October 3, 2ou6- _ .
Meeting was called to order at B:gSam by V. Beard
• Rod Call:
Present: A Bialek, K. Nelson, J. Nowicki, D. Water, V. Beard
Guest Pat Krulak
1be rrlinutes of the August 22, 2006 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by.1.
Nowicki ssx:onded by K Nelson to accept the minutes. Carried.
Treasumr RFport
Pat Kmlec went over the financial information for the previous year. 1be Ariel account is
dragging the rest of the portfolio down. The ford is showing a relative good gain but not
what would be expected. ]Iris should be corrected shortly when we move We money into the
River Road account. C. Collins is working on the contract and there weresnme minor details
to work out whir Bee company. A note of interest in the report was Beat Bee Bond curve had
Inverted, Over the last few months. It was something to be aware of hilt not to do anydring
shout at Bee present time.
It was recommended to move $1.000,000.00 from the Euro Pacific fund to the NTGI as a
rebalancing move, to keep us wnthin the guidelines of the Statue. A motion was made to do
this by J. Novicki, seconded by D. halter. Carried.
The report from fauterhach and Anear was reviewed and a motion to approve the report
Gran them and Marquette was made.by K.Nelson, secunded by D. Walter, Carried
Secretary Report
Bills were received from C. Collins of$75uoo, his retainer fee for the non Ws of Oct, Nov,
Dec,of coca and from Marquette of S65eo.00 quarterly fee for Sep, Oct, Nov, of 2006. A
motion was made to pay these by J. Novicki, seconded by D. Walter, Carried.
no issue with finis Weber, widow pension, was reviewed. She had been inadvertently,given
an increase in January. She had been put back to her right anlomu, so as not to compound
the problem, and Allison of Laulerbach and Amen, informed the Board Lou they would cover
the amount over paid, 5616.16. A notion to approve was made by U. halter, seconded by A.
Bialek. Carried.
-Bradshaw reciprocity (pending)
-Sudan lseuc (pending)
New Business
• -5- ne¢lApplications were received from new firefighters hired on Sep. u, 2uu6. A motion
was made to accept the applications of each individually by a motion tram D. Walter,
seconded by A. Bielek. Carried. The nouns of Bee firefighters are as follow: