HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 Civil Service Commission • Minutes Civil Service Commission March 11, 2002 Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Marlene Carter Cmmr. Odalie Kelley Cmmr. Paul Rouse Absent: Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Staff: Tim Bennett Nick Oriti The meeting was called to order by Chair Blackwell. Approval of Minutes Cmmr. Carter made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to approve the February 2002 minutes as presented. The motion carried. 3-0 Hiring Process Change Tim explained that Rule 5, Section 12 deals with the removal of the applicant's name from the eligibility list. Tim indicated that the reason for this discussion was because Cmmr. Carter had inquired into the authority of the Chairperson to remove an applicant from the eligibility list and she had inquired if the Legal Counsel would put documentation together regarding this issue. Legal Counsel Gehrman put together a response that was provided to the Commission to determine if the Commission would like to proceed or recommend additional changes to the Chairperson removing an applicant if the background check does not come back sufficient. There was also a document provided that provided the legal wording on the Rule of Three that can be put into an ordinance format and presented to Council for approval. Chair Blackwell inquired if changes made to Rule 5 required ordinance format. Tim indicated that the changes made would be up to the Commission and it would not have to go into the ordinance format, since there were not changes being made to the ordinance. The Commission can approve and adopt these changes and a Rule change would be made. Civil Service Commission Minutes March 11, 2002 Page 2 Cmmr. Carter indicated that others had raised the issue of liability of the Chairperson having the authority to remove a candidate from the eligibility list as opposed to the Commission should a lawsuit arise. Cmmr. Carter indicated that the legal opinion had not been addressed. Tim informed the Commission that Legal has said that the Chairperson could have the authority to remove a name from the eligibility list. Nick informed the Commission that the City does have an errors of omission insurance that would cover the Commissioners. Tim brought up the issue that the Chairperson has the right to request that all Commissioners be involved in the process. Cmmr. Carter indicated that she was under the impression that the Commission was going to give Human Resources the ability to remove a candidate from the eligibility list and then notify the Chairperson of the decision. There was much discussion regarding this issue, and the following decision was made. Cmmr. Carter made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to amend the last sentence in Rule 5 Section 12 to read that the Chairperson of the Commission may remove an applicant pursant to this section provided that prior to removal of an applicant, the applicant shall be given notice of the reasons of such removal and be given an opportunity to be heard before the Commission. The motion carried. 3-0 Rule of Three Chair Blackwell questioned the statement that "no such candidate shall fail to be selected more than twice during the term of any applicable eligibility list". Nick explained that a candidate could only be passed over twice and on the third opening, that candidate must be hired. After much discussion, Cmmr. Carter suggested that the wording be changed to indicate that "no candidate shall fail to be selected by a lower ranking candidate more than twice". Chair Blackwell questioned whether or not this would result in the department being able to choose the best candidate suited for the job. Nick explained that this does, however, what this selection does is allow the hiring manager the latitude to choose the best candidate suited to fit within the Civil Service Commission Minutes March 11, 2002 Page 3 rib department. Nick also indicated that he had previously proposed that there should be some checks and balancing, and that sooner or later, the bypassed candidate would be hired. Cmmr. Carter explained that this procedure allowed for a testing mechanism for scoring and to give the management some sense of control. Tim indicated that it does not undermine the Commission, because the Commission hires the candidates and determines the order. Cmmr. Rouse arrived at 4:30 p.m. Cmmr. Carter made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to approve the ordinance change and submitting it to the City Council with the understanding that the Legal Department will make the necessary changes to take out some of the vagueness of "no such candidate shall fail to be selected more than twice, and to rewrite it so that it reflects the Commission's desire to have "no candidate shall fail to be selected by a lower ranking candidate more than twice. Motion carried 4-0 Set Interview Date and Time for Pending Positions Interview date was schedule for Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. for the following positions. 911 Telecommunicators (2) Golf Landscape Specialists (2) Cmmr. Carter requested that Scott Klingberg, Golf Course Superintendent, prepare questions for the interview. Chair Blackwell requested that the Monday April 1st meeting be changed and reschedule for Monday, April 8th Chair Blackwell confirmed that the Commission was going to a point system of 1 through 5 as outlined below and with this point system be added on future interview sheets. 1 — Poor 2 — Fair 3 — Good 4 —Very Good 5 — Excellent Cmmr. Carter made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to adjourn to executive session. The motion carried 4-0 Civil Service Commission Minutes March 11, 2002 Page 4 The commission returned to open session. Cmmr. Carter inquired if Tim was going to prepare a 2001 annual report for the April meeting. Cmmr. Carter suggested that Tim provide information on how many eligibility lists currently exists or copies of the eligibility lists that exit. How many people were hired off of the eligibility lists and a synopsis. Cmmr. Kelley made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Carter to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0 Respectfully Submitted, Approved: April 8, 2002 Sandra Taylor Recording Secretary r Civil Service Commission May 6, 2002 Minutes Present: Chair. Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Absent: Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Staff: Nick Oriti Tim Bennett The meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Chair Blackwell informed the Commission that Cmmr. Carter was no longer on the Civil Service Commission and that a new Commissioner was going to be appointed at the rk next Council meeting. Approval of the Minutes Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to approve the April 8, 2002 minutes as presented. The motion carried 3-0. Hiring Process Change Proposal Update The Commission was informed that the Council approved the proposed change at the Committee of the Whole meeting and that it would go before the Council at their next regularly scheduled meeting. Chair Blackwell provided the Commissioners with the appropriate wording change for the ordinance and that this would apply to new hires only and not to promotions. Chair Blackwell discussed at length the issue that was brought to his attention that the Civil Service Commission had not been reviewed by the City Council in 10 years and that Council would like to have the Commission provide them with an explanation regarding their role as a commission. Chair Blackwell had been approached by a Council member requesting that the Commission appear before the Council; however, he indicated that he did not want to Civil Service Commission May 6, 2002 Minutes Page 2 bring anything before the Council without the complete consensus of all the Commissioners. Nick indicated that if the Commission agreed to get out of the interviewing field, he would create an interview panel of a diverse group of individuals. Cmmr. Muetterties agreed with the way in which Nick suggested that he would restructure the interview process. Chair Blackwell indicated that there may not be any legal ramifications for taking the interview process away from the Commission. Cmmr. Muetterties indicated that the Commission would like to find out what other communities requirements are for their Civil Service Commission. The Commissioners present felt that the change would benefit the candidate due to the fact that the Commission is unfamiliar with particular jobs. Chair Blackwell requested feedback from Legal and a consensus of what other communities are having their Civil Service Commission do. Cmmr. Muetterties expressed a concern regarding the letters of recommendation being provided by Supervisors that were either for or against a candidate. Tim indicated that it would be up to the Commission to determine if they would accept such letters. Cmmr. Muetterties suggested that this topic be discussed at a future executive meeting. Tim inquired if the Commission would like to have copies of the two (2) previous evaluations on the candidates. Chair Blackwell indicated that the reviews would be very helpful in the promotional process. This item will be placed on the June agenda. Pending Job Interviews Service Maintenance candidates — 20 Community Service Officer— 30-40 Tim indicated the he would call each candidate to obtain potential interview dates. Selected interview dates for Community Service Officer. Civil Service Commission May 6, 2002 Minutes Page 3 May 16th 3:15 p.m. (10 candidates) May 23rd 3:15 p.m. (10 candidates) May 28th 3:15 p.m. (10 candidates) Selected interview date for Service Maintenance. June 3rd 4:00 p.m. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Blackwell called for a motion to adjourn. Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Approved: June 3, 2002 r / 4, Sandra Taylor Recording Secretary Civil Service Commission June 3, 2002 Minutes Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Cmmr. Brenda Rodgers Absent: Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Staff: Nick Oriti Tim Bennett The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Approval of the Minutes Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to approve the May 6, 2002 minutes with the following correction. Remove June 4th as an interview date. Motion carried 4-0. Welcome of New Commissioner Chair Blackwell welcomed new Commissioner Brenda Rodgers to the Civil Service Commission. Attendance of Meetings Chair Blackwell explained the reasoning behind this action item on the agenda. Chair Blackwell indicated that he thought interviews are considered to be regular meetings, therefore, a quorum is necessary. Nick indicated that he felt interviews are not considered as regular meetings and that there is not ruling regarding interviews. Chair Blackwell asked Nick to inquire into the ruling of how many Commissioners are required to hold interviews. Civil Service Commission June 3, 2002 Minutes Page 2 Chair Blackwell indicated that it is the responsibility of each Commissioner to provide Tim with a 24 hour notice of any cancellation. Hiring Practices of Other Municipalities Tim provided an updated address and phone list of the Civil Service Commission to the Commissioners. Tim provided a copy of a survey that he did of comparable communities that either have or do not have Civil Service Commissions. The results of the survey indicated that none of the surveyed communities held interviews. Chair Blackwell thanked Tim for this information. Chair Blackwell provided an update on his conversation with Councilman Walters in regards to the revisit of the Civil Service Commission. Chair Blackwell suggested that the role of the Commission should entail: a. Oversight b. Policy making process c. Complaint handling process Chair Blackwell suggested that with the consensus of the Commission, he would provide a draft proposal letter at the next meeting to be submitted to the Mayor and Council to be reviewed by the Commissioners and be discussed at the August meeting. At a future date, the Commission would like to discuss the time frame of the interview process. Chair Blackwell again reiterated that he felt that the Civil Service Commission should not be interviewing. Nick informed the Commission that the communities surveyed were the ones that are most comparable to Elgin and are used for other survey information. Letters of Recommendation Tim indicated that letters of recommendation come from the internal promotional process. The Commission agreed that they did not wish to be persuaded by any letters of recommendation, whether it be for or against a candidate and that each candidate should have the same fair chance. Civil Service Commission June 3, 2002 Minutes Page 3 Pending Job Interviews Tim indicated that there were two positions that interviews need to be set up for. Service Maintenance Workers — 20 Code Enforcement Officer— 25 Proposed dates for interviews June 19th - 3:00 June 20th — 3:00 June 24th — 3:00 The July 1st meeting will be held at 4:00 p.m. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Blackwell called for a motion to adjourn. Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 p.m. to go into executive session for the purpose of conducting oral interviews for the position of Community Service Officer. The motion carried 4-0 Respectfully Submitted, Approved: August 12, 2002 1 Sandra Taylor Recording Secretary r Civil Service Commission August 12, 2002 Minutes Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Cmmr. Brenda Rodgers Absent: Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Staff: Nick Oriti Tim Bennett Guest: Rich Hoke The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Approval of the Minutes Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers to approve the June 3, 2002 minutes as written. Motion carried 4-0 Chair Blackwell inquired into the number of individuals needed to hold interviews. Nick will check into the matter. Building Maintenance Promotional Process Nick went into detail regarding the building maintenance promotional process and the reasoning behind why this item was being placed on the agenda. Rich explained how the progression of the Building Maintenance Worker to Building Operations Worker occurs. Rich indicated that he is looking to promote individuals as their skills progress. Chair Blackwell indicated that he was puzzled as to why this issue is coming before the Commission since the ordinance has already been negotiated and approved by ordinance. Civil Service Commission August 12, 2002 Minutes .. Page 2 Nick questioned whether or not the Commission was saying that there is no need for action on part of the Commission. Chair Blackwell indicated that according to the ordinance, the promotional process is already in place and has been agreed upon by the Bargaining Union, and the City could proceed as implemented. All Commissioners in attendance agreed that no action was necessary since the process was already in place. Communication of Job Specifications to Applicants Chair Blackwell indicated that from previous interview processes, candidates were not aware of the job specifications. Tim indicated that applicants do not receive the actual job specifications, however, the job descriptions could be mailed out at the time interview dates and times are given or the descriptions could be given to applicant during interview process. The Commission agreed that this would not be time efficient during the interview process, as they are on a limited time frame. r Cmmr. Muetterties indicated that it was the concern of the Commission that the applicant is not aware of what the job entails. Nick indicated that there is some responsibility on the part of the applicant to request a copy of the job specifications. Tim indicated that on the major jobs, the job posting lists the qualifications and duties. A copy of the job description is posted and is available to any applicant who requests a copy. Chair Blackwell inquired if the Commission would care to use the job posting notice instead of the job description. The Commission requested that the job description be mailed at the time the interview date and time is set. Discussion on Draft to City Council Cmmr. Rodgers inquired into the reasoning behind why the Commission felt that it should not be interviewing. r Civil Service Commission August 12, 2002 Minutes Page 3 Chair Blackwell indicated that Tim provided information on a survey of surrounding comparable communities that had a Civil Service Commission and the survey revealed that these Commissions do not interview, that they are in charge of the testing process. Cmmr. Rodgers expressed her concerns of having knowledge and specifics for certain jobs. Chair Blackwell indicated that presently, the department provides questions for the interview process. Cmmr. Muetterties indicated that she had no idea when she became a Commissioner that she would be interviewing, it was not mentioned to her. Tim informed the Commission that the number of interviews has not changed; it is the number of applicants that have increased. Cmmr. Muetterties inquired into why other communities with Civil Service Commissions were not performing the same service. Chair Blackwell said that the volume of interviews is only a part of the issue. The main point is whether the Commission's points should be half of an individual's score or if the commission should be part of an appellate process. Cmmr. Muetterties inquired if all the Commissioners signed the draft letter if this meant that the interviewing process would change. Chair Blackwell indicated that it would require a public hearing and Council approval. He also feels that this is not a proper role for the Commission and he is looking for a consensus from the Commissioners. Cmmr. Rodgers indicated that she felt she does not have enough knowledge at this time to agree. Tim indicated that the Council would make a recommendation and it would be up to the Commission to follow up on their recommendation. Chair Blackwell asked Cmmr. Rodgers if she needed more time to review this issue. Cmmr. Rodgers indicated that she would like to read the Commission handbook before a decision is made. Chair Blackwell requested that this item be tabled until the next meeting. r Civil Service Commission August 12, 2002 Minutes Page 4 Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Blackwell called for a motion to adjourn. Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to adjourn the meeting at 4:55 p.m. Motion carried 4-0 The next meeting of the Civil Service will be on Monday, September 9th at 4:00 p.m. 2"d Floor Conference Room, North Tower. Respectfully Submitted, Approved: September 9, 2002 ) .1.ct /6,1/ Sandra Taylor Recording Secretary r Civil Service m Comm'02'on September 9, 2U Minutes Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Cmmr. Brenda Rodgers Absent: Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Staff: Nick Oriti Tim Bennett The meeting was called to order at 4:22 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Approval of the Minutes Chair Blackwell made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers to approve the August 12, 2002 minutes as written. Motion carried 4-0 Interview dates Tim explained that all of the applicants for the tests that he was referring to did not pass. Tim informed the commission that both positions were posted internally and that those were the applicants that did not pass. Tim stated that the positions were going to be posted externally and interview dates would be scheduled once the testing is completed on those positions. Discussion on Draft to City Council Chair Blackwell asked the other commissioners if they had an opportunity to review the draft and felt comfortable signing the draft at this time. Cmmr. Rodgers said that she did not feel she could sign it at this time. Cmmr. Rodgers said she does not have a problem with interviewing and felt the commission should continue. r Civil Service Commission September 9, 2002 Minutes Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Cmmr. Brenda Rodgers Absent: Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Staff: Nick Oriti Tim Bennett The meeting was called to order at 4:22 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Approval of the Minutes Chair Blackwell made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers to approve the August 12, 2002 minutes as written. Motion carried 4-0 Interview dates Tim explained that all of the applicants for the tests that he was referring to did not pass. Tim informed the commission that both positions were posted internally and that those were the applicants that did not pass. Tim stated that the positions were going to be posted externally and interview dates would be scheduled once the testing is completed on those positions. Discussion on Draft to City Council Chair Blackwell asked the other commissioners if they had an opportunity to review the draft and felt comfortable signing the draft at this time. Cmmr. Rodgers said that she did not feel she could sign it at this time. Cmmr. Rodgers said she does not have a problem with interviewing and felt the commission should continue. eiNk Civil Service Commission September 9, 2002 Minutes Page 2 Chair Blackwell then stated that he felt that if everyone was not going to sign the draft then it should not be passed on to the City Council. Cmmr Rouse inquired to possibly changing the draft to satisfy everyone. Cmmr Rodgers stated that she did some research and no one could tell how long the commission has been doing interviews. She stated that it seems to have been going on for at least 20 years. She could also not find any one who could say why the commission started interviewing in the first place. Nick gave some background as to how it was believed to get started, in reference to a high rate of nepotism. Cmmr Rodgers still felt uncomfortable about signing the draft. Chair Blackwell asked if the draft could be modified to make it go forward in the process. Cmmr Rodgers suggested taking out the portion of the draft that referenced the review of the hiring process and leaving in the part referring to reviewing the commission only. Chair Rouse commented that during the process of the interview he grades on impression, eagerness and enthusiasm and not necessarily for job skills. He felt the commissions score should not be 50% of the eligibility score. Chair Blackwell asked Cmmr Rodgers how she felt about the percentage the commission has in the interview process. Cmmr Rodgers was not sure of what percentage or number would be appropriate for the commission to have in the interview process. Cmmr Rodgers stated she would feel comfortable with the draft, only if it referred to a review of the commission and not the interview process. Chair Blackwell asked if a draft was created that just asked for a review, would Cmmr Rodgers sign the draft. Cmmr Rodgers response was that she did not feel comfortable signing any draft that would be sent to the City Council that asked for a change of the commission. Chair Blackwell stated that this put the draft in a position that would require a split vote to go forward to the City Council and he was not sure how he felt about that. He asked that this item be placed on next months agenda to have further discussion. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Blackwell called for a motion to move to executive session. ' Civil Service Commission September 9, 2002 Minutes Page 3 r Cmmr. Rouse made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers to move executive session for interviews. Motion carried 3-0 The next meeting of the Civil Service will be on Monday, October 7th at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully S bmitted, Approved: October 7, 2002 Tim Bennett Staff Liaison e,.► Civil Service Commission October 7, 2002 Minutes Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Cmmr. Brenda Rodgers Absent: Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Staff: Nick Oriti Tim Bennett The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Approval of the Minutes Chair Blackwell made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers to approve the September 9, 2002 minutes with the following addition under Discussion on Draft to City Council: Cmmr. Rouse questioned how the review process began. Chair Blackwell stated that the City Council did not initiate a review process but questions had come up about the Commission's processes. Cmmr. Rodgers questioned what was brought up and was not in agreement with moving forward with the draft. Motion carried 4-0 Discussion on Draft to City Council Chair Blackwell made a motion to discuss the Draft to City Council. Cmmr Rouse seconded. Motion carried 4-0. Cmmr Rouse stated that there were two things to discuss. 1) Percentage that the Civil Service Commission has in the hiring process. 2) Whether to take the hiring process out of the Civil Services Commission's control. Cmmr Muetterties made a motion, seconded by Cmmr Rouse: That the Elgin City Council shall be asked to review the function, procedure and process of the Civil Service Commission as a means of giving direction to the Civil Service Commission as to its function. Chair Blackwell asked for discussion on the motion. Civil Service Commission October 7th, 2002 Minutes Page 2 Cmmr Muetterties stated that she spoke to a Councilperson about any changes that have occurred with the Civil Service Commission in the past. The Councilperson stated that to their knowledge no changes have occurred in 7 years. Chair Blackwell stated that he researched and found the same thing; that the Civil Service Commission has not been reviewed in at least the past 30 years. Chair Blackwell gave a brief explanation for the reasons as to why the Commission came into inception. Chair Blackwell voiced interviewing concerns in regard to the Commissions roll in the interview process. Chair Blackwell felt that 50% was a high percentage to have as a Commission and wants to reduce the weight that the Commission has in the interview process. Discussion followed as to what knowledge the City Council has of the current Civil Service Commissions processes. Cmmr. Rouse stated that the Civil Service Commission was put in place to be a balance between the City Council and Human Resources. Cmmr Rouse felt the percentage of the Civil Service Commission should be reduced to a lower level, but the Civil Service Commission should still be kept in place. Chair Blackwell stated that he felt through a process of review the rules and procedures could be reviewed and modified if need be. He felt that the possibility of reverse nepotism could be in place to control how the process is run. With no further discussion a vote was called by Chair Blackwell on the motion on the floor. Motion carried 3-1. Cmmr Rodgers asked that the minutes follow the request to the City Council, as well as last month's minutes Interview dates Tim gave an update on the upcoming positions and possible interviews. Cmmr Muetterties asked the number of Commissioners that needed to be present for the upcoming interviews. It was determined that 3 Commissioners needed to be present to conduct interviews. Possible interview dates were set for: 10/29/02 and at the next meeting. If more dates were needed, they would be set at the next meeting. Discussion on Draft to City Council- Continued Cmmr Rodgers addressed the Commission and said that she had concerns with the hiring process, especially after the article that was printed in the paper in regard to the Civil Service Commission October 7th, 2002 Minutes Page 3 E."‘ City's hiring processes in the past, and that was the reason why she could not be in favor of the draft that was being sent to the City Council. Cmmr Rouse stated that the Civil Service Commission would be here to help strike a balance with the hiring process. Chair Blackwell stated that he feels that the Civil Service Commission does not have the functions necessary to create a recruiting process. Nick stated that the function of the Civil Service Commission at this time is to conduct interviews and to hear disciplinary requests. The Civil Service Commission has an inherent responsibility to make sure the interview process is fair and equitable in all areas. Chair Blackwell felt that the City Council will be able to review the process and make appropriate recommendations. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Blackwell called for a motion to adjourn at 5:02 p.m. Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Rodgers. Motion carried 4-0 The next meeting of the Civil Service will be on Monday, November 4th at 4:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Approved November 4, 2002 d-14f Tim Bennett Staff Liaison r Civil Service Commission November 4, 2002 Minutes Present: Chair Royce Blackwell Cmmr. Odalie S. Kelley Cmmr. Margaret Muetterties Cmmr. Brenda Rodgers Cmmr. Paul Rouse Jr. Staff: Tim Bennett The meeting was called to order at 4:06 p.m. by Chair Blackwell. Approval of the Minutes Cmmr. Kelly made the motion seconded by Cmmr, Muetterties to approve the October 7th minutes with the following corrections: Page 2, paragraph 1 - their knowledge, no changes in 27 years. Page 2, paragraph 2 - "roll"should be "role" Page 3, paragraph2 - .... `would"changed to "should" Page 3, paragraph 3 - Relation to the effort of the city to create a more balanced recruitment workforce to reflect the city, to create an ethnic balance The motion carried 5-0. Interview Dates for Tested Positions Tim provided a copy of the job description for the position of Water Treatment Operator I for interviews that evening. The Building Maintenance Worker job descriptions were also provided and Tim explained what this position entailed. He indicated that this position was more of a mechanical position. Tim provided the Commission with a summary of employment positions that are now open and those positions already closed. The following positions had interview dates set. Crew Leader Custodial — November 18th 4:00 p.m. Police Records Clerk — November 13th & 18th —4:00 p.m. Bilingual Clerk Typist — no date set Update on Draft to City Council Tim indicated the memo dated October 23rd will be going on the agenda to the City Council. t � November 4, 2002 Minutes Page 2 Cmmr. Rodgers questioned the letter attached to the memo as to why the Commissioners did not sign the letter as previously indicated. Chair Blackwell indicated that it was because Cmmr. Rodgers had refused to sign the letter. Cmmr. Rodgers indicated that she would like to have her denial included in the letter. Her request for a motion to have her denial included died due to a lack of a second. Chair Blackwell explained the reasoning behind the two different memo dates, being that one memo was addressed to Corporate Counsel and the other was addressed to the Interim City Manager. A copy of Chair Blackwell's letter will be provided in a package of information that is being provided to the Council. Cmmr. Rodgers indicated that she did not respond to Chair Blackwell's request for a meeting because she felt that it was an opportunity for Chair Blackwell to get her to change her mind. She does not feel the need to discuss the vote. Chair Blackwell indicated that he was trying to open up communication to try to ell** understand each Commissioner. Cmmr. Rodgers indicated that she was told that the Commission was created to avoid nepotism and that it is her reasoning for not wanting to sign the letter. Cmmr. Muetterties indicated that according to the study provided by Human Resources, there are comparable communities with Civil Service Commissions that do not provide an interview process or a hiring process. Adjournment There being no further business to discuss, Chair Blackwell called for a motion to adjourn. Cmmr. Muetterties made the motion, seconded by Cmmr. Kelley to adjourn to executive session at 4:50 p.m. for the purpose of conducting interviews for the positions of Building Maintenance Worker and Water Treatment Operator I. The motion carried 5-0. Respectfully Submitted, Approved: January 6, 2003 Sandra Taylor Recording Secretary