Febnthry 20, 2001
Heeling war called to order at 3 Man.
Noll- Present 'I Michaels, A. Bialek, LNcoom, I Now'eld. K. Nelon,
V. Beard,S. Ilourioh
Absent Pd Schuck
Guests: C. Collier, I_Rankin
Njuat of the Jamuary I bill, 2001 111 were read and approved on a motion by I Henal
wcaocd by V. Beard. Caused
Treasurers' purr
None at lime. the Treasurer did state and apologize, that Hair t sotlavare problcnn within the
Ciry', MIS setup, that thmc had heel' problems with filing de annual report and receiving.
information Ginn thM
eux Cnmpaii a timelylors6. this has been corrected and doband sbonld
repots on a timely basis from this poen Ibrard.
Seri cult Report
An suit isalon w as received Ram Disabled lisaisuriwi, V_ Beard. for R bill I AJ ssabIll n
ridiontun to a Regular retirement w as vcd�He wished to mnvcnt it, mgubu retirement starting
wish bis pehmary check A motion was made to approve this ocowd by I Hnatai. seconded by I.
Nowicki. Carried -1-destattim, Worksheet atei l to mimite and fi led.
She original Knox agreement was discussed among his hand meri Ater discussing this with
Mc Collhts. the Secretary was instructed to send a letter it t Ili company continuing our agranir n
as originally aca'ptnd and anlneCt 10 renew soundly,
Unfinished business
Iheboxrd nn'.nubcas mnumed to the agreement dual was proposed by Mr. Rankine at due last meeting.
Maury mentivtions were dismsecd consuming the different item, withlq the ameemam by Hr.
Collins, the Board's Attorney Sample, copy attached to oinaiae. Iles 9n�shon was put to the Board
of"whit direction did (no members want to pursue with wards to an investment strategy) ILeau
generally agreed that a laddered portfolio, limed t anticipate retiree outflow and p sI the best
maryiv ofincmog without purchasing individual socks,and (ollowitgthe guidelines dot wero in
place in (headopmd investment policy, is what would be preferred. Mr Collin, runindW the
• mambas thatawas his Hurons attorney to advise the Board on all the shurtiumings ofthe
ffiruninit and that no ill intent "as dirchod mwani MC Rankins or the Cunimaybe represents.