HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=SEPTEMBER 02, 2003 (6) • MI NUTES 111 NIEE I IMG PI_ANTIN'G .AN I I DEN'ELOPMEN'I CI INIMISS I ON CI'ENOE ELGIN SEYIBNIDER 2. 200J Thu w,,ulor nootwe of the Planning and Developntan Comnl000n was caRM to ordet at ?00 P.M. on Tueoday. SepLLmher 2. 2003 in the Civ, Cnundl Chambers IS, Chnieman W olif. ph+nhers Present Chadec A. Grebe . David K. plain, John Hnrlbnf, Chnstoph¢ Mlller. Ino Nelson, Robert W. Siljrsnom and I hlimtan Geetge Nvolll'. Mcudiers Alcenl: None, Staff Present David Dorgan, Cily Manager, Mark Diemacki, Counnnnnis Devclopmenl Duoctoe Jcuy Oceanus, Code Adminforanuo hrector, 'foil, Armstrong. Principal Plamtu: Buren Pules. Phumo, Todd W yfU, Associate Plaoucn. Approval of blinules: .Mr. Grubar rowed w npprcmc the minutes of,fie Augmt 1, a 03 nhWar • meeting. ¢s subrunned_ Nit Ithi er seconded the motion, which was adopted by n vote of duce yes and vent no, 111th three absemiona and one prowls. FINAI. PLAT APPRIIN'AL: CONSmEHATIO601 PETITION ri.03 RpatUESTLN'G Fl NAL PI.ATPPA ROVALFOR A SUBDI) \/�N TO Ht:._ICNOWN AS PRNCETON nTST PHASCS_I .WD 2_PR Pf RTV LOCATEDA'1' 1'100C NGDON AVHN4JE BY PRINCE'IONW EST L I .0 AS ANN WAN I' A ND OWSWE M C)TION A DOPI Ir J- 7YE�_0NO Nle. Niton cowl to apprmq Final Plat Approval for Petition 37-03 a iuhniised. \Ir. SAjestronr seconded the inoho, chilli was adupwn by a vote of sit an ya's and zero no. E.\It sir EST ARP.A GROOTII MAN ACENIEN'I' DISCUSSION: Mo Siljesnomn mmred to recommvtd that the commission proceed with a public hearing lot the Intenut Far West Area Comptehensivc Pbtn at its sonlarmwling of Ocmber fi, 2003. Nlr. Milia seconded the motion, which vas adopted by a cote of sc.'en yes mal zero no. PENDING DY.V61.OPMEN'I' APPLICA'I'ION,S: Mr. Wyatl easee Summary 0I' Pending applications. •