HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=JUNE 07, 2005 (2) City of Elgin
• Elgin Heritage Commission
June ]. 2005
A. The meeting of the El yin HeritageCommission o as Called to oncr at T.do p.nt. in the City
Council Otambers by Interim Chairman Eric Pupa.
Members Present'. Mric Vena, Betsy Couture, Kathy Skaggs, Pan Durenberger. William
Br xka and Georec Mine.
Members Abend Evckn Chapman and Shut Icy Barred
011ons Present
Cilc Sl alt'Present: Sameb Saber. Crban Design and I mron at ion Spectra l ist
I. The nUo utunb<vs appointed to the Commission x are introduced, and provided some
in frryinion about themselves. Each HK abut of the COmnl exion at so introduced
2. Presentation of ctnificatea to outgoing arenhers of the Commission mas postponed to the
• July Commission meenine due to the absence of the llzyor.
B. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Commissioner Briskntnapprovetheminutesofthe
Elgin Ilerhazc Comnda 11011 from April 3. adds,
lLn motion Bras seconded by Commissioner Altai
The motion passed unwtintously.
C. Plaque APPllCalion' I
1. Adoption nr Bay lsed Criteria for Selection Of Plaques. Com on saluml Hi ska provided
a brief dcs ,ri away of the nevi sod scaling system to the new members of the Comm lseion.
I le recommended that the dent be tabled until the next meeting to Cs•e the new members
oppononity to review the information.
A onetime was made by Commissioner Be ska to table the adoption of the nevi sed plaque
scoring criteria until Wo nett MerrnllP
'IIIc motion was cecnuded by Commissioner Couture.
'I he motion passed unmtimously.
. Set Rate for December Plaque Presto trnian. The Cocoa osiot Iccanmtonded that the
December 2005 rresunallnit ul'pingnex be held on Tuesday, December 6. 2003 at
7:00p m, in the Elgin Area I It ptorical Museam 4 Old Moi n.