HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=JANUARY 04, 2005 (2) The motion passed unmunoosly.
• D. Old Business
I. \\'inch Facto" Fiction. Chairman Miller had inquire) front Clone Murphy whether one
of rhe Inlley companies that operate during special events in Find could be interested in
leaning or buying the depot to operate his business out of Ms. Murplry had responded
vines that so far there wap some discussion with the trolley company owner about the
passibility of exploring the our There was no negotiation as letllowuvur, she did sty
that hu was asvate that there were the issues orparkin5 on the popery and the interior
confutation that had yet to beresolved. At his time it appeared that he City xmld
prefer Icesin , the property rather than selling.
There was discusevri on his idea of sal I ing,leasing the property to a user such as a trolley
mgmny. Char enter Mi l ler mentioned that he swuld bo amullab a to se l l l a l he property
in the hope that a priv le owner would can for and Vermont the propeny, if not
completely develop the site and landscaping as well.
The propcny is contelnly protected by the historic pressen at ion urdinade: and co all the
is ark don o far m nn
the staure sirs would the Cohen sirwould he protected by the
onl'aamo and the guidnllnes.
2. Elgin Design Guideline Manual and preren'atian Ordinance Updates. Mr. either
• indicated that ordinance updates would be ttrsrulvcd to the 8lpjn C wCouncil for their
neeungonlanuaryl6. "or ordinance was being hrnught-up for Council consideration
in respmtw to the iwntt with Commission member par icipatiou in the grant programs
which were due to be commenced for the year. 'the Suidelings updates and amendments
could soon follow I'm Cry( 11incilconsideration.
3. Elgin Ilerimge Commission Hnraerter. Mr. Same stated that due w One additional
tasks and duties assigned to him. it a cold not be possible to create a publication of the
plgi n l[enrage Commission newsletter. He suggested that the project currently be ser
smile wail such rime when an intent or supper tall won it be able to rake over the
Commissioncr Stroud al.o suit owed! that perhaps of the articles that ere ,idea
be published on the City's I to pace. Mr. Saber said tlmw
t he would look into this and Bret
Iasi with the Coronaeirn.
i Hank Proposal-"There Used to Be..:' Commissioner Strood naked the Cweir ssion
is huthcr be dean ire l are r concertina On properties that sere plarped. Thou was
bison send on it hether the information would be helpful or permitted to the Nsjective of
the hook. One of the puims made was that the plaqued homes were still standard and the
books titter "as more on huildimn that had been demolished. Huwvver_ there saw also a
section in the book that dealt with signifmam homes that 0 ere still standing, it was
thought that if Ole pldgwu Maturation was pertinent o the content of the book, ere it
10 Could be added.