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Council Retreat
June 3 , 1989
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Apartment Licensing
Deborah Neir reviewed with the Council a proposed Ordinance
providing for Rental Registration. This Ordinance would
provide for a fee of $25 .00 per structure for a four year
period. Enforcement of the Ordinance would be the duty
of the Bureau of Inspection Services.
The proposed Ordinance sets out the following violations :
1. Failure to register.
2 . Failure of tenant to vacate within 60 days when not
registered or when registration is revoked.
3 . Failure of owner to vacate all tenants when registration
is revoked.
4 . Any person other than the Bureau of Inspections Services
who removes any notice which has been posted, pursuant
to ordinance requirements .
The penalty for code violations range from $50. 00 to $500 .00
per day, with an appeal process available. The anticipated
revenue for this program could amount to $82 , 000 for a
four year period. The Bureau of Inspection Services would
require one additional clerical position, the cost of
which is approximately $20, 000 .
Staff asked the following questions of the Council in
relation to the program:
1. Should the City undertake the Rental Registration Program.
2. Is further imput needed.
3 . Is the proposed Ordinance acceptable.
Councilman Gilliam asked what power does this program
give to the City.
Gordon Burkart stated the City will gain information which
will be helpful in taking ordinance violations to court .
The City will also be in a position to revoke the registration
if the violations are not corrected.
Councilwoman Moylan asked if there was any merit to knowing
who is the real owner of the property.
Mr. Burkart stated it would be an asset when taking the
violations to court .
Councilman Walters asked if the registration would reflect
any changes in having to do with new units , or more tenants .
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June 3 , 1989
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Mr. Burkart stated the proposed Ordinance does not address
this, but the City would have this knowledge by increased
use of utilities .
Councilwoman Popple felt the proposed Ordinance had been
watered down to the point where it was weak, and the City
should have an Ordinance that means something.
Councilman Fox stated the Ordinance does seem watered
down, but it may help, and it could be expanded down the
road and this is a beginning.
Councilman Walters stated the Ordinance does provide an
opportunity to put them out of business.
Jim Cook stated it is one more tool to take to court and
establish if they have a license, and have they lied on
the registration form as to use. Presently it takes 6
months to a year to get anything done.
Mayor VanDeVoorde stated he felt the opponents of this
program is "what is coming next" .
Councilwoman Moylan stated she thought any public hearings
beyond this point would be useless and she would like
to accept the Ordinance as proposed.
Councilman Walters said he would like to amend the proposed
Ordinance to provide the following:
1. The obligation to inform the City wining 30 days of
any change of number of units within the building being
2 . Falsification of statements given in the registration
are grounds for revocation.
The Council further directed that the ordinance be amended
to have the organization developed so that the four year
relicensing cycle would:
a. divide the City up into quadrants with one-fourth of
the quadrants being re-registered in each quarter of the
b. That any registrations which change during the four
year period because of change of ownership, etc. , would
be registered only to the end of the four year cycle and
would require re-resigtration at that time.
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters for staff to amend the subject ordinance , as herein
stated, and to place said ordinance on a Council Agenda.
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June 3 , 1989
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Yeas :Councilmen Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Shales ,
Walters and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Special Assessment District #2 (Area II )
Mel Dahl stated this project shall consist of the construction
of a series of streets that are 35 feet back to back of
curb with the pavement consisting of 3 or 4 inches of
bituminous concrete over 8 and 10 inches of granular base ,
curb and gutter, storm sewers with catch basins and manholes
and PCC driveway approaches, plus some miscellaneous items .
The preliminary estimate of cost $5 , 077, 500 . Estimated
cost to be assessed to property Owner:
Property Owner $5 , 077 , 500
Less Public Benefit 995 , 100
$4 , 082 ,400
A residence on a 50 foot lot would be assess $6 , 379. 00 ,
which could be paid over a ten year period with an annual
percentage rate of 9 percent .
Jim Cook stated the streets would be reduced to a width
of 26 feet , as is done now in all the new subdivisions.
Collector streets would be 35 feet in width.
Staff asked the Council to review the following questions :
1. Should the City proceed with the project .
2 . If so, when.
3 . Do we split the project .
4 . How do we determine the City' s financial participation
( Public Benefit ) .
5. Should we start with a public hearing, or initiate
the project first and hold the public hearing later.
The City Manager stated the project would cost less if
the citizens within the district volunteered to a Special
Service District , which would eliminate any court process.
Savings could also be obtained in securing a bond issue,
costs could be reduced from $5 million to $4 million.
Councilman Walters stated the project would upgrade the
neighborhood and it is needed in that area.
Councilman Fox stated it is important that we alert the
people as to this proposal.
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June 3 , 1989
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Mayor VanDeVoorde pointed out that Clifton and Carr were
not indicated as included in the project , and they should
Mel Dahl stated this is an error on the map and this location
is included in the project .
Mayor VanDeVoorde and Councilman Gilliam stated they would
like to try the Special Service District approach first .
Councilwoman Moylan stated that if the Council had the
engineering costs then they could have the public hearing
and discuss financing.
Councilman Fox stated that you reduce hostility by sending
a letter regarding the project , we should not rely on
the newspaper to get the word out .
Mel Dahl stated staff could handout a letter to each resident
Mayor VanDeVoorde asked what the cost would be for an
engineering study of the project .
Mel Dahl stated it would be approximately $200 , 000 .
Mayor VanDeVoorde stated that if 900 of the people do
not want it , he would not vote for it . The Mayor stated
it is a good idea and it is needed, but he wanted further
imput as to how the people feel about it .
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Fox to have staff proceed with the engineering study,
and to have letters sent to the residents outlining the
project .
Yeas : Councilmen Fox, Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Shales ,
Walters and Mayor VanDeVoorde. Nays: None.
Water Distribution
Larry Diebert reviewed with the Council projected capital
improvements through 1995 , Maintenance, and the following
items not specified in the Donohue & Associates study
under date of November 11, 1987 , and presented to the
Council on April 26 , 1989 :
Riverside Water Treatment Plant
Plant expansion to 32MGD capacity.
New High zone pump and discharge line.
acquiring additional land for water storage facility.
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June 3 , 1989
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Slade Avenue facility
Demolish abandoned treatment facility
Construct building for booster pumps and electric controls.
Provide work area and office space for meter shop.
Airlite Street Water Treatment Plant
Second discharge line.
Staff presented the following policy issues:
1. Funding alternatives
2 . Water conservation
3 . Rate structure
4 . Response to other communities.
Jim Cook stated the Towers much be provided as development
occurs and the cost of same should be paid by the developers.
Mayor VanDevoorde stated he would like to see comparison
of water rates for Elgin versus Lake Michigan users and
other municipalities .
Mr. Cook stated the water contract with Sleepy Hollow
runs to 2001, and they are now requesting additional volumes
of water. The contract with Bartlett runs to 2019 , and
has a built in water projection use.
South Elgin would like an emergency standby use for water.
Councilman Gilliam asked if 129% is sufficient cost for
water to Sleepy Hollow.
Mr. Cook stated this is not sufficient and now they want
to compete with us in future development . Sleepy Hollow
should be paying in the 175% range.
Water rates should cover maintenance costs and additional
growth should be paid for by bonds.
Councilwoman Moylan stated staff to proceed to investigate
the possibility of acquiring land for the Riverside plant .
Mr. Cook stated he could furnish this at the next meeting.
Mayor VanDeVoorde stated that he was opposed to selling
water to other communities and thereby reducing the amount
of water to be made available to Elgin 's citizens .
Councilmen Gilliam and Walters stated they would like
staff to look into the water rate structure.
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June 3 , 1989
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Garbage Collection and Recycling
Staff prepared the following issues to be addressed:
1. Should we proceed with an RFP to contract out only
garbage collection.
2 . Should we proceed with an RFP to contract out only
curbside recyling.
3 . Should we proceed with an RFP to contract out both
garbage collection and curbside recycling.
4 . Should we proceed with a plan to implement volume-
related charges for garbage collection by the bag.
Councilman Fox stated he would like to see what the fees
for homeowners would be.
Councilwoman Moylan stated the public should be educated
as to the costs .
Councilwoman Moylan made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman
Shales for staff to develop an RFP for a total package
and for recycling only. Staff should also proceed to
release information to the citizens informing them of
the pending programs. Yeas : Councilmen Fox, Gilliam,
Moylan, Popple, Shales , Walters and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays : None.
Councilman Fox requested that the subject of composting
be placed on the next Committee of the Whole agenda.
South Grove Development
Councilman Fox state he had directed a memorandum to the
Council outlining his suggestions to be used for criteria
in the preparation of a RFP for this project .
1. To seek out a viable development that will give the
City back its investment .
2 . To provide for public access to the riverfront .
3 . Use of the property and aesthetic ' s of the property.
4 . Visual impact (height of buildings )
Jim Cook stated that security is an important issue in
obtaining a high quality development . A modular development
could be built with open space in the middle.
Mr. Cook suggested that the Elgin Development Corporation
be given the Council' s criteria and used as as judging
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June 3 , 1989
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Councilwoman Popple stated the Council needs to talk about
money relative to the purchase of riverfront property.
The anticipated money from small grants will never be
enough and the Council needs to push on a plan for the
riverfront .
Drugs and Gangs
Councilwoman Shales suggested that a task force be implemented,
consisting of a Council member, staff and citizens from
the community, to deal with the present problems.
Jim Cook stated a special program has been instituted
(USA) to deal with the drug problems . The staff has been
unsuccessful in trying to form a neighborhood group, there
is no interest in such a group and these programs need
localized interest .
Mr. Cook further stated there is a high rate of gang related
incidents right now, but a task force will not solve this.
We are very close to having a war and that is why the
USA program was instituted.
Mr. Cook stated this program needs a high priority in
the budget , and more people should be hired.
Councilman Fox suggested dividing the City into Sections ,
have the Boy Scouts, or other groups , clean up areas on
a voluntary basis .
Mr. Cook stated volunteer work would not do it , a program
has to be organized and supervised.
Councilwoman Popple stated she would like to have a list
of all the illegal signage in the City at the present
Valley Creek
Mr. Cook stated there is a serious flooding problem on
Shenandoah Trail, which is the result of the next door
neighbor filling in his yard. Mr. Cook stated this is
a problem between Valley Creek developers and the homeowners .
Lyle Avenue Extension
Mr. Cook stated the staff has prepared a draft providing
for the extension of the Valley Creek Annexation Agreement .
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June 3 , 1989
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Said extension would provide for a bridge. The City' s
contribution for said bridge would be $50 ,000 , with the
balance to be paid by Valley Creek. The staff is in the
process of writing to the State to request approval for
the opening of Lyle Avenue.
Public Relations
Councilwoman Moylan felt there is a growing need for a
public relations staff person.
The Council agreed to explore this matter at budget time .
Councilman Gilliam made a motion, seconded by Councilman
Walters to adjourn the meeting. Yeas : Councilmen Fox,
Gilliam, Moylan, Popple, Shales , Walters and Mayor VanDeVoorde.
Nays: None.
The meeting adjourned at 2 :30 p.m.
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Marie Yearmj"PA Cit Clerk