HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=JUNE 07, 2005 (3) 3. Plaque App is:atons. No plaque apprentione had heat submitted for the rev]co of the
C.aumnission at Mi s time Hmvever, discussion took place on what could be done to
iticareasse the number of uppleatwne for plasties. So -us hins Cowan made to distribute
ore plant Liu brochures, adv rmsc and antmnce the pro gair in various naighborb and
pub Iocldnss and spread the is through word of mouth during cortin unity wrens.
ll. Old Business
I. Watch Tarboro Depot Update. Mc Sahel provided at update to the new mcnibca on
the work rumored to dale on the depot He also stated that a Mayor's award had been
preaemed to staff of the City's Public Works Department for the work to install a
drainage system.
nstruction of a deck whom tl¢plutl' nn mortify was rtxly Wcxwd still truant, to be
done. floweret, if platform was to be crawnted as originally curtailed, it world
extend beyond the property that the City of Elgin owned. There was a pending request to
me tailored to acquire addilioaal property for the depot, but tho mil oad coohpaav had
indicated that they would like to discuss sale of the entire railroad properly extending
Furth¢ lialdi
Previous suggestions had also brut made to simply construct the plahomt on the property
can nutty owned by the City in ruler forme proieet n be completed.
• 2. Elgin Design Guideline Stannal and Pi csrvation ordinance. LI related Mr Saber
stated that the preservation ordinance updates had been approved by the P.Igill City
Council tailor this ycar.
The El_ain Design Gould jr, Manual row lsiora ware still pending completion. Dismssicn
was held oil what neededtolie coup leted. Mraber mentioned that it was a matt¢ of
compiling the revised text with the graphics and formatting the document for printing.
Commissioner Court to sit,usowl that this be outsourocd to a Consultant and indicated
that she would pmvide suggestions on consultants able to do such wort:.
Book Proposal-"There Osed to Be..P Steven Stroud indicated that his book had been
completed and was ready to be sent to a publisher by the end of the went_ He pr¢mled a
plim,cepy of me hook n A1r. Sana to is kupl on f a and passed around a copy of the
bock for the members of the Commission to sec Mr. Stroud indicated that he would
prm-ido the Commission with 1111 what me final topics wcu ready for
4. Plain Northwest Area Survey Update. Mc Salter provided the nem members of tile
Coumhission with an option on the pmjeol, its location and the type of survey beim,
earned out The project is scheduled to he completed by the end of August
272 Division Sitect- Sidin g Instal led "ithnnt COA. %Ir. 9ahcrseadthathehadbeen
informed that the property owners had appealed the decision of the Fi glu Heritage
Canmtissiontothe Elgin City Caullell. He pmvidid ea update to the new Commission
members on the fact that this was an appeal to the Commission to allow for wood siding