HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=JUNE 06, 2006 (8) Blanc Hcriuge Commission: Minplcs pa,_. r
lune 6, '_0116
Me. Kulle informed the Commission that he uughbudmod would keep the Commission
informed the anvdiSsrugsiongthattook placebetwewl the developer and nenghhorhood. taut
she requested the members of the Commission to vocalize their comment,, ,nppan the
neighborhood task force to ,uppon Ore buildings premnation and possibly}ice the
Egbborbood a testimonial enmunging the preservation of the building.
Comae g ioncr Briaka asked If there was any interest in proven Ing Om rear mann hemri rig
component since ostof thesign l ticance of the esteior mainly lay in the loan Ms Kelly
said that the nccumorhood was pmnarily omowngi rig the preservation of the front of the
Chairman Alba elate that the incorporation of the existing building would be m Ore
developer s advantage in count rigaevidential development unlike the com central
suhNvisions that look the Wer and mac the vane hour al throughout.
Con cr Couture stated that the Northeast Sunny Co nod by the C Its in 1997
determined that We building was andidate for listing in the]atiunal Rvaiixmr of Hi stone
Places. She asked wBut the lcnelgt of being listed in the National Register w one
Mr. Scher Stir that National Register listing provided opportunities for federal Beading
rich a, Om hicmnc rehabilitation lax credit and dunes van: hording. He also anted dint simply
being li9ed in the National Register does net protect a building from bei erg alter d, added on
• to or demolished.
Con erPepre asked if any plans wssra
c dwn it;) lbe n ,development of the property.
\h. Kelt slated than she behaved that there was a concept their Ibr single family unit,
alone Gmvo, and candor and mwahmnes towards the rear. Connm v,ioner Pena ,ugecsrd
that it would be helpful to pool resources of the neighborhood and do a peclbrrinury
amhh¢tnrvl concept plan incomordting the bit Id l ng into the new development to show the
dvvdoper how ouch an idea Iscold work.
Conterisrosencr Bo Ad upritioned that he had heard than them wa, a Congrarl,on being made
to the Shoc [Gorc I oil, And lire adaptseofthe building_I he started that leu did co Or ink
it was a fair owmpaoson, since at the DC, COak site, there scould be a largo ea,l for On:
demolition of rear compamng sae remediation. and cos, for utility infmsmwturc to be
added Commiod nor Comoro mentioned that there were other examples that Could be urns
to show fir eonoept would work.
Ms. Send asked if the industrial bn l Lungs lowards the rear would lend themsch cs Iw adaptive
se for residential purposes. Cutaim,moner III iska prated that he felt hat they were very
lurge, and would pose a challenge to bring light to the interior. Commissioner Barren thought
that Ore creation of cense rds m ould achieve this.
Commissioner Bamcu also aLtggcacd that the fent could be used for the benelt of all the
r,iidentq 1 n the developmen t with a unaench as a l Nealy, on keeping with the publishing
• thane, a rid on Iv develop condo to the rear.A condo aswenation world need to be created to
maintain the public Spee.. (nnmi Sooner Couture also suggested mine housing In We front,
Since there were many,cniur rc,idona who mould like to any within the neighborhood and
w odd find this type of development an auractivc chuice,