HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCDATE=DECEMBER 17, 2004 (5) Metter Conm,issu ll Mallets
Deeumbcr 17. 2004
The meethag nm recessed In en ium eetctivc sesxion at ]'SR p,nt- Pm open zeaion resumed at
]59 ptii,
Chairman Schuck stated that a fiction license is a per%ilcyc and not a right. With that are ileac
a respasomi lilies not only m thisCiganr Cummi>ion. but mum importodly to the entire
mmuroy. Foremost among those responsidll iti:e is to keep ilio order and maintain asnfe pluce
so that pests aaety is rimer tolaprolinnscil. Thu omuvs 14v0 ns t dComHoratud an ublGly-m
adntam asnfe an°ionnienl. We have been Turnouts that them have not beennesenowt
injuries at the caablishrni given the nature of some of the pmhlenr a-hick hale onmmed Isere.
Commissioner Writer, manic a motion, acconded by Commissioner Gldernn- that there be an
immediate re,ocanun of bac liquor liernce of Andtnv & Beak, Inc., db a I Atlmn-v's Ncaantml
and Jacz Club, 211 Do dasAvenue and that We rcvmadon apply to the licensee only.
CmmmGalrnar W alter staid that the wrinen older ofe,ocation should (1) veferi ¢e Ilio
cidems admitted te by the licenser in the Deaanber 1, 2004 xtipolatiou and agreed order, (2)
refcrencu the s ruin on police resources cansW by the Hurnsee becuosc of Ilse incidems on
Docamber i, 2004 and other incidems orouniny on the liceniee'a Vroperty'. (3)State that the
heemce %mated! section 6.06.145 on December 5. 2004. and '. (4) slaw that the tindin_a indicate
the order of re,cannon is resnhinia Iron the incidalun admited TO it the December 1, 2004
stipulation aand agrucd order and glia 111cldrm5 manila`on Dueendnet 5, 2004. 1"ens:
• C'onmaissioucrs Ghlion.. Waltcre. and Chairman Schrock. Says. Sona.
Cammissionts Gilliam made a motion, seconded he Coremisdotna Walters. to recur= the
seting in order for Aa,iamd Corporation Counsel Kenji to prepare the 1lndilUs and full
YCm, Coctmis,ioouS Gilliam. Waltra, awl Ch'alnnMI ,chur.k. Nass: Von:.
The ntcethtc was racceaed at 8.03 p.m. And scom-ened at S'.26 p.m.
C'mmatiasiooer Walters made a motion, seconded by Cotmnlssloner Gdlidm, to apprmrthe
findings Lord decision prepared by I'oonnel laid auie icel by the Commiminn_ and dm I as scation
shall be efftec 'e (,night, Dectuber 19. 3004. aIvpro Venn. Commmolonurs Gilliam, Walters.
and Chairman Schoek. Vavr. Kone.
Cenrmissioner Gdllou made a moron, seconded by Comml.ssiuner W suers, to udjoum ore
Treating. Yates- Conmiissiencrt Gilliam. W alters, and Chairman Schack. Keys. Kone.
Meeting adjourned at H 28 pan.
• �N —t - _Fahmm_, ?005_
Demean Meseta, Recording Scuctary Date APprnmd