• November 19, 1998
Present: Jim Dues, Chairmen
Bill Diamond
Donna Scott
JoAnn Fuley
Stanley Sphatt
Deputy Chief Jim London
Communications Director Lod Moser
The meeting was called to order at 3:3] It or. by Chairman ]ire Burns.
• 'R12VAL-QFAUG- l$?[14,1199A8- I OrU
A motion was made by Dill Diamond and seconded by Donna Scott to ePPrve the minutes of the
FTSB meeting of October 15, 1998. Motion carried
A bill foal Ameumcb was pr armed in the amutut of S524,9S A motion was made by Bill Diamond
and seconded by JoAnn Fo uy to pay the bill. Motion carried.
• 911 U:Babase M I nt�;tn�e:5yjj_re-191J_yS'rl1
Director presented information on a new software packers and eravice provided by Amedloch called
911 Net. The sofvvzne package called 911 Net allows un-line congmterixed 911 database
mintenamce. A mmnon was made by Stanley Sphan end seconded by Dunne Scorn to mimudzed the
purchase of the silver version of the soflwdro it a one time fee of SM10 plus a 5200 nnonthly
maintenanec recurring fee. Motion catrled.
Chief Gmbu addmae4 thaboa d to explu'e Es support for do Emerlb'.ncy Medical Droinch E1,11))
program and asked the brand to support 1'ondine d¢ Position. Chief Gruber staled that EMD is a rely
important service for the crmmunive and thathu will continue to supprrt thy IMPIttlen anion ofthe
program even after he retires. The EMD CUordinattar's pnsitiun is nearszary to do preliminary
planning and research work for the Pegram. 'I he public education mink needs to begin in 1999.
Chief Grolier asked the board m take the lead on continuing to muvc the program forward aid .speak
out on the need for EAID to the sternums and City Council The EMIL Program was the Gp?a
umber one budget priority in 199[, hmvever it could not be handout at that time. Police E Fire
DCPatmcnt management staff will tonin rt to speak out on the need for EMD to lie community and
Cavoatf Ammion was made by BJl Diamond and seconded by JoAnne Foley to authorize payment
nut u1'the 911 Fund for the EMD CnoNina;nr'i> position for a period Of uvo yeas, with the total
ercpensa neo to ccceed 3150,000 for the two veer period. Motion cut led. The moron was passed
. with the understanding that if t he City dues not implaned an ENM program lire board can choose
not to fiend the position beyond the two year period. Dimanr Moses is to proceed with developing
a job description and wurk with HRD to fill the position.