HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=SEPTEMBER 02, 2003 (3) Elgin Human Relations Commission September 2, 2003 Minutes Page 2 Ms. Ford indicated that the residents may Indicate that housing is hard to tinct, however, the Agency has a list of landlords who participate in the program_ There are. guidelines that must be followed in order for them to qualify for housing subsidy. When the property has been inspected and violations we found, ton landlord is given 10 days to correct the issues. Chair Scott thanked the Hearing Authority fm attending the meeting and providing information and clarification on the voucher program. Correspondence Letter hour NAHRW regarding their seth annual Memonal/Tribune Service, 10r" Annual Creating Change conference — Nov. fi"— gr", 2001 In Miami Hnaclr, FL from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Monthly Reports The contract compliance. report was not available since no Inlnrimenun had hnen received from Purchasing. • The staff montldy report was provided for August of 2003. A copy of the CDBG report was provided Old Business Em Imo Go ni hint Chair Scot discussed the issue of a chill iat from employee of the Illinois State Employment ottice. A copy of the summary will be placed In the file with the minutes_ Resides( OltiComulast Chief Miller provided a copy of the summary investigation regarding the cumplaim against the Resident Officer and the Sowers family. Cmmn Dews inquired if a public notice would be given due the public nature of the complaint? Chief Miller indicated that a letter has been sent to the. Sowers outlining the outcome of the investigation. Cmmc Dews mentioned that If a public innouncemeril was made, It might possibly ease racial tension.