MARCH 13, 1991
Meetinq with the Land Use Committee
The Mayor and Councilmembers met with members of the Land Use
Committee commencing at 6 p.m.
The Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order by
Mayor VanDeVoorde at 6 :45 p.m. in the Council Conference
Room. Present: Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple,
Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Absent: None.
Consideration of request for payment from the Old Main
Restoration Escrow Account
A resolution will be presented at tonight' s Council meeting
for adoption by the City Council .
Consideration of a presentation by the Elqin Area Convention
and Visitors Bureau
Representatives of the bureau distributed various materials
to the Council and gave a brief overview of what services the
Elgin Area Convention and Visitors Bureau provides the eleven
communities it represents .
Consideration of a presentation by the Elqin Area
Association of Realtors reqardinq a Sinqle Family Mortqaqe
Revenue Bond Pro q ram
Presentations regarding the above program were made by
representatives from George K. Baum & Company and Raymond
James & Associates, Inc.
Councilwoman Moylan made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Fox, to proceed with the single family mortgage revenue bond
program and directing staff to analysis and make a
recommendation regarding the programs offered by two
aforementioned companies . Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of a Purchase of Services Aqreement with
Neiqhborhood Housinq Services of Elqin
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the aforementioned Purchase of Services
Agreement and to include reporting requirements by NHS.
Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
March 13, 1991
Page 2
Consideration of an increase in parking rates
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to accept the staff recommendation for revision of
parking rates . Yeas : Councilmembers Gilliam, Moylan,
Popple, Walters, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays :
Councilmembers Fox and Yearman.
Consideration of a center city facade proqram
Councilwoman Popple made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters, to put the proposed facade program into effect.
Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Popple, Walters, Yearman,
and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : Councilwoman Moylan.
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to adjourn the Committee of the Whole meeting and go
into the regular Council meeting. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Meeting adjourned at 7 :55 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 8 :25 p.m.
Consideration of the status of certain surplus City property
Councilwoman Moylan made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the recommendation to proceed with the
previously authorized sale of 8 Crighton, advertise 969
Lavoie for sale with a minimum bid price of $12, 000, and
retain possession of 150 North State and St. Charles & Dixon
for future development. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam,
Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Consideration of the acceptance of underqround improvements
to the water and sewer main at William's Terrace, Unit 1
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to accept the aforementioned underground
improvements . Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan,
Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
March 13, 1991
Page 3
Consideration of the approval of contracts for the
Performinq Arts for Younq People Series at the Hemmens
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Moylan, to approve the aforementioned contracts . Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of the approval of contracts for the Stage II
Series at the Hemmens Auditorium
an made a motion seconded b
Councilwoman Yearman , Y Councilman
Fox, to approve the aforementioned contracts . Yeas:
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of employment contracts for Assistant Golf
Councilwoman Popple made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters, to approve the recommendation to approve the
aforementioned contracts . Yeas: Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of plantinq a tree in memory of Elmer Lueck
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fox,
to approve the recommendation to plant a tree on the "island"
at Sunset Park as a memorial to Elmer Lueck, known by many as
the "Mayor of Sunset Park. " Yeas : Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of Little Leaque fundinq
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to approve the recommendation to allocate $10,000
to each of the five little leagues . Yeas : Councilmembers
Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Consideration of a sewer roddinq analysis from 1988 throuqh
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the recommendation to increase the sewer
roddinq fee to $70 per hour. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
March 13, 1991
Page 4
Consideration of a Motor Fuel Tax appropriation for 1991
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Moylan, to approve the recommendation to pass the resolution
for maintenance of streets and highways in the amount of
$1, 870, 000. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan,
Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of a Motor Fuel Tax supplemental resolution
for maintenance of streets and highways for 1990
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the recommendation to pass the
supplemental resolution for maintenance of city streets and
highways in the amount of $74,603 . 70 . Yeas : Councilmembers
Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of payment for the repair of the 24-inch water
main, valve and vault on Summit Street
Councilwoman Popple made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Moylan, to approve the payment of $8, 160 to Gluth Brothers,
Inc. for the aforementioned repairs . Yeas: Councilmembers
Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of Police Department participation in Law
Enforcement Days
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the recommendation to have the Police
Department participate in the Spring Hill and St. Charles
Malls ' Law Enforcement Appreciation Days. Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of a change in the Fire and Police Rules
was report resented for informational purposes regarding
the changes in the examination procedure for Police Sergeants
recently adopted by the Fire and Police Commission.
Consideration of the renewal of group medical and life
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the recommendation to renew group medical
and life insurance. Yeas: Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam,
Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
March 13, 1991
Page 5
Consideration of authorization to allow the City Manaqer to
siqn a renewal contract for the 401(a) benefit plan
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve the recommendation to renew contract for
the 401(a) benefit plan. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam,
Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Consideration of an expanded curbside recvclinq proqram to
include plastics
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Popple, to approve proposal of Elgin Wayne Disposal to
include plastic recycling as outlined in Proposal B. Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of an Elqin Development Corporation request
for a special assessment project
Councilwoman Yearman made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Moylan, to approve authorization for staff to prepare a
special assessment program for the public improvements for
the Farm Colony Industrial Park. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox,
Gilliam Moylan, Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor
Y � PP
VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Consideration of Chanqe Order No. 1 for the Elqin Bike Path,
Staqe I
Councilman Fox made a motion, seconded by Councilman Walters,
to approve the recommended change order to reduce the
contract for the Elgin Bike Path, Stage I, in the amount of
$6,024 . 10 . Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan,
Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Consideration of a request by Councilwoman Moylan to discuss
downtown banners
The Greater Downtown Elgin Commission considered obtaining
the banners designed by Sasaki to replace the current
banners . However, the commission learned that the design has
been copyrighted by Sasaki and is not included as part of the
contract for the downtown study.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
March 13, 1991
Page 6
Consideration of Addendum to Fox River Water Reclamation
District (FRWRD) Sewer Grant Request
Councilman Walters made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Yearman, to approve the "Funding Agreement, " in the format
agreed to between Ery Jentsch and Lyle Brown. Yeas :
Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Walters,
Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters, to adjourn the Committee of the Whole and go into
Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, personnel,
and litigation. Yeas : Councilmembers Fox, Gilliam, Moylan,
Popple, Walters, Yearman, and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays : None.
Dolonna Mecum, City Clerk