I December 17. 2004
The special mcuting Was called to oriel at 2:4o p.m. in Conference Room Art Elgitt City Ilull
dv Chairor Scboek. Mun hers present Cotimissluuers Gill iuq Wolters, arid Chalnnwl
SchockAbsent Sone.
P bI' ll - Re d - .\nthonv X Rewe IFVVd/b/aAndronii-q Resant and Jane
Clul 231 Dra lac Alecto. Ilulde ' of Clare 111.k or l icer e: \ fulriune 1'inlatiam of Flein
N ICJ el din- Section fi 06 4a -Preue .wlnn or Pea rem I iL wed Premed
The fcceediq> of the abusedescribrJ purl is hearing w-ere recorded aythe .vnm reposing lion -
of Sonning Itoponing, Gmteva, 1111re land a Invseript of We public haannp ryas papasd-
dmhony Nein and Bettie Nance, shareholders of the hcenene mtporntion, appcamd pursuant to
the Nmice of Hearing and Complairl raced Docunher 7. 2001
Aseidant Corporation Coansal Koran stated that Social fi 06.143 of the Elgin 1rmicipal Code
imposes a dmy and msponsihilily on any licuueo m muimain ire prcndsos In a peuwsble and
collate maintain. 'I he licensee does nut have the ability to maintain peace old order on the
promises tin denonsuated by the violations set froth In the Complaint involving mob .Cboq
barrels, and disordalamnducl-
!:hTdmts owe entered into the retold, incarlido of the incidents went down, and testimony
Was elluil by vadum Intranets ofthe elfin police Dupeattnent.
Commissioner Gilliam made a motion, seconded by f ommissia onW'altua
s, to go into ecutivc
reader, arid weighimethe silence ptt - Peas_
Commissioners Clillivm, Writers. and Chairrnw Schack. Rp' R000nc.
e .
Commission arena into excretive seseiun at 7:09 p on. and remnted to open a=«mn at ]:2b p,in
C'nmmissiuutr Gllllara made a motion, r(tcoaJrd Ty Cocnmiaaioncr N'altom, to en Wr a finding
that there Was sufficient eviJence to sappon the allegations in the complaint that three incidents
To violation of the Illi rears Criminal Code. Tuners, disorderly conduct, and mob action, did occur
on Iho property, and these incidents violated Firm M unicipal Co to Secti on 606.145. Yens
Cnmmis>ioners Gilliam, Walmr, and Chemical l Schock. No%, Sonc.
]Teeafler, testimony was entered «ganrng the po reIto phtme of dee public hearing.
Coll nlisslom'e Cl 111 am mato n 11101 Mr, seconded by C'nmmissloner %dances, to go into ea-unitive
session for the pumuse ofdetemtiniue the penalty to be lmpoeed. 'icas. C'onuni>sioner
• Gilliam, Wolters, and Chaimtm Scheel, Nays: ]enc.