HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=NOVEMBER 12, 2007 (3) Pis
gd 1tGrad}'s role. Elgin Art Showcase is tile ofthe bi,sem vehiclesf ilia
prsrl' nof tl c, also, stash that the let son h t 11111r the dywhas operation' If
the sholen,u should intend the ntet'rin_FA It ours it Sean S arvinu that Svlci'a bsome
emplay�e of the city. I (Seat) need her here, she is pout nfthe leant and is vital that
she or ut the CAC meetin@r
3. Hemandce Would lkc Ionic adminrn.ause clarification as pavhefher Sylvia should
rsend:u :und minutes. should she be on the CAC contact list, o n(Pre should =hC.
I, on the agcadnP
a DxuUtzls. Wrizhc IfSvlctu is required to anend all Jac CAC men(lien it
Wcrls that bile should receive agendas and neinume is that she Can be prepared for
a. Sanas Suggest honnallving the Fnaltlan 01 ilia Fish An Showcase Coordrimor
position and the tole Of that Person.
5. Nike fossils She cwt k,ep you inf000ed filly then what 's happening in llw Ari
to Strut What Jou, the Cultural Arts Commission nchA from the Community Liaison
. I ipunitam: Nothing mora flim is myulred of the Llalsnn by thalr job: sending sat
RFPs on Into, setting minutes to the Cit} Clctk'c Office, Prrvpinu aa-endue, ac
7. Important What shoolt we do in islands to tile roles of CAC officers us dcacdbed in
the dfatt version of The h1]All S Whmivad In the Counatsion by Ibc O'mmonnt
• a. St call: This parlictlar droll of h bye s mill be is itlairrivarand limited with
e.riptio sof tile Siracusa CoordUreirandd ftiruff lassol "nialions
8. Hernandez Uredo S\I%in Grady trusion as the Staff Lmtswl'
U, Stegall: Sylcin bas sea much other pork fila the is nut ahle m function as Staff
liaison atlhis nose. Would rather is ill the rale of staff liuieoa loss the
admid,unive end of rise position is functioning nuoausl mirnitcs Letting
to clerk's office, agendas out on time. Also.%%Quid rather all the position
around a position versus n person.
D. Shaw C'ase Budget: Pluaud nmderIlia Shnwcusc bought under the CAC budget. 'I here
will be a shares for 10(n, and separate the Slmiccoee mune% from Commission mane% so
there iSn confusion
'I I ipunipua: Could yon Lacon] cLiufy the able of—doubts dippin2 in itildI sot
ioaions truck one mance front the Circ of El_in As well as the CAC mans!
I� Stepoll: Council used to Pros Ilia CAC witb I the council wunld make it cleat
as to n'hat mganizntims ware to act loading, Thu f.AC asked for morns thaat t hey
could make decisions freeN- Ifiron urbanization is fundus he the city tlwngh other
motion, the CAO is not to fiord them. Direct north sale, dues our apple to in-kind
2. Triptinimrz: Su &a no "special di spetuat Inns" for speei nc organlea(mn s that nmke
them eligible for clause from the CAC and the C'i?}o
g. Stegall: No.
• v. Staff front is:
A. Elgin nit Shoson,e (Grady) -tabled
B. financial (Fdiciano)—tallied
of 13J Lzec mmrela is P. rrare aeon eoecx