Posters motiuned m adjourn the nueunngand Ane, seconded. Meeting ad,inurnedat 9 Opm. R:ypccu'ull. SaM1mitt:d by Becky lamliumvn 3 - .27 - ()0 hate • • Elgin IMAGE Commission Meeting Minutes Match 29, 20(10 Elgin City Hall I. PreaanP Vicki Ki:kland, Greg Gueumo, Sidney Friedman, Paul Maring, Park Flanigan, Molly insult Certs Awe, Flints Steel-, Ben Het_vkso- Abient: Marsha Livingston, Cell Parzygnat. Mike Powers Staff Froung Pnnky Ikeeliussen IL Intraduct moo New ummruss.onera Shiley Frodid and (log Gue introduce,- Theyl tlbeen Trust mr orentation prior to the meeting by Chazrman pend Morning. III. February Minna, Tlovon rustle antl -+,ccnticd to appmv=minutes of Fe:nuaty 2sh rmotlnp IV, old leodr sx: LI Proposal for Craven Cordyniunn and Hlsto[ioal Markenter Guest Faul 13adnai presented a Humes eal tot a IrLn guden contest avant between thin Ln cce • cnmrms nand the az local golden dues is lecoraion with :he annual Gift_:d Pink Hwa- valk. Ha goo abdafw and abrinpreentation of the tons: which wit site close to 1,800 people Ile inbuL,roned how the huusew0lkis a good linage maker fm the city and a garden ontrat oeld odd to fee all randy pol laz event and the ammomr of visitors to the City. 3c was thinking [hal. the Garden aloL.v mould be the bodges and we would rely with plisse slid ordinnjil; tea event The Imago Client would Leve to come up with guide loan and nategurie,. Paul zuggeatroifunds life maintenance, histmio gardene flower gsrd _ A Point system could ba used for the judging. Thordeanendsaoorduation byanothengmup In order for 1t to happen. Paul Radii") also chsed the idea ofcamineaung a listoac marketing pmgtant that was done by the GPA about 5 yaaza ago the ruse was to try to entice pcopie- xal,ia➢y Lying to it', ,at of us - [c buy it, Flain. The pr aas done in unnryncten with n bank add consisted of ads with phot andpositivecaplioc [hawaemn 'maevmnlpagaim I[waovaye. satuland was a oonil marketing tow that Cn ..e^cnd the image cf Elnin_ His proposal vin to have the Cmntuosion Sari tlw pmgra[n Op again 9is atioun followed alienee: the wombs[, orarent as to the viab y 01 I-- i n p sato. plan of the ownrimeimays ser that this Idea was n Farm one but that a in too hoe in Lhs year to bagel x gmden conflict It was gel rally felt that Lba marketing plan was not what we wanted to Uu mvOIV'dihead that [`_sWorld be under with another grotto sl momh as [he 6d of Rosma-s_ A saidhe waaurado and! Blubsu to l them Participate In either o�ogmm fl[ [hu- cline. Paul Maung aoid he would eNd Pair! Bednarvo Ic:him know_ • • 2 ) lrmPe Awark Sub Infantilism Awards Sub sounnuitiee chair Vicki Kirkland setup the due for the nor neethly torTues, April 18th at 6,3s) If :n, at City Had 3.1 Bible have Report un bike race cry Paul laming stated that the event IS moving good wall. Tha city has agreed to pay 550,0eG to an spacwl event, company me:will he reasons it's fur organnefor the OVIDI They are working on Lmhmng thx mule rotor and will be putting out a , 11 fm food and ov,smend venclor, n. Bazb Flanigan ,¢ked if we lad jtb5 for the bike at, and Paul said 11, wotltl like m see its have a broth. 4.) For IDrs Maekrvt Paul Marmg adsnda5 a Domvmwn Neighborhood Association meeting +nd loon out that they rn planning to do n Barbara Market downtown this entmner. Paul told them the Image Cmnnuarcen would CupPolt It. Ed Ponape Grog 6 nnero, Bred Paul Madrid will work on gelding now tnerbooL CHI ram the uy mi lig ling the ldnslUrs. Paul will call CLarlie Burnitlge who has previously bean invo:ved will the, idea. Sinin dime ssien followed od the proposed l:adast rain ands, that has been prrseotod In the RiverGunc/Center Crty Maser Plans 6 ) Courier Reports Atmmt all c--he crooner reports have latest suhautred Paul birrnp will call coo_-.uener Carl • Parayonet for hers. Asnperatemeetingwassttupfor April3rdat6:00p.ni. ctworkon M, ulo'or render Molly Block. Vito hjkland, Paul Mating, Shldey Friedman and Becky K'nuire .e" redl wins as the kids nnriacc. V. New Bu:inesr: pia sella ,d a, the Sward, and what was liked and Settled about the pre Cemhcatas walk out well, S'�dh-comnutat needs mlook into iseuxs .wch as any employees who wluntace tial an still ineligible and overlap with other awards out thea such as th, Humanitarian and chartered awards. VL Date for next dihinry Monday April 21th at 7,00 p.m. V11 idoJoc-ode by Arn Hcar:ks¢n snA e¢co^detl by llhCs Awe to adjocc.lho meatlmd. Pheareg ripouured d 0:19 p m. R^sonclfuFndtlsa byBaky Knmllu..eR Data • I]gin IAIALF. Cnmmimlon blinutz, of A[or'_a3. 'OW Elgin Uiry Hall I. Call In Order: 'Ilse meeliu;_ rens call du uo r at 7:00 p.ln. Present: No l ly fllock Slti I ley iciedinnn. Gree ll ueneru, Dnrb Plannein nhria du'e. Ficki Inuldsmd. Site >lo% sal, Paul Vnring_ Hen I Iem ko a. ,wichnel Ponce Absent: Jackie Steele Staff Present: Backe K:uoliursen I1. Introduction of Sen Cu ninlaslnnrr: C'hninnan Paul \lanne introduced the lar-at member to ihu Image Commimlun. Sue hl'o lsor III. Asn Business: A. Presentation br Dare Panels and \lilt Nran. Date "It a iced fi a formation of alien not-fri-profit group. the Omaide Evhlhilion Gnnryt that is imernted in the sia nd mss. Theyhasc i projects in the rmtks including Ribfest_ and a ?I Jar scttlpturefest cotnpmltiou that uunld m0.c placu iu Aopua of 2001 1liclr idea is that the mourner staltic could he punk sal I,, the ca, Iota future sculpture rwlk similar to "hut SkokIc has hcut doing. Th 5 motor!the purch;no of io loure can be cNienaia eud sdgaeated that perhaps a 90.150 amutgemennrith Ilio city might be fz.uibl %la Porrena show fall a CollinI iI,lola macgaeac Ofthelln_e last pIam IT- it prop obi ttg for its union [,land and dim niod its locations near the north bridle leadin: to die island The Bua 'o In.11IC ')I local attd in 2i feel tall. It will linea a Bate cal hila on top_ 'I lie Joan in 10 het sa all Ida Hehas done fneti[binmcamlr tut the wit ofthe islanU mid hnedatatminud that It moulda< madamthexued Ink Pel,: M,. nssach atelias is a personal imobcJf the The project. bTh % hit, Group A, an ano ac ff I he get Jrin fil aph there int, Tl en the t 11 a Projwt. Thzv lima it neige for doge m a 3'om'm gel Wo hr o9ih their Plouc. Thm� fed 11 as the Iii mrfrnntlDorr moon \taster plan should incl ask: art and that hc Ilnr sculpture is a arena project hat could lit in oieel%. 'limy lime raked to Nick Hitvheck one Of she sous dance for IheRnarf ndDorrawr+a Ill all 'Ihcp am also imernted in nilialittg a cul l ural arb ecnmr. Thee see their oroup's ualinuez as an enhancement o thins that are alrcadv ening on in mnv seals us the It ix crliout plan. That am lost umr starting to pet 0%polor c Lld have ti,fi2coad sc to - funs the pub] a jocludinu th Spirit and the 1 t II - Arta, • Coarricil. The% so, oia are that ollicr people also Inok'in, lot 1110ope but st hel ince • Int:se ddcisor,Connnis actin,kli nutes pane ] that the additional undwt; will happen nod Thar is o bh thee, have leemmd the 301-Astrips_ lie has, drcady appronclmd It and Recreation Department Direewr Monica ]lepers oho said dem mold be mamhing tune+ a nimble m rein lef the parks motor plop. Thq have recched n letter of amdlersamenl front the \rts Con]nninn and have nIm otillcn a rental. llwy naked if the Image Cell could also ware a letter cmdon+lna de projcea ihm' anticipate cosh, to be appFFOrneich g60n00- 'tire cis, of SAokk c=tuljr unik lea.clad .is atreed example or phot the% Feel Flgin 10LI111hine A cianion fallol naeng the Imo l'omtnlsci0n tuemmer= present unit Included Ow follmeingPaul Miing uould like to kno,e more erhmul it lewd more speci%io an casts. Al,s felt that the lkulrzand xLOALIn j= in its 111141 push for ]none„ and vt3s eancerned ill ould be opine imo the come ree'InCOn Lfirih Brock mentioned the Pine Arm Fc,ti.-nl and if me btnllpmreieAn friild ill'_ or mature loo should dovetaL hl-ndoted the possimlhin of a cjn-oido cultural plum that onwd help focus t l bra- ,Anon, cities hoe rhea, line: Sbe ojll in in land ms ample m themas. oldermanni nsi nclud-d are. Gurun'a Who said Ire Prefect alder sculpture and ,wined to kum, If mu =culr had elrend%bens msaittud. Same Commasiea members mere or sura 0vactk aha they oxre uskinrhe Den I Irill said he support= a Iea-r. A Iranian -d Il 9 l t Imvt d % slcn - at tile meeting - n d 1T Ipuve ed to, eliah ledp' sscd. IV. Pr + ,\l i 11 me A mmiun ort made by Lion and semndod IN Orµ• to accepT the Aptl nl1num,. \'. Old Bueincs A. trite Amul Report - Vieki reported that no Finilized report leas r.milable an this tint hot dot the rmlry mill ntwl again nn fail Z re 6 00 p.m. It Corridor R in,i I Pont has .dralhd hlc lnlreducam letter Irm The nnddor report -ince the last meeting to 'include c,urn more orlha panne thinno, the chs has Allen such os mo Croaker Thaler, p,u le piukiupap aabaire in the dlnmlmw nem and many other ,road Mines ruing o _ Paul said he has near seen any thine like this in the ,care he Ira, been int the city Ile bnclladiou.=sedIlie mectinn eill Ch aA lunacy fume A. Parker and \,suint Cita \Iawper Fric SmckeY on the cuoidor repo a Lich he fell n rrrndve, lhes had suracsmma d rkir urpnherN ifhpersllIma olil mother in depannuom on specific action imms. Some parts of the corridor report no, need ill bere"tOn Moll% LskVd I fshe should conuthe cllh na it wed Print .avidlesit rmuld be it -lead idea. • • I none Ads imcap Connnission A1ap plitmIQT paee3 C. Mike Rare Update - %like Puooen diacOasni the hike raco. Full dun tit races includnirm In-line skating-acTrial s. mento ntiOu'. hla ,shoal1800 and W, maln went at 2 µm. There sill be teams front canaria. enmnnd. llauco and the U'S neo arc anticipating 20 or sotcumc. Sponaum 'mclade Sher man l lospital, KIS Radio, and l Jail)' l Israid, Man adsatisin_u sill break next neck. Ther rill be a fairNunnfc�toal lith mmmmcec ,it theoil- Webras is up Land FLUIL111.1. Can IT, linked final cin sre. Thesar thinking 01Ila% intemwional r�als ,mingroghether for ha11n,¢ Sugmsted median grips along Kimball ltava ilrnner bods for more Wier. He ihuuJtt nechc the !_vdOn clubs might be In0.stst,d. If prop], has gaestiuna, thepcan call Fen Carl ofC'h'¢amo Special F%eTlk "I a is c000rdinating the ,can. at (]i3) 86840 10. Price nmner is suhvamial. l lc bclirN thcr mnght'ae 1.000 mine skate u. He is condima sse sill Ila\'a a creat dap. Disauvcd banner Options. FdDlimt wal made and 'Maded to spend S 1300 On damn Or b:vaso lar this espnt pmmorass the Image Comann,ion and the race Motion pessai D. Bridle Lighting Repon - Report del'eomL NI. Nca Busing»: ONA is uurkine on a Formers Varlet rimidar to 2sraaon. LbcGc shvcd an idea sha heard about of the Chtnnbai c Imam, uwnnince to help promote lupin. Mutlntu could Iist thine, such as the top 10 reasons pcuplc It%alnark in BIenL car, VII. Motion e Adjourn fiction TO adlour(,u all; laud, Trial passed Ueetine odlOomed Ill 8:'_3 p m. k-f���r K(- 1. Gq /H_LUJ.,1e'i[•,�\ 4,-5_L - ea Reryectlldlp Stbbrnacd he Meeks Koroliusav Dat, • • Elgin IM AGEAd\'l soy) Conunls,aion Minutes of lune 26. 2000 Elein CinHall 1. Cali Fir Order: The meaung ,kas called to order at 7,03 em. by Chiumnan Paul Mating Pre,cid )like Powers. Barb Flanigan Joc Becerra. Chri Awu Sun MoxI n. Vicki Kirkland, blot lc Block. Greg Gucnmo.Paul Marine Ab�enn Jackie Steele Ben l Icwikson, Shuler Friedman Sniff Present: Becky 6moliusscn II. Introduction ul'.\or Conunk, ianer: Chuinnan Paul Mariag introduced the rauxet member to the Inrd,e AdtTerri Cvinirk ton. Joe Becerra. Ill. Old B161nerx: A. Image Avtad Subconmtitme Kq.on • The lmaec remand Subsonunince met on June 20a at Cit, Hall. Present were Ninth Baa:k, Vicki Kirkland. Shirlex Friedmma, Chris Ace. Barbara plana m mid Beckv Faroliussen. Vicki presented the cover letter which was based on the Ilerimge Cuminission s Co.at letter. Vicki cnplalned that the form has been p:ucd down nnsiderably. There we nmv only t areas that pcuplo eon he nominated in. .,hieh shvind streamline the application process. Thee discussed need to got it our nil ier. as cell as the deddline date. Vicki said the subcommittee will be semina aeain in July and should base n final draft at the next meetly,. B. Bike Rncc Mike Pmmrs discussed the up-coming bike race. A wheelchair race .•a, added m 7 A a.m. Thera will he a \lP tem for Commission membem and communis. tides on Fndac and Saturda_. nloga forthe general public. 'fhe awards ceuhr ; is at 6.10 p.in at the Could Victoria 'I:antclinmMexico, Ctri and hn0lnnd will be comins Some mart members still nerd places In smv. Mike said it einuric k rreremed, they should conma Ken Cad at Chicago Special B,ems. Sunni bi_, names will he unending iucludum Olympian Nicole Priadma i. I>ailr Herald is dome loo of zdvenising includine a special pulboui section on Friday. He will track ntedlavalue and prewm nundmrcm City Council. He figureq it ie in the range of$80C00 „nnh ofadaenisit T-eh'uohavebeenrndered. There mill be 200 Thing for,olumecn with the hike race Ingo and Image ud:nu on then. Flnvs of each of the counnex participating will bo puahaced m use nn the dap of she event. Matson swill c:ncr she opetdoe dinner which • memh"nwilibeinvitedto. • Image Ad%Italy Nicotine Jane 20._1000 C. fighting of pddgcs Greg Gtnrern reported that he attended the last Rely arlaunt planning theories I%here bridge lighting rias discussed. Ile said Ill., ighting is scheduled for 2002 and will he murder to what ed, onfile Il oryinalk buscA oil old pbmm). Ad of the hridges will be lit the same. IFev will also be lit from below. I Ie wcoummnds I at we combine to waah what IS going ort with the Ri ct0om plan. In addition to the lighting of the bridges. Gsgg Int ked hrlell y about the other plans discnsced at meeting including amenities to R'allmt Island, which will be one of the tint projects undertaken. D. Corridor Report Paul Ytalmg dlseussed the idea presented to him he to)cc Parker and Eric Stucker of haying cite smll attend some of our matings for the purpose of addressing the Issues listed in the corridw report. Yanl said the corridor Clear rhould still hesubmittedas a mallet ofcord and beocusC a] the the amount of work that went into it. He feels [hat the city is mall. making headway on wile of the things mentioned in the mpon- He caked Molly to cuminue mvi1ing the document, after wbell it r%111 he c irculated lot further rrail • E. Draft Letter Supporting Outdoor Sculpture 'I It, dtern l ever teas redewed and socm l .mggesiiotls mode It was agreed that C%op am short I sign the letter before it gots to We Conaci 1. V. seri Rusimm: A. Ponicipation oat Committee an Homeless Paul Aldrin¢ discussed the upcoming meeting ofthe Cbnuninee on Ferr m which is being tended by Counchnranhmn Figueroa. Paul explained that on ado ocmsrom, the Image Cmnmitate has wale nut as not supporting a site In the downwwn arca for the homeless mal he feels we harcn respmtabilhv to participate iei his new commi he fell strongly that oe need to hart a rep,e,centmicz attend this lint meeting. Ik asked it u'c should Bend someone He quid ht mould po Fut mac not be able to attend each of the meetings. 'I he ennsensus was that the Imupc Adviann Commission slmuld send someone. He aids we have an obligation w all since iI has been an ix,cue with the Commission in need past Gmtig Guerrero said he hos been mania ed with the havmlegc' wheand thatwill there is ohieneedpand dont r cslionsrnhetc. Srmdfonbe <nmmwlp a¢h ns where invill Co. if it hill it be spread out or ccnvalized, e¢ Sve manioned the Role Center end thatthore were past issues that were not erclr ed rcrg well and left a bad mets in People's moods, More valndle Cyril ],out said he will offend the lint meeting but would like to alter the muimcis who attend. Sue mentioned that St. Centel ('b Ime a I'_ month shelter dant has narked out well for than. Vicki is Controlled that the mmv social senice Image ATitan hlecting June 2(". 2000 agencies in Elgin bare nor seemed to be able to help nith tine madden. B. I Ii,Rcusion of pub I is Opinion Sunep Copies of the Public Up inion Surrey recentI, completed be the eit. .ceo distributed and dismissed. Becky mentioned the headline in the Daily Harold focused inn a neguti.e %them there Is re atan plea kes, D scursai on follo.nd on the media's to It in hImu s inmge. Peal asked that Commissioners look L mer and hying back ideas for possible iuidathres for the Commission. Miscellaneous Joe Becena mentioned that the hispanic l'cstililincluding the Puerto Rican parade is tenting up Audnst Le'" and twin nvndel ng if the Commission has Iloan ld nbour stpporting thewet all. \'1, hate For ]bv Meetill The date mr the next meeting mill be Flooday.July '-d°at 7:00 pm. VII. Potion to Adjoin n: A minion to adjourn the meeting inn inade and passed. The brace Adri wry nteetme adjourned • at BSl p.m. 1 Reapcedully StiSmhted by Becky Karolbrsveo. Secretary Dale • Eloin Ll Advi>op Commission Minutes nNuly 341h, 2000 Elgin City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER Ilienrueinprcascalled to orderat 7 ripen. by Chairman Paid Mamig Picard %It,llcGluck. barb Plcancan.Sou M11oi luu Cnla Aa u. h I To I'IoLc Gina Guerrero. Joe 6eccml. Pawl b1arfng Absent Gen lleraikuon. Shidea Fandinan PlaineSWdc SmffPerene Gecko harruliuvea II. A PPROVAL UP .AIINII'1'Is Pit muev approved from .June 26th mcetine tcith chance. Ill. OLD on clNESS A. Bike Race Mike Prncers will be Predicting a repair on the bike race to present to City Coandl oo Aapaht 23atom vvitb a pmpo,al for lexis year race If rhe Counuil approves the race for nem year, ire mould hart at lean 10 mnntha to piepna for the ezent vemus ; mouths thi . .ear. There were approximately 600 panidpanrs Apprnxdnmely 3000 m 6 000 attended over the course ofrhe due. Ile maa hoping for more. ll slut " IT0n0. Hmrere _ ' I ' r_m' tha IJ r'sGroa'es Istbikerace. He Js romllnb our medln valve now but approalnvuev the Daily l ludd's contribution at 5100,000. Radio and Alha I n: a1mn 'PrT00_ Fteiwi e clip Glc could add another 550.000. Thisdoesoat Includa howls and icsoaano in tut busk aboau limns wlnatlt rd. 'Ibefcedl koaTPa - "pantvaaidthec pvvellnanaged. The , Ch' Dcp t ' ue ild n nostJt vmikeraid 11, vtruld be seirding than], [utter, to main TIeracers allsald thcgwanttocomeback-rhovM1ev luted idAedrodLht die ncinhhorhood was euergimU. Nest War .va Could ac double rhe number afpnr Cipana. IIt,r,' r. 0bleral 111111 ILLtire rainand the Mienan and Polish occur, not Lo iap_ Gncg Guerrero mentioned the diffadry he bad in patina iuw dna arca and that the aipnnne should he hetrer. The ad p' 'tn needs to t ' dicr_ Calm felt trot maall. the suh.vcaa ood. Nextycaredamalmuldalay Ne same. Someone Cana up with all idea to limy a Hak lace at the Sports Call Alike raid that diem aunt wboluJ1011 of I'll lroILA Spheral ' lair Ncouldh on porple site menLlpin dl dylnpamx v ens. equcai nr t' tt namea [e An"longoidn air ' uatattral tavat 11 1rld b, load and our that M1a d to do. Inerea 'r h'k' v andcmas cultural. Another Idea la w du a photo conmi In rM1e Spirit Jnr the beat Than of the eeeut and me the t- shirn as a Prim. The flit Cts:8396 wed dir l-ahlrls$1.100. Vc an Loop leadtime, doecenmore tient _ v.avroad. That could even be double uct coat. (mare Advasap Auk Marna, Raga 3 B. manse A¢arl Sub-Cvwnmluca R you - No Repan C. Corridor Reporl - Molk flock attcmc the mpun it, it lards bcvem and has some consistency. Irak, trill insert the photos and that it can be x@mlRd TO all Cit, �danncrc IN . NEW III SINCS1 Comprehensive Plan - banky explained Iku Thr Cit. IT pulnp m be trorkiag on n flew comprehensive plan and ho, asked for volunkca to sit on that coinimine. PaulTom ing and Vlike PLmLers paid they tt'ould be act, interested to Prbtd) IluPryicet. lo -a , CreR1f ieio and Joe ficccurra also ttae inlressd tad offered to .wtmv dltcntatcs if aae'lSsIs Bus Ride tL ah GI'A - Paul expluineJ ter mmol bur roue oGtdshborhoods heoc, on trite Toe Berens. Good and had eishbothoy]s "III hiyhlislnW and a pot r lot of purple lullonr about ditPeient issues such as oxercroading aral parbuiti, ho,s f ac hat, turns t .sally tvLih The help of the CPV anc.. traffic issues such as rucks and the round-abort. V. .MISCELLANEOUS PADS Ctvm- Joe BeCtrue tn]knl shout the ttwat PAI' molars] fund-raiser at Dubuc Court. A4rndana wrs npatso cork on. but bwwrTotal dluslc tori vein rand Ing all accoums. Speaker - Mike Pooirs said That he had icccntly been cmrurned hs one of pro evbts at Nordnwstcnt about PrCsenria- & Pwlu Oil police 1 _ . . Ibfli - dl [r1cm coltbin. hI'ke said IT, is Il To, the grant) and ThC nuntpmCfIn1SI C plan commavea-he is a sets gond speaker and mall. Thtmss his sniff Oree" Gm old Om.em nem ia'w and mintlic otberboards and commissions to ['1 91 111111 and %ue Mo'lan laid tbnr she could look into geeing LCC_ Mika raid he would call ham and at more Ittfrnmation an fees and has at ahabllity. VI. S'EX'Y NIEE'[ IN IF 'I he veal merlin, kill br_% ondas. Anpndt 25th at 7'.dd p.m. VII. ADJOI:RN Amillion old Mato land xmndcd to show the mcetang. The matin, Ives ddioflmad at N 98 Pm. e7f ac R . prodorII 6 ]ted by H I I A I Kul-f Ts,tn, Secretai t Ua¢ • Elgin lumge Advisory COLI Mi NrlOn Minulcs of August °8, 2000 Elgin City Hall I. CAI'll 10OROFR: 'Ihenuatingtsas on l led In order at ]'.05 p.mby( finin in Paul A taring Pmaem: Oen Ilendkemn Shide, Friedman. Sue %Int Lm. Chis Awe. %like Pincers. Owe Cuarrero. Joe Boccan. Paul Marina. Vicki Kirkland Abeent I!laine Swcle, %lolle flack_ Ila IF planden sooff Present: Beck, Kaulimsen II. PRi' llFI ATIO,C: Dace Lawn, Gencral and Marie C supine Aryeriatendem of Roe emen. gmc d presentation on the C'it 'e new R areal ion Cesar. Aller playinc the %idea that the can made un the furore recreation enter. Oath disiorwal the site plan pinking. con,lo tion schedule. arteries. exterior tiniehee. opsonitic c,pencm and rods among other things, A qucsion mrd anaoer period followed. 11. A PPHfI%'AI. OP \IIFFTES: \linLiles Of the J I I c ',o turning twr apprm ed. 111. OLD ULSIAESS: A. Imeza A"ads SuL+mnunitree RoperI. Vicki KirkIa id opo Ial that thegmop met in August in discuss the lint drat L 'I het had decided that the Incubator, ,stern does not work and that instead. we would work with uinefodea Aijudging time. nonone would used the applicationshonor and pick their top three. A luucr will encomium the nomination Ibms and will serve as guidelines. Alumbars will disenss top i dutiug Iadpinf, Vicki messed the need no discos all Of the n:ndd ces amens llm inanition Vold stated that me new s%item mac' or nmc fat cork. but that he eonmtinee felt it was an impmrement and worth a tn. The deadline for nominations w ill be December I" with applications beine distributed sometime in October. Boards ceremony hill be in Febrrers'. either the 1S' or _l ' depending on the mailability ofthe Hirer boat Diwuoion lbllooad on the evening and euppes,J than l sod u.ble,, barman re mahrarsal. koap ds blinopen, ,.ign be front Jourm _ prc .:rs, auc. Co m hir up a moficewrorIannouncer. Taal UoldlmOil wd the eomminee membun Ior their heli wio I. A motion was made lad seconded toaccept Elia nomination fonn :o presented. Motion passed. B. S st aordtip ofupu nim,, homconik dl.curned. Paul nes,ed lba conal job that the GPA'a tdmaal homcunik daea to IInpnn e the Or Of Ida"I, A motion trade and Pacced to Bice the Gillotd Park Ac,ociaiion S250 woad, the program. C. Bridge LiebOnf. No report. Preslously dcCUrS1d. F12in lrange Adhieary MbAinp 9/2_9/00 D. C'crcilar raptl Becky di,nibuted the latest edition and a.,ked for changes or corrections to be :ivon to her no later than the nest mcuti ng Paul mentioned that he Luper job cc would be able to mak: the acv meeting.. Ile feele it really aced, To go to the Como 11 conn. IF, CI:\16051.\MSS A. Report on City Council Bulger Input Session on AuLmt ]. Nike Pavers attended the Cill'e strategic planning unotug at McGraw and repovad ru pm risrnmooaa that took plate that &o. Department hende .hch rcponed on Carrera plane wad prpjca(I batLm groups met for discrosiom Ile wat impressed with the ntuictp of People aha were im aid. \'cn interesting and enlighaening. lie would like to ece a larger vision emtnntent for the city- whew do we want to he and hmc do we pet there. There i, going to bw a w-ritu n report coming from the city which he will share with the nhenthau. B. Roadside >Iemmia6. we )loylnn presemed ar. idea to the grmtp concernioa roadside menwriaL. She would liar to cc the cit% adapt an ordinance to limit the fano they can he left out. Discuoian followed u'm the length oftme that would be apprapriatc and now the commission should appmtuh subjcO. 'I'wo wrecks was determined to be an advyuwu amount of time. Sue Weed to conte .i leucr within then j few weeks which she will lorwaid m Becky who will send out neighborhood groups. P. AIISCF1.LA, COUS Mike po,..casaid tial his piesenmti al m the Council on for bike ore was povpnnel wild Supmnber 13 brecor e nol all of the lieturs are in vet. He alsocalled Mr. )IcKmly concermor his lecture. Recky distributed wpcvof the budget to date. \'I. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made and passd to adjourn the meeting. Ilm meeting was eamonned at 3:40 pan Respectfalk Submitted to Beck% Rnmlmssen We • . tY_in IN I d O F. Adcisop Cummie.inn Allnuev Of Oaohet 'J. '_000 lilyin Cla, Hall I. fulled TO Order: Tile noc'Full„ %callad to ordolm 7105 P.AI. Prrom: Vicki Kirkland. n1 irlec I diedfinnuil Paul \Imine. (far; Aoe. \like Pu,,tr>. toe Becerm Abeam Flame Steele. sae Yev UL, Barb FleulIdll. Ilea lianriko m. rine Gael aro IT. Pre,eitto tian on It in,erRtin IID a„moa n ?Inner Plan: Ra, 'c onus. Dumont Of Heononllc De,clop ea To the Cil,. procnud the Imes; plans her the R I I ron IT Di if Manor Plan. Re, dimoerd the inrylemenlallou ch erode (the entire project eill tale tint 20 Bean to wuiplcicl_the rock and eeoFrapldcal cope of the plan. He for sued Illul IIat IS at ch noun than LI coital TOati on [11Oerem. and Ilei IC 0.niou, to mduded III [lie plan mill. in ante, could have o armfican ecconar e nnpaa on the City. Hae cent on lu Ill ta55 the major ceocrephicaI mem of the plan and a summer% of the %minus ImpmveamFit PNiecr_ thnnnll he included III each of thmcarms. Phwe I hue anemic [let un ,ehh the natullatiou of the Ou door ice rick. 'I L: rot of the nmnnution hill Ti LIT tld, sunnier • and o ill include amul, ofict lhin¢c major imprumnlanl, to Wallop island illdudiny liJum-e IF benches. and pazcbo: an o,erlook From to the data of ae the PtoneeNlenwri.d ,nulpanc %%Ill he Incited_ Lad,coping Impumemmna to tde hike [,out Ind ,% deniny of mut pedi 111. Srpmmber \Imine.: Spptambct Inlnatea dere not Inxdabr as of the meetne. IC. 0111 llminexs: A, Allied, fmrneuec Report Nomination fonds ar,. almost ready to paw the apesela and „ill FL ch,hibumd shi after. A = nide to Arp the cmieumoe wino to mv,:iv We anards can neon, and hake mprn encs dtiacamed at pn, uniz Jags. Vacol iiarhe cal ,vas str:mead. Rol tabu e I hm bcc 1. D To otaoll L aTh d ,: Cebrl l . ll" a The mer be Lath %car Barb fhmo,an handled file lead nrmnearents. Somatic kill n,k her it site ,%ill do It aaho R. cols dol Repo) Colinnus!anon fell that it ,huuld 'Zill he no, to the Vat%or and council comidcnne Ile coolant of,wrk that ,trn; in to it Paul tied that he n1l thin there „Uro mum valid sa_cximu and Obser,atimu Ihat me still carr enl. I laocha. did not Sane the aced at go pnhlic airh Inv mpurt It • rollinued - • Ilnage.W"uup October ,]. ?Olio Mruuw= Pace '- III at is taus, ler concern. Beck, a ill nice final draft to for cc prior a imine to )laver and Council. Report rill be nhuri nJ m it sur:da_ since no ckup;c or addirom were nwdc fallooinu Wa icw it,. by AIone BIO'k_ \'. \erg Itmines: d. Cn eneire Plop Paul and nJ (J4us ( ncrmrn w.rc eho,en to be no the Conprchotuice Plnn Cnmmiucc. P:ua I eponed that the ou:nndvee Md met or it end Ilnd rce eaed I)I :Lm. He incased the imporuwee of pnblie input to d¢ Jo tie Iopnent of the plan, end Ihr Impormnch of e conprehen: plus I'ol the Cit Asertal ul'J pnblie aetines hoeat m w bhedakd for rcodcno m Line deiropin old ha wrcouIJ likc m I�cirn more about the into cilom of the plan, Paol dixniel a qu ,tionoalre IT the uun11ors dal N,as uamod be the Conprdh,roirc Pl an cnmmilwr la soliolt input. Ile Irked that members renin the snndp ul In, new mectirt, PlI nor. exna wpivs of rbc 1page que unnnane hill be areilable :it the SmurdTn meeting. R. II'indmr Itmel": lend The DI nom SeiehborhuuJ dsmrliion hesmkcd the Ill AdcisOv :nunbrrc nluduc this l-,ar r N- I -R Idol dtuneq Lin caturdln. DI Chri,. JulVIuill Paul -acid Btaki rAd the cold LiHdo it. I d_ W oAll be Iroki 2 Lo 6 pri The DNA r'.rl '1111, IePkesidlu donation Jur Ill ecenl, n motion mos much and seconddl it, gilt 5100. Motion posit C. Rirnrrivnr Conrulemr Doh morn ODiry Nenom( Peal ezp dUild the rttlaeo for n:u ict in col in Turn the Iilcerfrom eonehlmm,. Thep ale u=kin, for oho will be cerami nn un office in rhe Toner bulldina DlsclssLon I'ollmad mmcnz clanni oith On, roll deeisimu being Tile lunatic Adrimrc I uninis,forr would not find IIn, equert. Cnt adidam xa, t n Per le IneLoup 1 1. eT1I Ih11 t'st Uncle I>i tins of Is elm icuum Inc and mate members fell that Ire mxaied m "arch IVgl.e96 like 11111 :ranch more c reftalk. V'1. Date For AoJ ,peeling: ]Ile die .or the neat Inmae Ad%ism, i edine will be ?IonJ:n. Noronha _J'" at 7:00 pro, \'IL Agju::nems:,: The nleeling win IJ'lou{mr ed a1 8:i0 on 1611 Respucifulk Sllhmited b= Bekp KarolitcoM 5cemtan Date