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Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 9, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Liz Marsden, Elgin History Museum
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. 2016
ii. 2017
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of December Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
b. 2016 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Literary Festival:
ii. African American History Month
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
ii. Next public forum:
iii. General update:
d. Organizational Grants:
i. Feedback for organizations
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 9, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:01pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Rehberg, Hulin, Miceli, Erlandson, Richmond, Fox,Thomas present.
Councilwoman Powell present. Chairman Vassallo present. Student Representative Kaye present.
Staff Harris present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Liz Marsden, Elgin History Museum:
i. Artwork Database Management proposal.
b. BFH.org, Final Report:
i. Cynthia Hernandez presenting. 2016 was their organization's 20th anniversary. 789 paid
attendance, plus additional comps, which was a record attendance. Great media
coverage overall. They did 2 show for the year. About 65 students and 15 alumni
participated in the show, Beyond the Dance. Brought in musicians from Mexico to
perform with the children as well as the adults.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. 2017:
1. Commissioner Erlandson motion to move $2,000 from the Misc category to Art
Harvest, seconded by Rehberg. Approved by a vote of 8-0.
b. Art Showcase: Renters for 2017 are moving in. Repairs are being made to the ceiling in
between renters.
c. Hemmens: Moved to next meeting.
d. Approval of December Minutes:
i. Motion to approve the minutes made by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by
Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote of 7-0-2 with Councilwoman Powell and
Commissioner Thomas abstaining.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. BRAVO-Staff Harris making assignments of the CAC events to the Commissioners for
articles and images each month.
b. 2016 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Literary Festival:
1. The program is out in the January issue of BRAVO.
. 2. The event will be coming to the Hemmens January 27-28 and is free and open to
the public.
ii. African American History Month:
rk 1. This event has been adjusted to be Black Music Month in June 2017, perhaps at
the Elgin Art Showcase.
2. Ideally this dance troupe and a visual art exhibit.
iii. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Applications go live March 1, 2017. All applications are first-come-first-served.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
1. The art has been sent in by local artists and is being put together for the
banners. Local business support and approval is being gathered.
ii. Next public forum:
1. Will be held on February 23, 2017 at The Centre of Elgin, in the ballroom.
2. Possible questions to pose to the attendees:
a. Where do you want to see public art?
b. What type of art do you want to see?
iii. General update:
1. Preparing for the Community Forum
d. Organizational Grants:
i. Feedback for organizations: While not all criteria are required, not enough of them are
hit, or hit hard enough to meet the standards of grant approval.
1. Elgin Theatre Company:
a. Overall,there was a lack of innovation on this particular project as it is a
rgreat, but old play. The application discussed that the play itself was
innovative as is, but is not. This play did not fit the parameters of this
grant. The city offering free parking is not innovation, and is not
something that the organization itself offers, thus does not apply. No
partnerships or collaborations of any kind were mentioned. They wished
that more artists were paid, including the actors, not just the directorial
staff. The application seemed to be a copy and paste from previous years.
There was missing detail, such as the list patrons and the work samples,
which were ads only, rather than reviews of any kind. The application
lacked positive and engaging writing, and focused on what they don't do
rather than what they do do. There was no mention of engaging new
audiences or new ways to engage within the community. Competition
among the other grants was stronger, but the application was overall, an
improvement over last year.
2. Independent Players:
a. The application was negative and dismissive of the criteria and the
application itself. There are other, more innovative plays being included
in the season, which would have been more appropriate to use for the
grant. Details and action plans were missing under impact: lumping
yourself together with other performance groups to say that you could
encourage audiences to visit local businesses, but not following that up
elk with any plans of action or detailing the possible impact of that. Also
missing the details about the free tickets: to whom were the free tickets
given, and based on what criteria? The application itself lacked creativity
and focused on what the organization is not doing, rather than on the
positive things that the organizations are doing. There were also no work
• samples included, which was part of the application and should not have
to be requested.
3. Latino Film Fest:
a. The application referred to what occurred in 2016, rather than what was
to happen in 2017. There was a significant amount of Chicago impact
and inclusion, but nothing Elgin specific, including the effect and impact.
There were no work samples included. While the program is important
and the CAC support it, the application was incomplete, and for that
reason it was not voted on.
4. Soiree Lyrique:
a. Most of the content for the application was for 2018, not 2017. The
events seemed to be more appropriate for a grant in 2018. There were
details missing: How will the organization accomplish the specific
demographic involvement listed under innovation? How were the
partnerships accomplished?Why was there a performance in Dundee,
and how did the Dundee performance help Elgin. Lots of statements and
claims, but seemingly no documentation or facts to support them.
F. Other Old Business: None.
G. New Business: None brought.
H. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin.
Approved by a vote of 9-0
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, February 13, 2017
The Centre of Elgin
Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Danielle Henson and Executive Director Carole Medal, Gail Borden Public Library
b. Solange Sior and Treasurer Kathy Canny, Soiree Lyrique
c. Don Haefliger, Individual Artist Grant Application
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
irk c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of January Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Organizational Grant assignments
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Literary Festival:
ii. Elgin Fringe Festival
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
ii. Next community forum:
iii. Presentation
d. Organizational Grants:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 13, 2017
The Centre of Elgin, West Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:04
B. Roll Call:
a. Commissioners Miceli, Rehberg, Fox, Richmond, Thomas, Erlandson present. Staff Harris and
Wilhelmi present. Student Representative Kaye present. Councilwoman Powell present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Danielle Henson and Executive Director Carole Medal, Gail Borden Public Library
i. Cultural and educational event hosting Dr. Diane Bolden-Taylor, acclaimed opera
performer from St. Louis. This event will promote musical education and cultural
awareness by performing the work of African-American composers, accompanied by
lectures and master classes to students. Dr. Bolden-Taylor will be traveling to Elgin to
perform little known pieces, some by William Grant Still, along with a chamber of 6
musicians. Following the performance at the Gail Borden Public Library, she will travel
to U46 schools to perform, and host a high school master class open to the public.
ii. The accompanying musicians will be local.
iii. The event will be April 30, 2017 @2:00pm at the Gail Borden Public Library, and it will
be open to the public at no cost. The school performances on May 1, 2017 will be
specifically for the students.
iv. The concert series at the library typically has attendance of 200 or so.
v. This event will be about $5,000-$6,000 for the total cost. Schools are not being asked to
contribute financially.
b. Solange Sior and Treasurer Kathy Canny, Soiree Lyrique:
i. Follow-up regarding the 2017 Organizational Grant denial. Kathy expressed that the
dates that they addressed in the application referred to 2017 rather than 2018. She
detailed the demographics of the organization, the partnerships that are confirmed for
2017 and 2018.
ii. Commissioner Rehberg commented that the details provided at this meeting were very
helpful and would have been necessary at the time of the voting.
iii. Staff Harris reiterated that the Individual Artist Grant application is live and the CAC
suggests that they apply for that grant opportunity. They are also encouraged to apply
for the 2018 Organizational Grant when the application becomes available towards the
end of 2017.
c. Don Haefliger, Individual Artist Grant Application
i. "Eleemosynary," by Lee Blessing will be produced at the Elgin Art Showcase in March.
This is a play about three generations of super-articulate women who have difficulty
communicating. There is a very simple set and only two props. The play will be
performed with this in mind, requiring the performers to create the set with their
performance. This play will be performed during Women's History Month.
ii. This play is timely and universal, and will likely draw a widely scoped audience.
iii. The actors, director, and lighting designer are all paid a small stipend.
iv. When Independent Players began 38 years ago, one of the goals was to push the edges
of theater. To his knowledge, this is the first Lee Blessing play done in Elgin. If this play
goes well, they will do additional Blessing plays in the future. In general, they look for
shows that aren't being done other places.
v. When patrons plan to attend the shows, they often call to get recommendations on
local places to eat near the theater.
vi. Don also noted that the other theater companies in this area work together and help
each other, because it's important.
vii. Councilwoman Powell asked how they typically promote their shows and who their
target audience is. Don replied that they send items via a mailing list, email blasts,
online, Facebook, BRAVO, and postings on theater sites like the Illinois Theater
viii. Commissioner Erlandson asked about possible student involvement at places like ECC.
Don replied that they would be contacting local colleges and high schools about this
show. Commissioner Erlandson also asked about student pricing, which they offer at
$10 per ticket, discounted by$5
ix. Councilwoman Powell asked about storage space costs. Don commented that it is a cost
associated with having sets, props, etc.
x. Commissioner Erlandson commented that including as much detail as possible in
regards to the budget as possible is always helpful.
6 D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Imagine Art Here costs are coming out.
ii. Daily Herald charges from ELF advertising charges have just been paid.
b. Art Showcase:
i. Repairs on the space are happening between renters.
c. Hemmens:
i. Bookings at the Hemmens are up and the space is full all weekends, except one, through
May of 2017. Several return renters. Unfortunately, most of the events are private or
semi-private events, and are thus not really marketed.
ii. Summer Theater will be The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. They will be
bringing in a new Director. Auditions are May 15-19, 22-26, 2017 at the Hemmens.
d. Approval of January Minutes:
i. Motion to approve minutes with adjustment to Roll Call adding Councilwoman Powell
and Commissioner Thomas by Commissioner Miceli. Seconded by Commissioner
Erlandson. Approved by a vote of 9-0.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Organizational Grant assignments:
1. Each CAC sponsored Organization will be assigned a Commissioner that will work
with them on anything they may need from the Commission. They will also
attend the performance of the sponsored program.
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO:
1. Each Commissioner will write an article on CAC sponsored projects for upcoming
issues of BRAVO.
iii. Individual Artist Commissioner Assignments:
1. Commissioner Elrandson will be working with Andrew Moore.
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Literary Festival:
1. Over 100 more people from last year attended.
2. Great authors, overall.
3. Keeping it at the Hemmens for 2018, for the last weekend in January.
ii. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. The artist application goes live March 1, 2017 at 9:00am. The application is first-
come-first-served. The applications are for both visual and performance artists.
There will be a waitlist for those that don't get a spot at first.
2. Union Bank will possibly be a new location this year for live music and Family
3. Dave Metzger is designing the poster this year.
iii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. First week of April, the call for entries goes live.
2. A few community members have already asked to be selection committee
judges. If anyone would like to be a judge, please contact Staff Harris.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
1. The stand-alone posters have been ordered and are starting to go up around
ii. Next community forum:
1. Set for February 23, 2017 @ 7:00pm at The Centre's Heritage Ballroom. This has
been advertised and is open to the public. Please share the event page.
iii. Artwork Locations:
1. 3D:
a. Riverwalk pedestals
b. Foundry Park
c. Festival Park pedestals
d. Carlton Rodgers Park
e. Newsome Park (Kimball and Dundee)
f. Downtown Elgin planters.
2. 2D:
a. Hemmens concrete walls- South wall, facing the river.
b. Centre parking deck
c. Railroad underpass- Chicago and Crystal, Crystal and Ball
d. Walkthrough where American Nocturne was located.
iv. Presentation: the powerpoint presentation is ready to go and will be presented by Staff
Harris at the meeting.
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
a. Danielle Henson and Executive Director Carole Medal, Gail Borden Public Library
i. Motion to support the Gail Borden Public Library proposal in the amount of$1,000 by
Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote of 8-0.
Seconded by Commissioner Hulin.
b. Don Haefliger, Individual Artist Grant:
i. Motion to approve the Individual Artist Grant in the amount of$1,000 by Commissioner
Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Miceli. Approved by a vote of 8-0.
y: Adjournment: 9:05pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Fox. Seconded by Commissioner Erlandson. Approved by a
vote of 8-0.
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Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 13, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
b. K. Flo Razowski, Individual Artist Grant. Roberto Martinez presenting.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of February Minutes
rE. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan:
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, April
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Black Music Month:
iv. Jazzin' on the 8th :
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
ii. Update:
iii. Call for Art:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
II a
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 13, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
b. K. Flo Razowski, Individual Artist Grant. Roberto Martinez presenting.
D. Staff Report:
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a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan:
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, April
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Black Music Month:
iv. Jazzin' on the 8th :
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
ii. Update:
iii. Call for Art:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 10, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
b. K. Flo Razowski, Individual Artist Grant. Roberto Martinez presenting.
c. Dave Metzger, Individual Artist Grant.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of February Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan:
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, May
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Black Music Month:
iv. Jazzin' on the 8th :
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
ii. Update:
iii. Call for Art:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
(00- E LG N
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 10, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:03pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Hulin, Miceli, Richmond, Erlandson, and Fox present. Councilwoman Powell
present. Student Representative Kaye present. Chairman Vassallo present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
i. From the Women's Choral Group, Nothing but Treble. About 25 members that sing a
variety of music genres and various ages from 18 up. They will be performing in the
Spring Festival of voices on May 6th and the Going Dutch Festival in June. Following
these performances they hope to have their own performance.
b. K. Flo Razowski, Individual Artist Grant. Roberto Martinez presenting.
i. Presenter unavailable. They will present at the May meeting.
c. Dave Metzger, Individual Artist Grant. Mike Rende also presenting.
i. "Robots, Rockets and Space Vixens: A Pop Art Sci-Fi Spectacular." The event will occur
at the Elgin Artspace Galllery with the reception on September 15, 2017 from 6:00-
10:00pm. The event will include 6 featured artists as well as The Museum for Advanced
Robotic Studies and Dr. Kent Anderson, Runway 3000, Space Jam collective painting, got
robot with Elgin's local 4-H SPIN Technology Club, and an After Party at the Martini
ii. Got Robot will be the not-for-profit beneficiary for this event.
iii. There may be a Closing Reception as well.
iv. Councilwoman Powell asked about paying the artists. Mike and Dave responded that
they will get the funds from any sales including prints, and sales happen each year.
v. Councilwoman Powell asked about using Artspace and the proposed dates as that
overlaps with Elgin Fringe Festival. Dave responded that Artspace was excited to have
an event there during the Fringe.
d. Margarita Mendoza, Latino Film Festival, Individual Grant Application. Enrique Mendoza
i. Enrique, from the Latino Film Festival presented his an application. He stated that the
attendance of the Latino Film Festival over the years has increased. The Individual
Grant request is for the 33rd Latino Film Festival taking place April 22-23, 2017 in Marcus
Theaters of Elgin. They will be showing 5 films and they all have English subtitles. He
stated that this is not an arm of the Chicago Film Festival, but is it's own festival in Elgin.
ii. Coucilwoman Powell stated that the Opening Night event last year was great and very
well attended.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Since iFest is not happening in 2017, the funds for that event are being put towards a
live music component for Art and Soul on Saturday night (August 5th). Jazzin' on the 8th
typically happens on the Friday night before Art and Soul kicks off on Saturday. The
events could be promoted together. There is also the possibility of having a few of the
visual artists have their work on display at the Showcase during Jazzin' on the 8th
b. Art Showcase:
i. Plans for the build out are in process with the goal of having all changes made and in
place during the month of August 2017. These changes will include new chairs, new
speakers, and a few replacement items that are needed. City Council will be notified
before any changes happen, and of the full plan.
c. Hemmens:
i. Mrs. Illinois is coming up in the next week or so
ii. Children's Theater of Elgin doing "Lion King Jr"
iii. Lots of talent shows and recitals followed by Summer Theater.
iv. May brings up auditions for Summer Theater
d. Approval of February Minutes:
i. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Miceli. Seconded by Commissioner
Erlandson. Approved by a vote of 6-0-1 with Commissioner Hulin abstaining.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan: still waiting to hear back from them.
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, May: Commissioner Rehberg and Chairman
Vassallo submitting.
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. More applications for Performance and Visual art then ever before.
2. Accepted artists will be live announced by Bob & Carol on April 27th at Blue Box
and streamed on Facebook Live.
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. 5 entries as of right now, all live action. Film times are 2-18 minutes.
2. Films are due by August 1, 2017 for a $40 entry fee. After that date, they are
$50 and due by August 25th
3. Currently searching for selection committee folks. If you have someone in mind,
please let Joe know.
4. Currently searching for celebrity judges for the night of the event.
iii. Black Music Month: Will be moved to a Kwannza event.
iv. Jazzin' on the 8th : Moved to next meeting.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Imagine Art Here marketing campaign:
1. The public banners are up and will remain up for 60-90 days. You can see them
all over Elgin.
ii. Update: The Public Art Plan is being finalized and will be presented to the CAC at the
May meeting for final approval before presenting to City Council in May.
iii. Call for Art: Is currently live and will remain live until May 1, 2017 @5:00pm, when
applications are due. Completed applications are due to City Council with wet
signatures. Applications will be reviewed by the Cultural Arts Commission and two
applications selected as winners.
F. Other Old Business: None brought
G. New Business:
a. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
i. Motion to table the Individual Grant Application in the amount of$1,000.00 and inform
the Artist about the Individual Artist Application specifics and offer to assist in applying
in the future by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Erlandson.
Approved by a vote of 7-0.
b. Dave Metzger, Individual Artist Grant.
i. Motion to approve the Individual Grant Application in the amount of$1,000.00 by
Commissioner Hulin. Seconded by Councilwoman Powell. Approved by a vote of 7-0.
c. Margarita Mendoza, Latino Film Festival, Individual Grant Application. Enrique Mendoza
i. Commissioners asked how at this late time would the CAC be acknowledged in
ii. Approval contingent upon having the Imagine Art Here banners on the screens before
the films, and any electronic marketing having the ECAC logo included, as well as any
printed marketing that has not yet been printed.
1. Motion to approve with the above contingency, the Individual Grant Application
in the amount of$1,000.00 by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by
Commissioner Erlandson. Approved by a vote of 7-0.
H. Adjournment: 8:38pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Fox. Approved by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a
vote 7-0.
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 8, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Roberto Martinez, Individual Artist Grant.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of April Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan:
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO,June
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Jazzin' on the 8th :
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Call for Art: 10 applications submitted.
ii. General update:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 8, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:02pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Hulin, Rehberg, Miceli, Erlandson, Fox, and Thomas present. Chairman
Vassallo present. Staff Harris and Wilhelmi present. Student Representative Kaye present.
C. Citizen's Forum: None present.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report: Individual Grant was dispersed as per the last meeting. Marketing funds were
also spent from Facebook.
b. Art Showcase: The build-out is currently being planned with Hemmens staff and Staff Harris. It
is planned for August of this year. A memo with all details will be put together and distributed
to City Council before anything moves forward.
c. Hemmens:
i. Lots of dance school things coming up.
ii. May,June, and July are booked full.
iii. Auditions for Summer Theatre are next week and there are currently 38 appointments
booked for that.
iv. August is mostly dark for House Light replacement.
d. Approval of April Minutes:
i. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Miceli. Seconded by Commissioner
Erlandson. Approved by a vote of 5-0-2.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan: Still in the works.
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO,June: focus on ESFF and upcoming Org Grant
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Artist contracts are out. Over 60 artists have been accepted. Scheduling is
starting to occur but will really kick off after the artists have accepted their spots.
2. Dave Metzger is finishing the poster and they will be kicking off the poster and
buttons at the World Fringe Day on July 11th
C3. Family Fringe may be the weekend before the festival in order to get more time
[ and attention, as well as to add promotion for the festival itself.
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. The call is currently live and films are currently being accepted.
2. Most of the sponsorship folks are back on board.
r3. The selection committee is still accepting folks to view the films.
iii. Jazzin' on the 8th:
1. Curated by Commissioner Thomas,focusing not just specifically on jazz.
2. One night event to help kick off Art and Soul on Friday, August 4, 2017.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Call for Art: 11 applications submitted.
1. Criteria for voting on the submissions, which will happen at the June meeting:
a. Artistic Excellence: Subjective response to the proposed artwork. (1-5)
i. What is unique about the proposed artwork? What is timely
about the proposed artwork? How does this project highlight
artistic quality and its intended aesthetic of cultural impact on its
audience? How is the proposed artwork forward thinking?What
risks will the artist take with the proposed artwork?
b. Technical Competence:The history of the artist's artwork. (1-5)
i. Does the artist have the level of skill in order to accomplish their
proposed artwork? Are the budget and timeline feasible? Does
the artist's past work provide evidence to support their level of
experience to complete the proposed artwork? Does the list of
materials reflect the level of research needed for the proposed
i ik artwork?
c. Narrative Support:The narrative should support, explain, and defend the
work. (1-5)
i. Does the proposed artwork narrative provide evidence of sound
management and planning and a realistic timeline? What
problems, difficulties, or challenges is the artist likely to
encounter, and does the narrative address them? Does the
narrative fully describe the history, thought process, and
inspiration behind the proposed artwork? Does the narrative
describe the materials to be used and the expenditures that will
be covered by the budget?
d. Appropriate Relationship to the Function of the Site:The proposed
artwork should enhance the location and accomplish the goal of
placemaking. (1-5)
i. How does the proposed artwork engage the community
surrounding the location? Does the artwork work towards
(111111 accomplishing the goal of placemaking? Does the proposed
artwork offer encouragement or support for the community
surrounding the site? Does the proposed artwork fit the location's
re. Long-term Feasibility:The proposed artwork should include a fully
thought out plan for the sustainability, maintenance, and lifetime of the
plan. (1-5)
i. Does the proposed artwork's narrative provide a plan for it's care
and maintenance for the lifetime of its installation time? Is the
maintenance and feasibility of the plan something that the city of
Elgin can maintain, or is there a specialized need?
f. Conceptual Compatibility: How the proposed artwork fits with the theme.
(1-5) (This is to be used only in Themed RFPs.)
i. Does the proposed artwork fit the theme as expressed by the
RFP? Does the narrative support the theme? How does the
proposed artwork work within the theme?
ii. General update:
1. The plan is almost ready to present to City Council for adoption later this month.
F. Other Old Business: None brought
G. New Business: None brought
r H. Adjournment: 8:21pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a
vote of 8-0.
s E,
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, June 12, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of May Minutes
r E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan:
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, July
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Jazzin' on the 8th :
iv. Kwannza
c. Public Art Plan:
i. General update:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
a. Public Art Submission Scoring:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 12, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:04pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Rehberg, Erlandson, Richmond, Hulin, Miceli, and Thomas and Fox present.
Chairman Vassallo present. Councilwoman Powell present. Student Representative Kaye present. Staff
Harris and Wilhelmi present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. The ECAC is now officially a member of the Illinois Art Alliance and Americans for the
Arts. Brochures, books, and info graphics from these organizations have been ordered.
b. Art Showcase:
i. June and into July is full with renters.
ii. August will be dark for some improvements to the space
iii. 2018 calendar request forms have gone out and will be due back at the end of June.
c. Hemmens:
i. Dance recitals are in house right now
ii. August will be dark for improvements.
d. Approval of May Minutes:
i. Motion to approve May Minutes by Commissioner Hulin. Seconded by Commissioner
Rehberg. Approved by a vote of 7-0-2 with Commissioner Richmond and COucilwoman
Powell abstaining.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. Daily Herald Marketing plan:
1. A total of 10 Time Out ads, 12 Neighbor ads, and several digital ads will be
apportioned to the CAC events. That full schedule will be sent to folks this week.
ii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, July: Commissioner Erlandson will write the
article about Summer Theater.
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. July 11th, World Fringe Day, EFF will host a poster and button release party at
Martini Room.
2. The buttons have arrived and showcase artist Dave Metzger's artwork.
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
• 1. A total of 11 films have been submitted so far. Celebrity judges are being
selected now.
iii. Jazzin' on the 8th:
1. Commissioner Thomas is working on this now.
iv. Kwannza:
1. Coucilwoman Powell is working with Kucha and Bobbatoni, an African
storytelling and drumming group to perform.
2. Early December or late November would be the date of the event. It would take
place at the Gail Borden Library.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. General update:
1. The Public Art Plan will be presented to City Council on Wednesday,June 14th
2. Voting on the New Works for 2017 will be done tonight, brought to Staff for
feedback, and then brought back to the ECAC for a final vote in July.
F. Other Old Business: None brought
G. New Business: None brought
a. Public Art Submission Scoring:
i. Submission #1 discussion:
1. Commissioner Rehberg noted that it seems somewhat general and not incredibly
original in that sculptures like these are often seen around.
2. Chairman Vassallo noted that he liked the motion of it and that the material
seems low maintenance.
3. Commissioner Erlandson noted that it seemed busy for the intended space, but
depending on the direction that it would be placed, it would be noticeable. She
also noted that it would be memorable. She also noted that the design of this is
uplifting and seems to go in theme that this is the CAC's first public art call.
4. Staff Wilhelmi noted that the piece could be very reflective, which would play
nicely with the lights above. He also noted a concern that people would attempt
to climb it.
ii. Submission #2 discussion:
1. Commissioner Fox noted that she like it, but was confused about the base noted
on the application. She also wondered if the colors would be too busy in the
location. She also noted that this would be memorable and create a location.
2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the pedestal gets in the shade before the
others, which is disappointing.
iii. Submission #3 discussion:
1. Commissioner Thomas noted that the piece brought him emotion.
2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the view of this work would be noticeable
from a distance.
3. Commissioner Miceli noted that it seemed like it didn't belong.
4. Commissioners Richmond and Fox noted that the narrative wasn't great and
didn't seem to tie into Elgin much.
iv. Submission #4 discussion:
1. Commissioner Erlandson noted that not knowing the direction the piece was
supposed to sit was frustrating. She also noted that this piece didn't take the
location into account when being created.
2. Commissioner Richmond noted that the submitted images were not clear and
seemed incomplete.
v. Submission #5 discussion:
1. Commissioner Fox noted that his work is interesting but isn't sure how his work
fits Elgin. Commissioner Erlandson noted that his proposal said he would be
open to making the work more Elgin specific, but Commissioner Rehberg noted
that while that was good, it also made it seem incomplete.
2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that this work seemed to fit the location and was
busy enough to create a location with its work, and seems a good contrast to the
3. Commissioner Fox noted that the supplies list was comprehensive.
4. Staff Wilhelmi noted that the work may be something that could grow to include
the remaining walls along that side of the building, creating a bigger scene.
vi. Submission #6 discussion:
1. Commissioner Fox noted that the way to acquire the materials was great.
Commissioner Richmond agreed with that as a good way to work with the
community. Commissioner Erlandson noted that there was no clear process on
how to accomplish that, especially with the timeframe in mind.
2. Staff Wilhelmi noted that the samples were great.
vii. Submission #7 discussion:
1. Chairman Vassallo noted that this one was difficult to see.
2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the artist samples indicated that there
seemed to be no history of the artist doing anything of a substantial size.
viii. Submission #8 discussion:
1. Commissioner Fox noted it didn't seem clear why the sounds were so different
and when/how they occurred; what is the main function?
2. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the sounds being powered by the rain was
unclear, especially with the sound being increased and decreased by the velocity
of the rain.
3. Commissioner Thomas noted that using both art and science is interesting and
ix. Submission #9 discussion:
1. Commissioner Erlandson noted that the piece has already been created, and
wondered if it was appropriate to the location.
x. Submission #10 discussion:
1. Councilwoman Powell noted that the scale of the piece was clear.
xi. Submission #11 discussion:
1. Commissioner Miceli wondered if it would be appropriate during the full year.
Others noted that it felt cold.
2. Commissioner Erlandson wondered how far back you have to stand to see the
full image because of the pixilation. Would you have to leave the location?
3. Commissioner Rehberg noted that perhaps it makes too much sense in the
H. Adjournment:
a. Motion to adjourn by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a
vote of 9-0.
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, July 10, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of June Minutes
r E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, August: Org Grants going live- Molly and
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Jazzin' on the 8th :
iv. Kwannza:
c. Public Art Plan:
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
a. Organizational Grants going live August 16th, due October 2nd
b. Public Art Submission Final Scoring:
H. Adjournment:
r - -
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 10, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:05
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Hulin, Rehberg, Richmond, Fox, and Erlandson present. Chairman Vassallo
present. Councilwoman Powell present. Staff Harris and Wilhelmi present. Student Representative
Kaye present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Some advertising expenses and Fringe buttons were ordered.
b. Art Showcase:
i. Replacing some of the existing lights with LED lights to accommodate the power needs
of the space. Upgrading the light board to accommodate that. These things are slated
for August.
c. Hemmens:
i. Tech week for Summer Theater.
ii. Dark in August for house lights to be finished. Ex Hall light system and additional
upgrades will also happen during that time. Replacing the carpet and redoing the
parking lot. Curtain upgrades are also slated to happen.
iii. ESO and ESFF will be in house in September.
d. Approval of June Minutes:
i. Motion to approve by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Erlandson.
Approved by a vote of 6-0.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, August: Org Grants going live- Molly and
ii. Full marketing plan has gone out to the designers for the events that we will be
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Poster and Button release party is Tuesday,July 11th at the Martini Room from 5-
r 8pm. It is also World Fringe Day, which is the 70th anniversary of the first fringe
2. The schedule for the festival is close to finalized.
3. TheUnion Bank parking lot will be the Live Music venue.
4. Family Fringe will be Saturday, September 9th from 10-2 at Carleton-Rogers Park.
5. There are international acts again this year!
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. Final deadline for submissions are due August 25th. There are currently 12 films
2. On Thursday, July 13th Chairman Vassallo will be on the cable access channel
promoting the festival and the call for submissions.
3. Celebrity judges are still being finalized.
4. Possibly adding the Chamber Music on the Fox component wherein they play an
original piece of music to a classic film at the event, or just before.
iii. Jazzin' on the 8th:
1. Motion to cancel this event by Commissioner Erlandson. Seconded by
Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote of 6-0.
iv. Kwannza: Councilwoman Powell is heading this event, which will be held at the Gail
Borden Library in November.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. First round of approvals through City Council has gone through unanimously.
ii. The final
F. Other Old Business: None brought
G. New Business: None brought
a. Organizational Grants going live August 16th, due October 2nd:
b. Public Art Submission Final Scoring:
i. Motion to accept Submissions#2 and #10 as the winning public art proposals by
Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Fox. Approved by a vote of 6-0.
ii. Motion to accept Submission #1 should Submission #2 not be viable by Commissioner
Erlandson. Seconded by Councilwoman Powell. Approved by a vote of 6-0.
H. Adjournment: 8:15
a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Fox. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote
of 6-0.
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 14, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Elgin Symphony Orchestra- Final Report. Emily Brownfield and Cheryl Wendt presenting
b. Elgin Master Chorale- Final Report. Elizabeth Niemeier presenting
c. Side Street Studio Arts- Final Report. Erin Rehberg presenting
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of July Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, September: Elgin Short Film Festival- Maddie
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Kwannza:
c. Public Art Plan:
d. Organizational Grants going live August 16th, due October 2nd
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
a. 2017 Public Art Winning Artists:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 14, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:03pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Rehberg, Erlandson, Miceli, Hulin, and Fox present. Chairman Vassallo
present. Staff Harris and Wilhelmi present. Student Representative Kaye present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Elgin Symphony Orchestra- Final Report. Emily Brownfield and Diane presenting:
i. "Inside the Music with Andrew Grams" presented on March 31st at the Hemmens
Cultural Center with attendance of just of 600 people, 10% of them being students.
There was a small reception before the event. Following the reception, the event began
and lasted about 90 minutes. The event started with a historical and contextual
background, and the second half was the musical performance. There will be two more
of these performances as part of their season this year.
b. Elgin Master Chorale- Final Report. Elizabeth Niemeier presenting
i. "Celebrating 70 years of Song" concert. In 1947, the Elgin Master Chorale (then the
Elgin Choral Union) began, and this was the 70th anniversary of that event. The event
took place at the Blizzard Theatre at ECC on April 30, 2017. 83 adult singers took part in
the event, and there was a large kids component- 24 youth participating in the project.
The Elgin Symphony Orchestra was contracted to work with them for this event, which
brought more of a sense of community to the project. It was also a great cross
promotion of both groups.
c. Side Street Studio Arts- Final Report. Erin Rehberg presenting:
i. "Going Dutch" was presented at the Elgin Art Showcase and the Professional Building in
June of this year. This was the 7th year of this festival, and the first time for it to be in
Elgin. The ticket sales doubled and master classes were all quite full. There were a total
of 13 shows, 5 master classes, 1 panel, and 2 receptions. All of the shows were also
sponsored by a local business. Over 400 attendees came out, and the artists were all
ii. Commissioner Erlandson noted that she got feedback from several artists that they
loved the Showcase.
d. Reggie Kee, Poet Laureate presenting.
i. After speaking to Councilman Dixon and Coucilwoman Powell, he is here to present the
idea of a Poet Laureate. "This city is dynamic enough to support a Poet Laureate." He
works with a troupe of artists that motivates, educates, and trains one another that
works within the community. He would like to host a bi-annual competition to establish
a Poet Laureate. Commissioner Rehberg is working with him to connect with the Elgin
Literary Festival.
D. Staff Report: _
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
i. The renovations and build out are happening this month.
ii. New chairs and equipment will be in this month.
c. Hemmens:
i. Helping with the Art Showcase renovations and finishing paving the parking lot.
ii. Building upgrades are happening now while the house lights are being replaced.
iii. Green Room Improv is changing their show to be performed more "in the round."
iv. ESO comes in in September.
v. Jaquees and TINK will be in on Sept. 30th
vi. December added a weeklong run of The Nutcracker.
d. Approval of July Minutes:
i. Motion to approve the July minutes by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by
Commissioner Fox. Approved by a vote of 5-0-1 with Commissioner Miceli abstaining.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, September: Elgin Short Film Festival- Maddie
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Tech schedule is going out this week.
2. There is a need for volunteers, so please spread the word.
3. Family Fringe is Sept. 9th, the Saturday before the festival, at Carleton-Rogers
4. Sept 8th is the Visual Art Opening Reception.
5. Tickets are on sale now.
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. Maddie Richmond will be a celebrity judge for ESFF. The rest will be finalized
this week.
2. Chamber Music on the Fox will be playing live music at 5:30 with an original
piece of music to "The Tramp," by Charlie Chaplin. This will end at 6:00
3. Blue Box Café and Mama Lee's both will be in the lobby selling items as they
bought tables.
4. 26 films, selection committee is going through them now.
5. Judi Brownfield will be doing the Red Carpet event at 6:15pm.
6. There will be the Small Jazz Band from Larkin High School in the lobby after the
Chamber Music on the Fox event, leading up to the film showings.
7. There will be a people's choice option available at the Elgin Fringe Festival- Blue
Box Café.
iii. Kwannza:
1. December 9th at the Gail Borden Library.
c. Public Art Plan:
i. Will be going to City Council for final vote soon.
d. Organizational Grants going live August 16th, due October 2nd:
i. The grants will go live this month.
F. Other Old Business:
a. None brought
G. New Business:
a. Spring Art Hunt Sub-Committee:
i. Joe, Kira, Jane.
b. 2017 Public Art Winning Artists:
i. Motion to allocate $5,000 from Individual Grants in the Riverboat Fund to fund Public
Art Honorarium for Nathan Pierce by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by
Commissioner Hulin. Approved 6-0.
ii. This new piece would be installed on the northern-most pedestal on the Riverwalk.
iii. Motion to reallocate $1,000 from Jazz Fest fund to Art Harvest by Commissioner
Erlandson. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote of 6-0.
iv. Motion to reallocate $1,000 from Jazz Fest fund to Elgin Fringe Festival by Commissioner
Miceli. Seconded by Commissioner Fox. Approved by a vote of 6-0.
H. Adjournment: 8:46pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Erlandson. Approved
by a vote of 6-0.
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, September 11, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Children's Theatre of Elgin- Final Report. Susan Heaton presenting
b. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of August Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, October: Art Harvest/New art. Staff Harris
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Kwannza:
iv. Art Harvest:
v. Holiday Show:
c. Public Art Plan:
d. Organizational Grants due Oct. 2nd
e. Public Art for 2017
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
a. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP
H. Adjournment:
„ !
g., • a.
E LG 1 N
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 11, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:02pm
B. Roll Call:
a. Commissioners Fox, Richmond, Rehberg, Erlandson, Thomas, Hulin, and Miceli present. Staff
Harris and Wilhelmi present. Chairman Vassallo present. Student Liaison Kaye present.
Councilwoman Powell present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Children's Theatre of Elgin- Final Report. Susan Heaton presenting
i. Commissioner Fox attended the show and said she really liked the show. Commissioner
Miceli noted that her grandson was a participant in the show and he loved it, that it was
his favorite show so far.
ii. Susan stated that they have Youth Advisory groups that put in suggestions about shows
to do. "Through the Looking Glass" is the show that they selected. It is based on Alice
in Wonderland and it casts students 2nd grade through 20 years old. They drew a
chessboard on the stage itself. The tickets were $10-$12, which helped keep it
affordable for the community. Some of the students were able to participate thanks to
scholarships from CTE.
b. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
i. Ruth Cavanaugh presenting on her behalf. They are representing a women's choir-
Nothing but Treble-that showcases work by female composers. They are proposing a
concert that would include new work commissioned by them for the choir. They have
performed at Going Dutch festival, prior to ESO concerts, and Winter Wonderland. This
concert would be a part of their second season. Their group is comprised of women
from all experience levels. A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Elgin
Crisis Center. There are currently 25 members of Nothing but Treble and they are
actively recruiting. The concert will be at the Church of the Brethren on Highland
1. Commissioner Rehberg asked about the marketing plan for the concert. Ruth
responded that they would appreciate any guidance in that area and are only
promoting via Facebook, fliers, and word of mouth.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Marketing funds are starting to be spent on the events we have coming up.
ii. Deposits for the 2017 Public Art artists have been sent.
b. Art Showcase:
i. Most of the upgrades are completed. The only remaining items are things that are on
back order. Those should be in by November.
c. Hemmens:
i. House light installation is just about complete.
ii. New main curtain and teaser will be installed next week.
iii. Makeup counter upgrades were completed last week.
iv. ESO begins rehearsals this week with their first concert on Saturday and Sunday.
v. October and November are very full.
vi. Elgin Celebrates the Holidays will probably happen in December again this year.
December 17th is the date set for that event.
d. Approval of August Minutes:
i. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner
Miceli. Approved by a vote of 5-0-3.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, October: Art Harvest/New art. Staff Harris
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. The festival kicks off this Wednesday at the Blimp Raising. Tech rehearsals have
started at all of the venues. Tickets are selling, as are passes. Artists from all
over the United States are coming in to perform. Fringe King and Fringe Queen
voting is now open and available on the website for voting. Winners will be
announced at the Opening Party on Wednesday at the Martini Room
immediately following the Blimp Raising. Saturday Sept. 16th is the Fringe
Tailgate, which will be the live music event from 2pm-10pm at the Union Bank
Parking lot. Family Fringe was Saturday Sept. 9th and was at the Carleton Rogers
Park and was lots of fun. There were about 200 folks in attendance.
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. There are 10 films out of 30 submissions that will be shown during Fringe Festival
at Blue Box Cafe. There are 4 finalists that are set for the night of the event.
Chamber Music on the Fox will be performing to Charlie Chaplin's "The Tramp"
before the films are shown. They will be using a Steinway for the performance.
The event is Saturday, September 23, 2017 at the Hemmens Cultural Center.
iii. Kwanzaa:
1. This event is confirmed for December 9th from 1:00-3:OOpm at the Gail Borden
Library. There are two artists being brought in- Koocha and Boba Toni, and The
Cake Village. There will be 7 stations around the library based on the 7 principles
of Kwanzaa that attendees can participate in. They are working on getting
school participation on the event as well in what the 7 principles mean to them.
iv. Art Harvest:
1. Posters and postcards are here and being distributed. The event is scheduled for
October 28th from 1-4pm.
2. The new pieces of art will be unveiled during this event.
v. Elgin Celebrates the Holidays:
1. Elgin Children's Choir, Integrity Dance, Easter Groove Dance Studio, and more
participants are currently signed on.
2. December 17th at the Hemmens Cultural Center.
c. Public Art Plan: nothing new to report.
d. Organizational Grants due Oct. 2"d:
e. Public Art for 2017:
i. The three new pieces will be ready and unveiled at the Art Harvest on October 28tH
F. Other Old Business: none brought.
G. New Business:
a. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP:
i. New locations and the RFP for 2018 art will be announced and ready to announce at the
Art Harvest on October 28th
b. Roz Zager, Individual Artist Grant.
i. Motion to approve the Individual Artist Grant in the amount of$1,000 with the project
being complete within a calendar year by Commissioner Erlandson. Seconded by
Commissioner Rehberg. Approved by a vote of 9-0.
H. Adjournment: 8:17pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Commission Hulin. Seconded by Commission Fox. Approval of a vote 9-0.
'1'i .
E LG 1 N
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, October 9, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Chamber Music on the Fox, Final Report-Sarah Sitzer and Mark Fry presenting
b. Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra, Final Report- Eric Larson presenting
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
r c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of September Minutes
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, November: Kwanzaa and Holiday Show
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
iii. Kwannza:
iv. Art Harvest:
v. Holiday Show:
vi. Elgin Literary Festival:
c. Organizational Grants
d. Public Art for 2017
i. Unveiling
e. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 9, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:01pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Thomas, Hulin, Fox, Rehberg, and Richmond present. Staff Harris and Staff
Wilhelmi present. Student Representatives Kaye and Webber present. Chairman Vassallo present.
Councilwoman Powell present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Chamber Music on the Fox, Final Report-Sarah Sitzer and Mark Fry presenting
i. Charlie Chaplin's "The Tramp" accompanied by live chamber music at the start of the
Elgin Short Film Festival. There were some changes within the budget due to
collaboration with ESFF, eliminating the cost for renting the space and not selling
tickets. The event was a success with about 120 attendees, several of whom had not
been to the ESFF before;there was clear cross-audience promotion, which benefited
both parties.
b. Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra, Final Report- Eric Larson presenting
i. Support of the May 7th concert, "We the People: Identity and Music." There was a
world premiere as a part of the concert, which engaged all of the players on a higher
level. There were some professional musicians brought in to do some coaching with the
students. The budget was impacted by the decision to perform different pieces that
better fit with the theme of the concert. This concert was comprised of mostly high
school-aged students.
ii. Councilwoman Powell asked what the location that most of the students come from is.
Mr. Larson responded with almost exclusively the Fox River Valley including the Tri-
Cities and Elgin. Most of the attendees outside of the families of the students are
mostly based in Elgin.
c. Hamilton Wings, Final Report- Rise Jones presenting.
i. The students created "Drifted Apart" in 9 months as an original opera; the students
work on all areas of interest to them and run all aspect of the production. The opera
was about two families that moved to American to make better lives for themselves,
and how those decisions impact their lives.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Final Fringe invoices are being processed.
ii. A new marketing plan in coming from the Daily Herald as we now have a new
b. Art Showcase:
' i.
c. Hemmens:
ri. House Light project is complete.
ii. All Summer projects are done.
iii. No open weekends from end of Jan-July in 2018.
iv. A dance company is bringing in the Nutcracker in December.
d. Approval of September Minutes:
i. Motion to approve September Minutes by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by
Commissioner Hulin. Approval by a vote of 7-0.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, November: Kwanzaa and Holiday Show.
ii. Councilwoman Powell will write the article on the Kwanzaa event. Staff Wilhelmi
writing the Holiday Show article. Due November 20th to Staff Harris.
b. 2016/2017 CAC Projects:
i. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Just wrapped Sept 17th
2. Visual Art Opening and Family Fringe were both the weekend before and were
3. 1,024 tickets sold. Up from last year. Pass users, volunteers, and artists all
attended more shows than in the past. Over 2,000 attendees overall.
4. There were 102 shows during the festival.
5. Dates for 2018 are September 7-16, 2018 including the opening weekend.
ii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
rk 1. The "Next-In" vote at the Fringe Festival won the judges vote at ESFF, for the
second year in a row.
2. Audience total was almost 500, which is up almost 100 from last year. The
Chamber Music on the Fox cross-promotion helped.
3. The event flowed well and the red carpet was more successful than ever before.
4. All of the local vendors seemed to have done well.
iii. Kwanzaa:
1. The Gail Borden Public Library is working on the plan for the event.
2. Partnering with ECC,they will provide some Kwanzaa-themed food for the event.
3. Each of the 7 different principles of Kwanzaa will be assigned to a different
community and/or youth group to depict; Larkin High School Black History Club
will lead this portion of the program.
4. The event will be approximately 2 hours.
5. There will be a creating activity at each table for people to engage in.
iv. Art Harvest:
1. Set to go on October 28th 1-4pm
v. Elgin Celebrates the Holidays:
1. At the Hemmens Cultural Center.
2. December 17th @3pm
3. 6 total groups have confirmed participation.
4. Show will be about 1.5 hours long.
5. Tickets will be on sale soon. Each group gets blocks of tickets and they keep the
proceeds. Tickets are also available at the box office and those proceeds are
split evenly between all of the groups.
vi. Elgin Literary Festival:
1. Featured Speakers are being finalized now.
2. Panel and Presentation Proposal form is now live and applications are being
accepted through the first weekend of November.
3. Jan 26&27, 2018. Free and open to the public.
4. A local Chicago group of authors is curating a whole day of panels and
c. Organizational Grants:
i. Applications were handed to the Commissioners for review.
ii. Voting will take place at the November meeting.
d. Public Art for 2017
i. Unveiling:
e. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP are listed below.
i. Motion to list the following locations on the RFP for Public Art for 2018, unless Foundry
Park becomes feasible-at which point it will replace the Riverwalk Pedestals- by
Commissioner Rehebrg, seconded by commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote 7-0.
1. Riverwalk Pedestals
2. Foundry Park- if found feasible.
3. Newsome Park
4. The Centre of Elgin, parking deck
5. Micropark near DuPage Court
6. Hemmens Cultural Center, ExHall outdoor wall.
F. Other Old Business: None brought
G. New Business: None brought
H. Adjournment: 8:49pm
a. Motion to adjourn by Councilwoman Powell. Seconded by Commissioner Fox. Approved by a
vote of 7-0.
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 13, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:02pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Miceli, Hulin, Thomas, Erlandson, Rehberg and Fox present. Councilwoman
Powell present. Acting Staff Liaison Wilhelmi present. Student Representatives Kaye and Webber
present. Chairman Vassallo present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Kira Fox, Individual Artist Grant Application:
i. Informed Commission that due to changes to the program schedule, she will be
presenting a revised application in December;
b. Jim Goodrich, Individual Artist Grant Application:
i. Presented Commission with information and background concerning his application to
provide caroling for the DNA's Winter Wonderland event. Carolers would be strolling
and possibly do some performing on stage.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Presented with no additional information;
b. Art Showcase:
i. No report was presented in the absence on Staff Liaison Harris;
c. Hemmens:
i. Presented Hemmens event calendar through February 2018;
ii. MLK Celebration is not being held at HCC but Prayer Breakfast will be in held in ExHall
due to expectation of higher than usual attendance.
d. Approval of October Minutes
i. Motion to approve minutes made by Commissioner Rehberg, seconded by
Commissioner Fox. Approved by a vote of 6-0 with Commissioners Erlandson and Miceli
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, December: Kwanzaa and Holiday Show
1. Councilwoman Powell is working on the Kwanzaa article and accepted an offer of
help from Chairman Vassallo;
r 2. Staff Wilhelmi plans to have the Holiday show done by the end of the week.
. CAC Projects:
i. Kwanzaa:
1. Councilwoman Powell presented Posters, flyers and card for distribution. She
stated that she was excited by the caliber of talent being offered as well as the
event's location at the Gail Borden Public Library; which she considers to be a
welcoming venue to all residents, not just African-Americans.
ii. Art Harvest:
1. Commissioner Rehberg noted that it was (expletive deleted) cold but the event
itself was fairly well attended;
2. Councilwoman Powell commented that the muralist was excited to be a part of
the project and the amount of people that stopped and engaged with her.
iii. Holiday Show:
1. Staff Wilhelmi reported that the tickets are currently on sale through the HCC
box office and participating groups; and presented the line-up.
iv. Elgin Literary Festival:
1. Commissioner Rehberg stated that she will have more details for the December
Prior to discussion of grant applications, Chairman Vassallo asked Councilwoman Powell for a
budget update. Councilwoman Powell stated that she saw no cuts for ECAC at this time but the
budget does include revenue enhancements such at implementing a motor fuel tax and
increases to the sales and hotel/motel tax. She stated the goal is to increase revenues without
the burden falling solely on the shoulders of residents.
c. Organizational Grant voting: Ballots were collected from Commissioner Miceli prior to the
meeting as she needed to leave early (7:30). Chairman Vassallo explained the process and
discussion commenced:
i. BFH: Chairman Vassallo commented that it seems to be the same old, same old.
Commissioner Fox said she was confused about whether a new dance was actually being
created. Councilwoman Powell noted that this might be another example of where a
"historical" category might be warranted. Commissioner Rehberg suggested that
and/or an organizational support category. Discussion concluded and votes were
ii. Chamber Music on the Fox: Commissioner Erlandson comment that she was a bit irked
that the application requests money to pay for the big-name artists but doesn't mention
how Maude Powell will be honored; all about the artist, not the reason. Chairman
Vassallo stated that he loved the fact that they are bringing in a known professional He
also commented that it was a well written proposal and that he was a little surprised
they didn't ask for more. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
iii. CTE: There was no substantive discussion of the application; only agreement that CTE
continues to present high quality shows. Discussion concluded and votes were
iv. Elgin Area Historical Society: Commissioner Rehberg wanted confirmation that it was
okay to vote on this even though there are outstanding issues with current project. It
was determined that a vote would be taken and that any issues would be addressed
prior to any release of funds. Commissioner Fox suggested that they should market to
all students (not just art students). Commissioner Rehberg expressed her appreciation
that the artists were being paid. Commissioner Erlandson commented on the diversity
contained in their proposal. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
v. Elgin Master Chorale: Commissioner Rehberg stated that the project was not
innovative. She also mentioned that she feels the EMC really doesn't need the funding
and that the audience and genre overlaps with many of the other grant applications.
Commissioner Thomas suggested that they could innovate through technology; for
instance, online broadcasting of the event. Commissioner Fox stated that she would like
to see then add a music theory element to the presentation; similar to ESO's Inside the
Music programs. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
vi. Elgin Symphony Orchestra: Chairman Vassallo stated his excitement about the project
but thought that this is another organization that really doesn't need an ECAC grant.
Commissioner Rehberg also expressed her excitement about the project. Commissioner
Erlandson questioned why they were not provided with any numbers from previous
events to demonstrate how successful they have been. Student Representative Webber
mentioned that as a member of the LHS Academy, the ESO consistently offers tickets to
students. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
vii. Elgin Theatre Company: Chairman Vassallo pointed out that for the amount they are
requesting, they would have been better off applying for an Individual Artist Grant.
Commissioner Erlandson said she did think it was innovative that an interpreter for the
deaf was part of the program. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
viii. Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra: Student Representative Webber comment that she is
part of the program and "it's awesome, give them money." She added that they
regularly bring in professional musicians, conductors, etc. for clinics and training.
Commissioner Erlandson stated that she thought it was cool that they are featuring a
local composer. Chairman Vassallo said that the actual amount they were requesting
was confusing in the application. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
ix. Hamilton Wings: Commissioner Erlandson stated that the application was written in
such a way that she read the whole thing and still couldn't tell what they do or how
many participants there were. Councilwoman Powell explained that they work with at-
risk youth to create an opera from scratch; writing of the score to the design of the
r''' production. Commissioner Thomas stated that the productions are not 2nd rate events.
There was some agreement that the application provided too much information while
not sufficiently explaining the process or purpose. Discussion concluded and votes were
x. Independent Players: Commissioner Erlandson noted that the application was still a bit
lacking but that she does see an effort being made. Commissioner Rehberg said that
she also sees improvement but still felt it was not a strong proposal. Discussion
concluded and votes were gathered.
xi. Janus Theatre Company: Commissioner Rehberg pointed out that again, the
Commission would voting on the proposal while there are outstanding issues from a
current project. Commissioner Erlandson commented that she would have like to have
seen plans for outreach in the proposal. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
xii. Soiree Lyrique: Commissioner Erlandson commented that it was too bad they didn't
feel they needed to provide a narrative. She also expressed concern that the application
states "In the unlikely event that we do not have a clear view of a financially or
artistically successful program ..." as if they don't really have a plan. Chairman Vassallo
stated the application suggests that they really don't need the ECAC's support.
Commissioner Rehberg mentioned that the budget is confusing and that the project has
a high amount of audience overlap with groups that she has no doubt will be successful.
Councilwoman Powell expressed her disappointment in the proposal and suggested that
if not all of the organization grant money is spent on grants, it can be used for other
projects. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
filk xiii. Side Street Studio Arts: Chairman Vassallo expressed concern as to the scope of the
project. Staff Wilhelmi commented that he would welcome SSSA taking point on
creating a coordinated effort to expand offerings on First Fridays. Councilwoman Powell
stated that she thought that the timing is good for this with the change in direction at
DNA. Discussion concluded and votes were gathered.
r d. Public Art for 2017
i. Nothing to report
e. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP
i. Nothing to Report
F. Other Old Business:
a. Commissioner Rehberg mentioned that the ECAC supported Trickster Gallery event would be
taking place Saturday, November 18, 2018 at 6pm at SSSA.
G. New Business:
a. Jim Goodrich Individual Artist Grant:
i. Commissioner Rehberg noted that the Winter Wonderland event already is supported
by the City and DNA but stated her support for the application.
ii. Commissioner Erlandson motioned to approve the grant in the amount of $1,000;
seconded by Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote of 7-0.
H. Adjournment: 9:00pm
a. Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Hulin.
Approved by a vote of 7-0.
it a
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Agenda
Monday, December 11, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Kira Fox, Individual Artist Grant
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
b. Art Showcase:
c. Hemmens:
d. Approval of November Minutes
rE. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, January
b. 2017/2018 CAC Projects:
i. Kwannza:
ii. Art Harvest:
iii. Holiday Show:
iv. Elgin Literary Festival:
c. 2018 Budget
d. Organizational Grant final voting
e. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP
f. New Public Art Programs
i. Utility Box Wrapping Program options
ii. Spontaneous Art Wall
iii. Neighborhood Public Art Grant/Donate-A-Wall
F. Other Old Business:
G. New Business:
a. Kira Fox, Individual Artist Grant
H. Adjournment:
Cultural Arts Commission
Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 11, 2017
City Hall
South Wing, Second Floor Conference Room
A. Call to Order: 7:04pm
B. Roll Call:
a. Commissioners Hulin, Rehberg, Erlandson,Thomas, Richmond, and Fox present. Chairman
Vassallo present. Councilwoman Powell present. Student Representatives Kaye and Weber
present. Staff Harris and Wilhelmi present.
C. Citizen's Forum:
a. Kira Fox, Individual Artist Grant:
i. Solo Art Exhibition, "It's Strange," at Side Street Studio Arts Theater. The exhibit is a self
exploration of the quirky and weird, with a focus on color. The image on the poster will
be drawn and colored on the wall leading into the space to create a mood as patrons
enter the space. The event will be in January with an opening reception on January 5th
from 7-9pm which will be free and open to the public. The event will be promoted via
flyer and facebook event as well as other social media sites. There is a goal to have 18
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. The Marketing line item will be retained in a PO for the Daily Herald.
ii. Items for the Elgin Literary Festival are starting to come in as the event takes place in
b. Art Showcase:
i. Tech training sessions will be held in January for the 2018 renters to get accommodated
with the new layout and equipment.
c. Hemmens:
i. "The Nutcraker" brought in about 1800 folks and have already booked for next year.
ii. Elgin Celebrates the Holidays comes in on Sunday, December 17, showcasing local artist
organizations. In the Neighborhood Deli will be hosting a community dinner just before
the event.
d. Approval of November Minutes
i. Motion to approve the November Minutes by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by
Commissioner Hulin. Approved by a vote of 7-0-2.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing Sub-Committee:
i. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, January: Individual Artist Grants
b. 2017/2018 CAC Projects:
i. Kwannza:
1. Partnering with the Gail Borden Library, the event was held on December 9th
About 150 people attended the event. There was a significant savings in the
programming costs thanks in part to the partnership. There were several
community partners that were hosting Kwanzaa themed activities.
2. The event will go again next year.
ii. Art Harvest:
1. There were approximately 350-400 people in attendance despite the cold
weather. The attendees loved seeing the installation of the second sculpture
during the event, and voiced how much they loved the downtown trick-or-
treating aspect of the event.
iii. Holiday Show:
1. December 17th at the Hemmens Cultural Center. Tickets are on sale from the
performing groups and the Hemmens box office.
iv. Elgin Literary Festival:
1. January 26 & 27 at the Hemmens Cultural Center. There are two featured
speakers and an outside curator for a whole day of the event. The program will
be in Bravo Magazine. The book-selling component is completely full.
c. 2018 Budget:
i. City Council will vote on the city's budget on December 20th. A proposed budget for the
ECAC will be presented for a final vote in January.
d. Organizational Grant final voting:
i. Councilwoman Powell made mention of the fact to include need as a component of the
application for 2019.
ii. Motion to award grants with an average score of 12 and above at the adjusted amount
by Commissioner Hulin. Seconded by Councilwoman Powell. Motion to approve by a
vote of 9-0.
e. 2018 Public Art locations and RFP:
i. The RFP will be completed and go live asap with applications being due March 1, 2018.
f. New Public Art Programs
i. Utility Box Wrapping Program options:
1. Applications are being created for this now, pending City Council approving the
proposed budget increase.
ii. Spontaneous Art Wall:
1. Applications are being created for this now, pending City Council approving the
proposed budget increase.
iii. Neighborhood Public Art Grant/Donate-A-Wall:
1. Applications are being created for this now, pending City Council approving the
proposed budget increase.
2. This will be a combined program to facilitate public art in specific zones for the
next year.
F. Other Old Business:
a. None brought.
G. New Business:
a. Kira Fox, Individual Artist Grant:
i. Councilwoman Powell asked for clarification on dates for the event, which Kira stated
are January 5-21, 2018.
• ' ii. Motion to approve Kira Fox Individual Artist Grant request of$1,000 by Commissioner
Hulin. Seconded by Commissioner Thomas. Approved by a vote of 5-0-3.
H. Adjournment: 9:19
l a. Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Rehberg. Seconded by Commissioner Erlandson. Approved
by a vote of 9-0.