JULY 14, 1993
At 5 : 30 p.m. the Council met members of the Board of Fire and
Police Commissioners and the Civil Service Commission.
The regular Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order
by Mayor VanDeVoorde at 6 : 15 p.m. in the Council Conference
Room. Present: Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Absent: Councilwoman Popple.
Motion to qo into Executive Session
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to go into executive session for the purpose of
discussing litigation. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam,
Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Whereupon, at 6 : 16 p.m. , the corporate authorities convened in
executive session for the purpose of discussing the above-stated
matters. At 6 :22 p.m. , the corporate authorities returned to
open session.
Approval of Minutes
j Councilwoman Yearman made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters, to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1993, regular
meeting and the July 6, 1993, special meeting. Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Appointment of City Treasurer
A resolution will be presented at tonight' s Council meeting for
adoption by the City Council .
Application for Puerto Rican Parade and Festival
A resolution will be presented at tonight's Council meeting for
adoption by the City Council.
Authorized Police Department Strenqth Ordinance For "E1
An ordinance will be presented at tonight's Council meeting for
passage by the City Council.
Discussion Regarding Permits for Basketball Goals in the
Public Riqht of Way
A discussion was held concerning the recommendation that
Ordinance G58-87 permitting basketball goals in the public
rights-of-way be rescinded because of the inherent danger of
Committee of the Whole Meeting
July 14, 1993
Page 2
children playing in the street, the potential liability to the
City by issuing permits for the goals, and the reluctance of
insurance companies to insure the goals within the wording
required by corporation counsel. Various proponents and
opponents of this issue addressed the Council .
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Schock, to
form a task force, chaired by Councilwoman Yearman, to review
the current ordinance and make a recommendation as to whether it
should be rescinded or amended. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays: None.
R2 nest from Antique Radio Club for Use of City Proverty
Councilwoman Yearman made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters, to approve the aforementioned request to use city
property for parking for the antique radio/television show and
swapmeet to be held at the Elgin Holiday Inn August 4-7, 1993.
Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman,
and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Report on Summit Street ,
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that
sidewalks are definitely needed on both sides of Summit Street
from Hiawatha to Hunter. It is estimated that the cost will be
approximately $500,000, and the Council directed that this
project be included for consideration in the 1994 budget.
Request from Hamilton Partners for an Exemption for the
Construction of a Sidewalk Alonq Summit Street,
Jim Sheridan of Hamilton Partners, the developer for the new
Jewel/Osco shopping center on Summit Street, requested an
exemption from the City Council not to construct a sidewalk
along Summit Street. At the time of plan review for the
shopping center, the staff agreed that the developer would not
be required to construct a sidewalk along Summit Street.
However, subsequent thereto, it was determined that the staff
did not have the authority to waive this requirement which is
set forth in the Elgin Municipal Code.
Mr. Sheridan stated that it would have cost substantially less
to include a sidewalk at the time of construction rather than
now that the project has been completed. He stated that the
developer would be willing to contribute what it would have cost
had they been required to include a sidewalk at the time of the
original construction. The Council stated that it would
consider the request of Hamilton Partners and directed the staff
to negotiate with them regarding the amount of their
contribution to the project.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
July 14, 1993
Page 3
Recommendation of Traffic Committee for No Parkinq on West
Side of Sprinq Street from Slade Avenue to Cooper Avenue
John Meister of Sherman Hospital requested that the
aforementioned recommendation be deferred until the hospital ' s
request for diagonal parking along the east side of Spring
Street and the south side of Cooper could be presented and that
both matters be considered in conjunction with each other.
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Walters, to
approve the recommendation of the Traffic Committee to eliminate
p*Lrking on the west side of Spring Street and to make a
determination at the July 28, 1993, Council meeting whether that
parking ban should take effect immediately or at a later date,
depending on the status of the Sherman Hospital request. Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Agreement with Burnidqe Cassell Associates for Reopeninq
Fountain Square Plaza (South Grove Street)
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Walters, to
authorize the aforementioned agreement for design development
engineering for the reopening of Fountain Square Plaza to
vehicular through traffic with on-street parking. Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
City of Elqin Hirinq Policies and Practices,
Councilman Schock stated that he believes the City' s affirmative
action plan should be reviewed to determine whether the goals
are being met and whether there is something more the City could
do to improve its opportunities to reach its goals . He also
stated that an affirmative action P lan should be instituted
regarding hiring of summer employees .
Councilman Schock made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, directing the City Manager, at the conclusion of the
fiscal year, to provide a report on the status of meeting the
City' s affirmative action goals and to include information and
recommendations to improve the City' s performance regarding this
Schedulinq of City Council Workshop
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters, to schedule a special Council workshop for Saturday,
September 25, 1993, at 8:30 a.m. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
July 14, 1993
Page 4
Proposed Amended Boundaries for the Exterior Rehabilitation
Program Area - Residential Rehabilitation Grant Proqram
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to approve the recommendation to revise the boundaries
for the exterior rehabilitation target area. Yeas:
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Memorandum Reqardinq the Vacation of a Public Riqht of Way -
Airlite Street
This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the
fChanga Order #3, Final Pavment with Central Blacktop and
Final Acceptance of Fox Biuff Corporate Center, Phase I
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gilliam, to
approve the aforementioned change order. Yeas: Councilmembers
Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays: None.
Councilwoman Yearman made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Schock, to adjourn the meeting and go into the regular Council
meeting. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Meeting recessed at 7:55 p.m.
Meeting resumed at 9 :05 p.m.
Presentation of Desiqn for Hemmens North Entrance
Representatives from Johnson, Johnson & Roy presented the final
design for the Hemmens North Entrance construction project.
Authorization for Motor Fuel Tax Appropriation Resolution for
Councilman Schock made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fox, to
approve the aforementioned resolution. Yeas : Councilmembers
Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
July 14, 1993
Page 5
Recommendation of Traffic Committee for Street Name Chanqe
from Mason Drive to Westfield Drive Between Randall Road and,
Mason Drive
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Walters, to
approve the aforementioned recommendation. Yeas: Councilmembers
Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays: None.
Discussion of the Reorganization of the Department of Code
Councilman Schock made a motion, seconded by Councilman Walters,
to approve the proposed recommendations for reorganization of
the department as set forth in the agenda memorandum, except
that the name of the department shall be Department of Code
Administration and Preservation. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays: None.
Replacement of Traffic Siqnals at State Street and Kimball
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilman Schock,
to authorize the aforementioned replacement of traffic signals.
Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman,
and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Consideration of an Amendment to the Solid Waste Garbaqe and,
Refuse Contract Payments
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Walters, to
authorize the proposed amendment. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Authorization for the Lease of a Compost Turner from the City
of Crystal Lake
Councilman Schock made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gilliam,
to approve the aforementioned authorization. Yeas:
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to go into executive session for the purpose of
discussing potential litigation. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
July 14, 1993
Page 6
Whereupon, at 9 :25 p.m. , the corporate authorities convened in
executive session for the purpose of discussing the above-stated
matters. At 10 : 00 p.m. , the corporate authorities returned to
open session. No further business was transacted.
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to adjourn the meeting. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Schock, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays: None.
July 28 , 1993
Dolonna Mecum, city Clerk Date Approved