December uy, 2004
Meeting was called to order at 8:35am President V. Board.
(toll Call by Act Secretary A. NiNek.
V. Beard, A. eialek, J. New ielti, L. Meer m, Al. Palese
Absent T. Luppium, E. Sell Ken Nelson
Guest Tim Sharpe
The min utes of the Octahm 2004 meeting were reviewed. Motion to accept the
mumtea made by J. Nnwicki; secondedbyI=. rt um.
Tre i�Jtepon
No report from Knox or Marquette. Jim Novicki would follow upon where the
information was at and get back to the Board members. liowrvcg the 2004
Armorial l report was presented by Tim Sharpe. Each member was prmided with
• a copy.
The repoe I vas gone over in Jemil with the main Items being how well the fund
has done over the past rear. 'Phis wens gout news considering the Jmmw+aid
trend that all the funds were having over the put few w ears. Our annual returns
n investments were 05.6;1%. 9'his is better than the last yrs combined. Our
percentage of funding went beta 70.9% to 74.6 %.
Annabel at t a covered was the paxsage of the "W ldovn Bill'. '1'hie would haee a
ry minimal impact un our fund. I lowe+er, the Reciprocity portion of the hill,
could have if we were to nequire new members at a higher salarv, onto the
department. This %ow explained in detail.
Motion to accept and approe the Aatnarial report was made. hy.I. Novicki,
seconded be A. Bralek. Carried.
The meeting dates for 2005 were hmrded out for review. A motion was made to
accept the dates, by Chief raleee, seconded by L Mecum. Carried
• The Knox billing was sn hen i t led for uevicwnndsrnne questions arose on the
summit and ormun items. A motion was made by J. Nm.deki, seconded by A.